Trump trashed the Constitution yet again

Trump recently declared a National Emergency to bypass Congress & sell military equipment to Saudi Arabia & The UAE.

The US Constitution says the only Congress can spend money & that Congress passes laws that the President must follow. Under current law arms sales must be approved by Congress. When an emergency arises & there is no time, the President can act. Using the Emergency contingency when there is no emergency, is trashing the Constitution.

Trump has used the National Emergency law to fund his stupid border wall. I am sorry but lobbying Congress for funding & getting it turn down does not a emergency make.

Then he sells this equipment without Congress approval. Where is the emergency? Certainly not the fake one when he tried to provoke Iran by sending a battle group & bombers to the Middle East. Fuzzy pictures of a ship with maybe a rocket launcher reminds me of Colin Powell arguing for war with Iraq. Saudi uses the stuff we sell to bomb Yemen with little regard to innocent women & children.

As Trump continues to violate the Constitution, at what point will his followers choose Country first?

Trump declares emergency to expedite arms sales to Saudi Arabia and UAE - CNNPolitics

Nice article.

CNN talking out both sides of their microphone again.

"CNN reported earlier Friday that the Trump administration was planning to announce its decision to use a pre-existing rule that would allow it to expedite arms sales to allies in the Middle East. The move drew bipartisan condemnation, with lawmakers decrying the precedent it sets, "

Duh, CNN, the precedent was already set.

The problem is that there is no emergency. Are you stupid on purpose?

Trump: :"I want billions for my wall"
Congress : "No:
Trump: " Emergency!!! Emergency"

Trump: "I wantr to sell my buddies in Saudi military weaponry"
Trump: "Congress won't approve this....."
Trump: "Emergency Emergency"

20 million illegals in this country, prove otherwise, Ostrich.

How long have they been here? There is no way you can argue that this is such an emergency because Trump & Congress had time to deal with it.

That a problem has been ignored for a long time, does not make it NOT an emergency.

Walk into any Emergency Room on any busy day, and you will see a lot of people having emergencies because of problems they have been ignoring for a long time.

This is something that any responsible adult should understand. That you need it explained to you, shows how bat shit crazy you are.


Trump recently declared a National Emergency to bypass Congress & sell military equipment to Saudi Arabia & The UAE.

The US Constitution says the only Congress can spend money & that Congress passes laws that the President must follow. Under current law arms sales must be approved by Congress. When an emergency arises & there is no time, the President can act. Using the Emergency contingency when there is no emergency, is trashing the Constitution.

Trump has used the National Emergency law to fund his stupid border wall. I am sorry but lobbying Congress for funding & getting it turn down does not a emergency make.

Then he sells this equipment without Congress approval. Where is the emergency? Certainly not the fake one when he tried to provoke Iran by sending a battle group & bombers to the Middle East. Fuzzy pictures of a ship with maybe a rocket launcher reminds me of Colin Powell arguing for war with Iraq. Saudi uses the stuff we sell to bomb Yemen with little regard to innocent women & children.

As Trump continues to violate the Constitution, at what point will his followers choose Country first?

Trump declares emergency to expedite arms sales to Saudi Arabia and UAE - CNNPolitics
whatever he does is fine with me,

So, you are OK with Trump's lying, groping women, cheating business partners, money laundering, siding with our enemies
if it MAGA, than it has to be good for America
so, yes I'm ok as long as it's not a crime
groping is not necessarily a crime
''siding with our enemies'' ------hahahahahahha= bullshit
Trump recently declared a National Emergency to bypass Congress & sell military equipment to Saudi Arabia & The UAE.

The US Constitution says the only Congress can spend money & that Congress passes laws that the President must follow. Under current law arms sales must be approved by Congress. When an emergency arises & there is no time, the President can act. Using the Emergency contingency when there is no emergency, is trashing the Constitution.

Trump has used the National Emergency law to fund his stupid border wall. I am sorry but lobbying Congress for funding & getting it turn down does not a emergency make.

