Trump's Curious Collection of Enemies Says Much About Current American Politics


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
You'd never know it to listen to his Far Left, Far Right, and Establishment GOP critics, but Donald Trump is actually the least-conservative GOP candidate on most non-security issues. He's against privatizing Social Security and warns Republicans that "you'll never win that argument." He's for government-provided health care for low-income people. His tax plan is progressive in nature--not "progressive" as in liberal, but "progressive" in that it would require the wealthy to pay higher personal income taxes than the middle class and the poor (but it would also provide substantial tax relief for our businesses). He has called for an end to super PACs. He faulted Kim Davis for not issuing gay marriage licenses and said he agreed that she should be fired if she would not "obey the law." He never talks about abortion, and in previous years he rejected restrictions on abortion that would apply to the first and second terms of pregnancy.

Trump's somewhat moderate stands on non-security issues have alarmed conservative purists and have led them to accuse him of being a "closet liberal" and even "a trojan horse."

Yet, the Far Left and the GOP Establishment have accused Trump of "fascism" and "tyranny" and of being "un-American." Why? Because Trump suggests doing the same thing that Eisenhower did regarding illegal aliens (deport them, and Trump has added that once deported, they would be welcomed to apply for legal entrance), because he opposes our insane and suicidal anchor baby policy (the authors of the 14th Amendment made it clear that it was never intended to allow such a policy), because he has suggested a temporary halt to Muslim immigration ("many" EU ministers have suggested a similar halt), because he has said we should kill the families of terrorists (many relatives of terrorists have been caught covering for them and actively helping them), and because he has openly thought about the idea of a registry for Muslims (Jimmy Carter tracked down Iranians here on visas, had them investigated, and deported some of them as a result).

Indeed, if there were no terrorism concerns and no illegal immigration problem, it is likely that Trump would be seen as the least conservative of the GOP candidates, and his GOP rivals would be attacking him on this basis. In fact, early on Carly Fiorina launched exactly this kind of attack on him, but it didn't get anywhere because illegal immigration and then terrorism dominated the GOP discussion, and on these two issues Trump is the most conservative of the bunch.

So here we have the Far Left, the Far Right, and the GOP Establishment all loudly attacking Trump, with the Far Right saying he's not conservative enough on most issues, and with the Far Left and the GOP Establishment going so far as to compare him to Hitler and to accuse him of having fascist leanings. Incredible.
There is no doubt Trump is a progressive, which makes the establishments dislike of him interesting and could expose something. That being he is so wealthy he can't be bought by the .1%...and they don't like that. So they have their friends in the big government run media and the DNC and RNC attack him.

I regularly watch Morning Joke on MSLSD. They dump on Trump mercilessly...most of it is total bullshit, but I suspect Ds and progs believe every word...even though the pretty Mika has an IQ lower than a third grader.
There is no doubt Trump is a progressive, which makes the establishments dislike of him interesting and could expose something. That being he is so wealthy he can't be bought by the .1%...and they don't like that. So they have their friends in the big government run media and the DNC and RNC attack him.

I regularly watch Morning Joke on MSLSD. They dump on Trump mercilessly...most of it is total bullshit, but I suspect Ds and progs believe every word...even though the pretty Mika has an IQ lower than a third grader.

I don't think Trump is a progressive. I think he is a center-right centrist who is very tough and fearless when it comes to national security. I think he is a genuine patriot who is unwilling to cave to PC nonsense when it comes to fighting terrorism and protecting our sovereignty, especially in terms of border security and dealing with illegal aliens.
There is no doubt Trump is a progressive, which makes the establishments dislike of him interesting and could expose something. That being he is so wealthy he can't be bought by the .1%...and they don't like that. So they have their friends in the big government run media and the DNC and RNC attack him.

I regularly watch Morning Joke on MSLSD. They dump on Trump mercilessly...most of it is total bullshit, but I suspect Ds and progs believe every word...even though the pretty Mika has an IQ lower than a third grader.

