Trump's approval rating among military falls to new lows


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Trump's approval rating among military slips; lowest among Air Force

Air Force - 36.4 percent

Army - 38.1 percent

Veterans On President Trump: Military Members Discuss The Commander In Chief

Military Times: "Support for Trump is fading among active-duty troops, new poll shows"

Washington Post: "Does anyone love our military less than President Trump?" — "Though he is nearly two years into his presidency, Trump has yet to visit U.S. troops in a combat zone, something his four most recent predecessors all did.

"All of this perhaps should not be surprising, given how Trump as a candidate mocked the suffering of Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) in a North Vietnamese prison and attacked a Gold Star family.

For today’s VA, it’s the best of times and the worst of times

Department of Veterans Affairs has never been in more disarray, with a confusing series of leadership scandals and management overhauls further diminishing public faith in the institution.


I'm surprised his approval rating in the military is as high as it is. They way he mocks and disrespects and lies to our military.

I suspect it will eventually catch up. The men and women in our military work hard.

When I was in the service, I didn't even know the Honorable Mr. Martin R. Hoffmann, was secretary of the Army until I had breakfast with him.

I've learned a lot since those days.
Yet, from your link-

High marks on military issues

Troops surveyed continue to give high marks to the president for his handling of military issues specifically. More than 60 percent said they believe the military is in better shape now than it was under President Barack Obama, and nearly the same number have a favorable view of his handling of the military.
And then this happened:


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