Turns Out Trump Correct, The Left....As Usual

Flynn never discussed removing sanctions, the FBI already cleared him of that, so he never misled or lied about not talking about sanctions.
He misled Pence and made mistakes, but he didn't lie.
He lied about having contacts with the Russians. Sanctions have nothing to do with it. He lied, like you are lying, like Trump lied.

So they're all liars because you say so. Quotes and links to prove it. But we all know you can't.

Flynn never discussed removing sanctions, the FBI already cleared him of that, so he never misled or lied about not talking about sanctions.
He misled Pence and made mistakes, but he didn't lie.
He lied about having contacts with the Russians. Sanctions have nothing to do with it. He lied, like you are lying, like Trump lied.

So they're all liars because you say so. Quotes and links to prove it. But we all know you can't.
Trump, Sessions, and Flynn all lied.

We all know that.

Your confirmation bias cannot save the day.
2. So you are no longer maintaining that he wasn't under Obama surveillance...just that it took place via his servers.....?

Trump said that Trump tower was illegally wiretapped. He was laughably, comically wrong.

Nothing you've posted backs that claim. Nothing Trump's offered backs that claim. The FBI has explicitly contradicted it. Even the White House has backed off Trump's idiocy, insisting (in explicit contradiction to your claim), that Trump wasn't the target.

White House Officials Say Trump Isn’t Target of Any Investigation


So much for Trump 'being right'. And yet, laughably, you keep polishing that turd.

As I said, you can't fix stupid. But you can point and laugh at it.

It's not just Trump Tower that's bugged, but his own personnel cell phone, his PC, his tablet, yours, mine, everyone's, even Hillary's. How do you think disgruntled partisan moles in the CIA and FBI managed to get that dirt on her and send it to Wikileaks. Don't tell me you are one of these rubes who actually think it was the Ruskies? :badgrin: They basically confessed in that Vault #7 release.

Obama's, Clinton's, even your mailman's, hell, everyone's lines are wiretapped. Anyone intelligent knows this.

You must have missed post #443.

We now live in a soft police state. Everyone is guilty of something, all the time. It is just a matter of whether the Deep STATE will prosecute.

Snowden told you, the AP broke the story, where were you?

Trump exposed the Obamunist attempt to "wiretap" his campaign....all the Leftists laughed....and were outraged that he targeted their messiah.

The Trump tweet:

"Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my "wires tapped" in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!"

6:35 AM - 4 Mar 2017

1. The short story: Trump was correct, the NYTimes, WaPo, and every Liberal cable show....split hairs to make it seem that Trump was wrong.
Read on:

2. Here's the spin that the Washington Post put on the story:
"This may be the worst defense of Trump’s Obama-wiretapped-me claim — literally
...chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, which means he's in charge of investigating President Trump's evidence-free allegation that President Barack Obama wiretapped his offices.

But Nunes doesn't seem particularly worried that the current president accused the former president of a crime. Echoing so many Republican defenses of Trump's tweets, he suggested Tuesday that Trump's allegation simply shouldn't be taken at face value.

Here's what Nunes said:

The president is a neophyte to politics. He’s been doing this a little over a year. And I think a lot of the things that he says, you guys sometimes take literally. " Analysis | This may be the worst defense of Trump’s Obama-wiretapped-me claim — literally

3. Looks like Trump was dead wrong?

WaPo spin: "... Trump's allegation simply shouldn't be taken at face value."
The actual quote has a different meaning: "....I think a lot of the things that he says, you guys sometimes take literally. "
The 'literally' refers to the term 'wiretap.'
It should be understood to mean 'placed under surveillance.'

4. But the facts are these:

"The FBI investigated a Trump server in its Russia probe, but no charges are expected by John Solomon and Sara Carter

The months-long [Obama] FBI counterintelligence investigation into Russian efforts to influence the 2016 presidential campaign briefly investigated a computer server tied to Donald Trump's businesses near the end of the election but has not gathered evidence of election tampering to date that would warrant criminal charges against any of the president’s associates, Circa has learned." FBI probe of Donald Trump and Russia during election yielded no evidence of crimes

Get that???

"....the [Obama] FBI ... briefly investigated a computer server tied to Donald Trump's businesses near the end of the election..."


past tense: surveilled; past participle: surveilled
keep (a person or place) under surveillance.
as in "he deployed FBI agents to surveil the offices of those companies"

Trump was correct with respect to his being surveilled by the Obama administration.

