Twin Peaks 2 the Return


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
I guess it was a made for TV series. I caught a couple of episodes back to back one saturday on Dish network and I wish I had something better to do with three or four hours. Was it intended to be a venue for old actors who couldn't get a job? I caught some familiar faces. Otherwise it made no sense whatsoever.
I guess it was a made for TV series. I caught a couple of episodes back to back one saturday on Dish network and I wish I had something better to do with three or four hours. Was it intended to be a venue for old actors who couldn't get a job? I caught some familiar faces. Otherwise it made no sense whatsoever.

Twin Peaks is one of those series that if you don't see all of them in sequence (from the very first episode), none of what you see in the later episodes will make sense. I saw it a few years ago, and my roomie at the time told me that I would continue to be lost in the series until I watched all of them in order, as things that happen in one episode show up as a significant event in a show 5 or 10 shows down the road.
Twin Peaks is one of those series that if you don't see all of them in sequence (from the very first episode), none of what you see in the later episodes will make sense. I saw it a few years ago, and my roomie at the time told me that I would continue to be lost in the series until I watched all of them in order, as things that happen in one episode show up as a significant event in a show 5 or 10 shows down the road.

I never watched the full series (might some day get the DVDs through the library system here) but do drive by the filming location a couple of times or more each year (on I-90) ~ North Bend, WA and nearby Mt. Si.
I thought this was about another shootout at the bar. LOL

Yeah, Twin Peaks was good if you watched it all the way through carefully. I can't get that interested in TV dramas much any more.
I liked the part where zombie like agent Cooper was lost in a gambling casino and saw a light over the slots. My guess is that the casino would have shut down the slot machines when they started pouring out money instead of putting cash in a canvas bag and sending the jerk on his way in a limo. I guess it doesn't have to make sense.

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