Trump's success has made the Democrat Party obsolete

Libertarian = Embarrassed Leftist
You’re simply have made where you stand crystal clear.
He's a Never Trumper...........He needs to go polish McLame's shoes..................

He's worried about his stocks .......and Globalism..............he really only needs to worry if he has stock in Facebook.........Karma's a bitch isn't it FB.

I do worry a lot about my stocks, that is why Trump's trade war is pissing me off. Since Trump set his first tariff the DJI and S&P are in the red and the NASDAQ is up less than 300 points...that is in almost 190 days.
I don't give a damn about your gambling problem.................and most of the S P are because tech crashed.....most being retaliation against the dumbass from Face Book................He's getting hit because of his stance on censorship and failed security measures..............Karma is taking down the S & P

Facebook is traded on the NASDAQ not the S&P you ignorant sheep.
Oh well,............sue me.................

Again.............I don't care about your gambling problem.................Have you ever produced anything of real value in your life.......or do you just trade shit a million times to make the prices go through the roof.\

Don't worry..........the Too Big to Fail guys will artificially drive the shit to the moon for you again..........Trading the same stuff over and over and over again has that effect.

My employer thinks what i produce is of enough value to give me a 12 grand a year raise to start the year. That is really all that matters, what you think has no impact on my life.
I am not a Dem, never have been, never will be. I am a libertarian, that is why I am opposed to the central government taking even more control of our economy.

Each of you with your support for tariffs and bailouts and the Fed Govt trying to dictate what we buy are far more liberal than I am.

Libertarian = Embarrassed Leftist
You’re simply have made where you stand crystal clear.
He's a Never Trumper...........He needs to go polish McLame's shoes..................

He's worried about his stocks .......and Globalism..............he really only needs to worry if he has stock in Facebook.........Karma's a bitch isn't it FB.

“Libertarians” have it made...they get to toe the line and play both sides. I’ve found they’re usually nutless pussies who stand for nothing really. Must be pretty cool to always vote for someone with no chance at winning a national election. What a waste of fucking time.
Plausable denialability...........after every election they get to wasn't my wasn't my fault................because they voted for a guy who could never win...........

They might as well stay home on election day.

My state went to the candidate by more than 20%, so any vote but that for that one person is a waste by your stupid logic.
You are a Loser who votes for a loser..................Your vote doesn't matter one ounce in the final outcome............Not for POTUS..........

Like I said just stay useless libertarian.....................I believe in the constitutional principals...........and one of those is negotiating Trade with foreign courts.............not giving that authority to a foreign court............

You are such a fucking sheep if you really think there will ever be zero tariffs!

Holy fucking shit, I cannot believe you bought into that!

But you bought into, "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor," and...……."you will save an average of 2500 bucks a year on healthcare."

And so, not knowing that he is a kettle yet, you the pot are calling him black, lolololol!

Here is my opinion of ObamaCare you dumb fuck...

Second-quarter GDP jumps 4.1% for best pace in nearly four years

You sheep are so boring, you cannot understand that one can not like either Obama or Trump, it does not have to be one or the other. Some of us think they both suck.

Ah, Winger under another name. How many freakin accounts you got, lol-)

Just one moron. That is all I need. You are a dishonest fuck though, I point out my view of ObamaCare and you still lack the fucking balls to admit you were wrong. No wonder you are a Trump ass licker, you have no integrity.

I don't care how you see Obamacare. You take one position, and you are so bright your mommy calls you son, lol.

Well then, no need to debate you any longer, you are obviously to much of a VJJ to take most positions, or to scared to take a stand.

Have a good day!

I am here every day taking a stand against all comers, so do run off and hide now my little statist.
He's a Never Trumper...........He needs to go polish McLame's shoes..................

He's worried about his stocks .......and Globalism..............he really only needs to worry if he has stock in Facebook.........Karma's a bitch isn't it FB.

I do worry a lot about my stocks, that is why Trump's trade war is pissing me off. Since Trump set his first tariff the DJI and S&P are in the red and the NASDAQ is up less than 300 points...that is in almost 190 days.
I don't give a damn about your gambling problem.................and most of the S P are because tech crashed.....most being retaliation against the dumbass from Face Book................He's getting hit because of his stance on censorship and failed security measures..............Karma is taking down the S & P

Facebook is traded on the NASDAQ not the S&P you ignorant sheep.
Oh well,............sue me.................

