*Two Blacks Hoes Go At White Women At McDonalds: While Black Employee's Do Nothing*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. This is reflective of the Negro race, they will not come to the aid of you if other Negro's are attacking you.
2. They sit back and tell themselves, "I'm not a cop".
3. If it was reversed where two white women were attacking a Negro women, then, they would not think twice that they were not a cop.
4. This is the Negro mind, and its just a little higher than a wild animal.
5. Able to do complex work, but void of a real conscience.
6. Unable to connect with humanity, just doing time as a drone of a shell of a existence, gathering up any free stuff that they can gather up.
7. If it were not true, I wouldn't of brought it up, how sad.
LINK:LiveLeak.com - Violence in another Mc Donalds almost kills customer


"Violence in another Mc Donald's almost kills customer
Here is another fine example of the trend of violence in fast food restaurants. Two black females beating the hell out of a white patron, while several black employees stand by and watch. One black male manages to provide the facade of assistance to the white victim in this brutal attack."

7. Women goes into convulsions while being dragged towards the door, while Negro workers look on from behind the counter, even looks liked they were the ones filming it.
8. If it wasn't for a 65 year old white women stepping in, they would certainly have killed this women.

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Sorry bout that,

Why were they fighting?

Why aren't you bitching that the white camera operator did nothing to help?


1. Not bitching just stating the *Facts*.
2. You calling me a lair?
3. Watch the video a wee bit closer.
4. You will learn somethng.

Sorry bout that,

She shouldn't have been White in the first place.

1. Look at Africa now.
2. Look at the horror of living in any nation in Africa, that isn't basically run by white people.
3. If the Negro is in charge, heads will roll, literally.
4. And you can take the Negro out of Africa, but you can't take the African, out of the Negro, it seems to be a fact folks.
5. Just reporting the truth here.
6. Don't shoot the messenger.

Sorry bout that,

She shouldn't have been White in the first place.

1. So her crime was being white in a Negro area of USA?
2. But Negro's are free to come to white areas?
3. And suffer nothing for doing so?
4. Not that I would attack a person for his skin color, but some how I don't see this as being fair.
5. I can not respect the Negro race for doing things like this.
6. And I shouldn't have to support them with welfare either, its an injustice.
7. I didn't sign on for this.

Sorry bout that,

Tank, is that you?

1. It would seem Tank has grounds of grievances.
2. How can his grievances get resolved?
3. If Tank is correct about his understanding of the facts, does he have a real right to feel the way he does?
4. Race relations are going down hill, and I don't see it as being something the white man is facilitating, lots of white liberals had to vote Barry into office, otherwise he would not of gotten in, so that fact weights in the favor of whites as not respecting or voting for only a skin color.
5. If anyones to blame, it has to be the Negro, who is at fault.

Sorry bout that,

Depends entirely on character, and not at all on skin color.

1. I project that there must be something innate/unspoken, about looking down on black arms that make that person willing to attack a white person for no true cause.
2. Something is being done on a much lower level in the minds of the Negro's, there really can be no excuse for this, not in this age, and time, and in my country, USA.
3. The truth is at times harder to believe than fiction.
4. The character of a person of a Negro, seems to be at fault, where few have learned to garner a good character, and to have an innate sense of justice, for all.

Sorry bout that,

She shouldn't have been White in the first place.

1. Look at Africa now.
2. Look at the horror of living in any nation in Africa, that isn't basically run by white people.
3. If the Negro is in charge, heads will roll, literally.
4. And you can take the Negro out of Africa, but you can't take the African, out of the Negro, it seems to be a fact folks.
5. Just reporting the truth here.
6. Don't shoot the messenger.


One the one hand...


On the other...


Interesting, but then again I guess it's a reflection of how the statistics are reported / gathered.
Sorry bout that,

So you hate black people now chesswarnow?

1. No not at all, just sharing some thoughts and observations.
2. By doing so I am stating what the truth is about a huge section of the Negro population in America.
3. And I would dare to say, 75% are guilty of a low character towards their fellow man, be he white or a Negro for that matter, *Do you respect and trust your fellow Negro's, in certain areas of your city?*
4. I am guilty of only being able of seeing the truth and saying something about it.
5. I have met many good character Negro's in my time in America, and respect those for that.

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This should have nothing to do with color. It is two women attaching another woman. Only the older lady did anything to help. The staff of McDonald should all be fired or better yet press charges for failure to render aid and that manager is a joke. But back to the black white issue. The attitudes I see in Houston are horrible. I can be just walking around minding my business and these younger people with attitude are constantly challenging me to say or do something. I think we are headed for a problem.
1. This is reflective of the Negro race, they will not come to the aid of you if other Negro's are attacking you.

It's more reflective of the animalistic ghetto mentality that is pervasive in our inner cities today, regardless of race. There just happens to be a larger proportion of blacks living in these areas, so you tend to see it more from them, but I doubt it has anything to do with them being black. Black people in the suburbs don't behave that way.

If it was reversed where two white women were attacking a Negro women, then, they would not think twice that they were not a cop.

Being that you weren't there and you don't know any of those people, you have no idea what would have happened.

This is the Negro mind, and its just a little higher than a wild animal.

And you're like a super retarded Rain Main, but we all still tolerate you here, right?

Able to do complex work, but void of a real conscience.

I bet they aren't obsessive compulsive wackos who have to number all of their sentences and unable to speak without first uttering "Sorry bout that." I bet when you're walking down the street you touch every parking meter you walk by too and skip over all the cracks on the sidewalk.
Sorry bout that,

1. This is reflective of the Negro race, they will not come to the aid of you if other Negro's are attacking you.

It's more reflective of the animalistic ghetto mentality that is pervasive in our inner cities today, regardless of race. There just happens to be a larger proportion of blacks living in these areas, so you tend to see it more from them, but I doubt it has anything to do with them being black. Black people in the suburbs don't behave that way.

If it was reversed where two white women were attacking a Negro women, then, they would not think twice that they were not a cop.

Being that you weren't there and you don't know any of those people, you have no idea what would have happened.

This is the Negro mind, and its just a little higher than a wild animal.

And you're like a super retarded Rain Main, but we all still tolerate you here, right?

Able to do complex work, but void of a real conscience.

I bet they aren't obsessive compulsive wackos who have to number all of their sentences and unable to speak without first uttering "Sorry bout that." I bet when you're walking down the street you touch every parking meter you walk by too and skip over all the cracks on the sidewalk.

1. You are whats wrong with white people, your heads messed up, your id states as much, *Dont Spaz Me Bro*.
2. Your mind is so screwed up, its pathetic.
3. I make some easy to see observations, and all you want to do is shoot the messenger.
4. Why don't you defend the Negro, why attack me personally?
5. You don't know me, you have no clue who I am.
6. This thread isn't about me anyway is it?
7. I wasn't at that McDonald's that night, nor did I not assist that innocent women in her time of need.
8. Now, try to stay on topic butthead.

Sorry bout that,

This should have nothing to do with color. It is two women attaching another woman. Only the older lady did anything to help. The staff of McDonald should all be fired or better yet press charges for failure to render aid and that manager is a joke. But back to the black white issue. The attitudes I see in Houston are horrible. I can be just walking around minding my business and these younger people with attitude are constantly challenging me to say or do something. I think we are headed for a problem.

1.My advice is,....*Keep your powder dry*.
2. Houston is a cesspool of what this thread is all about.
3. You can't sling a dead cat without hitting a racist Negro person in Houston.
4. The guilt of the Negro has to be horrible.


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