Two Reps in One Minute: Can somebody explain?

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Just curious. The POS REP came in first. LOL :lol:

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racist bitch


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Hi, you have received 1417 reputation points from bigrebnc1775.
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racist bitch


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09-24-2012 New reputation!
06:58 AM bigrebnc1775

09-24-2012 New reputation!
06:57 AM bigrebnc1775

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You apparently got an accidental pos rep, and he tried to correct it by neg repping you. Want me to neg you so you can get back to the way things used to be? :D
Looks like an erroneous pos rep may have been corrected via deletion and re-issuance of a corrected (neg) rep.

delete a rep?

the right wing lunatics here know way too much about how to use the rep system

I guess it makes the circle jerks seem relevant?

It isn't exactly a state secret you dimwit. If you are offering a neg rep to some dopey-assed motherfucker but forget to change the radio button to "neg" instead of "pos," and you carelessly hit the submit button too fast, you just pos repped the dicktard you had intended to neg rep. Oops.

Sometimes you see it the moment you do it. So, what do you do? Well, you COULD go to the CP panel and look at the fucked-up rep you have just handed out and -- upon doing so -- you see the words that indicate the possibility of magical relief. The rep can be DELETED.

Once you delete it, even a blithering dip shit like you should be able to figure out how to go back and issue the neg rep that you had meant to give in the first place.
So do Dante, Paulie, Ravir and mani just take Shifts with daving about you Counselor?... :lol:



Dainty is really befuddled and bugged about all things me.

Poorly can't quite figure out -- much of anything.

Ravi is just a dumb sack of shit.

And mani rides the line (sometimes) between wanting to loathe me and actually almost kinda sorta finding me palatable. That poor bastige.

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