Then he sells this equipment without Congress approval. Where is the emergency? Certainly not the fake one when he tried to provoke Iran by sending a battle group & bombers to the Middle East. Fuzzy pictures of a ship with maybe a rocket launcher reminds me of Colin Powell arguing for war with Iraq. Saudi uses the stuff we sell to bomb Yemen with little regard to innocent women & children.

As Trump continues to violate the Constitution, at what point will his followers choose Country first?

Trump declares emergency to expedite arms sales to Saudi Arabia and UAE - CNNPolitics
whatever he does is fine with me,

So, you are OK with Trump's lying, groping women, cheating business partners, money laundering, siding with our enemies
if it MAGA, than it has to be good for America
so, yes I'm ok as long as it's not a crime
groping is not necessarily a crime
''siding with our enemies'' ------hahahahahahha= bullshit
Another Trumpette claiming assaulting women is OK.
Trump recently declared a National Emergency to bypass Congress & sell military equipment to Saudi Arabia & The UAE.

The US Constitution says the only Congress can spend money & that Congress passes laws that the President must follow. Under current law arms sales must be approved by Congress. When an emergency arises & there is no time, the President can act. Using the Emergency contingency when there is no emergency, is trashing the Constitution.

Trump has used the National Emergency law to fund his stupid border wall. I am sorry but lobbying Congress for funding & getting it turn down does not a emergency make.

Then he sells this equipment without Congress approval. Where is the emergency? Certainly not the fake one when he tried to provoke Iran by sending a battle group & bombers to the Middle East. Fuzzy pictures of a ship with maybe a rocket launcher reminds me of Colin Powell arguing for war with Iraq. Saudi uses the stuff we sell to bomb Yemen with little regard to innocent women & children.

As Trump continues to violate the Constitution, at what point will his followers choose Country first?

Trump declares emergency to expedite arms sales to Saudi Arabia and UAE - CNNPolitics

Nice article.

CNN talking out both sides of their microphone again.

"CNN reported earlier Friday that the Trump administration was planning to announce its decision to use a pre-existing rule that would allow it to expedite arms sales to allies in the Middle East. The move drew bipartisan condemnation, with lawmakers decrying the precedent it sets, "

Duh, CNN, the precedent was already set.

The problem is that there is no emergency. Are you stupid on purpose?

Trump: :"I want billions for my wall"
Congress : "No:
Trump: " Emergency!!! Emergency"

Trump: "I wantr to sell my buddies in Saudi military weaponry"
Trump: "Congress won't approve this....."
Trump: "Emergency Emergency"

20 million illegals in this country, prove otherwise, Ostrich.

How long have they been here? There is no way you can argue that this is such an emergency because Trump & Congress had time to deal with it.

That a problem has been ignored for a long time, does not make it NOT an emergency.

Walk into any Emergency Room on any busy day, and you will see a lot of people having emergencies because of problems they have been ignoring for a long time.

This is something that any responsible adult should understand. That you need it explained to you, shows how bat shit crazy you are.


A lot of people misuse the emergency room.

Like your orange buddy is misusing the emergency contingency.
Trump recently declared a National Emergency to bypass Congress & sell military equipment to Saudi Arabia & The UAE.

The US Constitution says the only Congress can spend money & that Congress passes laws that the President must follow. Under current law arms sales must be approved by Congress. When an emergency arises & there is no time, the President can act. Using the Emergency contingency when there is no emergency, is trashing the Constitution.

Trump has used the National Emergency law to fund his stupid border wall. I am sorry but lobbying Congress for funding & getting it turn down does not a emergency make.

Then he sells this equipment without Congress approval. Where is the emergency? Certainly not the fake one when he tried to provoke Iran by sending a battle group & bombers to the Middle East. Fuzzy pictures of a ship with maybe a rocket launcher reminds me of Colin Powell arguing for war with Iraq. Saudi uses the stuff we sell to bomb Yemen with little regard to innocent women & children.

As Trump continues to violate the Constitution, at what point will his followers choose Country first?