Um, what the hell are you talking about?

Trump claimed that Trump tower was wiretapped. Nothing you posted backs that claim. The FBI has explicitly rejected the claim. Trump has backed his claim with nothing.

And yet like a good little lemming.......you just believe whatever a game show host tells you to believe.

But don't tell me......you actually think Trumpcare will be 'Insurance for everybody even if they can't pay.
Just like his birther bullshit NO PROOF

Bet you hated Bill's wife for starting the "Birther' movement, huh?

Now....you didn't vote for her........did you??????

You're as deranged as they come. :cuckoo:
Trump was correct with respect to his being surveilled by the Obama administration.

Feelin' pretty stupid about now, huh?

Only problem with your spin on it, is that Trump said that Obama wiretaped his phones in Trump Tower. Not that they monitored the server Trump had connected to a russian bank.

Illegally wire tapped. But you are hung up one what Trump actually said. Polichick ignores what Trump actually said and is much more about what she imagines he 'really meant'.

Its the same batshit mental judo one needs to do to conclude that Trumpcare is 'insurance for everybody, even those who can't pay' when even Paul Ryan admits that it will cover FEWER people than Obamacare.

Or that we have a 47 year high in the murder rate when we're actually 2 years off a 54 year low.

Or that Trump had the largest attendance for his inauguration in history despite overwhelming evidence that he couldn't even break the attendance stats of the *last* inauguration.

Or Trump's nonsensical birther bullshit....

Or Trump's provably false claims that he won the popular vote....

Or Trump's delusional nonsense that he won the electoral college by a larger margin than any president since reagan....

Or his claim that 3 to 5 million illegal votes.....

Or ....



The man lies like most folks breath. And his ilk just lap it up like clotted cream.
PoliticalHack is an obedient Trumpette. Like the one she fluffs, she has no compunction about lying. Like her earlier lie that Trump's first full month in office saw a gain of 298,000 jobs; when in reality, the BLS said that number was 235,000.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Or her idiocy of crediting Trump for us being at an all-time high regarding employment when we've hit a record high every single month over the last 34 months...


...which also ignores we're at an all time high because Obama left Trump employment at an all time high. Hell, Trump could have added 1 job last month and still broken the record Obama left him.
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The man lies like most folks breath. And his ilk just lap it up like clotted cream.

There will come a tipping point when their unwaivering support will be unsustainable.
Yeah, when he's out of office. Then they'll claim he was Liberal, just like they did with Bush; and how they never liked him to begin with. But until then, they'll lick his balls daily.
Trump was correct with respect to his being surveilled by the Obama administration.

Feelin' pretty stupid about now, huh?

Only problem with your spin on it, is that Trump said that Obama wiretaped his phones in Trump Tower. Not that they monitored the server Trump had connected to a russian bank.

Illegally wire tapped. But you are hung up one what Trump actually said. Polichick ignores what Trump actually said and is much more about what she imagines he 'really meant'.

Its the same batshit mental judo one needs to do to conclude that Trumpcare is 'insurance for everybody, even those who can't pay' when even Paul Ryan admits that it will cover FEWER people than Obamacare.

Or that we have a 47 year high in the murder rate when we're actually 2 years off a 54 year low.

Or that Trump had the largest attendance for his inauguration in history despite overwhelming evidence that he couldn't even break the attendance stats of the *last* inauguration.

Or Trump's nonsensical birther bullshit....

Or Trump's provably false claims that he won the popular vote....

Or Trump's delusional nonsense that he won the electoral college by a larger margin than any president since reagan....

Or his claim that 3 to 5 million illegal votes.....

Or ....



The man lies like most folks breath. And his ilk just lap it up like clotted cream.
PoliticalHack is an obedient Trumpette. Like the one she fluffs, she has no compunction about lying. Like her earlier lie that Trump's first full month in office saw a gain of 298,000 jobs; when in reality, the BLS said that number was 235,000.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Or her idiocy of crediting Trump for us being at an all-time high regarding employment when we've hit a record high every single month over the last 34 months...


...which also ignores we're at an all time high because Obama left Trump employment at an all time high. Hell, Trump could have added 1 job last month and still broken the record Obama left him.
And of course the huge economic bubble we had before according to dump has disappeared and has been added to
Trump was correct with respect to his being surveilled by the Obama administration.

Feelin' pretty stupid about now, huh?

