trump's campaign is imploding

Freaky..the one hit wonder.
That's one more than you, Tradeoff NoJackAss. Now all you gotta do besides crapping your pants over Trumpy is to produce someone BETTER. Produce that and I'll vote for him too.

All you got right now is a two time loser that had to bow out of his last election for stealing his material. He's still without a show, Jack, losing his MIND, he's GOO-GOO, so they got him locked up in his garage playing mahjong. Oh well, that rules your house out.

Now you better run, I hear the misses is calling you for Sup.
Freaky..the one hit wonder.
That's one more than you, Tradeoff NoJackAss. Now all you gotta do besides crapping your pants over Trumpy is to produce someone BETTER. Produce that and I'll vote for him too.

All you got right now is a two time loser that had to bow out of his last election for stealing his material. He's still without a show, Jack, losing his MIND, he's GOO-GOO, so they got him locked up in his garage playing mahjong. Oh well, that rules your house out.

Now you better run, I hear the misses is calling you for Sup.

Dude, you're posting like you're tweaking. :) Come back to reality!
You're not making much of an argument for Trump here. The majority of the country wants this guy gone. Worse for you and your fellow true believers is that he's going to take a lot of Republicans with him.
You need to pull your head out of your right wing tailpipe and smell the fresh air. Biden (gaffes and all) is head and shoulders above Trump. Trump is throwing up all over his shoes now. Wait till he gets on a
debate stage and actually has to start talking about policy...or his massive virus response failure. He'll be burnt, crispy toast. :auiqs.jpg:
he has a record to run on. And that record now includes an out of control pandemic with over 4 million infections
and 150K dead.

Hey JACK, don't you ever take the day OFF? I guess your wife can't send you down to clean out the GARAGE on Sundays. She probably sends you SHOPPING. Don't forgot the extra heavy flow KOTEXES. Now don't get all mad and back on the RAG on MY account, JACK.

Trump has a GREAT record to run on, one of the BEST EVER. Not everyone gets their "news" from CNN. Out of control pandemic? Are you OFF, JACK? Do you ever get dizzy from trying to SPIN so much, JACK? Ever hear of an IN CONTROL pandemic, JACK? Nations the world over are still fighting the thing, most doing far worse than us, many thought they were past it are getting hit again.

TRY READING THE FUCKING NEWS, JACK. Give that right hand a rest.

News flash for ya, Jack. 4 million infections is GOOD when you have over 328 MILLION people and no vaccine in sight. And 150K dead? Sounds bad until you realize that just now begins to exceed many common causes like electrocution, Alzheimer's and radiation, EVERY FREEKING YEAR.


Freaky..the one hit wonder. I always thought you were a moron but I never pegged you for a true believin Kool-Aid drinker. Oh well, just give us a heads up if it tastes funny.
Again, I don't know what news you read or watch but even a lot of the right wing rags agree the Trump administration's response to the virus is bad. I do read the news.
And it's bad...for Trump and the Republicans. Now don't get me wrong, I love seeing people like you drag the party of "getting nothing done" down for the third count this November.
Warms my heart. But, people like you need to shut up and follow the guidelines so the rest of us can get back to something approaching normal.

Now as far as the US doing well as opposed to other countries? Man, you need to stop doing meth. It's really messing with your ability to function. Or think...if that's something you even do. :)
I've got news for you, turd, all of us understand that your attacks on Trump are utterly groundless. You're a fucking douchebag pumping out propaganda. You failed utterly to make the argument that Trump was doing a bad job on the economy. You did the same with the foriegn policy argument. You have failed utterly with every attack you have made against him. The COVID issue is all you have left, and it would be more credible for you to blame Trump if a mountain sized meteor was headed for us.

You're a ducking dumbass and a lying douchebag.
After 5 months of denying and downplaying covid 19 outbreak in usa, trump and friends have dug a big hole for themselves and they will not be able to escape from it. Finally they realize the huge damage they caused with the crisis mismanagement in addition to the ineptitude and corruption of the administration that culminated with impeachment. Their new strategy is clearly desperate, trump wants to appear as if he was ever concerned for our health, as if he cared for spread prevention through the use of masks, or mass gatherings, with only just over three months for elections his chances are near zero, we are witnessing the implosion of his pathetic administration in real time, and I am enjoying every minute of it...

View attachment 366839
He is polling better against Biden than he was against Hillary at this same time....stop the delusion....
At this time in 2016, Trump was actually leading Clinton.
He was never leading Clinton.....ummmm it was just 3.5 years ago....