Again.............I don't care about your gambling problem.................Have you ever produced anything of real value in your life.......or do you just trade shit a million times to make the prices go through the roof.\

Don't worry..........the Too Big to Fail guys will artificially drive the shit to the moon for you again..........Trading the same stuff over and over and over again has that effect.

My employer thinks what i produce is of enough value to give me a 12 grand a year raise to start the year. That is really all that matters, what you think has no impact on my life.

Good for you..................guess what.............your opinion on this issue changes nothing...........

You aren't in charge of Jack Squat..........and your vote means Jack Squat............
Libertarian = Embarrassed Leftist
You’re simply have made where you stand crystal clear.
He's a Never Trumper...........He needs to go polish McLame's shoes..................

He's worried about his stocks .......and Globalism..............he really only needs to worry if he has stock in Facebook.........Karma's a bitch isn't it FB.

“Libertarians” have it made...they get to toe the line and play both sides. I’ve found they’re usually nutless pussies who stand for nothing really. Must be pretty cool to always vote for someone with no chance at winning a national election. What a waste of fucking time.
Plausable denialability...........after every election they get to wasn't my wasn't my fault................because they voted for a guy who could never win...........

They might as well stay home on election day.

My state went to the candidate by more than 20%, so any vote but that for that one person is a waste by your stupid logic.
You are a Loser who votes for a loser..................Your vote doesn't matter one ounce in the final outcome............Not for POTUS..........

Like I said just stay useless libertarian.....................I believe in the constitutional principals...........and one of those is negotiating Trade with foreign courts.............not giving that authority to a foreign court............

In my state my vote counted as much for POTUS as the 2.1 million people that voted for Trump. We both got the same number of EC votes.

Do you not know how elections for POTUS work in this country?
He's a Never Trumper...........He needs to go polish McLame's shoes..................

He's worried about his stocks .......and Globalism..............he really only needs to worry if he has stock in Facebook.........Karma's a bitch isn't it FB.

“Libertarians” have it made...they get to toe the line and play both sides. I’ve found they’re usually nutless pussies who stand for nothing really. Must be pretty cool to always vote for someone with no chance at winning a national election. What a waste of fucking time.
Plausable denialability...........after every election they get to wasn't my wasn't my fault................because they voted for a guy who could never win...........

They might as well stay home on election day.

My state went to the candidate by more than 20%, so any vote but that for that one person is a waste by your stupid logic.
You are a Loser who votes for a loser..................Your vote doesn't matter one ounce in the final outcome............Not for POTUS..........

Like I said just stay useless libertarian.....................I believe in the constitutional principals...........and one of those is negotiating Trade with foreign courts.............not giving that authority to a foreign court............

In my state my vote counted as much for POTUS as the 2.1 million people that voted for Trump. We both got the same number of EC votes.

Do you not know how elections for POTUS work in this country?
So you tried to elect Hillary........with your vote...............Nice going....

You were talking about Statist............LOL
Libertarian = Embarrassed Leftist
You’re simply have made where you stand crystal clear.
He's a Never Trumper...........He needs to go polish McLame's shoes..................

He's worried about his stocks .......and Globalism..............he really only needs to worry if he has stock in Facebook.........Karma's a bitch isn't it FB.

“Libertarians” have it made...they get to toe the line and play both sides. I’ve found they’re usually nutless pussies who stand for nothing really. Must be pretty cool to always vote for someone with no chance at winning a national election. What a waste of fucking time.

At least I do not sell my soul at the voting booth. I can still look at myself in the mirror

Whatever makes you feel good bud...I know many who take great pride in being “different”, and taking actions which can’t make a difference. They like wasting their time and energy too.

I would rather waste my energy being different than live my life as a sheep like you do.

Oh yeah, thanks for the reminder...that’s the other cool aspect to being a “Libertarian”....(embarrassed Leftist) you get to call everyone else sheep for taking action that may actually make a difference.
He's a Never Trumper...........He needs to go polish McLame's shoes..................

He's worried about his stocks .......and Globalism..............he really only needs to worry if he has stock in Facebook.........Karma's a bitch isn't it FB.

I do worry a lot about my stocks, that is why Trump's trade war is pissing me off. Since Trump set his first tariff the DJI and S&P are in the red and the NASDAQ is up less than 300 points...that is in almost 190 days.
I don't give a damn about your gambling problem.................and most of the S P are because tech crashed.....most being retaliation against the dumbass from Face Book................He's getting hit because of his stance on censorship and failed security measures..............Karma is taking down the S & P

Facebook is traded on the NASDAQ not the S&P you ignorant sheep.
Oh well,............sue me.................

