Two-thirds of Americans support House Cut Cap and Balance Plan

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
CNN just released a poll of 1,000 Americans showing overwhelming support for the House Republican approach to the debt limit crisis. Specifically, 66 percent of Americans favor a deal where both houses of Congresses pass a balance budget amendment, and substantial cuts and caps on future spending, in exchange for a debt limit hike.

As a stand-alone measure, 74 percent of Americans favor a constitutional amendment to require a balanced federal budget. And 60 percent of Americans believe a balanced budget amendment is necessary to get federal deficits under control.

Read more at the Washington Examiner: Two-thirds of Americans support House Cut Cap and Balance Plan | Conn Carroll | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

And yet that idiot Harry Reid is out there saying how this is the worst legislation in the history of the country.

Harry Reid: Cut, Cap And Balance "Worst Piece Of Legislation" Ever | RealClearPolitics
CNN just released a poll of 1,000 Americans showing overwhelming support for the House Republican approach to the debt limit crisis. Specifically, 66 percent of Americans favor a deal where both houses of Congresses pass a balance budget amendment, and substantial cuts and caps on future spending, in exchange for a debt limit hike.

As a stand-alone measure, 74 percent of Americans favor a constitutional amendment to require a balanced federal budget. And 60 percent of Americans believe a balanced budget amendment is necessary to get federal deficits under control.

Read more at the Washington Examiner: Two-thirds of Americans support House Cut Cap and Balance Plan | Conn Carroll | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

And yet that idiot Harry Reid is out there saying how this is the worst legislation in the history of the country.

Harry Reid: Cut, Cap And Balance "Worst Piece Of Legislation" Ever | RealClearPolitics

Once again, I would bet the 1,000 Americans polled do not know what is in the legislation. Or the impacts it will have on attempting to increase taxes ever again.
CNN just released a poll of 1,000 Americans showing overwhelming support for the House Republican approach to the debt limit crisis. Specifically, 66 percent of Americans favor a deal where both houses of Congresses pass a balance budget amendment, and substantial cuts and caps on future spending, in exchange for a debt limit hike.

As a stand-alone measure, 74 percent of Americans favor a constitutional amendment to require a balanced federal budget. And 60 percent of Americans believe a balanced budget amendment is necessary to get federal deficits under control.

Read more at the Washington Examiner: Two-thirds of Americans support House Cut Cap and Balance Plan | Conn Carroll | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

And yet that idiot Harry Reid is out there saying how this is the worst legislation in the history of the country.

Harry Reid: Cut, Cap And Balance "Worst Piece Of Legislation" Ever | RealClearPolitics

60% OPPOSE raising the debt ceiling without a balanced budget admendment to it. This is a CNN POLL in case you liberals are questioning it--:clap2:

Hang in there GOP--the majority of Americans have your back on this one.
CNN just released a poll of 1,000 Americans showing overwhelming support for the House Republican approach to the debt limit crisis. Specifically, 66 percent of Americans favor a deal where both houses of Congresses pass a balance budget amendment, and substantial cuts and caps on future spending, in exchange for a debt limit hike.

As a stand-alone measure, 74 percent of Americans favor a constitutional amendment to require a balanced federal budget. And 60 percent of Americans believe a balanced budget amendment is necessary to get federal deficits under control.

Read more at the Washington Examiner: Two-thirds of Americans support House Cut Cap and Balance Plan | Conn Carroll | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

And yet that idiot Harry Reid is out there saying how this is the worst legislation in the history of the country.

Harry Reid: Cut, Cap And Balance "Worst Piece Of Legislation" Ever | RealClearPolitics

In those discussions, several budget plans have been proposed that would reduce the amount the government owes by trillions of dollars over the next ten years. If you had to choose, would you rather see Congress and President Obama agree to a budget plan that only includes cuts in government spending, or a budget plan that includes a combination of spending cuts and tax increases on higher-income Americans and some businesses?
July 18-20 2011
Only spending cuts 34%
Spending cuts and tax increases 64%
Other (vol.) 1%
No opinion 1%

That doesn't sound like 'overwhelming support' for the GOP plan to me.

Perhaps you should follow the link to the actual poll.

Based on what you have read or heard about the discussions between Congress and Barack Obama on the debt ceiling, do you think the Republicans in Congress have or have not acted responsibly?
July 18-20 2011
Yes, have acted responsibly 33%
No, have not 63%
No opinion 3%

It's not looking good for the GOP, let's try another question.

