Trump WH Revokes Brennan Security Clearance

To do so frivolously for political revenge?
Can you name another former intelligence office head bashing the next administration like Brennan has and is doing?....I guarantee you Obama would not have tolerated it either....
This is why we voted for clean out the rats....

He is free to criticize incompetence when he sees it
--------------------------------- and he still can criticize , but his SPECIAL Privledge is gone . To me , removing retired 'g mens' SPECIAL status and privledge is merely symbolic RWinger .
My question is this, Brennan voted for a Stalinist. HOW did he even GET a Clearance? He perjured himself about the NSA/CIA Surveillance Programs. WHY do any American's care that his Clearance has been revoked?
there is some talk [was it Rand Paul] about a Blanket type removal of special status like 'security clearances' for ALL retired 'g men' and thats the way that things should go in my opinion .
He isn't in the government. He shouldn't have it anyway
Private citizens can’t have a security clearance?

I am retired and still have a clearance
--------------------------- oh look , its a retired 'g man' , gotta get rid of all SPECIAL Privledges for YOU RWinger .
I still know the secret handshake

As does most of the Deep State
He isn't in the government. He shouldn't have it anyway
Private citizens can’t have a security clearance?

I am retired and still have a clearance
--------------------------- oh look , its a retired 'g man' , gotta get rid of all SPECIAL Privledges for YOU RWinger .
I still know the secret handshake

As does most of the Deep State
-------------------------- was your mentor 'sandy berger' err ' sandy burglar' . I think that he had a security clearance didn't he RWinger ??
Republicans, you aren't always going to be in power. Let's see how you react when a Democratic President pulls the same crap...

I encourage any President to revoke security clearance from any government official who leaves their job.

How is that crap?
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i don't know if you saw this Doc but here it is . --- Polygraph panic: CIA director fretted his vote for communist - CNNPolitics --- i guess that 'john brennan' voted for communist 'gus hall' in the 80s Doc .

Brennan did what he did, he doesn't deny it. Trying to cover his own ass later makes no difference.
------------------------------- some would say that its Collusion between USA Gov and USA enemies to be placed in government service . Other rumor on 'brennan' is that he is a convert to 'islam' Doc .
i don't know if you saw this Doc but here it is . --- Polygraph panic: CIA director fretted his vote for communist - CNNPolitics --- i guess that 'john brennan' voted for communist 'gus hall' in the 80s Doc .

Brennan did what he did, he doesn't deny it. Trying to cover his own ass later makes no difference.
------------------------------- some would say that its Collusion between USA Gov and USA enemies to be placed in government service . Other rumor on 'brennan' is that he is a convert to 'islam' Doc .

(smile) No, but carry on. If it were up to me I'd shoot Brenna in the face and walk away.
i don't know if you saw this Doc but here it is . --- Polygraph panic: CIA director fretted his vote for communist - CNNPolitics --- i guess that 'john brennan' voted for communist 'gus hall' in the 80s Doc .
Surprised the leftards aren’t pleased he’s had his privilege revoked!

I love it when assholes like this Brennan shithead gets a little comeuppance.

Maybe he should start a gofundme thread and the Moon Bats can pay their Stupidity Tax like they have been doing with Strzok.

How will this affect Brennan's life- at all?

This is no more than Trump revoking Brennan's White House hall pass years after he left the White House.
I love it when assholes like this Brennan shithead gets a little comeuppance.

Maybe he should start a gofundme thread and the Moon Bats can pay their Stupidity Tax like they have been doing with Strzok.

How will this affect Brennan's life- at all?

This is no more than Trump revoking Brennan's White House hall pass years after he left the White House.

Then why are the Left and the Press screaming about it?
I love it when assholes like this Brennan shithead gets a little comeuppance.

Maybe he should start a gofundme thread and the Moon Bats can pay their Stupidity Tax like they have been doing with Strzok.

How will this affect Brennan's life- at all?

This is no more than Trump revoking Brennan's White House hall pass years after he left the White House.
------------------------------ probably no effect on 'brennans' life but it is a good thing and merely Symbolic . Sort of like heaping shame on a pwick or traitor Syriusly .
I love it when assholes like this Brennan shithead gets a little comeuppance.

Maybe he should start a gofundme thread and the Moon Bats can pay their Stupidity Tax like they have been doing with Strzok.

How will this affect Brennan's life- at all?

This is no more than Trump revoking Brennan's White House hall pass years after he left the White House.
------------------------------ probably no effect on 'brennans' life but it is a good thing and merely Symbolic . Sort of like heaping shame on a pwick Syriusly .

Oh certainly it is symbolic of how petty Trump is.

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