OH NO, Ram! Trump's campaign is progressing very much just like it did four years ago! Not looking good by all the usual polling standards.

When he won by a mile.


Except this time, he has far more knowledge, practice and experience under his belt and is going up against a far-inferior opponent.

Sure Freaky, anything you say. :) I'll second the question. What alternate timeline do you live in?
In 2016. he was the unknown, the underdog running against an unpopular opposition candidate.
But this is 2020, and he has a record to run on. And that record now includes an out of control pandemic with over 4 million infections
and 150K dead.

Here's a little cold water for ya. And I am waiting to see what the fallout over the next two weeks will be when McConnell and the White House start to look really bad for screwing around while people are suffering.
You might as well claim his record contains a mountains sized meteor striking the earth.

I can't believe you TDS moron believes blaming Trump for COVID is a good argument.

Uh...don't know what reality you live in, but a majority of Americans DO blame him for the response to the virus.
There is no such reality, shit for brains. Only the brain damaged blame him.
he has a record to run on. And that record now includes an out of control pandemic with over 4 million infections
and 150K dead.

Hey JACK, don't you ever take the day OFF? I guess your wife can't send you down to clean out the GARAGE on Sundays. She probably sends you SHOPPING. Don't forgot the extra heavy flow KOTEXES. Now don't get all mad and back on the RAG on MY account, JACK.

Trump has a GREAT record to run on, one of the BEST EVER. Not everyone gets their "news" from CNN. Out of control pandemic? Are you OFF, JACK? Do you ever get dizzy from trying to SPIN so much, JACK? Ever hear of an IN CONTROL pandemic, JACK? Nations the world over are still fighting the thing, most doing far worse than us, many thought they were past it are getting hit again.

TRY READING THE FUCKING NEWS, JACK. Give that right hand a rest.

News flash for ya, Jack. 4 million infections is GOOD when you have over 328 MILLION people and no vaccine in sight. And 150K dead? Sounds bad until you realize that just now begins to exceed many common causes like electrocution, Alzheimer's and radiation, EVERY FREEKING YEAR.


Freaky..the one hit wonder. I always thought you were a moron but I never pegged you for a true believin Kool-Aid drinker. Oh well, just give us a heads up if it tastes funny.
Again, I don't know what news you read or watch but even a lot of the right wing rags agree the Trump administration's response to the virus is bad. I do read the news.
And it's bad...for Trump and the Republicans. Now don't get me wrong, I love seeing people like you drag the party of "getting nothing done" down for the third count this November.
Warms my heart. But, people like you need to shut up and follow the guidelines so the rest of us can get back to something approaching normal.

Now as far as the US doing well as opposed to other countries? Man, you need to stop doing meth. It's really messing with your ability to function. Or think...if that's something you even do. :)
I've got news for you, turd, all of us understand that your attacks on Trump are utterly groundless. You're a fucking douchebag pumping out propaganda. You failed utterly to make the argument that Trump was doing a bad job on the economy. You did the same with the foriegn policy argument. You have failed utterly with every attack you have made against him. The COVID issue is all you have left, and it would be more credible for you to blame Trump if a mountain sized meteor was headed for us.

You're a ducking dumbass and a lying douchebag.

He got handed a growing economy and rising employment from Barack Obama. All he had to do was not fuck it up. And he did just that. I'd make the argument that he was doing just enough on the economy to not screw it up, but then, there's the matter of the 1.2 trillion dollar deficit that he racked up (pre-pandemic). So, you go on believin. The rest of us will go to the polls and vote Trump and a lot of Republicans out in November. Again, when the end comes for your ideology, you'll have no one to blame but yourselves.
After 5 months of denying and downplaying covid 19 outbreak in usa, trump and friends have dug a big hole for themselves and they will not be able to escape from it. Finally they realize the huge damage they caused with the crisis mismanagement in addition to the ineptitude and corruption of the administration that culminated with impeachment. Their new strategy is clearly desperate, trump wants to appear as if he was ever concerned for our health, as if he cared for spread prevention through the use of masks, or mass gatherings, with only just over three months for elections his chances are near zero, we are witnessing the implosion of his pathetic administration in real time, and I am enjoying every minute of it...