Again.............I don't care about your gambling problem.................Have you ever produced anything of real value in your life.......or do you just trade shit a million times to make the prices go through the roof.\

Don't worry..........the Too Big to Fail guys will artificially drive the shit to the moon for you again..........Trading the same stuff over and over and over again has that effect.

My employer thinks what i produce is of enough value to give me a 12 grand a year raise to start the year. That is really all that matters, what you think has no impact on my life.

You think Donny had anything to do with your bonus? You think your employer was more inclined to share since getting their corporate tax liability slashed?
Ofcourse you don’t.
Let's see I first read that Carter made the Republican party obsolete. Then Reagan made the Democratic Party obsolete. Then Clinton made the Republican party obsolete. Then Bush made the Democratic Party obsolete. Then Obama made the Republican party obsolete. Now, Trump is making the Democratic party obsolete. Yeah, sure.
Thanks for proving that you talk grade A bull shit.

The truth hurts, but the truth is that Trump has his sheep supporting what were once policies only the left supported.
The truth is, you wouldn't know the truth if it was presented to you on a gold platter.

You're a shit talking leftist democrat gas bag.

The truth is that you have your head so far up Trump's ass that you know what he had for breakfast before he does
I support a president that loves our nation and is working tirelessly to put Americans and the country first.

You, you support EVERYTHING that is the opposite of that. YOU are anti American TRASH.

Thankfully the majority of Americans see just what kind of RADICAL trash you democrats are. They've got a BELLY FULL of you people's SHIT since Trump got elected, and they're sick of it. They're sick of your PROTESTS and your PUSSY HATS and your SCREAMING HELPLESSLY AT THE SKY and your FASCISM and your VIOLENCE, ALL of it, people are fed up.

So I'm sorry, but NO, your blue wave WON'T BE COMING. America rejected you people BEFORE you all went APOPLECTIC, so now you'll be rejected even worse.

I am not a Dem, never have been, never will be. I am a libertarian, that is why I am opposed to the central government taking even more control of our economy.

Each of you with your support for tariffs and bailouts and the Fed Govt trying to dictate what we buy are far more liberal than I am.
You're a leftists purporting to be a libertarian.

The tariffs worked, whether or not you want to admit it.

And "bailouts," plural, what bailouts?
I do worry a lot about my stocks, that is why Trump's trade war is pissing me off. Since Trump set his first tariff the DJI and S&P are in the red and the NASDAQ is up less than 300 points...that is in almost 190 days.
I don't give a damn about your gambling problem.................and most of the S P are because tech crashed.....most being retaliation against the dumbass from Face Book................He's getting hit because of his stance on censorship and failed security measures..............Karma is taking down the S & P

Facebook is traded on the NASDAQ not the S&P you ignorant sheep.
Oh well,............sue me.................

Again.............I don't care about your gambling problem.................Have you ever produced anything of real value in your life.......or do you just trade shit a million times to make the prices go through the roof.\

Don't worry..........the Too Big to Fail guys will artificially drive the shit to the moon for you again..........Trading the same stuff over and over and over again has that effect.

My employer thinks what i produce is of enough value to give me a 12 grand a year raise to start the year. That is really all that matters, what you think has no impact on my life.

Good for you..................guess what.............your opinion on this issue changes nothing...........

You aren't in charge of Jack Squat..........and your vote means Jack Squat............

“Libertarians” have it made...they get to toe the line and play both sides. I’ve found they’re usually nutless pussies who stand for nothing really. Must be pretty cool to always vote for someone with no chance at winning a national election. What a waste of fucking time.
Plausable denialability...........after every election they get to wasn't my wasn't my fault................because they voted for a guy who could never win...........

They might as well stay home on election day.

My state went to the candidate by more than 20%, so any vote but that for that one person is a waste by your stupid logic.
You are a Loser who votes for a loser..................Your vote doesn't matter one ounce in the final outcome............Not for POTUS..........

Like I said just stay useless libertarian.....................I believe in the constitutional principals...........and one of those is negotiating Trade with foreign courts.............not giving that authority to a foreign court............

In my state my vote counted as much for POTUS as the 2.1 million people that voted for Trump. We both got the same number of EC votes.

Do you not know how elections for POTUS work in this country?
So you tried to elect Hillary........with your vote...............Nice going....

