Tucker Carlson's top 3 heroes today


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021
We all know Tucker. He is the Fox News guy who is Republican until midnight on election night, and then became a "Biden Republican," and is now outed for "hating" Trump and calling Trump "demonic"

Sometimes who one admires says much about one...

For example, I admire Einstein, Milton Friedman, Newt Gingrich, Mark May, L Douglas Wilder, Eisenhower to name a few

Who does Tucker admire?

Third Place -

Brian Kemp "Biden Republican" Gov of GA - spent $100 mil GA taxdollars on Dominion Voting Machines, and shockingly has not lost an election since...

Tucker really likes Kemp as a future GOP Prez nominee, and so does W....

Second Place -

Q Anon SHEmon Jacob Chansley - As Tucker briefly outed part of the truth of 1/6, a massive halt and twist of narrative was required. Shut down any more footage. Spin the displayed footage as SHEmon the victim... SHEmon should be released... and never ask for a hearing as to who ordered the Capitol Police to escort Chansley to the Senate....

And in First, one of the most despicable people in recent American history

Officer Derek Chauvin....

All three of these fit a pattern. All three are .... oh no, card toss imminent.... JEWISH (Kemp is ZPF), likely ZIONIST FASCIST.... completely contemptuous traitors/murderers who are as unAmerican as a hammer and sickle flag...

What does Tucker hate?

Donald Trump

"He's demonic"

Interesting, that Tucker doped up on Pfizer TDS pills right around election night...

Tucker Carlson, what you hate is TRUTH, specifically 911 Truth, and anyone who wants to re-open the 911 investigation is "demonic..."

In the end, you and Chansley and Chauvin are three of a kind...
We all know Tucker. He is the Fox News guy who is Republican until midnight on election night, and then became a "Biden Republican," and is now outed for "hating" Trump and calling Trump "demonic"

Sometimes who one admires says much about one...

For example, I admire Einstein, Milton Friedman, Newt Gingrich, Mark May, L Douglas Wilder, Eisenhower to name a few

Who does Tucker admire?

Third Place -

Brian Kemp "Biden Republican" Gov of GA - spent $100 mil GA taxdollars on Dominion Voting Machines, and shockingly has not lost an election since...

Tucker really likes Kemp as a future GOP Prez nominee, and so does W....

Second Place -

Q Anon SHEmon Jacob Chansley - As Tucker briefly outed part of the truth of 1/6, a massive halt and twist of narrative was required. Shut down any more footage. Spin the displayed footage as SHEmon the victim... SHEmon should be released... and never ask for a hearing as to who ordered the Capitol Police to escort Chansley to the Senate....

And in First, one of the most despicable people in recent American history

Officer Derek Chauvin....

All three of these fit a pattern. All three are .... oh no, card toss imminent.... JEWISH (Kemp is ZPF), likely ZIONIST FASCIST.... completely contemptuous traitors/murderers who are as unAmerican as a hammer and sickle flag...

What does Tucker hate?

Donald Trump

"He's demonic"

Interesting, that Tucker doped up on Pfizer TDS pills right around election night...

Tucker Carlson, what you hate is TRUTH, specifically 911 Truth, and anyone who wants to re-open the 911 investigation is "demonic..."

In the end, you and Chansley and Chauvin are three of a kind...
The only thing I understood is that you hate Tucker Carlson.
We all know Tucker. He is the Fox News guy who is Republican until midnight on election night, and then became a "Biden Republican," and is now outed for "hating" Trump and calling Trump "demonic"

Sometimes who one admires says much about one...

For example, I admire Einstein, Milton Friedman, Newt Gingrich, Mark May, L Douglas Wilder, Eisenhower to name a few

Who does Tucker admire?

Third Place -

Brian Kemp "Biden Republican" Gov of GA - spent $100 mil GA taxdollars on Dominion Voting Machines, and shockingly has not lost an election since...

Tucker really likes Kemp as a future GOP Prez nominee, and so does W....

Second Place -

Q Anon SHEmon Jacob Chansley - As Tucker briefly outed part of the truth of 1/6, a massive halt and twist of narrative was required. Shut down any more footage. Spin the displayed footage as SHEmon the victim... SHEmon should be released... and never ask for a hearing as to who ordered the Capitol Police to escort Chansley to the Senate....

And in First, one of the most despicable people in recent American history

Officer Derek Chauvin....

All three of these fit a pattern. All three are .... oh no, card toss imminent.... JEWISH (Kemp is ZPF), likely ZIONIST FASCIST.... completely contemptuous traitors/murderers who are as unAmerican as a hammer and sickle flag...

What does Tucker hate?

Donald Trump

"He's demonic"

Interesting, that Tucker doped up on Pfizer TDS pills right around election night...

Tucker Carlson, what you hate is TRUTH, specifically 911 Truth, and anyone who wants to re-open the 911 investigation is "demonic..."

In the end, you and Chansley and Chauvin are three of a kind...
Unhinged shit, dude! Up the meds, :chillpill:
Unhinged shit, dude! Up the meds, :chillpill:

It would be nice if you could dispute any of that.

Tucker does LOVE


and he HATES "demonic" Trump

Still waiting for an explanation.

