Trust those oil companies

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Portland, Ore.

Flow Rate Estimate Spikes As Oil Executives Face Congressional Criticism of Disaster Response Plans - ABC News

Long-Dead Expert and Walruses in the Gulf?
Markey said that the five oil giants had disaster response plans that were "virtually identical," with equipment he called "ineffective."

Markey said that "two other plans are such dead ringers for BP's that they list a phone number for the same long-dead expert."

Indeed, BP's 582-page response plan, filed in 2009, listed Professor Peter Lutz from the University of Miami as a wildlife expert, though he has been dead since 2005. The document, outlining the company's planned response to a Gulf spill, listed walruses, sea lions and seals as animals that could be affected -- though none of them live in the Gulf of Mexico's warm waters.
Waxman provided examples of sentences from different companies' plans that are identical, save for the name of the company.

"When you look at the details, it becomes evident these plans are just paper exercises. BP failed miserably when confronted with a real leak, and one can only wonder whether ExxonMobil and the other companies would do any better," said Waxman.

Flow Rate Estimate Spikes As Oil Executives Face Congressional Criticism of Disaster Response Plans - ABC News

Long-Dead Expert and Walruses in the Gulf?
Markey said that the five oil giants had disaster response plans that were "virtually identical," with equipment he called "ineffective."

Markey said that "two other plans are such dead ringers for BP's that they list a phone number for the same long-dead expert."

Indeed, BP's 582-page response plan, filed in 2009, listed Professor Peter Lutz from the University of Miami as a wildlife expert, though he has been dead since 2005. The document, outlining the company's planned response to a Gulf spill, listed walruses, sea lions and seals as animals that could be affected -- though none of them live in the Gulf of Mexico's warm waters.
Waxman provided examples of sentences from different companies' plans that are identical, save for the name of the company.

"When you look at the details, it becomes evident these plans are just paper exercises. BP failed miserably when confronted with a real leak, and one can only wonder whether ExxonMobil and the other companies would do any better," said Waxman.

More PR from you?

You really going to make me beat this piece of garbage?
Flow Rate Estimate Spikes As Oil Executives Face Congressional Criticism of Disaster Response Plans - ABC News

Long-Dead Expert and Walruses in the Gulf?
Markey said that the five oil giants had disaster response plans that were "virtually identical," with equipment he called "ineffective."

Markey said that "two other plans are such dead ringers for BP's that they list a phone number for the same long-dead expert."

Indeed, BP's 582-page response plan, filed in 2009, listed Professor Peter Lutz from the University of Miami as a wildlife expert, though he has been dead since 2005. The document, outlining the company's planned response to a Gulf spill, listed walruses, sea lions and seals as animals that could be affected -- though none of them live in the Gulf of Mexico's warm waters.
Waxman provided examples of sentences from different companies' plans that are identical, save for the name of the company.

"When you look at the details, it becomes evident these plans are just paper exercises. BP failed miserably when confronted with a real leak, and one can only wonder whether ExxonMobil and the other companies would do any better," said Waxman.

Please educate me on the superior federal plan that has been put into effect as a result of the spill.
Well, I do believe if the whole of the upper echelon of the BP management were to be required to spend the next year in hard time, you would see all the oild companies taking very strong steps on safety.
Hey Suckeeee..... Go ahead. Prove that they did not all have the same plan, even to listing walruses as part of the ecosystem of the Gulf. By the way, did you help write that plan?
Well, I do believe if the whole of the upper echelon of the BP management were to be required to spend the next year in hard time, you would see all the oild companies taking very strong steps on safety.

And I believe that if the entire Congress were held responsible for all their atrocities you would see the nest group of representatives doing a better job. The problem is that both of those are fantasies, so it doesn't matter what either of us believes, what matters is what is. Why don't you spend a little time coming up with a solution instead of scouring the internet to prove your point that the entire world is evil, and the only hoe we have is Obama?
Never ascribe to conspiracy what simple stupidity can explain.

President Obama has moved far too slow on this. But he did not create the situation. Criminal negligence on the part of BP did. And the Federal Government has no equipment to deal with the well at 5000 ft. And we see another potential accident on the Atlantis.

But you are saying that we should do nothing? The MMS had a criminally close relationship with the oil companies, and we need to hire new inspectors and go over these rigs with a fine toothed comb. We cannot afford any further accidents like this.
Never ascribe to conspiracy what simple stupidity can explain.

President Obama has moved far too slow on this. But he did not create the situation. Criminal negligence on the part of BP did. And the Federal Government has no equipment to deal with the well at 5000 ft. And we see another potential accident on the Atlantis.

But you are saying that we should do nothing? The MMS had a criminally close relationship with the oil companies, and we need to hire new inspectors and go over these rigs with a fine toothed comb. We cannot afford any further accidents like this.

Criminal negligence did? Did I miss the trial where someone was found guilty of this? Did I even miss the investigation where someone was charged?

