Twitter CEO defends Trump ban, acknowledges dangerous precedent Social Sharing


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Jack just decimated not just his ability to have influence in the world (as we saw in Uganda), but also his own traffic domestically.

Nobody is going to tell me that intelligence agencies in the West don't use social media to influence. Of course they do, as do their adversaries. How dangerous is it, that now Europe and other nations are having second thoughts about this ease of access? Guess whose software is now going to be viewed with closer scrutiny?

These short sighted order takers don't have the first clue about human nature, other than addiction. They have made it easy for people to turn it off though, ironically. More importantly, he's given the green light for foreign nations to do it as well, Russia and China will be telling other leaders (in Europe too, perhaps?) "Clearly these guys are trying to rig your game too, so shut them off, build locally. Here, we will help you..."

Another over rewarded, self important, Useful Idiot. Those behind him are just as unimpressive.

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey defended his company's ban of U.S. President Donald Trump in a philosophical Twitter thread that is his first public statement on the subject.

When Trump incited his followers to storm the U.S. Capitol last week, then continued to tweet potentially ominous messages, Dorsey said the resulting risk to public safety created an "extraordinary and untenable circumstance" for the company. Having already briefly suspended Trump's account the day of the Capitol riot, Twitter on Friday banned Trump entirely, then smacked down the president's attempts to tweet using other accounts.

"I do not celebrate or feel pride in our having to ban @realDonaldTrump from Twitter," Dorsey wrote. But he said: "I believe this was the right decision for Twitter."

Dorsey acknowledged that shows of strength like the Trump ban could set dangerous precedents, even calling them a sign of "failure." Although not in so many words, Dorsey suggested that Twitter needs to find ways to avoid having to make such decisions in the first place. Exactly how that would work isn't clear, although it could range from earlier and more effective moderation to a fundamental restructuring of social networks.

In Dorsey-speak, that means Twitter needs to work harder to "promote healthy conversation."
Twitter doesn't ban Antifa Terrorist or BLM racist
It doesn't ban Russian Collusion conspiracy posts
It doesn't ban the Dem politicians who incite Marxist Violence that has killed about 30 people and caused $billions$ in damages.
It doesn't ban false claims that the Police murdered George Floyd.
The Corrupt Democrat Party is using the Big Tech Oligarchs to censor political opinions, therefore it is de facto illegal government censorship of Free Speech.
It is a text book 1st amendment violation and Twitter should be sued into oblivion.
He is not really defending it, if you read what he said.
He also said they failed, and they need to take a harder look at policies... and banning Trumps account sets a dangerous precedent.
So... he "defends it"... but follows that up with "okay... so yeah... it is a bad thing, we need to look at policies, and maybe we have too much power."
Twitter doesn't ban Antifa Terrorist or BLM racist
It doesn't ban Russian Collusion conspiracy posts
It doesn't ban the Dem politicians who incite Marxist Violence that has killed about 30 people and caused $billions$ in damages.
It doesn't ban false claims that the Police murdered George Floyd.
The Corrupt Democrat Party is using the Big Tech Oligarchs to censor political opinions, therefore it is de facto illegal government censorship of Free Speech.
It is a text book 1st amendment violation and Twitter should be sued into oblivion.
View attachment 442710
Surely you`re just pretending to be an ass. The 1st amendment bans govt. censorship only. Do you think Twitter should be forced to let traitors use their platform to foment treason?
Twitter doesn't ban Antifa Terrorist or BLM racist
It doesn't ban Russian Collusion conspiracy posts
It doesn't ban the Dem politicians who incite Marxist Violence that has killed about 30 people and caused $billions$ in damages.
It doesn't ban false claims that the Police murdered George Floyd.
The Corrupt Democrat Party is using the Big Tech Oligarchs to censor political opinions, therefore it is de facto illegal government censorship of Free Speech.
It is a text book 1st amendment violation and Twitter should be sued into oblivion.
View attachment 442710
Surely you`re just pretending to be an ass. The 1st amendment bans govt. censorship only. Do you think Twitter should be forced to let traitors use their platform to foment treason?

You call anything opposing your viewpoint treason, it's why you are detestable fucktards.
Twitter doesn't ban Antifa Terrorist or BLM racist
It doesn't ban Russian Collusion conspiracy posts
It doesn't ban the Dem politicians who incite Marxist Violence that has killed about 30 people and caused $billions$ in damages.
It doesn't ban false claims that the Police murdered George Floyd.
The Corrupt Democrat Party is using the Big Tech Oligarchs to censor political opinions, therefore it is de facto illegal government censorship of Free Speech.
It is a text book 1st amendment violation and Twitter should be sued into oblivion.
View attachment 442710
Surely you`re just pretending to be an ass. The 1st amendment bans govt. censorship only. Do you think Twitter should be forced to let traitors use their platform to foment treason?
Biden, Pelosi, and Schumer have been using it for years.
Twitter doesn't ban Antifa Terrorist or BLM racist
It doesn't ban Russian Collusion conspiracy posts
It doesn't ban the Dem politicians who incite Marxist Violence that has killed about 30 people and caused $billions$ in damages.
It doesn't ban false claims that the Police murdered George Floyd.
The Corrupt Democrat Party is using the Big Tech Oligarchs to censor political opinions, therefore it is de facto illegal government censorship of Free Speech.
It is a text book 1st amendment violation and Twitter should be sued into oblivion.
View attachment 442710
Surely you`re just pretending to be an ass. The 1st amendment bans govt. censorship only. Do you think Twitter should be forced to let traitors use their platform to foment treason?
Twitter and the Corrupt Democratic Party are hand in hand, therefore it is de facto government censorship.
Why are Liberals so afraid of the Truth?

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