You were talking about Statist............LOL

I do worry a lot about my stocks, that is why Trump's trade war is pissing me off. Since Trump set his first tariff the DJI and S&P are in the red and the NASDAQ is up less than 300 points...that is in almost 190 days.
I don't give a damn about your gambling problem.................and most of the S P are because tech crashed.....most being retaliation against the dumbass from Face Book................He's getting hit because of his stance on censorship and failed security measures..............Karma is taking down the S & P

Facebook is traded on the NASDAQ not the S&P you ignorant sheep.
Oh well,............sue me.................

Again.............I don't care about your gambling problem.................Have you ever produced anything of real value in your life.......or do you just trade shit a million times to make the prices go through the roof.\

Don't worry..........the Too Big to Fail guys will artificially drive the shit to the moon for you again..........Trading the same stuff over and over and over again has that effect.

My employer thinks what i produce is of enough value to give me a 12 grand a year raise to start the year. That is really all that matters, what you think has no impact on my life.

You think Donny had anything to do with your bonus? You think your employer was more inclined to share since getting their corporate tax liability slashed?
Ofcourse you don’t.

Hey Eagle and Broke......shhhhhhhh, I got a question on the down low. If Mini Golfer (aka, putt-putt) isn't an Obysmal supporter, nor a Trump supporter, then what kind of jockstrap is he wearing?!?!?!?!

He wouldn't be a libertarian would he? Or is he Socialist? Maybe he is a Bushy?

What, oh what, can Putt-Putt be,

besides an argumentative phooooooooony.
Let it sink in: In a short period of only two years, President Donald Trump's policies have made the Democrat Party an old, irrelevant, dinosaur. The Democrats are still trying to run on the same old ineffectual and failed policies of higher taxes, bigger government, fewer liberties, a weak military, open borders, and socialist wealth distribution.

Thank you President Trump.

Fuck Trump. He had nothing to do with the defeat of the Democrats. They did it to themselves. People refused to vote Democrat despite Trump being the worst candidate Republicans ever nominated. And if they (the Democrats) don't do some serious soul searching and address their mistakes, it's going to happen again.
Let it sink in: In a short period of only two years, President Donald Trump's policies have made the Democrat Party an old, irrelevant, dinosaur. The Democrats are still trying to run on the same old ineffectual and failed policies of higher taxes, bigger government, fewer liberties, a weak military, open borders, and socialist wealth distribution.

Thank you President Trump.
Trump has not made the Democratic Party into an old irrelevant dinosaur.

Democratic Party stances on Illegal Aliens, Foreign Policy, Trade, Gay Marriage, Abortion, Welfare and White Shaming have done that.

In a very real sense, the Democrats have shot themselves in the foot, driving away White Straight Christian Americans by the millions.

The Democratic Party is fast becoming the Party of Hispanics (1st), Blacks (2nd), Gays (3rd), Socialists (4) and miscellaneous Wiggery and Ignorant Younglings (5).

Oh, and aging Hippies now eligible for Senior Citizen discounts who would otherwise be politically 'homeless' (6).

The Republican Party is benefiting greatly from this angry, dogmatic, vicious assemblage of minorities, outcasts, losers, under-performers, whiners and space-cadets.

Vast numbers of Americans who might historically and otherwise have routinely voted Democratic have come to realize that it's no longer their Party or their Agenda.

That doesn't leave much except the only other (realistic) game in town.

It's been an ongoing drifting motion for years... Cadet Bone Spurs is merely the latest catalyst du jour that accelerated the drift by a few extra percentage points.

It's sure-as-hell not his policies, because Drumpf HAS no policies... merely bumper-sticker -level macro ideas and inconsistent and unreliable mood-swing sorties.

The Democrats of today are (collectively speaking) ideologues, internationalists, libertines; soft, over-sensitive, arrogant, elitist whiny-bitches; selling sour grapes.

The unstable, crude, oafish boor presently carrying the standard for the GOP has very little to do with the humiliation and sidelining of the Democratic Party.

Those a$$holes did it to themselves; with very little help from their opponents.
Last edited:
I don't give a damn about your gambling problem.................and most of the S P are because tech crashed.....most being retaliation against the dumbass from Face Book................He's getting hit because of his stance on censorship and failed security measures..............Karma is taking down the S & P

Facebook is traded on the NASDAQ not the S&P you ignorant sheep.
Oh well,............sue me.................

