Trump's success has made the Democrat Party obsolete

Never underestimate the left..................their bag of dirty tricks is endless...............

We'll have to see what special IDES of October Surprise they have in store.............
You think Donny had anything to do with your bonus? You think your employer was more inclined to share since getting their corporate tax liability slashed?
Ofcourse you don’t.

Yeah, I'm sure the tax cut you received and the company received had nothing to do with it whatsoever....dumbass.

You are both correct, neither Donald nor the tax cuts had anything do with my raise. My raise was negotiated in October, long before anyone knew if there would even by a tax cut. My employer, like almost all US corporations was bringing in record profits before the tax cut.

My raise was based upon the work I was doing and the fact I finished one more certificate program and I took my own time and earned my PMP, something my employer finds very valuable.

Must suck to be you people and have to rely on the POTUS to give you a raise. Why not earn it for yourself?

Damn statist, always waiting for the government to do something for them.
Hey Eagle and Broke......shhhhhhhh, I got a question on the down low. If Mini Golfer (aka, putt-putt) isn't an Obysmal supporter, nor a Trump supporter, then what kind of jockstrap is he wearing?!?!?!?!

He wouldn't be a libertarian would he? Or is he Socialist? Maybe he is a Bushy?

What, oh what, can Putt-Putt be,

besides an argumentative phooooooooony.

I wear the jockstrap of someone that spent 20 years serving this country and will not put party before country no matter how much people like you want me to.

I wear the jockstrap of an independent thinker that does not stick his head up the ass of the POUTS if they are from the right party.

While you sheep on the left and the right mingle in your pins feeling all safe and secure I am the guy on the outside pointing at you and laughing because I can see what awaits you.
I wear the jockstrap of someone that spent 20 years serving this country and will not put party before country no matter how much people like you want me to.

I wear the jockstrap of an independent thinker that does not stick his head up the ass of the POUTS if they are from the right party.

I go commando!
You think Donny had anything to do with your bonus? You think your employer was more inclined to share since getting their corporate tax liability slashed?
Ofcourse you don’t.

Yeah, I'm sure the tax cut you received and the company received had nothing to do with it whatsoever....dumbass.

You are both correct, neither Donald nor the tax cuts had anything do with my raise. My raise was negotiated in October, long before anyone knew if there would even by a tax cut. My employer, like almost all US corporations was bringing in record profits before the tax cut.

My raise was based upon the work I was doing and the fact I finished one more certificate program and I took my own time and earned my PMP, something my employer finds very valuable.

Must suck to be you people and have to rely on the POTUS to give you a raise. Why not earn it for yourself?

Damn statist, always waiting for the government to do something for them.

Gee, my mistake, who knew companies don't look 6/12/18 months down the road for any of their business plans.
You think Donny had anything to do with your bonus? You think your employer was more inclined to share since getting their corporate tax liability slashed?
Ofcourse you don’t.

Yeah, I'm sure the tax cut you received and the company received had nothing to do with it whatsoever....dumbass.

You are both correct, neither Donald nor the tax cuts had anything do with my raise. My raise was negotiated in October, long before anyone knew if there would even by a tax cut. My employer, like almost all US corporations was bringing in record profits before the tax cut.

My raise was based upon the work I was doing and the fact I finished one more certificate program and I took my own time and earned my PMP, something my employer finds very valuable.

Must suck to be you people and have to rely on the POTUS to give you a raise. Why not earn it for yourself?

Damn statist, always waiting for the government to do something for them.

Gee, my mistake, who knew companies don't look 6/12/18 months down the road for any of their business plans.

Of course they do, and when they were making those plans they did not include in them a tax cut that was iffy at the moment.

The tax cut was just a bonus that they got to play with after it passed, nobody with a brain was making business decisions based upon something that had not happened yet.

What are you, a fry cook at Wendy's or something?
I wear the jockstrap of someone that spent 20 years serving this country and will not put party before country no matter how much people like you want me to.

I wear the jockstrap of an independent thinker that does not stick his head up the ass of the POUTS if they are from the right party.

I go commando!

Some of us have more the reign in than others! :banana:
Hey Eagle and Broke......shhhhhhhh, I got a question on the down low. If Mini Golfer (aka, putt-putt) isn't an Obysmal supporter, nor a Trump supporter, then what kind of jockstrap is he wearing?!?!?!?!

He wouldn't be a libertarian would he? Or is he Socialist? Maybe he is a Bushy?

What, oh what, can Putt-Putt be,

besides an argumentative phooooooooony.

I wear the jockstrap of someone that spent 20 years serving this country and will not put party before country no matter how much people like you want me to.

I wear the jockstrap of an independent thinker that does not stick his head up the ass of the POUTS if they are from the right party.

While you sheep on the left and the right mingle in your pins feeling all safe and secure I am the guy on the outside pointing at you and laughing because I can see what awaits you.

So, you gonna give him back his jock strap or what?
We'll see in 3-4 months.
Yep... hope you can handle another ass kickin' better than the last one.

What’s amusing is that you actually believe that’s going to happen

You don’t?

Wave watch: GOP's toughest map in 88 years

One tiny problem with your source, he ignores that the Ds are in the process of losing the Senate bigly while gaining at best a 5-10 seat house majority.
Hey Eagle and Broke......shhhhhhhh, I got a question on the down low. If Mini Golfer (aka, putt-putt) isn't an Obysmal supporter, nor a Trump supporter, then what kind of jockstrap is he wearing?!?!?!?!