If the debt ceiling is not raised, do you think that Barack Obama or the Republicans in Congress would be more responsible for that?
July 18-20 2011
Obama 30%
Republicans 51%
Both (vol.) 15%
Neither(vol.) 3%
No opinion 1%

Hummmm...what was that you were saying again?
CNN just released a poll of 1,000 Americans showing overwhelming support for the House Republican approach to the debt limit crisis. Specifically, 66 percent of Americans favor a deal where both houses of Congresses pass a balance budget amendment, and substantial cuts and caps on future spending, in exchange for a debt limit hike.

As a stand-alone measure, 74 percent of Americans favor a constitutional amendment to require a balanced federal budget. And 60 percent of Americans believe a balanced budget amendment is necessary to get federal deficits under control.

Read more at the Washington Examiner: Two-thirds of Americans support House Cut Cap and Balance Plan | Conn Carroll | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

And yet that idiot Harry Reid is out there saying how this is the worst legislation in the history of the country.

Harry Reid: Cut, Cap And Balance "Worst Piece Of Legislation" Ever | RealClearPolitics

Once again, I would bet the 1,000 Americans polled do not know what is in the legislation. Or the impacts it will have on attempting to increase taxes ever again.

Most Americans live in states that have a REQUIRED balanced budget admendments. Americans have to balance their household budgets--so why on earth do you "suppose" that they would even blink an eye over the Federal Government having to balance theirs???:cuckoo:

Americans are MORE AWARE today of what the Federal Government is up to than they have ever been in the history of the United States.
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Hummmm...what was that you were saying again?

Quite simple. I said Two-thirds of Americans support House Cut Cap and Balance Plan.

I'm not sure what all that other stuff you brought up has to do with it.
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Hummmm...what was that you were saying again?

Quite simple. I said Two-thirds of Americans support House Cut Cap and Balance Plan.

I'm not sure what all that other stuff you brought up has to do with it.

It's from the poll you're using.

It shows 64% want a combination of tax increases and spending cuts, the Democrat's plan.

In some proposals, Congress would raise the debt ceiling while cutting between two trillion and four trillion dollars in government spending over the next ten years and raising taxes on some businesses and higher-income Americans. Would you favor or oppose this proposal?
July 18-20 2011
Favor 66%
Oppose 34%
No opinion 1%

22. In another proposal, Congress would give President Obama the ability to raise the debt ceiling several times in the next 18 months while cutting a smaller amount in government spending and not raising taxes at all. Would you favor or oppose this proposal?
July 18-20 2011
Favor 34%
Oppose 65%
No opinion 1%

23. In another proposal, Congress would raise the debt ceiling only if a balanced budget amendment were passed by both houses of Congress and substantial spending cuts and caps on future spending were approved. Would you favor or oppose this proposal?
July 18-20 2011
Favor 66%
Oppose 33%
No opinion 1%

It means you and the GOP do not have the backing of the American public. In fact, the poll shows just the opposite, the public blames the GOP for the impasse and will overwhelmingly blame the GOP for any default.
And here's the line that followed just after the point the OP decided to make his cut:

Sixty-six percent of Americans do support a plan to cut four trillion dollars in government spending and raise taxes as part of a debt limit hike.
How's that working out?

Rather well.

No it aint.

Murders are up nation wide because LEOs are being fired.

But conservatives support that because people can meet god sooner.

Ask Jan Brewer.

She loves making people dead.

What the hell are you talking about :cuckoo:

It's working out extremely well: Many states celebrate surpluses as Congress struggles with debt - Washington Times

"As Washington stares at rising national debt and projected deficits for years to come, many states are faced with the opposite problem: whether to spend their budget surpluses and, if so, on what.

At least a dozen states ended fiscal 2011 with surpluses. Indiana reported one of the largest, with an extra $1.2 billion in its accounts. Gov. Mitch Daniels, a Republican, on Friday authorized bonus payments of up to $1,000 for state employees."

Guess of the twelve states posting budget surpluses are GOP controlled. Go ahead Google it.
CNN just released a poll of 1,000 Americans showing overwhelming support for the House Republican approach to the debt limit crisis. Specifically, 66 percent of Americans favor a deal where both houses of Congresses pass a balance budget amendment, and substantial cuts and caps on future spending, in exchange for a debt limit hike.

As a stand-alone measure, 74 percent of Americans favor a constitutional amendment to require a balanced federal budget. And 60 percent of Americans believe a balanced budget amendment is necessary to get federal deficits under control.

Read more at the Washington Examiner: Two-thirds of Americans support House Cut Cap and Balance Plan | Conn Carroll | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

And yet that idiot Harry Reid is out there saying how this is the worst legislation in the history of the country.

Harry Reid: Cut, Cap And Balance "Worst Piece Of Legislation" Ever | RealClearPolitics

Once again, I would bet the 1,000 Americans polled do not know what is in the legislation. Or the impacts it will have on attempting to increase taxes ever again.

