Trump to win in Iowa

Donald Trump is predicted to win in Iowa by a large margin. This should come as no surprise to anyone.

No, no surprise. The issue isn't winning the primaries. He's got the name recognition, he's got the "I'm in the news every freaking day" recognition.

It's whether he can beat Biden. Simple as. When was the last time the primaries for both Dems and Reps contained a US president?
How about the border? Biden invited this invasion.

Biden sucks as president. You don't think I'm actually trying to defend that moron, do you?

On the border? Trump didn't secure it. His plan was to beg Pelosi for the money. FFS, she constantly kicked Trumps ass on everything. Trump doesn't know how to beat the democrats. Period. End of story.

Trump didn't even do the EO to end the birthright citizenship crap, like he promised. Sure, it would've been challenged in the Supreme Court. But the right had a majority there. And everyone knows that part of the 14th Amendment was written for slaves. So his EO would not have been overturned.

And by not really doing anything about the border, Trump invited them as well. Once the word got out that all they had to do was walk up to a border check point and say "I'm seeking asylum from the cartels," (during the last few months of Trump), this is when so many started coming.

FFS, Obama deported more illegals in 4 years than Trump did.

I'm not sure how more plainly to explain this to you. But on the border issue, Trump failed.
Trump's going to win everything. Including the election. And what we're going to end up with is a Kevin McCarthy type RINO for president.

All this celebrating the Trump supporters are doing........... They just don't understand what they're getting. I'm 100% convinced they don't actually know what Trumps real record is.
i agree …..
And for the record, it's not Biden that's making things better, prices slowly coming down. It's "we the people" that are doing that.

Don't underestimate the role that the Fed plays in an election year. The Fed is all in for Biden and they'll do what they can, if only temporary, in order to sell a false illusion of some sort of ease for the benefit of the current administration.

The Fed pretty much always runs interference for the current administration because they're the ones who appointed them, regardless of whether it's a Republican or a Democrat administration.

After the election, they'll be right back to jacking up inflation, make no mistake about that.
Biden sucks as president. You don't think I'm actually trying to defend that moron, do you?

On the border? Trump didn't secure it. His plan was to beg Pelosi for the money. FFS, she constantly kicked Trumps ass on everything. Trump doesn't know how to beat the democrats. Period. End of story.

Trump didn't even do the EO to end the birthright citizenship crap, like he promised. Sure, it would've been challenged in the Supreme Court. But the right had a majority there. And everyone knows that part of the 14th Amendment was written for slaves. So his EO would not have been overturned.

And by not really doing anything about the border, Trump invited them as well. Once the word got out that all they had to do was walk up to a border check point and say "I'm seeking asylum from the cartels," (during the last few months of Trump), this is when so many started coming.

FFS, Obama deported more illegals in 4 years than Trump did.

I'm not sure how more plainly to explain this to you. But on the border issue, Trump failed.
So are you voting for Trump or Biden?
So are you voting for Trump or Biden?

I don't do democrats or RINO's. So neither.

Republicans are our only defense against the left. But the RINO's don't offer any defense, really. They just lie and say they do. To hell with both of them.
Don't underestimate the role that the Fed plays in an election year. The Fed is all in for Biden and they'll do what they can, if only temporary, in order to sell a false illusion of some sort of ease for the benefit of the current administration.

The Fed pretty much always runs interference for the current administration because they're the ones who appointed them, regardless of whether it's a Republican or a Democrat administration.

After the election, they'll be right back to jacking up inflation, make no mistake about that.

I see your point. But we've had good economy's when it wasn't an election season. Remember, the economy has it's booms and busts, every 3 or 4 years. We have elections every two and 4. So what you're saying makes sense. And is mostly spot on.
But those ups and down in the economy correlate with the huge borrowing and spending. They mess it up, and we fix it.

I don't know about you, but I'm sick of politicians like Trump & Biden spending trillions on shit that doesn't even pertain to 30% of Americans, and then leaving us to pay the damn bill. We get to pay for the gender studies in Pakistan, and covid shots, bombs and everything else (with interest), while they feed their favorite lobbyist and special interest.
We did not have thousands of invaders a day slithering across the border. We did not have tent camps, warming busses, or door to door begging by invaders.

The Biden administration was retarded for ending the "Remain in Mexico" reg. From what I gather, it was because of so many women and children getting raped and murdered over there. I get that. We're not fucking nazi's. But it's gotten completely out of hand, at this point.
But if you think Trump is going to get the job done, one only has to look at Trump failed record of securing the border to know he's simply not the one to get the job done.

DeSantis has the right idea and plans to get the job done. And he has a record of beating the democrats on issue after issue.

Trump supporters are just all caught up in their revenge fantasy to see just how bad Trump sucked at border security. FFS, if he couldn't beat a few hundred democrats, how TF is he going to beat thousand of foreigners that'll be coming into this country when he's president?
The funny thing about this is that before the caucus, they were saying ruh roh, you better watch out, Haley is closing the gap, you better be uh scared.

And now, if you click on FOX web site their pundits are saying, well, he was always gonna win Iowa but you better watch out in NH.

lol. These clowns have no shame.

They're right back to it. lol...

Trump was always expected to win Iowa but things could look different for the former president in New Hampshire

He was always expected to win.

Closing the gap? Fox and the rest of them love close races. It makes for good entertainment and they can sell their ads for more money. This time, there was no close race.

I didn't see them saying Haley was closing the gap. They may have had some sort of innuendo they were trying to pull.
I see your point. But we've had good economy's when it wasn't an election season. Remember, the economy has it's booms and busts, every 3 or 4 years. We have elections every two and 4. So what you're saying makes sense. And is mostly spot on.
But those ups and down in the economy correlate with the huge borrowing and spending. They mess it up, and we fix it.

I don't know about you, but I'm sick of politicians like Trump & Biden spending trillions on shit that doesn't even pertain to 30% of Americans, and then leaving us to pay the damn bill. We get to pay for the gender studies in Pakistan, and covid shots, bombs and everything else (with interest), while they feed their favorite lobbyist and special interest.

Yeah, no matter who gets the position, they're gonna continue the spending spree. That's a given.
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