Trump declares emergency to expedite arms sales to Saudi Arabia and UAE - CNNPolitics
whatever he does is fine with me,

So, you are OK with Trump's lying, groping women, cheating business partners, money laundering, siding with our enemies

You've never groped a woman? Damn. How old are you?
I always had permission. You support groping women, how revealing is that about you.

Trump recently declared a National Emergency to bypass Congress & sell military equipment to Saudi Arabia & The UAE.

The US Constitution says the only Congress can spend money & that Congress passes laws that the President must follow. Under current law arms sales must be approved by Congress. When an emergency arises & there is no time, the President can act. Using the Emergency contingency when there is no emergency, is trashing the Constitution.

Trump has used the National Emergency law to fund his stupid border wall. I am sorry but lobbying Congress for funding & getting it turn down does not a emergency make.

Then he sells this equipment without Congress approval. Where is the emergency? Certainly not the fake one when he tried to provoke Iran by sending a battle group & bombers to the Middle East. Fuzzy pictures of a ship with maybe a rocket launcher reminds me of Colin Powell arguing for war with Iraq. Saudi uses the stuff we sell to bomb Yemen with little regard to innocent women & children.

As Trump continues to violate the Constitution, at what point will his followers choose Country first?

Trump declares emergency to expedite arms sales to Saudi Arabia and UAE - CNNPolitics
Trump is making the country Great Again!
Nice article.

CNN talking out both sides of their microphone again.

"CNN reported earlier Friday that the Trump administration was planning to announce its decision to use a pre-existing rule that would allow it to expedite arms sales to allies in the Middle East. The move drew bipartisan condemnation, with lawmakers decrying the precedent it sets, "

Duh, CNN, the precedent was already set.

The problem is that there is no emergency. Are you stupid on purpose?

Trump: :"I want billions for my wall"
Congress : "No:
Trump: " Emergency!!! Emergency"

Trump: "I wantr to sell my buddies in Saudi military weaponry"
Trump: "Congress won't approve this....."
Trump: "Emergency Emergency"

20 million illegals in this country, prove otherwise, Ostrich.

How long have they been here? There is no way you can argue that this is such an emergency because Trump & Congress had time to deal with it.

That a problem has been ignored for a long time, does not make it NOT an emergency.

Walk into any Emergency Room on any busy day, and you will see a lot of people having emergencies because of problems they have been ignoring for a long time.

This is something that any responsible adult should understand. That you need it explained to you, shows how bat shit crazy you are.


A lot of people misuse the emergency room.

Like your orange buddy is misusing the emergency contingency.

Yep. People who go there and use it like a walk in clinic, are misusing it.

People who ignore a problem for decades, and one day they can't ignore it anymore, are not misusing the emergency room.

Seriously. Are you in charge of your own affairs? Is there anyone who could be take over that for you?

Have you considered being a shut in with padded furniture?
Trump recently declared a National Emergency to bypass Congress & sell military equipment to Saudi Arabia & The UAE.

The US Constitution says the only Congress can spend money & that Congress passes laws that the President must follow. Under current law arms sales must be approved by Congress. When an emergency arises & there is no time, the President can act. Using the Emergency contingency when there is no emergency, is trashing the Constitution.

Trump has used the National Emergency law to fund his stupid border wall. I am sorry but lobbying Congress for funding & getting it turn down does not a emergency make.

Then he sells this equipment without Congress approval. Where is the emergency? Certainly not the fake one when he tried to provoke Iran by sending a battle group & bombers to the Middle East. Fuzzy pictures of a ship with maybe a rocket launcher reminds me of Colin Powell arguing for war with Iraq. Saudi uses the stuff we sell to bomb Yemen with little regard to innocent women & children.

As Trump continues to violate the Constitution, at what point will his followers choose Country first?

