Two weeks notice. Is it fair to the employee?

All you business saavy people here is a question. Should an employee have to give two weeks notice before leaving a job? I myself think that is not fair to the employee if the better job can be started immediately. Is there still this infringement of freedom on the employee?

"Have to"? Not sure how you'd make them if they don't want to. What are you going to do, fire them?

Decent, professional people who don't utterly despise the employer they're leaving will give notice because it's courteous and they don't want to burn bridges behind them. But if the new job MUST be started immediately, they'll just go. Y'gotta do what you've gotta do.
1st post
It's always been a professional courtesy. I used to give employees who gave me 2wks notice the option of leaving immediately if they wanted to. If I knew they had another job waiting, I wanted them to go to it. I had several of them decline my offer because they wanted to stay and help train their replacement. The only time I gave a bad reference was if they didn't call me or give any kind of notice... just stopped showing up.

A lot of employers would rather not having you working there for that last two weeks, because they don't necessarily have a lot of faith in how dedicated you're going to be to doing a good job if you know you're leaving.

Typically, I give them notice, and they say, "No, that's okay, but thanks."

A lot of people I know use whatever vacation/sick time they have accrued for this, if the new job isn't starting immediately. All in how you want to manage assets, I guess.
Integrity doesn't pay the bills is correct. Money pays the bills and if you can make more then you do.

Very short-sighted. You should always remember that your new employer is looking at how you behave when leaving your previous employer, and it's not going to make a good impression on them if you just carelessly walk out and leave your previous employer in the lurch. The new boss is then going to reasonably assume that you'll be just careless about him when the time comes.
That is true but I see that as an invasion of my freedom to walk out when needed. I guess if a better job is waiting why should a guy have to hang around for a bad employer when a better one is waiting? I surely don't owe an employer loyalty.

Burning bridges.....
That is something to consider. 10 years from now there might be a job opportunity that you want at that company. And it could turn out that the guy who had to work his dick into the dirt because you left with no notice is now doing the hiring.

Karma's a brass-plated bitch.
You work for them...not the other way around.
If you dont like it go into business for yourself,

Nah, i don't worship the Slave Owner. That's for you greedy white Republican dudes to do. Everyone's equal. Workers shouldn't be held to higher moral standards than Businesses are. It's a two-way street.

if you get paid it isn't slavery.

you sound like an idiot. no wonder you're going nowhere and are so resentful.

Start demanding the same moral/ethical behavior from businesses, and we'll be fine. Until then, an employee shouldn't be punished for not giving two weeks notice. Period, end of story.
If you quit without notice your former employer cannot punish you

If you apply for a job and your former employer(s) tell your potential new employer that you quit with no notice they are simple telling the truth

The intent is to punish. We have to get away from these silly outdated double standards. Businesses have set up this cut-throat climate. They've shown they don't care what happens to people once they've decided to cut em loose.

They honestly don't care if those people and their families live or die. Once they cut ya loose, you're on your own. Morals/Ethics don't come into play anymore. It's Business. So, demanding two weeks notices from employees seems very spiteful and hypocritical.
If you think truthfully relating your work history is lying then you have a different definition of the word than the rest of the world

Look if you have a family then it's up to you the be responsible If you can't endure a bad work situation for a couple weeks so as to keep your resume favorable then that's your problem not your employer's

And if you get laid off or fired without cause you can collect unemployment you're not going to starve or die
Nah, i don't worship the Slave Owner. That's for you greedy white Republican dudes to do. Everyone's equal. Workers shouldn't be held to higher moral standards than Businesses are. It's a two-way street.

if you get paid it isn't slavery.

you sound like an idiot. no wonder you're going nowhere and are so resentful.

Start demanding the same moral/ethical behavior from businesses, and we'll be fine. Until then, an employee shouldn't be punished for not giving two weeks notice. Period, end of story.
If you quit without notice your former employer cannot punish you

If you apply for a job and your former employer(s) tell your potential new employer that you quit with no notice they are simple telling the truth

The intent is to punish. We have to get away from these silly outdated double standards. Businesses have set up this cut-throat climate. They've shown they don't care what happens to people once they've decided to cut em loose.

They honestly don't care if those people and their families live or die. Once they cut ya loose, you're on your own. Morals/Ethics don't come into play anymore. It's Business. So, demanding two weeks notices from employees seems very spiteful and hypocritical.
If you think truthfully relating your work history is lying then you have a different definition of the word than the rest of the world

Look if you have a family then it's up to you the be responsible If you can't endure a bad work situation for a couple weeks so as to keep your resume favorable then that's your problem not your employer's

And if you get laid off or fired without cause you can collect unemployment you're not going to starve or die
Someday you might meet the real world.
5th post
if you get paid it isn't slavery.

you sound like an idiot. no wonder you're going nowhere and are so resentful.