Only problem with your spin on it, is that Trump said that Obama wiretaped his phones in Trump Tower. Not that they monitored the server Trump had connected to a russian bank.

Illegally wire tapped. But you are hung up one what Trump actually said. Polichick ignores what Trump actually said and is much more about what she imagines he 'really meant'.

Its the same batshit mental judo one needs to do to conclude that Trumpcare is 'insurance for everybody, even those who can't pay' when even Paul Ryan admits that it will cover FEWER people than Obamacare.

Or that we have a 47 year high in the murder rate when we're actually 2 years off a 54 year low.

Or that Trump had the largest attendance for his inauguration in history despite overwhelming evidence that he couldn't even break the attendance stats of the *last* inauguration.

Or Trump's nonsensical birther bullshit....

Or Trump's provably false claims that he won the popular vote....

Or Trump's delusional nonsense that he won the electoral college by a larger margin than any president since reagan....

Or his claim that 3 to 5 million illegal votes.....

Or ....



The man lies like most folks breath. And his ilk just lap it up like clotted cream.
PoliticalHack is an obedient Trumpette. Like the one she fluffs, she has no compunction about lying. Like her earlier lie that Trump's first full month in office saw a gain of 298,000 jobs; when in reality, the BLS said that number was 235,000.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Or her idiocy of crediting Trump for us being at an all-time high regarding employment when we've hit a record high every single month over the last 34 months...


...which also ignores we're at an all time high because Obama left Trump employment at an all time high. Hell, Trump could have added 1 job last month and still broken the record Obama left him.

more bigly bs from trump

Poor, demented, PoliticalHack ... how do you wiretap a computer? :eusa_doh:
The same way you "hack an election".
Your deflection is noted and discarded. Take your issues up with the 17 U.S. agencies which have confirmed Russia did indeed hack the election. Hell, even Trump encouraged them.

Wrong again.. The DNC refused to let anyone see their servers. Now why would that be? did it even happen?
You too are welcome to take your beef to the 17 U.S. agencies which have confirmed Russia hacked the election.

17 different agencies did not conduct their own investigation and analysis. They all merely read the same "report". A report that didn't even provide any evidence that Russia hacked the DNC. Which has nothing to do with "hacking the election". No electronic votes were flipped due to hacking. It's already been proven that Podesta's brother was colluding with the Russians. When they got hacked it was their own stupidity that allowed it, and it would had happened no matter who the Republican nominee was.
And that is why the whole, "Da Russkies hacked de elections, I tells ya" will never get beyond the democrat shrieking stage, because any indepth investigation would uncover a lot of democrat connections, and they don't want that. Besides which, they desperately want to tie Trump to the Russians, but can't.
Flynn lied that he didn't talk about sanctions

The NSA intercept produced a transcrript of Flynn talking to the Russian ambassador about sanctions.

Geez don't they know national intelligence means spying on the bad guys, taping their phones, opening their mail, and following them around.
Link to the transcript?
Flynn lied that he didn't talk about sanctions

The NSA intercept produced a transcrript of Flynn talking to the Russian ambassador about sanctions.

Geez don't they know national intelligence means spying on the bad guys, taping their phones, opening their mail, and following them around.
Link to the transcript?
you have a need to know?
The same way you "hack an election".
Your deflection is noted and discarded. Take your issues up with the 17 U.S. agencies which have confirmed Russia did indeed hack the election. Hell, even Trump encouraged them.

Wrong again.. The DNC refused to let anyone see their servers. Now why would that be? did it even happen?
You too are welcome to take your beef to the 17 U.S. agencies which have confirmed Russia hacked the election.

17 different agencies did not conduct their own investigation and analysis. They all merely read the same "report". A report that didn't even provide any evidence that Russia hacked the DNC. Which has nothing to do with "hacking the election". No electronic votes were flipped due to hacking. It's already been proven that Podesta's brother was colluding with the Russians. When they got hacked it was their own stupidity that allowed it, and it would had happened no matter who the Republican nominee was.

Of course, you are correct.

But....for Democrats:
What was new with the Thomas nomination was the accusation of criminal wrongdoing on his part, namely the unproved sexual harassment claims of one Anita Hill.

Even though Ms. Hill couldn't prove her accusation, that didn't matter.

