Trump's "preemptive" attacks on Clinton...

Fucking idiot (Jake) incapable of using a goddamned quote function. He's a sampling of the usual Democrat idiot in the voting booth. Needs special assistance to pull a fucking lever.
You screwed the quote up because you were angry and not paying attention. I did not tell you to "fuck off." You did not write, "IOW, you are either a homosexual or a homophobe, and you have no idea of what you are talking about." These are serious rules violations.

Donald Trump's ex-wife's claim he 'raped' her...sworn depositions
And the problem left to the reasonable, mature electorate is two candidates with higher unpopular ratings than popular ratings. This amounts to a campaign of the lesser of two evils. And, worse, a campaign not of ideas, not of inspiration, not of aspiration, but a dismal campaign of 'the other guy's worse'.

To the dismay of reasonable, mature voters, some campaigns are reveling in the slop of 'her husband is a rapist' and 'he's unqualified to be president, where are his tax returns'. What a dismal, discouraging campaign season this is. The only folks happy are the knuckle draggers who think smear, accusations and innuendo are altogether fitting and proper for an American presidential campaign.

I agree 100%......For a great country...the paragon of democratic governance for the rest of the world to virtually envy....we must be reminded of just how flawed our political system has sunk......For me, term-limits is the only possible solution to the whore-like practices of most career politicians.
We have term limits. Four years for the executive, two years for congress and six years for senators. Let's not remove an effective legislator for the sins of the ineffective.
The bizarro world of a 3-time married Man going after a one time married woman--about her marriage.
And that one time married Woman has been married for over 40 years

So Trump besides being arrogantly reactionary, is also highly manipulateable, and, exceedingly stupid. All the great qualities you want in a leader of a sinking nation on the verge of a precipice.

Agreed......I can actually picture in my mind's eye that several of Trump's staff are probably urging his to "change tactics" since his arrogance and bullying is counter-productive...................and Trump responding, "shut up and lay off, I am who I am."

....and who he really is, will be his downfall.
So Trump besides being arrogantly reactionary, is also highly manipulateable, and, exceedingly stupid. All the great qualities you want in a leader of a sinking nation on the verge of a precipice.

Agreed......I can actually picture in my mind's eye that several of Trump's staff are probably urging his to "change tactics" since his arrogance and bullying is counter-productive...................and Trump responding, "shut up and lay off, I am who I am."

....and who he really is, will be his downfall.

Ha, sounds like you Clinton Bootlickers are getting a tad bit nervous. Go Trump! :)
We have term limits. Four years for the executive, two years for congress and six years for senators. Let's not remove an effective legislator for the sins of the ineffective.

Of course I meant term limits for congress......and the fact that each of them has to raise ten of thousand of dollars per day to get re-elected, makes them work for themselves...and certainly not constituents.
So Trump besides being arrogantly reactionary, is also highly manipulateable, and, exceedingly stupid. All the great qualities you want in a leader of a sinking nation on the verge of a precipice.

Agreed......I can actually picture in my mind's eye that several of Trump's staff are probably urging his to "change tactics" since his arrogance and bullying is counter-productive...................and Trump responding, "shut up and lay off, I am who I am."

....and who he really is, will be his downfall.

Exactly, he is Hillary's bitch; a push-button reactionary. A five year old child could manipulate his fragile super-ego into self-destruction by the Fall. Like shooting fish in a barrel.
Go Trump! :)

Affidavit From Jane Doe #5
Juanita Broaddrick...Jane Doe #5
Wednesday, December 23, 1998

Editor's Note: Following is the text of a Jan. 2, 1998, affidavit from the woman known as "Jane Doe No. 5." The Paula Jones legal team in a March 28 filing reported an unsubstantiated hearsay claim that, 20 years ago, Clinton had invited Jane Doe No. 5 to a hotel room and forced her to have sex. This affidavit, in which the woman denies the claim, was released by the Clinton legal team in its March 30 filing (see the Post story).

1. My name is Jane Doe #5. I am 55 years old and have been married since 1981. I have one child, age 28. I currently reside in Arkansas.

2. In November of 1997, two private investigators retained by Paula Corbin Jones approached me at my residence. I declined to speak with them, but provided the name of my family attorney. I subsequently was served with a subpoena seeking the production of documents and purporting to require my testimony at a deposition in the civil action between Paula Corbin Jones and President William Jefferson Clinton (Civil Action No. LR-C-94-290). I have never met Ms. Jones, nor do I have any information regarding the allegations that she has advanced against President Clinton. In this regard, I have no knowledge or information regarding the events she has alleged occurred on May 8, 1991 at the Excelsior Hotel or, for that matter, any knowledge or information regarding any interaction between herself and Mr. Clinton.

3. I met President Clinton more than twenty years ago through family friends. Our introduction was not arranged or facilitated, in any way, by the Arkansas State Police. I have never been an Arkansas state employee or a federal employee. I have never discussed with Mr. Clinton the possibility of state or federal employment nor has he offered me any such position. I have had no further relations with him for the past (15) years.

4. During the 1992 Presidential campaign there were unfounded rumors and stories circulated that Mr. Clinton had made unwelcome sexual advances toward me in the late seventies. Newspaper and tabloid reporters hounded me and my family, seeking corroboration of these tales. I repeatedly denied the allegations and requested that my family's privacy be respected. These allegations are untrue and I had hoped that they would no longer haunt me, or cause further disruption to my family.

5. I do not possess any information that could possibly be relevant to the allegations advanced by Paula Corbin Jones or which could lead to admissible evidence in her case. Specifically, I do not have any information to offer regarding a nonconsensual or unwelcome sexual advance by Mr. Clinton, any discussion offer or provision of state or federal employment or advancement in exchange for sexual conduct, or any use of state troopers to procure women for sex. Requiring my testimony at a deposition in this matter would cause unwarranted attorney's fees and costs, disruption to my life and constitute an invasion of my right to privacy. For these reasons, I have asked my attorney to advise Ms. Jones's counsel that there is no truth to the rumors they are pursuing and to provide her counsel with this sworn affidavit.

Further affiant sayeth not.

Perfect synopsis of Trump's "platform".....


Trump : More flip flops than a Beach side tourist shop in the Florida keys...

Yesterday I heard an interesting (and somewhat expected) report regarding yet another of our beloved Donald's flip-flops, that usual.....would not impact on his followers one iota.

Trump has of late argued that "global warming" is a total hoax (to the cheers of his dumbed-down and ignorant acolytes.)

HOWEVER, Trump's managers at his Ireland's golf resort have asked the respective county executives to approve the building of a sea-wall (yes, another wall) around the golf course because (as outlined in the written request) global warming seems to affect a constant rise in the ocean's levels, rises that could flood the golf course (paraphrased).....

Cute, ain't it......???

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