Trump declares emergency to expedite arms sales to Saudi Arabia and UAE - CNNPolitics
whatever he does is fine with me,

So, you are OK with Trump's lying, groping women, cheating business partners, money laundering, siding with our enemies
if it MAGA, than it has to be good for America
so, yes I'm ok as long as it's not a crime
groping is not necessarily a crime
''siding with our enemies'' ------hahahahahahha= bullshit
Another Trumpette claiming assaulting women is OK.
you are another idiot who makes up stupid shit
Trump recently declared a National Emergency to bypass Congress & sell military equipment to Saudi Arabia & The UAE.

The US Constitution says the only Congress can spend money & that Congress passes laws that the President must follow. Under current law arms sales must be approved by Congress. When an emergency arises & there is no time, the President can act. Using the Emergency contingency when there is no emergency, is trashing the Constitution.

Trump has used the National Emergency law to fund his stupid border wall. I am sorry but lobbying Congress for funding & getting it turn down does not a emergency make.

Then he sells this equipment without Congress approval. Where is the emergency? Certainly not the fake one when he tried to provoke Iran by sending a battle group & bombers to the Middle East. Fuzzy pictures of a ship with maybe a rocket launcher reminds me of Colin Powell arguing for war with Iraq. Saudi uses the stuff we sell to bomb Yemen with little regard to innocent women & children.

As Trump continues to violate the Constitution, at what point will his followers choose Country first?

Trump declares emergency to expedite arms sales to Saudi Arabia and UAE - CNNPolitics
whatever he does is fine with me,

So, you are OK with Trump's lying, groping women, cheating business partners, money laundering, siding with our enemies
if it MAGA, than it has to be good for America
so, yes I'm ok as long as it's not a crime
groping is not necessarily a crime
''siding with our enemies'' ------hahahahahahha= bullshit
Another Trumpette claiming assaulting women is OK.
who assaulted whom???!!!!
Trump recently declared a National Emergency to bypass Congress & sell military equipment to Saudi Arabia & The UAE.

The US Constitution says the only Congress can spend money & that Congress passes laws that the President must follow. Under current law arms sales must be approved by Congress. When an emergency arises & there is no time, the President can act. Using the Emergency contingency when there is no emergency, is trashing the Constitution.

Trump has used the National Emergency law to fund his stupid border wall. I am sorry but lobbying Congress for funding & getting it turn down does not a emergency make.

Then he sells this equipment without Congress approval. Where is the emergency? Certainly not the fake one when he tried to provoke Iran by sending a battle group & bombers to the Middle East. Fuzzy pictures of a ship with maybe a rocket launcher reminds me of Colin Powell arguing for war with Iraq. Saudi uses the stuff we sell to bomb Yemen with little regard to innocent women & children.

As Trump continues to violate the Constitution, at what point will his followers choose Country first?

Trump declares emergency to expedite arms sales to Saudi Arabia and UAE - CNNPolitics
whatever he does is fine with me,

So, you are OK with Trump's lying, groping women, cheating business partners, money laundering, siding with our enemies
^^ whenever a progtard loses an argument, they always revert back to screaming about “groping women”, his past business life, and other nonsensical “points” that were never true to begin with.
Trump recently declared a National Emergency to bypass Congress & sell military equipment to Saudi Arabia & The UAE.

The US Constitution says the only Congress can spend money & that Congress passes laws that the President must follow. Under current law arms sales must be approved by Congress. When an emergency arises & there is no time, the President can act. Using the Emergency contingency when there is no emergency, is trashing the Constitution.

Trump has used the National Emergency law to fund his stupid border wall. I am sorry but lobbying Congress for funding & getting it turn down does not a emergency make.

Then he sells this equipment without Congress approval. Where is the emergency? Certainly not the fake one when he tried to provoke Iran by sending a battle group & bombers to the Middle East. Fuzzy pictures of a ship with maybe a rocket launcher reminds me of Colin Powell arguing for war with Iraq. Saudi uses the stuff we sell to bomb Yemen with little regard to innocent women & children.

As Trump continues to violate the Constitution, at what point will his followers choose Country first?