Again.............I don't care about your gambling problem.................Have you ever produced anything of real value in your life.......or do you just trade shit a million times to make the prices go through the roof.\

Don't worry..........the Too Big to Fail guys will artificially drive the shit to the moon for you again..........Trading the same stuff over and over and over again has that effect.

My employer thinks what i produce is of enough value to give me a 12 grand a year raise to start the year. That is really all that matters, what you think has no impact on my life.

Good for you..................guess what.............your opinion on this issue changes nothing...........

You aren't in charge of Jack Squat..........and your vote means Jack Squat............

Plausable denialability...........after every election they get to wasn't my wasn't my fault................because they voted for a guy who could never win...........

They might as well stay home on election day.

My state went to the candidate by more than 20%, so any vote but that for that one person is a waste by your stupid logic.
You are a Loser who votes for a loser..................Your vote doesn't matter one ounce in the final outcome............Not for POTUS..........

Like I said just stay useless libertarian.....................I believe in the constitutional principals...........and one of those is negotiating Trade with foreign courts.............not giving that authority to a foreign court............

In my state my vote counted as much for POTUS as the 2.1 million people that voted for Trump. We both got the same number of EC votes.

Do you not know how elections for POTUS work in this country?
So you tried to elect Hillary........with your vote...............Nice going....

You were talking about Statist............LOL

I don't give a damn about your gambling problem.................and most of the S P are because tech crashed.....most being retaliation against the dumbass from Face Book................He's getting hit because of his stance on censorship and failed security measures..............Karma is taking down the S & P

Facebook is traded on the NASDAQ not the S&P you ignorant sheep.
Oh well,............sue me.................

Again.............I don't care about your gambling problem.................Have you ever produced anything of real value in your life.......or do you just trade shit a million times to make the prices go through the roof.\

Don't worry..........the Too Big to Fail guys will artificially drive the shit to the moon for you again..........Trading the same stuff over and over and over again has that effect.

My employer thinks what i produce is of enough value to give me a 12 grand a year raise to start the year. That is really all that matters, what you think has no impact on my life.

You think Donny had anything to do with your bonus? You think your employer was more inclined to share since getting their corporate tax liability slashed?
Ofcourse you don’t.

Hey Eagle and Broke......shhhhhhhh, I got a question on the down low. If Mini Golfer (aka, putt-putt) isn't an Obysmal supporter, nor a Trump supporter, then what kind of jockstrap is he wearing?!?!?!?!

He wouldn't be a libertarian would he? Or is he Socialist? Maybe he is a Bushy?

What, oh what, can Putt-Putt be,

besides an argumentative phooooooooony.
If there were more like him.......Hillary would have won.......and we looking at Judicial activism..........Never Trumpers..........pffft.........

The main reason that Hillary couldn't be allowed to win is very justified. And had she won they'd say we aren't responsible for it.

Because they are never responsible for anything. I don't like the 2 party system...........but you must play the hand you are dealt.........You can't just fold and say let the others play every time.
He's a Never Trumper...........He needs to go polish McLame's shoes..................

He's worried about his stocks .......and Globalism..............he really only needs to worry if he has stock in Facebook.........Karma's a bitch isn't it FB.

I do worry a lot about my stocks, that is why Trump's trade war is pissing me off. Since Trump set his first tariff the DJI and S&P are in the red and the NASDAQ is up less than 300 points...that is in almost 190 days.
I don't give a damn about your gambling problem.................and most of the S P are because tech crashed.....most being retaliation against the dumbass from Face Book................He's getting hit because of his stance on censorship and failed security measures..............Karma is taking down the S & P

Facebook is traded on the NASDAQ not the S&P you ignorant sheep.
Oh well,............sue me.................

Again.............I don't care about your gambling problem.................Have you ever produced anything of real value in your life.......or do you just trade shit a million times to make the prices go through the roof.\

Don't worry..........the Too Big to Fail guys will artificially drive the shit to the moon for you again..........Trading the same stuff over and over and over again has that effect.

My employer thinks what i produce is of enough value to give me a 12 grand a year raise to start the year. That is really all that matters, what you think has no impact on my life.

Yeah, I'm sure the tax cut you received and the company received had nothing to do with it whatsoever....dumbass.
Let it sink in: In a short period of only two years, President Donald Trump's policies have made the Democrat Party an old, irrelevant, dinosaur. The Democrats are still trying to run on the same old ineffectual and failed policies of higher taxes, bigger government, fewer liberties, a weak military, open borders, and socialist wealth distribution.

