“Trumpers”,”Trumpsters”,”TrumpTards”,”the base”...is anybody actually insulted by these labels?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Isn’t that like being called “White Boy”?
Being labeled a Trump supporter is a compliment...no?
It suggests that one stands for Americans First, American Pride, tradition, culture, military, law and order, our right to sovereignty, hard work, prosperity...etc
Who sane, stands against said principles and ideals?
“Trumpers”,”Trumpsters”,”TrumpTards”,”the base”...is anybody actually insulted by these labels?"

No. I laugh at snowflakes for using these terms. :p
Isn’t that like being called “White Boy”?
Being labeled a Trump supporter is a compliment...no?
It suggests that one stands for Americans First, American Pride, tradition, culture, military, law and order, our right to sovereignty, hard work, prosperity...etc
Who sane, stands against said principles and ideals?
One who believes in our great Nation!! that is not fking allowed and we should all be killed. ask them!!! It is what they want!! Yale university is one location that thought is very rampant
Oh by the way, while I am on this pathetic ass pep-talk post...

Why don't you trumpers call yourselves birthers anymore?

You wouldn't have been trumpers if he were not a birther first....
Oh by the way, while I am on this pathetic ass pep-talk post...

Why don't you trumpers call yourselves birthers anymore?

You wouldn't have been trumpers if he were not a birther first....
ahhh the ol birther ploy again. Kenyanmangood.
Isn’t that like being called “White Boy”?
Being labeled a Trump supporter is a compliment...no?
It suggests that one stands for Americans First, American Pride, tradition, culture, military, law and order, our right to sovereignty, hard work, prosperity...etc
Who sane, stands against said principles and ideals?
Your post is not very cogent in that what you state is false and being a person associated with drump is an insult.
Isn’t that like being called “White Boy”?
Being labeled a Trump supporter is a compliment...no?
It suggests that one stands for Americans First, American Pride, tradition, culture, military, law and order, our right to sovereignty, hard work, prosperity...etc
Who sane, stands against said principles and ideals?
I don't think Russian & Chinese Insults translate well in to English. That's why these attempts all seem so lame.
Isn’t that like being called “White Boy”?
Being labeled a Trump supporter is a compliment...no?
It suggests that one stands for Americans First, American Pride, tradition, culture, military, law and order, our right to sovereignty, hard work, prosperity...etc
Who sane, stands against said principles and ideals?
It's losers that get offended by these kinds of words, thus the restriction on the "n-word". Otherwise no one cares.
Isn’t that like being called “White Boy”?
Being labeled a Trump supporter is a compliment...no?
It suggests that one stands for Americans First, American Pride, tradition, culture, military, law and order, our right to sovereignty, hard work, prosperity...etc
Who sane, stands against said principles and ideals?

You have to remember, to these folks being called an American is an insult. They hate the country.
“Trumpers”,”Trumpsters”,”TrumpTards”,”the base”...is anybody actually insulted by these labels?

The left's meltdown over losing is as sweet to me as a fine wine. :auiqs.jpg: They can fill their days with word play, they have nothing else to do since we took back the White House.
Isn’t that like being called “White Boy”?
Being labeled a Trump supporter is a compliment...no?
It suggests that one stands for Americans First, American Pride, tradition, culture, military, law and order, our right to sovereignty, hard work, prosperity...etc
Who sane, stands against said principles and ideals?

You forgot my favorite: Trumpanzees.
It's the most fitting.
It expresses the knuckle-dragging, nonsense-chirping neanderthals that Trump voters truly are.
Isn’t that like being called “White Boy”?
Being labeled a Trump supporter is a compliment...no?
It suggests that one stands for Americans First, American Pride, tradition, culture, military, law and order, our right to sovereignty, hard work, prosperity...etc
Who sane, stands against said principles and ideals?

Always Orange Virus, always Cult45: goes down smooth, leaves you hollow inside.
“Trumpers”,”Trumpsters”,”TrumpTards”,”the base”...is anybody actually insulted by these labels?

The left's meltdown over losing is as sweet to me as a fine wine. :auiqs.jpg: They can fill their days with word play, they have nothing else to do since we took back the White House.

I didn't feel like I lost because Hillary didn't win.
I felt I lost because stupid people with all the facts at their fingertips about:

1) his lies about Mexico paying for the wall,
2) refusal to show his tax returns and
3) the Hollywood Access tape
4) the $35M fraud lawsuit against Trump U
5) the Trump Foundation fund drive being shut down by NY state for unethical practices
6) six bankruptcy filings for his money-laundering casinos in Atlantic City
7) phony bone spurs as a way to avoid the draft four times
8) ad infinitum

would clearly see he was, and is, unfit for office.
“Trumpers”,”Trumpsters”,”TrumpTards”,”the base”...is anybody actually insulted by these labels?

The left's meltdown over losing is as sweet to me as a fine wine. :auiqs.jpg: They can fill their days with word play, they have nothing else to do since we took back the White House.

I didn't feel like I lost because Hillary didn't win.
I felt I lost because stupid people with all the facts at their fingertips about:

1) his lies about Mexico paying for the wall,
2) refusal to show his tax returns and
3) the Hollywood Access tape
4) the $35M fraud lawsuit against Trump U
5) the Trump Foundation fund drive being shut down by NY state for unethical practices
6) six bankruptcy filings for his money-laundering casinos in Atlantic City
7) phony bone spurs as a way to avoid the draft four times
8) ad infinitum

would clearly see he was, and is, unfit for office.

^^^ When the left loses they get emotional and have a meltdown. THEN their true intolerance bubbles to the surface. ^^^

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