Turkey paves the way for large satellites plan


Silver Member
Aug 9, 2005
According to the road map, Turkey will this year launch the Göktürk II, an electro optical reconnaissance and observation satellite. Göktürk I as well as Türksat 4A, a communications satellite, will be launched in 2013. Türksat 4B will be launched in 2014 and Türksat 4R in 2015 along with the Göktürk III, a synthetic aperture radar (SAR) reconnaissance and observation satellite. 2016 will see an infrared early warning satellite sent into orbit, along with the Türksat 5A communications satellite. In 2017, Türksat 5B and a second infrared satellite will be launched. The electro optical Göktürk IV and two more infrared satellites will be put in orbit in 2018, and yet two more infrared satellites will be launched in 2019. In 2020 Turkey will launch its second SAR Göktürk V.
ECONOMICS - Turkey paves the way for large satellites plan

Among those 17 satellites are 6 real-time positioning Satellites to create a regional and small-version of GPS, in case the USA blocks Turkish access to GPS to direct the cruise-missiles to their targets and the targets are too far way to navigate them with INS guidance.

SOM (missile) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
185 and 300 KM versions are already developed, this year will be tests for 500 km version and in 2014 2.500 KM version will come to service.

Rasat was already launched last year.
It had 15 meter resolution in color and 7.5 meter in black-white.
Göktürk-2 which will be launched this year has 2.5 meter color resolution and will produce much better pictures.

15 meter color resolution produces such pictures of Los Angeles.

Ozmen family is founder of "Sierra Nevada Corporation" and its subsidiary SpaceDev develops NASA funded Dreamchaser spaceplane
Dream Chaser - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3wUEuWF7Hs]SNC Dream Chaser Concept of Operations Video - YouTube[/ame]

Ozmens are American-Turks and in 2011 they signed strategic-cooperation agreement with TAI, which is prime-contractor for Turkey's satellite, rocket-launcher and space projects.
Sierra Nevada Corporation
Turkish Aerospace Industries and Sierra Nevada Corporation Announce Their Cooperation on International Space Programs
Turkey’s Aviation and Space center of excellence and national space programs main integrator Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) and USA based prime systems integrator and electronic systems company Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC) jointly declare their agreement on a worldwide strategic cooperation.

In 2011 was also established Aeronautical and Astronautical University with campuses in 3 cities (Ankara, Eskisehir, Izmir):
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The facility will be completed in 2013.
Space Technologies Research Institute - Uzay Teknolojileri Arastirma Enstitüsü +90 312 210 1310

Through HALE Turkey will establish its first facility for research and development of electric thruster technologies.
This project will build necessary knowledge base and facilities to design, manufacture, and test Hall effect thrusters. This facility will be established at TÜBİTAK UZAY with the support of the State Planning Organization (DPT). The thrusters, that will be developed and tested by this laboratory, will make it possible to design complicated space projects like lunar or interplanetary missions. And the infrastructure will be available for the development of new projects.
HALE is going to be an important step for the national “Moon Project”.

Moon Project is to send scientific satellite to circle around Moon.
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Number of turkey Nobel Prize Laureates: Zero :lol:
Number of turkey technology companies listed on NASDAQ: zero:lol:

turkey is a turkey :clap2:

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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7eb-fjQw5k]Warren Buffet in Israel - www.themarker.com - YouTube[/ame]

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