Thank you President Trump.

Fuck Trump. He had nothing to do with the defeat of the Democrats. They did it to themselves. People refused to vote Democrat despite Trump being the worst candidate Republicans ever nominated. And if they (the Democrats) don't do some serious soul searching and address their mistakes, it's going to happen again.
Dems have always been their own worst enemies..............and their stance on Trade policies will win them no votes from the Unions......

They must push the Trade War issue to get those votes back..........It is these votes that changed the outcome in Blue States and they know it.

As far as their base...........they are raving lunatics..............they march wherever they are good little zombies............
Let it sink in: In a short period of only two years, President Donald Trump's policies have made the Democrat Party an old, irrelevant, dinosaur. The Democrats are still trying to run on the same old ineffectual and failed policies of higher taxes, bigger government, fewer liberties, a weak military, open borders, and socialist wealth distribution.

Thank you President Trump.
Trump has not made the Democratic Party into an old irrelevant dinosaur.

Democratic Party stances on Illegal Aliens, Foreign Policy, Trade, Gay Marriage, Abortion, Welfare and White Shaming have done that.

In a very real sense, the Democrats have shot themselves in the foot, driving away White Straight Christian Americans by the millions.

The Democratic Party is fast becoming the Party of Hispanics (1st), Blacks (2nd), Gays (3rd), Socialists (4) and miscellaneous Wiggery and Ignorant Younglings (5).

Oh, and aging Hippies now eligible for Senior Citizen discounts who would otherwise be politically 'homeless' (6).

The Republican Party is benefiting greatly from this angry, dogmatic, vicious assemblage of minorities, outcasts, losers, under-performers, whiners and space-cadets.

Vast numbers of Americans who might historically and otherwise have routinely voted Democratic have come to realize that it's no longer their Party or their Agenda.

That doesn't leave much except the only other (realistic) game in town.

It's been an ongoing drifting motion for years... Cadet Bone Spurs is merely the latest catalyst du jour that accelerated the drift by a few extra percentage points.

It's sure-as-hell not his policies, because Drumpf HAS no policies... merely bumper-sticker -level macro ideas and inconsistent and unreliable mood-swing sorties.

The Democrats of today are (collectively speaking) ideologues, internationalists, libertines; soft, over-sensitive, arrogant, elitist whiny-bitches; selling sour grapes.

The unstable, crude, oafish boor presently carrying the standard for the GOP has very little to do with the humiliation and sidelining of the Democratic Party.

Those a$$holes did it to themselves; with very little help from their opponents.
Going further hard left will win Dems some support in solid blue areas...........In others where they are moderate..........Not so much.
Let it sink in: In a short period of only two years, President Donald Trump's policies have made the Democrat Party an old, irrelevant, dinosaur. The Democrats are still trying to run on the same old ineffectual and failed policies of higher taxes, bigger government, fewer liberties, a weak military, open borders, and socialist wealth distribution.

Thank you President Trump.

Apparently this is wishful thinking ^^^.

And if truly believed, it secures my belief even more, that the extreme right is both authoritarian and fears democracy.
Let it sink in: In a short period of only two years, President Donald Trump's policies have made the Democrat Party an old, irrelevant, dinosaur. The Democrats are still trying to run on the same old ineffectual and failed policies of higher taxes, bigger government, fewer liberties, a weak military, open borders, and socialist wealth distribution.

Thank you President Trump.
Nope. But thanks for playing. Here's the real issue with what you're trying to sell. Say Hi to Robby for me... The Left's Serious Case of Misplaced Anger....The "Mook Mafia" In Damage-Control Mode

The fewer liberties (like free speech) think you got solid. The rest is more like "yeah but..." stuff.
Let it sink in: In a short period of only two years, President Donald Trump's policies have made the Democrat Party an old, irrelevant, dinosaur. The Democrats are still trying to run on the same old ineffectual and failed policies of higher taxes, bigger government, fewer liberties, a weak military, open borders, and socialist wealth distribution.

Thank you President Trump.
Nope. But thanks for playing. Here's the real issue with what you're trying to sell. Say Hi to Robby for me... The Left's Serious Case of Misplaced Anger....The "Mook Mafia" In Damage-Control Mode

The fewer liberties (like free speech) think you got solid. The rest is more like "yeah but..." stuff.

What? No pride parade pictures? You're slipping sil.

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