Trump declares emergency to expedite arms sales to Saudi Arabia and UAE - CNNPolitics
whatever he does is fine with me,

So, you are OK with Trump's lying, groping women, cheating business partners, money laundering, siding with our enemies
^^ whenever a progtard loses an argument, they always revert back to screaming about “groping women”, his past business life, and other nonsensical “points” that were never true to begin with.
exactly --- we have many critical problems and they bring up groping
this is typical of leftists/'''leftists''/etc arguments = dumbshit
There is an emergency at the border. Even left leaning 60 Minutes devoted a segment to it. FakeDave strikes again with Fake News.
An emergency? Trump has been trying to get money for at least two years for his "wall" He has vetoed funding for border security.. If it were a true emergency then Trump is inept for not acting sooner.

So did 60 minutes lie? He tried to act sooner but the bleeding hearts stopped him. Remember the whole family separation issue?

Migrant families and nowhere to put them: How the acting DHS chief plans to handle the southern border
Are you?

Trump approves massive arms deals to Saudi Arabia and UAE amid Iran tensions

  • The Trump administration on Friday invoked a rarely used provision in federal law to bypass congressional review of arms sales to Saudi Arabia, citing threats the kingdom faces from Iran.
  • Secretary of State Mike Pompeo notified Congress of the decision to use an emergency loophole in the Arms Export Control Act to move ahead with sales of $7 billion in precision guided munitions, other bombs and ammunition and aircraft maintenance support to Saudi Arabia, along with the United Arab Emirates and Jordan, without lawmakers’ approval.
  • Pompeo’s move follows Trump’s announcement that the U.S. plans to send 1,500 troops to the Middle East."
Where is the emergency? The Iranian have been active for years.

Do you think Saudi Arabia & the UAE will use these arms top defend themselves against Iran or use them in Yemen.

Where is the emergency? The Iranian have been active for years.

apparently, Pompeo believes they have been escalating.

You know more about the situation over there than he does?

Like he knew about NK.
Rolling Stone
Bypassing Congress, Trump Sells Weapons to Saudi Arabia, Orders Troops to Middle East
Democratic and Republican representatives criticized the move, and one prominent Democrat said the president may have violated the law

    MAY 25, 2019 4:40PM EDT

, President Trump wanted to sell weapons to Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Jordan. But, he knew Congress won’t approve his decision, so on Friday the president announced he was going to declare a national emergency, allowing him to sell the foreign governments around $8 billion worth of weapons. Included in the sale were precision guided bombs, as well as other types of bombs and ammunitions and related equipment. The president also ordered 1500 troops to the Middle East, according to the New York Times.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo wrote in a letter justifying the decision to Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman James Risch (R-ID), saying, “I have determined that an emergency exists which requires the proposed sale in the national security interest of the United States, and, thus, waives the congressional review requirements.”


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Risch said he was “reviewing and analyzing the legal justification for this action and the associated implications,” CBS News reported.

But Senate Foreign Relations Committee Ranking Member Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) went further and said in a statement that the move may have violated the law. “I am disappointed, but not surprised, that the Trump Administration has failed once again to prioritize our long term national security interests or stand up for human rights, and instead is granting favors to authoritarian countries like Saudi Arabia… The Trump administration decided to do an end run around the Congress and possibly the law.”

In the wake of the brutal murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi ordered, the CIA determined, by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, both parties in Congress voted to stop supporting the proxy war in Yemen, led by Saudi Arabia. Pompeo said the move to circumvent Congress was a “a one-time event.”

Defense Department officials and National Security Advisor John Boltonare reported to be behind the aggressive Iran policy. “This is about deterrence, not about war,” Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan told reporters after a closed-door congressional briefing on Iran earlier this week.

But Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said the United States is “playing a very, very dangerous game” with these moves. And Gen. Morteza Qorbani, an Iranian military advisor, told the news outlet Mizan after news of the sale went public, “If they commit the slightest stupidity, we will send these ships to the bottom of the sea along with their crew and planes using two missiles or two new secret weapons.”

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