Start demanding the same moral/ethical behavior from businesses, and we'll be fine. Until then, an employee shouldn't be punished for not giving two weeks notice. Period, end of story.
If you quit without notice your former employer cannot punish you

If you apply for a job and your former employer(s) tell your potential new employer that you quit with no notice they are simple telling the truth

The intent is to punish. We have to get away from these silly outdated double standards. Businesses have set up this cut-throat climate. They've shown they don't care what happens to people once they've decided to cut em loose.

They honestly don't care if those people and their families live or die. Once they cut ya loose, you're on your own. Morals/Ethics don't come into play anymore. It's Business. So, demanding two weeks notices from employees seems very spiteful and hypocritical.
If you think truthfully relating your work history is lying then you have a different definition of the word than the rest of the world

Look if you have a family then it's up to you the be responsible If you can't endure a bad work situation for a couple weeks so as to keep your resume favorable then that's your problem not your employer's

And if you get laid off or fired without cause you can collect unemployment you're not going to starve or die
Someday you might meet the real world.

I've plenty of experience in the employment world and I've worked my share of shitty jobs.

But I have never been laid off or fired for cause I wonder why that is
Doesn't mean you hold workers to a moral standard you don't require of Businesses. Moral and Professional Courtesy works both ways. It's too bad most Businesses have decided to behave like ugly Slave Owners.

There is no more 'Professional Courtesy.' It shouldn't be expected. Businesses threw that theory out the window a long time ago. The current ugly climate is all on them.

You work for them...not the other way around.
If you dont like it go into business for yourself,

Nah, i don't worship the Slave Owner. That's for you greedy white Republican dudes to do. Everyone's equal. Workers shouldn't be held to higher moral standards than Businesses are. It's a two-way street.

if you get paid it isn't slavery.

you sound like an idiot. no wonder you're going nowhere and are so resentful.

Start demanding the same moral/ethical behavior from businesses, and we'll be fine. Until then, an employee shouldn't be punished for not giving two weeks notice. Period, end of story.

Meh, she's a bitch. ;) She rarely has anything nice to say about anyone or anything. Just another old internet loon.

Yeah, very bitter and hateful. But hey, it is the Interwebs, right? Waddayagunado?
if you get paid it isn't slavery.

you sound like an idiot. no wonder you're going nowhere and are so resentful.

Start demanding the same moral/ethical behavior from businesses, and we'll be fine. Until then, an employee shouldn't be punished for not giving two weeks notice. Period, end of story.
If you quit without notice your former employer cannot punish you

If you apply for a job and your former employer(s) tell your potential new employer that you quit with no notice they are simple telling the truth

The intent is to punish. We have to get away from these silly outdated double standards. Businesses have set up this cut-throat climate. They've shown they don't care what happens to people once they've decided to cut em loose.

They honestly don't care if those people and their families live or die. Once they cut ya loose, you're on your own. Morals/Ethics don't come into play anymore. It's Business. So, demanding two weeks notices from employees seems very spiteful and hypocritical.
If you think truthfully relating your work history is lying then you have a different definition of the word than the rest of the world

Look if you have a family then it's up to you the be responsible If you can't endure a bad work situation for a couple weeks so as to keep your resume favorable then that's your problem not your employer's

And if you get laid off or fired without cause you can collect unemployment you're not going to starve or die
Someday you might meet the real world.

Right, Businesses don't care. You're on your own. So they can spare us the pious preaching about what's right and wrong. It's a brutal cut-throat world. Employees and Employers should be held to the same standards. Demanding two week notices is an unreasonable outdated concept. There is no more 'Professional Courtesy.' It hasn't existed for many years.
Start demanding the same moral/ethical behavior from businesses, and we'll be fine. Until then, an employee shouldn't be punished for not giving two weeks notice. Period, end of story.
If you quit without notice your former employer cannot punish you

If you apply for a job and your former employer(s) tell your potential new employer that you quit with no notice they are simple telling the truth

The intent is to punish. We have to get away from these silly outdated double standards. Businesses have set up this cut-throat climate. They've shown they don't care what happens to people once they've decided to cut em loose.

They honestly don't care if those people and their families live or die. Once they cut ya loose, you're on your own. Morals/Ethics don't come into play anymore. It's Business. So, demanding two weeks notices from employees seems very spiteful and hypocritical.
If you think truthfully relating your work history is lying then you have a different definition of the word than the rest of the world

Look if you have a family then it's up to you the be responsible If you can't endure a bad work situation for a couple weeks so as to keep your resume favorable then that's your problem not your employer's

And if you get laid off or fired without cause you can collect unemployment you're not going to starve or die
Someday you might meet the real world.

Right, Businesses don't care. You're on your own. So they can spare us the pious preaching about what's right and wrong. It's a brutal cut-throat world. Employees and Employers should be held to the same standards. Demanding two week notices is an unreasonable outdated concept. There is no more 'Professional Courtesy.' It hasn't existed for many years.

