Trump's "preemptive" attacks on Clinton...

Scum bucket like SeniorChafe are best ignored and simply used as a reminder to republicans of the fringe lunacy of right wing imbecility.
And the problem left to the reasonable, mature electorate is two candidates with higher unpopular ratings than popular ratings. This amounts to a campaign of the lesser of two evils. And, worse, a campaign not of ideas, not of inspiration, not of aspiration, but a dismal campaign of 'the other guy's worse'.

To the dismay of reasonable, mature voters, some campaigns are reveling in the slop of 'her husband is a rapist' and 'he's unqualified to be president, where are his tax returns'. What a dismal, discouraging campaign season this is. The only folks happy are the knuckle draggers who think smear, accusations and innuendo are altogether fitting and proper for an American presidential campaign.
And the problem left to the reasonable, mature electorate is two candidates with higher unpopular ratings than popular ratings. This amounts to a campaign of the lesser of two evils. And, worse, a campaign not of ideas, not of inspiration, not of aspiration, but a dismal campaign of 'the other guy's worse'.

To the dismay of reasonable, mature voters, some campaigns are reveling in the slop of 'her husband is a rapist' and 'he's unqualified to be president, where are his tax returns'. What a dismal, discouraging campaign season this is. The only folks happy are the knuckle draggers who think smear, accusations and innuendo are altogether fitting and proper for an American presidential campaign.

I agree 100%......For a great country...the paragon of democratic governance for the rest of the world to virtually envy....we must be reminded of just how flawed our political system has sunk......For me, term-limits is the only possible solution to the whore-like practices of most career politicians.
Just lame brain charges, no proof. The campaign can go after anonymous folks that smear the candidate.
Proof? Shit son - if PROOF was shoved into your ass - like GW Bush's honorable discharge certificate, you'd still deny it - cocksucker. You wouldn't know truth if it bit your balls off.
Fuck off.
IOW, you are either a homosexual or a homophobe, and you have no idea of what you are talking about.
I believe the link I provided was clear on Bill Clinton's connection/frequent flyer status aboard pedophile airlines.
What else do you need, shitstain? A copy of his fucking boarding pass?
Fuck off.
IOW, you are either a homosexual or a homophobe, and you have no idea of what you are talking about.

I believe the link I provided was clear on Bill Clinton's connection/frequent flyer status aboard pedophile airlines.
What else do you need, shitstain? A copy of his fucking boarding pass?[/QUOTE]

Fix the post above and get the attribution right, Polok. Five minutes.
IOW, you are either a homosexual or a homophobe, and you have no idea of what you are talking about.

Well, my friend....many latent homosexuals (like our sick friend) are also homophobic, trying to fight off those innate urges.
Fucking idiot (Jake) incapable of using a goddamned quote function. He's a sampling of the usual Democrat idiot in the voting booth. Needs special assistance to pull a fucking lever.
I saw O'Reilly's chat with Trump last night. O'Reilly asked him point blank if he didn't think he should tone down his reactionary attacks whenever Hillary criticizes him. He said, as I predicted he would, "no, I HAVE to."

What he doesn't realize is that Hillary knows that about him....but he is too stupid to figure out how that position of dominance over his complete and professed lack of self-control will translate into a win for her in the Fall.

So Trump besides being arrogantly reactionary, is also highly manipulateable, and, exceedingly stupid. All the great qualities you want in a leader of a sinking nation on the verge of a precipice. And, just a great all-around figurehead for the republican party's brand in general...what's left of it after Cheney convinced them to get behind or at least remain silent about the Church of LGBT Agenda for the sake of his daughter Mary's wishes..

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