Trump’s letter to Turkish president is “utterly pathetic”

now that Erdogan has reached his goal. Pence is announcing a cease fire for some 120 hours giving the Kurds that time to get out of the area. So Erdogan has his buffer strip clear of Kurds. And the vacuum is already filled with ISIS. Not known if the Kurds will honor the agreement.

This is just the first hearing. There will be more detail soon I expect. But right now it looks like the arsonist got to put out the fire. The Turks got their territory. ISIS got freed. Americans are pulled from a war zone. The only loser is the Kurds.

Why don't I feel better about this betrayal?
I destroyed you, it wasn't even difficult. :itsok:
That’s definitely not how this transcript reads... sorry man but you lost this one. You really shouldn’t parrot trumps talking points they just don’t make sense.

the issue isn’t about bringing the troops home, it’s about how he did it... but I think you know that
it's always an issue in how he does things. period. but i think you know that.

Syria strikes: Democrats demand congressional approval for further military action

hell at the time they were pissed about not having approval for military action. so he pulls them, now they're pissed at that.

The Democratic Party’s Silence on Syria

more here saying the dems feel we need to get out.

there comes a time you have zero point other than to be mad at what anyone else does as being wrong. this is where the dems are and they've only themselves to blame for never really taking a stand other than TRUMP SUCKS.
you can support getting out of Syria, that’s fine. The issue is how Trump left the Kurds out to dry and now they are being killed by Turkey. I think you know that ICE
the issue is that regardless of what trump does, its wrong.

that banter just gets old after all these years. even when he does what you want, you'll have the manner in which he does it. the only common theme is you hate.
you can’t just say that every time there’s an issue about something Trump does. That is dismissing the entire argument. Look at what he did, what the objections are and make your case to either support or critique the issue at hand.
There are very valid points in contrast to Trumps moves in Syria. Many of his allies are speaking out about it. Writing this off as a partisan TDS thing just doesn’t hold water.

so do you or don’t you support how Trump has handled this Syria business?
why not? every time trump does ANYTHING that's what the left does. when the left quits doing it, i'll stop saying it.

this is what happens when you demonize every move from someone out of emotional imbalance. you may be right. this could very well be a very valid concern. but since the left had made his fried chicken eating habits more or less NAZI, no one will listen when something DOES come up.

the left needs to understand this is how human emotion works. you can't cry wolf 24x7 then get mad when people stop listening to you.
The truce is for 120 hours. Clashes still ongoing.
It’s over
Always up to date:
Map of Syrian Civil War - Syria news and incidents today -

(Not all the news there are necessarily true)

"THE NEWS" is a singular noun. ------'' ....not all the news IS necessarily true"
Thank you so much :)

Syria should turn in PKK commie terrorists or kill them. Let the Kurds have a fresh start in fear if supporting Marxism again.
Trump has made claims about solving the messes he creates before, and they've all been lies or wrong.
....Trump and Pence probably got this Cease Fire through 'Extortion' or some 'Quid Pro Quo'...

:rolleyes: :lmao:

This proves that even Trumps letters are still being spyed on.

I'll write it down & add it to the list of what we'll do to the next democrat president.

# 5011 on the list...I believe.
Trump released the letter, you stupid motherfucker.

Fox reporter, btw.

View attachment 284846

Just more proof of how stupid and ill informed Tramptards are!!!:21::21::21:
so you back the guy that just initiated an attack against syria? wait, I thought you all thought trump should stop him? huh, are you fking confused again like every other fking day? yessiree.

Hello stupid, in what light of creation does me saying that you people are dumb and I'll informed say I back the leader of Turkey. Was pointing out that your brethren said it was take news made up by the Dims when in fact it was released by the Orange Virus. In fact he is the one is the one backing his pals Erdg and Putin by his hasty pull out. Don't let facts get in your way, I know you won't.
all the light? I guess.
....Trump and Pence probably got this Cease Fire through 'Extortion' or some 'Quid Pro Quo'...

:rolleyes: :lmao:

Trump asked them to do
Him a favor and stop the killing
For this, Trump will be gone by Christmas
Lib 101
Trump has made claims about solving the messes he creates before, and they've all been lies or wrong.
....while he is now trying to resolve the cluster-F* that is Syria, which the Nobel Peace Prize Winner created by invading Syria, leaving US troops behind as indefinite 'Human Shields' as he left the WH after his term was over....


Trump has made claims about solving the messes he creates before, and they've all been lies or wrong.
....while he is now trying to resolve the cluster-F* that is Syria, which the Nobel Peace Prize Winner created by invading Syria, leaving US troops behind as indefinite 'Human Shields' as he left the WH after his term was over....


It was republican bloodlust that created the clusterfuck. Iraqi's wanted us out, and even when ISIS sprang up they did not want American troops included in any aid.

And the Kurds were betrayed by your fat idiot, not Obama.

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