Some companies and businesses are very good and treat their employees fair, but there are plenty of others who would not and would take advantage if given the opportunity. There are some unions which still matter, I think. Like the construction unions. They focus a lot of attention on safety and STILL employers are caught breaking rules of OSHA, etc. Sometimes their equipment is old and outdated and can be potentially dangerous. Think of wood chippers and things like that. Think of jobs that require scaffolding. That stuff needs to be inspected and set up properly. There are a lot of things some companies will do to "cut corners" and that can make things dangerous for employees in some fields of work.
10th post
Start demanding the same moral/ethical behavior from businesses, and we'll be fine. Until then, an employee shouldn't be punished for not giving two weeks notice. Period, end of story.
If you quit without notice your former employer cannot punish you

If you apply for a job and your former employer(s) tell your potential new employer that you quit with no notice they are simple telling the truth

The intent is to punish. We have to get away from these silly outdated double standards. Businesses have set up this cut-throat climate. They've shown they don't care what happens to people once they've decided to cut em loose.

They honestly don't care if those people and their families live or die. Once they cut ya loose, you're on your own. Morals/Ethics don't come into play anymore. It's Business. So, demanding two weeks notices from employees seems very spiteful and hypocritical.
If you think truthfully relating your work history is lying then you have a different definition of the word than the rest of the world

Look if you have a family then it's up to you the be responsible If you can't endure a bad work situation for a couple weeks so as to keep your resume favorable then that's your problem not your employer's

And if you get laid off or fired without cause you can collect unemployment you're not going to starve or die
Someday you might meet the real world.

Right, Businesses don't care. You're on your own. So they can spare us the pious preaching about what's right and wrong. It's a brutal cut-throat world. Employees and Employers should be held to the same standards. Demanding two week notices is an unreasonable outdated concept. There is no more 'Professional Courtesy.' It hasn't existed for many years.

Let me clue you in to a universal truth


learn it apply it
If you quit without notice your former employer cannot punish you

If you apply for a job and your former employer(s) tell your potential new employer that you quit with no notice they are simple telling the truth

The intent is to punish. We have to get away from these silly outdated double standards. Businesses have set up this cut-throat climate. They've shown they don't care what happens to people once they've decided to cut em loose.

They honestly don't care if those people and their families live or die. Once they cut ya loose, you're on your own. Morals/Ethics don't come into play anymore. It's Business. So, demanding two weeks notices from employees seems very spiteful and hypocritical.
If you think truthfully relating your work history is lying then you have a different definition of the word than the rest of the world

Look if you have a family then it's up to you the be responsible If you can't endure a bad work situation for a couple weeks so as to keep your resume favorable then that's your problem not your employer's

And if you get laid off or fired without cause you can collect unemployment you're not going to starve or die
Someday you might meet the real world.

Right, Businesses don't care. You're on your own. So they can spare us the pious preaching about what's right and wrong. It's a brutal cut-throat world. Employees and Employers should be held to the same standards. Demanding two week notices is an unreasonable outdated concept. There is no more 'Professional Courtesy.' It hasn't existed for many years.

Let me clue you in to a universal truth


learn it apply it

Not if you join a union. Lol. :D
The intent is to punish. We have to get away from these silly outdated double standards. Businesses have set up this cut-throat climate. They've shown they don't care what happens to people once they've decided to cut em loose.

They honestly don't care if those people and their families live or die. Once they cut ya loose, you're on your own. Morals/Ethics don't come into play anymore. It's Business. So, demanding two weeks notices from employees seems very spiteful and hypocritical.
If you think truthfully relating your work history is lying then you have a different definition of the word than the rest of the world

Look if you have a family then it's up to you the be responsible If you can't endure a bad work situation for a couple weeks so as to keep your resume favorable then that's your problem not your employer's

And if you get laid off or fired without cause you can collect unemployment you're not going to starve or die
Someday you might meet the real world.

Right, Businesses don't care. You're on your own. So they can spare us the pious preaching about what's right and wrong. It's a brutal cut-throat world. Employees and Employers should be held to the same standards. Demanding two week notices is an unreasonable outdated concept. There is no more 'Professional Courtesy.' It hasn't existed for many years.

Let me clue you in to a universal truth


learn it apply it

Not if you join a union. Lol. :D
Even then
I've known people with your attitude...they never advance and most of them end up being fired.

because they're horrible workers with a terrible work ethic

It's that whole entitlement mentality and the inflated egos kids have nowadays.
They cant get it through their heads that they work at the pleasure of the company,not the other way around.
And when you look at the job market these days when it comes to quality jobs there will be a crap load of people willing to fill the empty spot when they get shit canned.

i understand what you're saying. but i don't think he's particularly young. and i have an 18 year old whose work ethic makes me blush because he amazes me. so i suspect that some kids feel a sense of entitlement. others work their butts off and i wouldn't generalize. and like i said, i suspect the whiner is older than you think.

but whining failures like to whine.

Obviously not all kids are like that but I've seen a crapload who are.
They'd work a year and feel they deserved what a twenty year guy made.
The boss would tell em to get started but he better not see em ask a single question from anyone and he'd proceed to give him the hard jobs.
Most of were red faced and pissed within the first hour.

And we have a bunch of 50+ year old whiners here. You are full of stories but not much else.

I have nothing to whine about.
I'm 50 and retired.

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