Trump's wealth is like Bernie Madoff's....a Ponzi scheme


Gold Member
Oct 8, 2013
Trump has declared that he is worth $10 billion, but refuses to prove it. He only says "trust me". Before it's over it will be clear that Trump is worse than Bernie Madoff, as the king of Ponzi schemers. He has fooled more than Madoff, for more money, especially if this country is dumb enough to put him in the White House.
Asshole he released over a 100 page financial statement....The only thing his tax forms will do is have Harry Reid LIE about it as he did with Romney's on the Senate floor so he has immunity from prosecution!!!

We have been there, and Know what you maggot do....As Reid stated when faced with his lies, he said, and I QUOTE..."HE DIDN'T WIN, DID HE!!!!!!!!"
Madoff was about lying about what his stock holdings were worth despite a DAILY PRICE from the stock market.

The market for big buildings does not print a daily ticker price.


Indeed, it is fair to speculate that Trump is worth between 3 and 10 billion, but that is really the "bid ask" prices of his holdings...
Trump has declared that he is worth $10 billion, but refuses to prove it. He only says "trust me". Before it's over it will be clear that Trump is worse than Bernie Madoff, as the king of Ponzi schemers. He has fooled more than Madoff, for more money, especially if this country is dumb enough to put him in the White House.

This is an outright lie. Please don't speak anymore, you will embarrass yourself!
Trump has declared that he is worth $10 billion, but refuses to prove it. He only says "trust me". Before it's over it will be clear that Trump is worse than Bernie Madoff, as the king of Ponzi schemers. He has fooled more than Madoff, for more money, especially if this country is dumb enough to put him in the White House.

The king of the ponzi schemes is the U.S. government and social security..but your poor ass benefits off it so you don't complain.
For crying out loud the documentation of his holdings was filed with FEC and they reviewed and released it. 92 pages. Your desperation libs is palpable.


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