View attachment 366839
He is polling better against Biden than he was against Hillary at this same time....stop the delusion....
At this time in 2016, Trump was actually leading Clinton.
And look at the swing states this time around.
He was not leading Clinton all the way up to election day you ignorant sack of shit.
You poor thing....this November is going to be very rough for you.
Double dumb..... :cuckoo:

The slow drip of fear coming from deplorables is palpable. I will be here on election nite to celebrate the end of this nightmare called trumpism, I will specifically salivate in pleasure witnessing the total meltdown of deplorables, I will be laughing at all of you...
You can tell they're freaked out because the board is flooded attacks on
After 5 months of denying and downplaying covid 19 outbreak in usa, trump and friends have dug a big hole for themselves and they will not be able to escape from it. Finally they realize the huge damage they caused with the crisis mismanagement in addition to the ineptitude and corruption of the administration the culminated with impeachment. Their new strategy is clearly desperate, trump wants to appear as if he was ever concerned for our health, as if he cared for spread prevention through the use of masks, or mass gatherings, with only just over three months for elections his chances are near zero, we are witnessing the implosion of his pathetic administration in real time, and I am enjoying every minute of it...

View attachment 366839
It really was. He has blown his opportunity for re-election completely. But then again we all know tRump's not that bright, either so it's not totally unexpected
I will consult President of the United States of America Hillary Clinton on this.
You deflection me o someone with no current relevance is noticed, and your surrender is accepted.

Have a nice day.
Just pointing out the lies in your post... Russian troll.
Irony.....old and tired....but still Irony, Comrade.
He got handed a growing economy and rising employment from Barack Obama.
When was that, the last three weeks of Obama's term? The one thing Obama isn't known for is a good economy, especially as he was one of the people who caused the crash in the first place! He DID hand Trump a national debt that was 9 trillion greater than his predecessor!

All he had to do was not fuck it up.
You mean not fuck it up again like Obama did to both the nation and the world.

And he did just that.
So, he DIDN'T fuck it up.

The rest of us will go to the polls and vote Trump and a lot of Republicans out in November.
You mean the same bunch that tried to vote Hillary in in 2016? Then LOST by 74 electoral votes? :lmao:
he has a record to run on. And that record now includes an out of control pandemic with over 4 million infections
and 150K dead.

Hey JACK, don't you ever take the day OFF? I guess your wife can't send you down to clean out the GARAGE on Sundays. She probably sends you SHOPPING. Don't forgot the extra heavy flow KOTEXES. Now don't get all mad and back on the RAG on MY account, JACK.

Trump has a GREAT record to run on, one of the BEST EVER. Not everyone gets their "news" from CNN. Out of control pandemic? Are you OFF, JACK? Do you ever get dizzy from trying to SPIN so much, JACK? Ever hear of an IN CONTROL pandemic, JACK? Nations the world over are still fighting the thing, most doing far worse than us, many thought they were past it are getting hit again.

TRY READING THE FUCKING NEWS, JACK. Give that right hand a rest.

News flash for ya, Jack. 4 million infections is GOOD when you have over 328 MILLION people and no vaccine in sight. And 150K dead? Sounds bad until you realize that just now begins to exceed many common causes like electrocution, Alzheimer's and radiation, EVERY FREEKING YEAR.


Freaky..the one hit wonder. I always thought you were a moron but I never pegged you for a true believin Kool-Aid drinker. Oh well, just give us a heads up if it tastes funny.
Again, I don't know what news you read or watch but even a lot of the right wing rags agree the Trump administration's response to the virus is bad. I do read the news.
And it's bad...for Trump and the Republicans. Now don't get me wrong, I love seeing people like you drag the party of "getting nothing done" down for the third count this November.
Warms my heart. But, people like you need to shut up and follow the guidelines so the rest of us can get back to something approaching normal.

Now as far as the US doing well as opposed to other countries? Man, you need to stop doing meth. It's really messing with your ability to function. Or think...if that's something you even do. :)
I've got news for you, turd, all of us understand that your attacks on Trump are utterly groundless. You're a fucking douchebag pumping out propaganda. You failed utterly to make the argument that Trump was doing a bad job on the economy. You did the same with the foriegn policy argument. You have failed utterly with every attack you have made against him. The COVID issue is all you have left, and it would be more credible for you to blame Trump if a mountain sized meteor was headed for us.

You're a ducking dumbass and a lying douchebag.

