Trump tries and fails to use the nuclear option for his wall in the Senate

Republicans are not stupid enough to destroy the filibuster forever over a stupid wall
Nuclear option won't be necessary. Dems will ultimately cave.

Or they can use the reconciliation process, which has been used by both parties to circumvent the 60 vote requirement.
See post 14.

From what I have read he doesn't have the R votes for the Nuclear option, not to just pass the budget with 51 votes, as reconciliation would allow.

Unless of course Dems now are calling reconciliation "the nuclear option" as it is being used against them instead of by them.
Were idiotic leftie editorialists like Siegel hoping for a "nuclear option"? You can tell when the left is out of ideas and sanity when they invent fake news that imagines what the President did or tried. The next series of fake news will no doubt depend on unverified information from unidentified "sources/officials close to"....fill in the blanks.
Every Republican voting against funding for the wall should be thrown out of the party. Immediately. Then recalled by their constituents. Then shot by their neighbors.
If their constituents want them to vote against the wall, then they will vote against the wall. That's the whole point of a representative democracy.
Republicans are not stupid enough to destroy the filibuster forever over a stupid wall
Nuclear option won't be necessary. Dems will ultimately cave.

Or they can use the reconciliation process, which has been used by both parties to circumvent the 60 vote requirement.
See post 14.

From what I have read he doesn't have the R votes for the Nuclear option, not to just pass the budget with 51 votes, as reconciliation would allow.

Unless of course Dems now are calling reconciliation "the nuclear option" as it is being used against them instead of by them.
Reconciliation IS the nuclear option in this case.

McConnell does not have 50 votes. He needs 50, with Pence as the tie-breaker.
Of course they will not go to a Nuke option. Why would they
do that. The Dems don't sign the bill that the House passed
by midnite tonight, the Dems will own the shutdown.

The Prez cannot be blamed for vetoing a bill that he never received.

He can be blamed for saying he will never sign the bill.

He said he was proud to shutdown the government. That cannot be walked back or ignored.

This will be 100% on Trump.

All for something he promised we would not pay for

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McConnell is wrong. He thinks that if we don't use the nuclear option the democrat socialists won't either. Of course they will. As soon as they get the chance.

Mitch, do the right thing. Don't think about the enemy.
Best post of the day! Dems already showed they are willing to change the rules when they're in power if it gets them their way.
Republicans are not stupid enough to destroy the filibuster forever over a stupid wall
Nuclear option won't be necessary. Dems will ultimately cave.

Or they can use the reconciliation process, which has been used by both parties to circumvent the 60 vote requirement.
See post 14.

From what I have read he doesn't have the R votes for the Nuclear option, not to just pass the budget with 51 votes, as reconciliation would allow.

Unless of course Dems now are calling reconciliation "the nuclear option" as it is being used against them instead of by them.
Reconciliation IS the nuclear option in this case.

McConnell does not have 50 votes. He needs 50, with Pence as the tie-breaker.

No, the nuclear option has always been removing the filibuster for a given vote, such as when Dems removed it for Judicial nominees except the SC, and then Republicans removed it for SC nominations.
Republicans are not stupid enough to destroy the filibuster forever over a stupid wall
Nuclear option won't be necessary. Dems will ultimately cave.

Or they can use the reconciliation process, which has been used by both parties to circumvent the 60 vote requirement.
See post 14.

From what I have read he doesn't have the R votes for the Nuclear option, not to just pass the budget with 51 votes, as reconciliation would allow.

Unless of course Dems now are calling reconciliation "the nuclear option" as it is being used against them instead of by them.
Reconciliation IS the nuclear option in this case.

McConnell does not have 50 votes. He needs 50, with Pence as the tie-breaker.

No, the nuclear option has always been removing the filibuster for a given vote, such as when Dems removed it for Judicial nominees except the SC, and then Republicans removed it for SC nominations.
Read the OP. Read the black parts in the white box.