I don't think Trump is a progressive. I think he is a center-right centrist who is very tough and fearless when it comes to national security. I think he is a genuine patriot who is unwilling to cave to PC nonsense when it comes to fighting terrorism and protecting our sovereignty, especially in terms of border security and dealing with illegal aliens.
I do not disagree with your post. Trump may not be a progressive, however he holds many progressive views.

The ironic thing is the average progressive greatly dislikes Trump. I guess they just go along with whatever the establishment tells them.

Whatever happened to the anti-establishment left of a few decades ago? They appear to have disappeared.
There is no doubt Trump is a progressive, which makes the establishments dislike of him interesting and could expose something. That being he is so wealthy he can't be bought by the .1%...and they don't like that. So they have their friends in the big government run media and the DNC and RNC attack him.

I regularly watch Morning Joke on MSLSD. They dump on Trump mercilessly...most of it is total bullshit, but I suspect Ds and progs believe every word...even though the pretty Mika has an IQ lower than a third grader.

I don't think Trump is a progressive. I think he is a center-right centrist who is very tough and fearless when it comes to national security. I think he is a genuine patriot who is unwilling to cave to PC nonsense when it comes to fighting terrorism and protecting our sovereignty, especially in terms of border security and dealing with illegal aliens.
I do not disagree with your post. Trump may not be a progressive, however he holds many progressive views.

The ironic thing is the average progressive greatly dislikes Trump. I guess they just go along with whatever the establishment tells them.

Whatever happened to the anti-establishment left of a few decades ago? They appear to have disappeared.
The hippies are with Bernie, grooving on peter paul and mary records.

I could easily have been for Trump because of his anti-establishment stance, before he started demonizing people on the basis of color, religion, gender and disability Mitt was a plutocrat, but he didn't go that low.
There is no doubt Trump is a progressive, which makes the establishments dislike of him interesting and could expose something. That being he is so wealthy he can't be bought by the .1%...and they don't like that. So they have their friends in the big government run media and the DNC and RNC attack him.

I regularly watch Morning Joke on MSLSD. They dump on Trump mercilessly...most of it is total bullshit, but I suspect Ds and progs believe every word...even though the pretty Mika has an IQ lower than a third grader.

I don't think Trump is a progressive. I think he is a center-right centrist who is very tough and fearless when it comes to national security. I think he is a genuine patriot who is unwilling to cave to PC nonsense when it comes to fighting terrorism and protecting our sovereignty, especially in terms of border security and dealing with illegal aliens.
I do not disagree with your post. Trump may not be a progressive, however he holds many progressive views.

The ironic thing is the average progressive greatly dislikes Trump. I guess they just go along with whatever the establishment tells them.

Whatever happened to the anti-establishment left of a few decades ago? They appear to have disappeared.
The hippies are with Bernie, grooving on peter paul and mary records.

I could easily have been for Trump because of his anti-establishment stance, before he started demonizing people on the basis of color, religion, gender and disability Mitt was a plutocrat, but he didn't go that low.
Fair enough, but I suspect many Trump followers do not see his comments as demonizing.
Obama's and Hillary's FRIENDS say alot about theirs:

Muslim Brotherhood
Mexican Drug Cartels
Libyan Al Qaeda
Trump is a nationalist and a populist. He's pretty much the polar opposite of what the term "Conservative" actually means, from a political theory perspective.
Trump is pure americana. The man has absolutely nailed it.
As to his politics, he is a natural negotiator. He may know where he is headed, but I don't.
I don't think he said Kim Davis should be fired. (Did you know she is an elected representative who can't be fired). I think he said someone e else should do the "ceremony" if she is really bothered by it.

I have. O problem with his income tax. I think it is the best of both worlds since it lowers rates and shifts all the income tax burden to the wealthy. The bottom will be paying zero.

It is pretty obvious to me that both parties secretly collude with each other. Consider the fact both parties hate him.
There is no doubt Trump is a progressive, which makes the establishments dislike of him interesting and could expose something. That being he is so wealthy he can't be bought by the .1%...and they don't like that. So they have their friends in the big government run media and the DNC and RNC attack him.