That seems kinda backwards, since neither


are at all conservative, honest, patriotic to America, or close to clean...
The only thing I understood is that you hate Tucker Carlson.

Hopefully you can explain why Tucker hates "demonic" Trump....

Clearly, there is but one "conspiracy theory" not allowed on Faux...

The Atlantean Conspiracy: A History of the C.I.A.

Gee, Tucker, who is the man talking to Ziggy in that photo??


is all.


So there is NO MONEY in RATINGS by EXPOSING the TRUTH that Zionist Fascists, not Islamic people, did 911???


Do you believe Tucker's claim that he is a Catholic?

Do you believe anyone at Faux is anything other than Zionist Fascist Jew???
We all know Tucker. He is the Fox News guy who is Republican until midnight on election night, and then became a "Biden Republican," and is now outed for "hating" Trump and calling Trump "demonic"

Sometimes who one admires says much about one...

For example, I admire Einstein, Milton Friedman, Newt Gingrich, Mark May, L Douglas Wilder, Eisenhower to name a few

Who does Tucker admire?

Third Place -

Brian Kemp "Biden Republican" Gov of GA - spent $100 mil GA taxdollars on Dominion Voting Machines, and shockingly has not lost an election since...

Tucker really likes Kemp as a future GOP Prez nominee, and so does W....

Second Place -

Q Anon SHEmon Jacob Chansley - As Tucker briefly outed part of the truth of 1/6, a massive halt and twist of narrative was required. Shut down any more footage. Spin the displayed footage as SHEmon the victim... SHEmon should be released... and never ask for a hearing as to who ordered the Capitol Police to escort Chansley to the Senate....

And in First, one of the most despicable people in recent American history

Officer Derek Chauvin....

All three of these fit a pattern. All three are .... oh no, card toss imminent.... JEWISH (Kemp is ZPF), likely ZIONIST FASCIST.... completely contemptuous traitors/murderers who are as unAmerican as a hammer and sickle flag...

What does Tucker hate?

Donald Trump

"He's demonic"

Interesting, that Tucker doped up on Pfizer TDS pills right around election night...

Tucker Carlson, what you hate is TRUTH, specifically 911 Truth, and anyone who wants to re-open the 911 investigation is "demonic..."

In the end, you and Chansley and Chauvin are three of a kind...
Tucker doesn't even work for Fox news. Nobody has ever seen him on Fox news but the proliferation of deep fakes has created an entirely fictional character whose puppet masters (Saudi and Putin) are only interested in spreading lies to dupe idiots into hating America.

And look at you here foolishly acting like Tucker is a real person.

If he is real, show me a picture of him at Fox news...but no photoshops.
you here foolishly acting like Tucker is a real person.

Like most other Zionist Fascists, Tucker lies about who he is. He says he is a conservative Republican Catholic. He is none of the above...

Just look at who he loves and who he hates....
Like most other Zionist Fascists, Tucker lies about who he is. He says he is a conservative Republican Catholic. He is none of the above...

Just look at who he loves and who he hates....
What does this have to do with finding a picture of the shaman in jail?
What does this have to do with finding a picture of the shaman in jail?


Actually, this topic is about the credibility of Tucker Carlson, which is pretty darn low to anyone with an IQ over 5....

Actually, this topic is about the credibility of Tucker Carlson, which is pretty darn low to anyone with an IQ over 5....
I told you he doesn't exist.

Have you ever heard of Max Headroom? Not sure if they have him in Russia.

Essentially Tucker is the max headroom of a new generation.

Try to keep up.
I told you he doesn't exist.

Have you ever heard of Max Headroom? Not sure if they have him in Russia.

Essentially Tucker is the max headroom of a new generation.

Try to keep up.

All Faux "News" people are PROGRAMMABLE like Max. Tucker is now PROGRAMMED to stop releasing 1/6 truth and spin the SHEmon as a victim instead of what the video shows, that the SHEmon was

Capitol Hill's 1/6 GUEST OF HONOR

on the orders of Schumer, Pelosi, McConnell, Cheney, Kinzinger, Romney, Murkowski, Toomey, Cornyn, Shelby etc...
All Faux "News" people are PROGRAMMABLE like Max. Tucker is now PROGRAMMED to stop releasing 1/6 truth and spin the SHEmon as a victim instead of what the video shows, that the SHEmon was

Capitol Hill's 1/6 GUEST OF HONOR

on the orders of Schumer, Pelosi, McConnell, Cheney, Kinzinger, Romney, Murkowski, Toomey, Cornyn, Shelby etc...
Wow. You really are naive.

Those people don't exist. Nobody has ever seen a photo of them.

Can you provide a non photoshopped picture or video of any of those people because they only exist in your head.
Wow. You really are naive.

Those people don't exist. Nobody has ever seen a photo of them.

Can you provide a non photoshopped picture or video of any of those people because they only exist in your head.

So as a hate hoaxing homosexual left wing liar, you have no problem crawling in bed with the very same Zionist Fascist 911 W "Biden Republican" crowd behind

making "Osama" "not a priority"
flipping off TNA and handing Afghan to TALIBAN
arming TALIBAN with $80 billion new weaponry

We understand. You aren't a patriotic American. And you LOVE Tucker Carlson....

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