He got handed a growing economy and rising employment from Barack Obama. All he had to do was not fuck it up. And he did just that. I'd make the argument that he was doing just enough on the economy to not screw it up, but then, there's the matter of the 1.2 trillion dollar deficit that he racked up (pre-pandemic). So, you go on believin. The rest of us will go to the polls and vote Trump and a lot of Republicans out in November. Again, when the end comes for your ideology, you'll have no one to blame but yourselves.
Of course, your argument is designed for imbeciles. Barack Obama was handed a growing economy, and all he had to do is not fuck it up.

Nevertheless, he did fuck it up.

Obama had a single year with a $1.5 trillion deficit, so your attacks on Trump look trivial and petty.
he has a record to run on. And that record now includes an out of control pandemic with over 4 million infections
and 150K dead.

Hey JACK, don't you ever take the day OFF? I guess your wife can't send you down to clean out the GARAGE on Sundays. She probably sends you SHOPPING. Don't forgot the extra heavy flow KOTEXES. Now don't get all mad and back on the RAG on MY account, JACK.

Trump has a GREAT record to run on, one of the BEST EVER. Not everyone gets their "news" from CNN. Out of control pandemic? Are you OFF, JACK? Do you ever get dizzy from trying to SPIN so much, JACK? Ever hear of an IN CONTROL pandemic, JACK? Nations the world over are still fighting the thing, most doing far worse than us, many thought they were past it are getting hit again.

TRY READING THE FUCKING NEWS, JACK. Give that right hand a rest.

News flash for ya, Jack. 4 million infections is GOOD when you have over 328 MILLION people and no vaccine in sight. And 150K dead? Sounds bad until you realize that just now begins to exceed many common causes like electrocution, Alzheimer's and radiation, EVERY FREEKING YEAR.


Freaky..the one hit wonder. I always thought you were a moron but I never pegged you for a true believin Kool-Aid drinker. Oh well, just give us a heads up if it tastes funny.
Again, I don't know what news you read or watch but even a lot of the right wing rags agree the Trump administration's response to the virus is bad. I do read the news.
And it's bad...for Trump and the Republicans. Now don't get me wrong, I love seeing people like you drag the party of "getting nothing done" down for the third count this November.
Warms my heart. But, people like you need to shut up and follow the guidelines so the rest of us can get back to something approaching normal.

Now as far as the US doing well as opposed to other countries? Man, you need to stop doing meth. It's really messing with your ability to function. Or think...if that's something you even do. :)
I've got news for you, turd, all of us understand that your attacks on Trump are utterly groundless. You're a fucking douchebag pumping out propaganda. You failed utterly to make the argument that Trump was doing a bad job on the economy. You did the same with the foriegn policy argument. You have failed utterly with every attack you have made against him. The COVID issue is all you have left, and it would be more credible for you to blame Trump if a mountain sized meteor was headed for us.

You're a ducking dumbass and a lying douchebag.

He got handed a growing economy and rising employment from Barack Obama. All he had to do was not fuck it up. And he did just that. I'd make the argument that he was doing just enough on the economy to not screw it up, but then, there's the matter of the 1.2 trillion dollar deficit that he racked up (pre-pandemic). So, you go on believin. The rest of us will go to the polls and vote Trump and a lot of Republicans out in November. Again, when the end comes for your ideology, you'll have no one to blame but yourselves.
You mean he got handed an economy that was overdue for a recession.
After 5 months of denying and downplaying covid 19 outbreak in usa, trump and friends have dug a big hole for themselves and they will not be able to escape from it. Finally they realize the huge damage they caused with the crisis mismanagement in addition to the ineptitude and corruption of the administration that culminated with impeachment. Their new strategy is clearly desperate, trump wants to appear as if he was ever concerned for our health, as if he cared for spread prevention through the use of masks, or mass gatherings, with only just over three months for elections his chances are near zero, we are witnessing the implosion of his pathetic administration in real time, and I am enjoying every minute of it...

View attachment 366839
He is polling better against Biden than he was against Hillary at this same time....stop the delusion....
At this time in 2016, Trump was actually leading Clinton.
And look at the swing states this time around.
He was not leading Clinton all the way up to election day you ignorant sack of shit.
You poor thing....this November is going to be very rough for you.
No, not really. It will be good or bad for Moscow, Bejing, or American people. What this election is all about. I will endeavour to persevere.
After 5 months of denying and downplaying covid 19 outbreak in usa, trump and friends have dug a big hole for themselves and they will not be able to escape from it. Finally they realize the huge damage they caused with the crisis mismanagement in addition to the ineptitude and corruption of the administration that culminated with impeachment. Their new strategy is clearly desperate, trump wants to appear as if he was ever concerned for our health, as if he cared for spread prevention through the use of masks, or mass gatherings, with only just over three months for elections his chances are near zero, we are witnessing the implosion of his pathetic administration in real time, and I am enjoying every minute of it...