I regularly watch Morning Joke on MSLSD. They dump on Trump mercilessly...most of it is total bullshit, but I suspect Ds and progs believe every word...even though the pretty Mika has an IQ lower than a third grader.

I don't think Trump is a progressive. I think he is a center-right centrist who is very tough and fearless when it comes to national security. I think he is a genuine patriot who is unwilling to cave to PC nonsense when it comes to fighting terrorism and protecting our sovereignty, especially in terms of border security and dealing with illegal aliens.
I do not disagree with your post. Trump may not be a progressive, however he holds many progressive views.

The ironic thing is the average progressive greatly dislikes Trump. I guess they just go along with whatever the establishment tells them.

Whatever happened to the anti-establishment left of a few decades ago? They appear to have disappeared.
The hippies are with Bernie, grooving on peter paul and mary records.

I could easily have been for Trump because of his anti-establishment stance, before he started demonizing people on the basis of color, religion, gender and disability Mitt was a plutocrat, but he didn't go that low.
If the old hippies are now for Bernie, thinking he is non-establishment, they many doobies.

How does one become non-establishment, but be part of the political class for 40 years and vote with the D party 90% of the time?
There is no doubt Trump is a progressive, which makes the establishments dislike of him interesting and could expose something. That being he is so wealthy he can't be bought by the .1%...and they don't like that. So they have their friends in the big government run media and the DNC and RNC attack him.

I regularly watch Morning Joke on MSLSD. They dump on Trump mercilessly...most of it is total bullshit, but I suspect Ds and progs believe every word...even though the pretty Mika has an IQ lower than a third grader.

I don't think Trump is a progressive. I think he is a center-right centrist who is very tough and fearless when it comes to national security. I think he is a genuine patriot who is unwilling to cave to PC nonsense when it comes to fighting terrorism and protecting our sovereignty, especially in terms of border security and dealing with illegal aliens.
I do not disagree with your post. Trump may not be a progressive, however he holds many progressive views.

The ironic thing is the average progressive greatly dislikes Trump. I guess they just go along with whatever the establishment tells them.

Whatever happened to the anti-establishment left of a few decades ago? They appear to have disappeared.
The hippies are with Bernie, grooving on peter paul and mary records.

I could easily have been for Trump because of his anti-establishment stance, before he started demonizing people on the basis of color, religion, gender and disability Mitt was a plutocrat, but he didn't go that low.
Fair enough, but I suspect many Trump followers do not see his comments as demonizing.
thats kind of a silly remark ... trump followers are racist its that simple... in case you don't realize this there are racist out there... he feeds their frinzy ...
There is no doubt Trump is a progressive, which makes the establishments dislike of him interesting and could expose something. That being he is so wealthy he can't be bought by the .1%...and they don't like that. So they have their friends in the big government run media and the DNC and RNC attack him.

I regularly watch Morning Joke on MSLSD. They dump on Trump mercilessly...most of it is total bullshit, but I suspect Ds and progs believe every word...even though the pretty Mika has an IQ lower than a third grader.

I don't think Trump is a progressive. I think he is a center-right centrist who is very tough and fearless when it comes to national security. I think he is a genuine patriot who is unwilling to cave to PC nonsense when it comes to fighting terrorism and protecting our sovereignty, especially in terms of border security and dealing with illegal aliens.
I do not disagree with your post. Trump may not be a progressive, however he holds many progressive views.

The ironic thing is the average progressive greatly dislikes Trump. I guess they just go along with whatever the establishment tells them.

Whatever happened to the anti-establishment left of a few decades ago? They appear to have disappeared.
The hippies are with Bernie, grooving on peter paul and mary records.

I could easily have been for Trump because of his anti-establishment stance, before he started demonizing people on the basis of color, religion, gender and disability Mitt was a plutocrat, but he didn't go that low.
Fair enough, but I suspect many Trump followers do not see his comments as demonizing.
thats kind of a silly remark ... trump followers are racist its that simple... in case you don't realize this there are racist out there... he feeds their frinzy ...
To believe that millions of American are racists for liking Trump, is to believe anything the Ds and MSM proclaims. You are utterly and completely brainwashed.

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