He wouldn't be a libertarian would he? Or is he Socialist? Maybe he is a Bushy?

What, oh what, can Putt-Putt be,

besides an argumentative phooooooooony.

I wear the jockstrap of someone that spent 20 years serving this country and will not put party before country no matter how much people like you want me to.

I wear the jockstrap of an independent thinker that does not stick his head up the ass of the POUTS if they are from the right party.

While you sheep on the left and the right mingle in your pins feeling all safe and secure I am the guy on the outside pointing at you and laughing because I can see what awaits you.

So, you gonna give him back his jock strap or what?

Good one! :113::beer:
You think Donny had anything to do with your bonus? You think your employer was more inclined to share since getting their corporate tax liability slashed?
Ofcourse you don’t.

Yeah, I'm sure the tax cut you received and the company received had nothing to do with it whatsoever....dumbass.

You are both correct, neither Donald nor the tax cuts had anything do with my raise. My raise was negotiated in October, long before anyone knew if there would even by a tax cut. My employer, like almost all US corporations was bringing in record profits before the tax cut.

My raise was based upon the work I was doing and the fact I finished one more certificate program and I took my own time and earned my PMP, something my employer finds very valuable.

Must suck to be you people and have to rely on the POTUS to give you a raise. Why not earn it for yourself?

Damn statist, always waiting for the government to do something for them.

Gee, my mistake, who knew companies don't look 6/12/18 months down the road for any of their business plans.

Of course they do, and when they were making those plans they did not include in them a tax cut that was iffy at the moment.

The tax cut was just a bonus that they got to play with after it passed, nobody with a brain was making business decisions based upon something that had not happened yet.

What are you, a fry cook at Wendy's or something?

Why do you ask, you have a problem with fry cooks, or Wendys?
You think Donny had anything to do with your bonus? You think your employer was more inclined to share since getting their corporate tax liability slashed?
Ofcourse you don’t.

Yeah, I'm sure the tax cut you received and the company received had nothing to do with it whatsoever....dumbass.

You are both correct, neither Donald nor the tax cuts had anything do with my raise. My raise was negotiated in October, long before anyone knew if there would even by a tax cut. My employer, like almost all US corporations was bringing in record profits before the tax cut.

My raise was based upon the work I was doing and the fact I finished one more certificate program and I took my own time and earned my PMP, something my employer finds very valuable.

Must suck to be you people and have to rely on the POTUS to give you a raise. Why not earn it for yourself?

Damn statist, always waiting for the government to do something for them.

Gee, my mistake, who knew companies don't look 6/12/18 months down the road for any of their business plans.

Of course they do, and when they were making those plans they did not include in them a tax cut that was iffy at the moment.

The tax cut was just a bonus that they got to play with after it passed, nobody with a brain was making business decisions based upon something that had not happened yet.

What are you, a fry cook at Wendy's or something?

You can rest assured, if the tax cut didn't go best, your increase would have been cut in half.
You think Donny had anything to do with your bonus? You think your employer was more inclined to share since getting their corporate tax liability slashed?
Ofcourse you don’t.

Yeah, I'm sure the tax cut you received and the company received had nothing to do with it whatsoever....dumbass.

You are both correct, neither Donald nor the tax cuts had anything do with my raise. My raise was negotiated in October, long before anyone knew if there would even by a tax cut. My employer, like almost all US corporations was bringing in record profits before the tax cut.

My raise was based upon the work I was doing and the fact I finished one more certificate program and I took my own time and earned my PMP, something my employer finds very valuable.

Must suck to be you people and have to rely on the POTUS to give you a raise. Why not earn it for yourself?

Damn statist, always waiting for the government to do something for them.

Gee, my mistake, who knew companies don't look 6/12/18 months down the road for any of their business plans.

Of course they do, and when they were making those plans they did not include in them a tax cut that was iffy at the moment.

The tax cut was just a bonus that they got to play with after it passed, nobody with a brain was making business decisions based upon something that had not happened yet.

What are you, a fry cook at Wendy's or something?

You can rest assured, if the tax cut didn't go best, your increase would have been cut in half.

So, you are a fry cook. You clearly have no idea how salary negotiations work. Well, maybe one day you will have a real job.
You think Donny had anything to do with your bonus? You think your employer was more inclined to share since getting their corporate tax liability slashed?
Ofcourse you don’t.

Yeah, I'm sure the tax cut you received and the company received had nothing to do with it whatsoever....dumbass.

You are both correct, neither Donald nor the tax cuts had anything do with my raise. My raise was negotiated in October, long before anyone knew if there would even by a tax cut. My employer, like almost all US corporations was bringing in record profits before the tax cut.

My raise was based upon the work I was doing and the fact I finished one more certificate program and I took my own time and earned my PMP, something my employer finds very valuable.

Must suck to be you people and have to rely on the POTUS to give you a raise. Why not earn it for yourself?

Damn statist, always waiting for the government to do something for them.

Gee, my mistake, who knew companies don't look 6/12/18 months down the road for any of their business plans.

Of course they do, and when they were making those plans they did not include in them a tax cut that was iffy at the moment.

The tax cut was just a bonus that they got to play with after it passed, nobody with a brain was making business decisions based upon something that had not happened yet.

What are you, a fry cook at Wendy's or something?

Why do you ask, you have a problem with fry cooks, or Wendys?

Not at all, to paraphrase the words of the immortal Judge Smails, "Well, the world needs fry cooks, too."

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