And I'm CRYING A RIVER OVER THAT ONE--:lol::lol::lol: In my state of Colorado a required balanced budget state--we also have TABOR laws which restrict the state from raising our taxes "without" a public vote on it.
"Gallup finds that Americans, by a 42% to 22% margin, are more likely to want their representative in Congress to vote against rather than for an increase in the federal debt ceiling, with 35% saying they have no opinion." In Their Own Words: Americans' Views on Raising Debt Ceiling

"By a 47% to 19% margin, Americans say they would want their member of Congress to vote against raising the U.S. debt ceiling, while 34% don't know enough to say. Republicans oppose raising the debt ceiling by 70% to 8% and independents by 46% to 15%. Democrats favor raising the ceiling by 33% to 26%." Americans Oppose Raising Debt Ceiling, 47% to 19%

All polls going back to May show a majority of Americans opposing raising the debt ceiling.

Polls continue to show a majority of Americans oppose raising the debt limit. So how can polling data show that such a large majority of Americans oppose to raising the debt ceiling--the Republican position--and be in favor of the Democrats non-plan.

After the press asked Obama two weeks ago why a majority continues to be opposed to raising the debt limit all these polls from CBS and NBC came out showing majorities wanting higher taxes, ect.

None of that refutes the F-ing fact that a clear majority of Americans are against raising the debt limit, I can't say it enough.

That one fact negates all the BS you so desperately want to believe.
CNN just released a poll of 1,000 Americans showing overwhelming support for the House Republican approach to the debt limit crisis. Specifically, 66 percent of Americans favor a deal where both houses of Congresses pass a balance budget amendment, and substantial cuts and caps on future spending, in exchange for a debt limit hike.

As a stand-alone measure, 74 percent of Americans favor a constitutional amendment to require a balanced federal budget. And 60 percent of Americans believe a balanced budget amendment is necessary to get federal deficits under control.

Read more at the Washington Examiner: Two-thirds of Americans support House Cut Cap and Balance Plan | Conn Carroll | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

And yet that idiot Harry Reid is out there saying how this is the worst legislation in the history of the country.

Harry Reid: Cut, Cap And Balance "Worst Piece Of Legislation" Ever | RealClearPolitics

Reid is a buffoon
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Polls continue to show a majority of Americans oppose raising the debt limit. So how can polling data show that such a large majority of Americans oppose to raising the debt ceiling--the Republican position--and be in favor of the Democrats non-plan.

I think you misrepresent the Republican position. They are quite willing to raise the debt limit, they just want to extort the public to do it.
Hummmm...what was that you were saying again?

Quite simple. I said Two-thirds of Americans support House Cut Cap and Balance Plan.

I'm not sure what all that other stuff you brought up has to do with it.

It's from the poll you're using.

It shows 64% want a combination of tax increases and spending cuts, the Democrat's plan.

In some proposals, Congress would raise the debt ceiling while cutting between two trillion and four trillion dollars in government spending over the next ten years and raising taxes on some businesses and higher-income Americans. Would you favor or oppose this proposal?
July 18-20 2011
Favor 66%
Oppose 34%
No opinion 1%

22. In another proposal, Congress would give President Obama the ability to raise the debt ceiling several times in the next 18 months while cutting a smaller amount in government spending and not raising taxes at all. Would you favor or oppose this proposal?
July 18-20 2011
Favor 34%
Oppose 65%
No opinion 1%

23. In another proposal, Congress would raise the debt ceiling only if a balanced budget amendment were passed by both houses of Congress and substantial spending cuts and caps on future spending were approved. Would you favor or oppose this proposal?
July 18-20 2011
Favor 66%
Oppose 33%
No opinion 1%

It means you and the GOP do not have the backing of the American public. In fact, the poll shows just the opposite, the public blames the GOP for the impasse and will overwhelmingly blame the GOP for any default.

It shows 64% want a combination of tax increases and spending cuts, the Democrat's plan

excuse me?

what "plan"?

this is the second plan on paper that has been voted upon and passed.BY Republicans.....I have yet to see a thing from the dems on paper, or obama....if you have it, please post it. thank you.
And in general, which of the following statements comes closest to your view: (READ IN ORDER. DO NOT RANDOMIZE.)
July 18-20 2011
You FAVOR raising the debt ceiling even if Congress
and President Obama do not agree on a plan to
reduce the amount the government owes 17%

You FAVOR raising the debt ceiling only if Congress
takes action to reduce by trillions of dollars the
amount the government owes 45%

You OPPOSE raising the debt ceiling even if Congress
takes action to reduce the amount the government owes 36%

No opinion 3%

A lot depends on the question.

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