View attachment 366839
He is polling better against Biden than he was against Hillary at this same time....stop the delusion....
At this time in 2016, Trump was actually leading Clinton.
He was never leading Clinton.....ummmm it was just 3.5 years ago....

Yup. Every poll, pundit and talking head was telling us all the Hitlery would be our next POTUS.

Surprise. So much for polls. Anyone who believe them is dumber than a box of rocks.
After 5 months of denying and downplaying covid 19 outbreak in usa, trump and friends have dug a big hole for themselves and they will not be able to escape from it. Finally they realize the huge damage they caused with the crisis mismanagement in addition to the ineptitude and corruption of the administration that culminated with impeachment. Their new strategy is clearly desperate, trump wants to appear as if he was ever concerned for our health, as if he cared for spread prevention through the use of masks, or mass gatherings, with only just over three months for elections his chances are near zero, we are witnessing the implosion of his pathetic administration in real time, and I am enjoying every minute of it...

View attachment 366839
He is polling better against Biden than he was against Hillary at this same time....stop the delusion....
At this time in 2016, Trump was actually leading Clinton.
He was never leading Clinton.....ummmm it was just 3.5 years ago....

Yup. Every poll, pundit and talking head was telling us all the Hitlery would be our next POTUS.

Surprise. So much for polls. Anyone who believe them is dumber than a box of rocks.
Media had Hillary elected in 2015 before one ballot was even cast.
After 5 months of denying and downplaying covid 19 outbreak in usa, trump and friends have dug a big hole for themselves and they will not be able to escape from it. Finally they realize the huge damage they caused with the crisis mismanagement in addition to the ineptitude and corruption of the administration that culminated with impeachment. Their new strategy is clearly desperate, trump wants to appear as if he was ever concerned for our health, as if he cared for spread prevention through the use of masks, or mass gatherings, with only just over three months for elections his chances are near zero, we are witnessing the implosion of his pathetic administration in real time, and I am enjoying every minute of it...

View attachment 366839

To make matters worse moron in chief bringing back the plaquenil debate, freaking guy is a lost soul...
After 5 months of denying and downplaying covid 19 outbreak in usa, trump and friends have dug a big hole for themselves and they will not be able to escape from it. Finally they realize the huge damage they caused with the crisis mismanagement in addition to the ineptitude and corruption of the administration that culminated with impeachment. Their new strategy is clearly desperate, trump wants to appear as if he was ever concerned for our health, as if he cared for spread prevention through the use of masks, or mass gatherings, with only just over three months for elections his chances are near zero, we are witnessing the implosion of his pathetic administration in real time, and I am enjoying every minute of it...

View attachment 366839
I agree. Let's not have an election. You on board?
After 5 months of denying and downplaying covid 19 outbreak in usa, trump and friends have dug a big hole for themselves and they will not be able to escape from it. Finally they realize the huge damage they caused with the crisis mismanagement in addition to the ineptitude and corruption of the administration that culminated with impeachment. Their new strategy is clearly desperate, trump wants to appear as if he was ever concerned for our health, as if he cared for spread prevention through the use of masks, or mass gatherings, with only just over three months for elections his chances are near zero, we are witnessing the implosion of his pathetic administration in real time, and I am enjoying every minute of it...

View attachment 366839
I agree. Let's not have an election. You on board?

Are deplorables clinging on to that as a last hope?

After 5 months of denying and downplaying covid 19 outbreak in usa, trump and friends have dug a big hole for themselves and they will not be able to escape from it. Finally they realize the huge damage they caused with the crisis mismanagement in addition to the ineptitude and corruption of the administration that culminated with impeachment. Their new strategy is clearly desperate, trump wants to appear as if he was ever concerned for our health, as if he cared for spread prevention through the use of masks, or mass gatherings, with only just over three months for elections his chances are near zero, we are witnessing the implosion of his pathetic administration in real time, and I am enjoying every minute of it...

View attachment 366839
I agree. Let's not have an election. You on board?

Are deplorables clinging on to that as a last hope?

View attachment 368385
You didn’t answer my question? Too difficult?

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