McConnell does not have 50 votes, never mind 60. He does not have the votes for the nuclear option.
Everyone knows, or at least everyone with more than half a brain, that a shutdown will damage Trump far more than it will damage the Capitol collective.

And I have a sneaking suspicion there are some Republicans on The Hill who would be more than happy to see that happen.
Republicans are not stupid enough to destroy the filibuster forever over a stupid wall
Or they can use the reconciliation process, which has been used by both parties to circumvent the 60 vote requirement.
See post 14.

From what I have read he doesn't have the R votes for the Nuclear option, not to just pass the budget with 51 votes, as reconciliation would allow.

Unless of course Dems now are calling reconciliation "the nuclear option" as it is being used against them instead of by them.
Reconciliation IS the nuclear option in this case.

McConnell does not have 50 votes. He needs 50, with Pence as the tie-breaker.

No, the nuclear option has always been removing the filibuster for a given vote, such as when Dems removed it for Judicial nominees except the SC, and then Republicans removed it for SC nominations.
Read the OP. Read the black parts in the white box.

McConnell does not have 50 votes, never mind 60. He does not have the votes for the nuclear option.

Again, reconciliation is not the nuclear option.
Nuclear option won't be necessary. Dems will ultimately cave.

Or they can use the reconciliation process, which has been used by both parties to circumvent the 60 vote requirement.
Another option is making Mexico pay for it.

I heard they donated to the go fund me page so they can say they payed for it!!

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Nuclear option won't be necessary. Dems will ultimately cave.

Or they can use the reconciliation process, which has been used by both parties to circumvent the 60 vote requirement.
Another option is making Mexico pay for it.

I heard they donated to the go fund me page so they can say they payed for it!!

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I wish Trump and his sheep would make up their mind. This shit changes daily

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Every Republican voting against funding for the wall should be thrown out of the party. Immediately. Then recalled by their constituents. Then shot by their neighbors.
If their constituents want them to vote against the wall, then they will vote against the wall. That's the whole point of a representative democracy.
Even to go reconciliation, McConnell can only lose one of Flake, Corker, and Snowe ... all of whom have pretty much lost their senate careers because of him. I doubt McConnell has the votes.

and it's not all politics. The wall is not going to be built because of how much eminent domain taking there would have to be for the wall itself, not to mention the guard towers, the roads to and from the wall, the gas stations, the crappers, etc.
Every Republican voting against funding for the wall should be thrown out of the party. Immediately. Then recalled by their constituents. Then shot by their neighbors.
If their constituents want them to vote against the wall, then they will vote against the wall. That's the whole point of a representative democracy.
Even to go reconciliation, McConnell can only lose one of Flake, Corker, and Snowe ... all of whom have pretty much lost their senate careers because of him. I doubt McConnell has the votes.

and it's not all politics. The wall is not going to be built because of how much eminent domain taking there would have to be for the wall itself, not to mention the guard towers, the roads to and from the wall, the gas stations, the crappers, etc.

On the first point I agree.

On the second, they can always start the work on federal land.
Donald just Trump tried to use the nuclear option in the senate in order to get his wall, despite the fact that Mexico is going to pay for it according to himself.
Mitch McConnell said that the nuclear option is not going to happen, via his spokesman:

Ben Siegel on Twitter
Bout fn time McConnell stopped kissing trump ass
If the GOP really wanted the wall they would have passed it by now.

Neither party wants the wall, all because they are all in the pockets of the drug lords
I do not want to see the Senate go to the nuclear option on everything, which is basically what it boils down to. IMHO, the tyranny of the majority ought to be guarded against no matter who is in the majority. If we do it to them before they do it to us then we are no better than they are.
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Nuclear option won't be necessary. Dems will ultimately cave.

There's no way, only way is if Trump says, "I am forced to slow down the signing of all cosmetic spending until there is a barrier between us and the constant security threats on our border. It is our duty to our citizens".

When big donors see there is no sugar coming their way, the pressure will be on to agree to anything Trump demands.

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