Twitter founder warns 'hyperinflation' will strike in America soon


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
For years now this has been one of my biggest fears. "Hyper-inflation", once a term reserved for South American banana republics, may soon be heading to America.
If you're close to retirement, try to imagine a world where your million-dollar plus retirement nest egg, will only last a handful of years.
And by the way, this guy is no right-winger just trying to score political points. God I hope he's wrong!

The co-founder of Twitter has warned that 'hyperinflation' could soon hit the US and 'change everything'.

Jack Dorsey, 44, who is currently the CEO of both Twitter and Square - a mobile payment company - issued a warning about the rise of inflation in America over the weekend.

Taking to Twitter on Saturday, Dorsey wrote: 'Hyperinflation is going to change everything. It's happening.'

Many of his 5.8million followers quickly responded to Dorsey for more information, and in responding to one person, he said: 'It will happen in the US soon, and so the world.'

For years now this has been one of my biggest fears. "Hyper-inflation", once a term reserved for South American banana republics, may soon be heading to America.
If you're close to retirement, try to imagine a world where your million-dollar plus retirement nest egg, will only last a handful of years.
And by the way, this guy is no right-winger just trying to score political points. God I hope he's wrong!

Unless this administration is changed, we'll be like Venezuela in a few months. Thanks to Joey Xi and his sycophant Commies.
If you think there'll be another toilet paper shortage, think about where you'll be getting your staple foods. Beef and Pork is already becoming a luxury.

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You can't pump trillions for years and expect anything else.

There is a partial solution. Raise rates. Think it will happen?
you could raise them to 100% and it wont change anything,, spending and government employees must be cut by at least half and all those government employees need to expect to loose their pensions,,
You can't pump trillions for years and expect anything else.

There is a partial solution. Raise rates. Think it will happen?
Yeah, Infrastructure, Shovel Ready Jobs. Cash for Clunkers, GM and Solyndra bailouts... Trillions supposedly spent and nothing achieved. " Shovel Ready Jobs not so Shovel Ready" Boondoggles....
If you drive up the cost of energy — something the entire economy depends upon — and you cut the pie into smaller slices by printing money, what else could result?

If only US oil production had not been slashed 20% in early 2020. Just think how much that would be helping now.
Fiat currency, that is injected into the system, but does not have enough put into the system to cover the interest payment to pay back itself, is a system based on debt.

It is an infinite spiral, downward. . .

In no case, has any economy based on debt and fiat money ever survived forever. They all need to be reset.

Ross Perot warned us we needed sound money, so did Ron Paul. But the folks that run the system and skim off of the corruption, didn't want an honest and secure system for the middle classes.

It is easier to influence and control things with corruption baked into the system. If folks are skimming from the top, and have organized crime embedded into it, then they have more opportunities to influence events.

We are now nearing the final end of things. It is why events are getting so absolutely bizarre, and why each "presidential" administration is so completely divorced from both the constitution and reality.

The dollar is being purposely debauched, and chaos will come. Folks will starve and kill each other, and the STATE will enact martial law and;
Continuity of government - Wikipedia

. . . if WWIII doesn't break first.
after we start with the unconstitutional stuff we can talk about them,,

by then it may not even be an issue,,

There is nothing Constitutional about having troops stationed all around the world.

All the same, cuts do not address the Trillions that have been pumped.
If we're going to get through it, we're all going to need to pull together. . . that is the one thing you can be sure of. . .
you could raise them to 100% and it wont change anything,, spending and government employees must be cut by at least half and all those government employees need to expect to loose their pensions,,

Have you ever voted for anyone that wanted to actually cut spending?

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