Until someone is charged, and convicted, anything you say about this being the result of criminal negligence does not even rise to the level of supposition.
You know, you can shit someone without extensive experiance in industry, but what has already come out says 100% criminal negligence.

Why you defend that is your business. However, the evidence is already been presented by those working on the rig, and the internal memos of BP.
You know, you can shit someone without extensive experiance in industry, but what has already come out says 100% criminal negligence.

Why you defend that is your business. However, the evidence is already been presented by those working on the rig, and the internal memos of BP.

Where have I defended anything, all I have done is challenge the validity of your posts. Attacking stupidity is not defending anyone.

Flow Rate Estimate Spikes As Oil Executives Face Congressional Criticism of Disaster Response Plans - ABC News

Long-Dead Expert and Walruses in the Gulf?
Markey said that the five oil giants had disaster response plans that were "virtually identical," with equipment he called "ineffective."

Markey said that "two other plans are such dead ringers for BP's that they list a phone number for the same long-dead expert."

Indeed, BP's 582-page response plan, filed in 2009, listed Professor Peter Lutz from the University of Miami as a wildlife expert, though he has been dead since 2005. The document, outlining the company's planned response to a Gulf spill, listed walruses, sea lions and seals as animals that could be affected -- though none of them live in the Gulf of Mexico's warm waters.
Waxman provided examples of sentences from different companies' plans that are identical, save for the name of the company.

"When you look at the details, it becomes evident these plans are just paper exercises. BP failed miserably when confronted with a real leak, and one can only wonder whether ExxonMobil and the other companies would do any better," said Waxman.

First, the dead PHD whose recommendations they used died and so know all his work is worthless?

Pretty big problem in the logic there.....

Second, the article you cited said this..
"These oil companies before us today amassed nearly $289 billion in profits over the last three years. They spent $39 billion to explore for new gas and oil. Yet the average investment in research and development for safety, accident prevention and spill response was a paltry $20 million per year," Markey said, referring to average spending per year per company.

Pay special attention to the bolded and underlined parts...

First they state "these oil companies" as in more than one... According to the article it was BP, ExxonMobil , Chevron , ConocoPhillips and Shell... So 5 of them made a total of 289 billion in profits.. And then they point out 5 of them spent a total of 39 billion to explore for new gas and oil..

Then they oh so subtly say "the average investment" in regards to research and development for safety, accident prevention and spill response was 20 million per year..

So.. if each company spent 20 million a year on R&D for accident/spill/safety, that is in reality 100 million a year for all 5 together..

They compared 3 years of profits for all 5 oil companies together, with exploration spendings for all 5 for the same time frame, to the money spent on accident/safety R&D for each company separately for only one year..

here is the real and accurately representative numbers

$289 billion in profits over the last three years for all 5 companies...

$39 billion to explore for new gas and oil for all 5 companies for the same time frame I would assume they dont make that clear...

$300 million in research and development for safety/spill and accident prevention and response.. ( 20 mill average for each company per year, times that by 5 for all 5 companies, then times that by 3 to get the same time frame they used to cite profits and you get 300 mill)

So, they are deliberately misleading you and I AGAIN........

WTF??????? Talk about bullshit math and horseshit propaganda..... Tell me how this isn't a snowjob now....


I think we can call this bullshit and be done with it now....
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Well, I do believe if the whole of the upper echelon of the BP management were to be required to spend the next year in hard time, you would see all the oild companies taking very strong steps on safety.

Wow. Spoken like a true Soviet! Uncle Joe would be proud of you!
11 people dead, a huge area of the Gulf already poisoned, but you asses are only concerned for the welfare of BP. What a bunch of stooges.
11 people dead, a huge area of the Gulf already poisoned, but you asses are only concerned for the welfare of BP. What a bunch of stooges.

No response to the fact the OP article tried to mislead people???

Suckeee...... this information is all over the news channels and in the newspapers. Do you think openly lying about it will change it one whit? You are a hopeless liar. Defend the indefensible, and care nothing for the good of the nation, just that of international corperations.
Suckeee...... this information is all over the news channels and in the newspapers. Do you think openly lying about it will change it one whit? You are a hopeless liar. Defend the indefensible, and care nothing for the good of the nation, just that of international corperations.

LOL, the trouble with you claiming i am lying is I have the evidence showing I am not lying but rather they are....
Oldsocks, you cannot pretend this isnt here all day..I will re-post it until you grow a pair and drop this bullshit OP...

Flow Rate Estimate Spikes As Oil Executives Face Congressional Criticism of Disaster Response Plans - ABC News

Long-Dead Expert and Walruses in the Gulf?
Markey said that the five oil giants had disaster response plans that were "virtually identical," with equipment he called "ineffective."

Markey said that "two other plans are such dead ringers for BP's that they list a phone number for the same long-dead expert."

Indeed, BP's 582-page response plan, filed in 2009, listed Professor Peter Lutz from the University of Miami as a wildlife expert, though he has been dead since 2005. The document, outlining the company's planned response to a Gulf spill, listed walruses, sea lions and seals as animals that could be affected -- though none of them live in the Gulf of Mexico's warm waters.
Waxman provided examples of sentences from different companies' plans that are identical, save for the name of the company.