Thus, a new mantra for the Left was born:" “The nature of the evidence is irrelevant; it’s the seriousness of the charge that matters.” Tom Foley, Democrat, Former Speaker of the House.
And they're still using it today. Well, only until Hillary or Obama get in trouble. Then they insist on the highest possible standard of proof, and simply deny any that is presented.
Your deflection is noted and discarded. Take your issues up with the 17 U.S. agencies which have confirmed Russia did indeed hack the election. Hell, even Trump encouraged them.

Wrong again.. The DNC refused to let anyone see their servers. Now why would that be? did it even happen?
You too are welcome to take your beef to the 17 U.S. agencies which have confirmed Russia hacked the election.

17 different agencies did not conduct their own investigation and analysis. They all merely read the same "report". A report that didn't even provide any evidence that Russia hacked the DNC. Which has nothing to do with "hacking the election". No electronic votes were flipped due to hacking. It's already been proven that Podesta's brother was colluding with the Russians. When they got hacked it was their own stupidity that allowed it, and it would had happened no matter who the Republican nominee was.

Of course, you are correct.

But....for Democrats:
What was new with the Thomas nomination was the accusation of criminal wrongdoing on his part, namely the unproved sexual harassment claims of one Anita Hill.

Even though Ms. Hill couldn't prove her accusation, that didn't matter.

Thus, a new mantra for the Left was born:" “The nature of the evidence is irrelevant; it’s the seriousness of the charge that matters.” Tom Foley, Democrat, Former Speaker of the House.
And they're still using it today.

They need 'medicate' the pain of the recent election.
listen to the madow show on msnbc at 9 ....she's pinning the tail on your donkeys every night bit by bit the banks involved the russian money laundering the trump people involved
Apparently the "transcript" of the wire tap came from British Intelligence, and this is how Obama circumvented our laws, and our FISA process. FISA imo is unconstitutional if you ask me anyways, but besides the point.

Obama, if this can be proven is going to go down in history as the most corrupt president in US History.

And for you Moronic, Radical, America Hating Fascist Liberals who insist that there was Russian Collusion.....this has been looked at for several Months! Months....when Obama was in control of The FBI, CIA, DOJ, IRS, NSA, and HSA. Nothing....nothing was found....and Obama's head of National Security stated there was no evidence of Dem allegations of Russia colluding with our President to affect the outcome of the election.

Zero, None, Nada, Zip.....0

If Obama couldn't produce an indictment or any proof, then exactly who can? The only thing Obama did do in trying to take down Trump for Hillary Clinton and The Corrupt DNC is take down himself.

That is THEE SCANDAL. This is exponentially bigger than Watergate.
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Flynn lied that he didn't talk about sanctions

The NSA intercept produced a transcrript of Flynn talking to the Russian ambassador about sanctions.

Geez don't they know national intelligence means spying on the bad guys, taping their phones, opening their mail, and following them around.
Link to the transcript?
you have a need to know?
When someone cites a transcript to make a point, it's nice to see the transcript. You know, because we take everyone's word for everything on the interwebs.
Wrong again.. The DNC refused to let anyone see their servers. Now why would that be? did it even happen?
You too are welcome to take your beef to the 17 U.S. agencies which have confirmed Russia hacked the election.

17 different agencies did not conduct their own investigation and analysis. They all merely read the same "report". A report that didn't even provide any evidence that Russia hacked the DNC. Which has nothing to do with "hacking the election". No electronic votes were flipped due to hacking. It's already been proven that Podesta's brother was colluding with the Russians. When they got hacked it was their own stupidity that allowed it, and it would had happened no matter who the Republican nominee was.

Of course, you are correct.

But....for Democrats:
What was new with the Thomas nomination was the accusation of criminal wrongdoing on his part, namely the unproved sexual harassment claims of one Anita Hill.

Even though Ms. Hill couldn't prove her accusation, that didn't matter.

Thus, a new mantra for the Left was born:" “The nature of the evidence is irrelevant; it’s the seriousness of the charge that matters.” Tom Foley, Democrat, Former Speaker of the House.
And they're still using it today.

They need 'medicate' the pain of the recent election.

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Flynn lied that he didn't talk about sanctions

The NSA intercept produced a transcrript of Flynn talking to the Russian ambassador about sanctions.

Geez don't they know national intelligence means spying on the bad guys, taping their phones, opening their mail, and following them around.
Link to the transcript?
you have a need to know?
When someone cites a transcript to make a point, it's nice to see the transcript. You know, because we take everyone's word for everything on the interwebs.
come on hadit you have to admit anything a person from the left says anything ...it's a lie

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