"When you look at the details, it becomes evident these plans are just paper exercises. BP failed miserably when confronted with a real leak, and one can only wonder whether ExxonMobil and the other companies would do any better," said Waxman.

First, the dead PHD whose recommendations they used died and so know all his work is worthless?

Pretty big problem in the logic there.....

Second, the article you cited said this..
"These oil companies before us today amassed nearly $289 billion in profits over the last three years. They spent $39 billion to explore for new gas and oil. Yet the average investment in research and development for safety, accident prevention and spill response was a paltry $20 million per year," Markey said, referring to average spending per year per company.

Pay special attention to the bolded and underlined parts...

First they state "these oil companies" as in more than one... According to the article it was BP, ExxonMobil , Chevron , ConocoPhillips and Shell... So 5 of them made a total of 289 billion in profits.. And then they point out 5 of them spent a total of 39 billion to explore for new gas and oil..

Then they oh so subtly say "the average investment" in regards to research and development for safety, accident prevention and spill response was 20 million per year..

So.. if each company spent 20 million a year on R&D for accident/spill/safety, that is in reality 100 million a year for all 5 together..

They compared 3 years of profits for all 5 oil companies together, with exploration spendings for all 5 for the same time frame, to the money spent on accident/safety R&D for each company separately for only one year..

here is the real and accurately representative numbers

$289 billion in profits over the last three years for all 5 companies...

$39 billion to explore for new gas and oil for all 5 companies for the same time frame I would assume they dont make that clear...

$300 million in research and development for safety/spill and accident prevention and response.. ( 20 mill average for each company per year, times that by 5 for all 5 companies, then times that by 3 to get the same time frame they used to cite profits and you get 300 mill)

So, they are deliberately misleading you and I AGAIN........

WTF??????? Talk about bullshit math and horseshit propaganda..... Tell me how this isn't a snowjob now....


I think we can call this bullshit and be done with it now....
Oldsocks, you cannot pretend this isnt here all day..I will re-post it until you grow a pair and drop this bullshit OP...

Flow Rate Estimate Spikes As Oil Executives Face Congressional Criticism of Disaster Response Plans - ABC News

Long-Dead Expert and Walruses in the Gulf?
Markey said that the five oil giants had disaster response plans that were "virtually identical," with equipment he called "ineffective."

Markey said that "two other plans are such dead ringers for BP's that they list a phone number for the same long-dead expert."

Indeed, BP's 582-page response plan, filed in 2009, listed Professor Peter Lutz from the University of Miami as a wildlife expert, though he has been dead since 2005. The document, outlining the company's planned response to a Gulf spill, listed walruses, sea lions and seals as animals that could be affected -- though none of them live in the Gulf of Mexico's warm waters.
Waxman provided examples of sentences from different companies' plans that are identical, save for the name of the company.

"When you look at the details, it becomes evident these plans are just paper exercises. BP failed miserably when confronted with a real leak, and one can only wonder whether ExxonMobil and the other companies would do any better," said Waxman.

First, the dead PHD whose recommendations they used died and so know all his work is worthless?

They listed his phone number, you stupid ass.

Pretty big problem in the logic there.....

Second, the article you cited said this..
"These oil companies before us today amassed nearly $289 billion in profits over the last three years. They spent $39 billion to explore for new gas and oil. Yet the average investment in research and development for safety, accident prevention and spill response was a paltry $20 million per year," Markey said, referring to average spending per year per company.

Pay special attention to the bolded and underlined parts...

First they state "these oil companies" as in more than one... According to the article it was BP, ExxonMobil , Chevron , ConocoPhillips and Shell... So 5 of them made a total of 289 billion in profits.. And then they point out 5 of them spent a total of 39 billion to explore for new gas and oil..

Then they oh so subtly say "the average investment" in regards to research and development for safety, accident prevention and spill response was 20 million per year..

So.. if each company spent 20 million a year on R&D for accident/spill/safety, that is in reality 100 million a year for all 5 together..

They compared 3 years of profits for all 5 oil companies together, with exploration spendings for all 5 for the same time frame, to the money spent on accident/safety R&D for each company separately for only one year..

here is the real and accurately representative numbers

$289 billion in profits over the last three years for all 5 companies...

$39 billion to explore for new gas and oil for all 5 companies for the same time frame I would assume they dont make that clear...

$300 million in research and development for safety/spill and accident prevention and response.. ( 20 mill average for each company per year, times that by 5 for all 5 companies, then times that by 3 to get the same time frame they used to cite profits and you get 300 mill)

And that $300 million sure has stopped that leak, now hasn't it?

So, they are deliberately misleading you and I AGAIN........

WTF??????? Talk about bullshit math and horseshit propaganda..... Tell me how this isn't a snowjob now....


I think we can call this bullshit and be done with it now....

Wouldn't you like this to go away. It will not. All the oil companies have been criminally negligent in creating plans for a catastrophe.

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