Trump thinks he can change the Constitution via EO

Post a link to one doing that here or you’re lying....

You are libtarded….

We all know you lie, cheat and WELSH...……….

If that were true, it would have been easy for you to link one doing that here.

Your inability to do so demonstrates a) you’re a loser; b) you’re a liar; and c) you will welsh if you lose that bet.

Only a retard like yourself would need a link to know the sun comes up in the morning.

We are WINNING...…….

You libtards are having your ass kicked up around your ears by TRUMP...

Bite that tard...……...

What a pathetically weak bluff, welsher-to-be. If you could have posted a link to even a single Liberal here welshing, you would have. You don’t because you can’t.


Have you noticed that the low IQ trump cultists favorite word is libtard? This one can't post a comment without it. To them, it's an insult. to me, it's a compliment. I'd rather be a liberal than a mouth breathing, knuckle dragging trump cultist.

You libtards are so very confused....

From the one...….
You are more libtarded than most.....

Only a Dumb Ass like yourself needs a link to prove

what is obvious to the sane...……..:fu:
So “obvious,” you can’t actually prove it.


You would think you would get tired of getting your ass kicked...……...

Kicking someone's ass requires proving what you claim. You can't prove shit so you're drooling gibberish instead, hoping no one will notice.


Rave on you idiot………

You’re a libtard….

No link needed………

The proof is in the pudding….
The proof is you can’t find even one.


You are embarrassing yourself….

The funny thing is you aren’t smart enough to realize it….

Later tard…
This is correct...……

Note: I didn't say he would do it because that wouldn't be Permanent.

But the $20.00 bet stands that it is possible....

After you bet I will explain How I can prove it...……..

If it is not permanent it does not matter.

It does if your real goal is to force a national conversation on the subject, followed by an official ruling from the Supreme Court on it.

Or if your goal is to swing a few votes his way

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Hey, far be it from me to ask you to get your head out of your ass and see something beyond partisan politics. After all, that steadfast obsession on the part of you and your fellow useful idiots has brought such handsome dividends to the rest of us.

So by all means, remain oblivious to any big pictures.

Your savior in the White House wants to alter the Constitution via EO and you think that is not the big picture.

You are a good and loyal statist.

Sigh. The EO is to force the issue of the 14th to be brought before the Supremes. Put this up in another thread. From Jonathan Turley. Mega Dem.

Read and understand what this is all about.

Trump plan for birthright citizenship executive order will force courts to act. That's good.
So “obvious,” you can’t actually prove it.


You would think you would get tired of getting your ass kicked...……...

Kicking someone's ass requires proving what you claim. You can't prove shit so you're drooling gibberish instead, hoping no one will notice.


Rave on you idiot………

You’re a libtard….

No link needed………

The proof is in the pudding….
The proof is you can’t find even one.


You are embarrassing yourself….

The funny thing is you aren’t smart enough to realize it….

Later tard…

Still not a single welsher on the left here.

You would think you would get tired of getting your ass kicked...……...

Kicking someone's ass requires proving what you claim. You can't prove shit so you're drooling gibberish instead, hoping no one will notice.


Rave on you idiot………

You’re a libtard….

No link needed………

The proof is in the pudding….
The proof is you can’t find even one.


You are embarrassing yourself….

The funny thing is you aren’t smart enough to realize it….

Later tard…

Still not a single welsher on the left here.


You welshed on the election Dumb Ass.....

The Russians did it... The Russians did it.....

You are all pathetic pukes..:fu:
No, it [EOs under Obama] was not ok then either. That is the difference between me and the sheep like you on both sides, I do not approve of it no matter who does it.

All of you that whined about Obama doing it are now cheering on Trump...there is a word for that.

All Presidents of the last century used EOs, and it was never that big a problem until a Black Democrat did it. Then, all of a sudden, they became a sign of a "lawless administration" - a denomination of which most of our righty friends don't like to be remembered in the face of the Trumpy's trampling over law and Constitution.

There are perfectly legitimate uses of EOs, like the head of the Executive advising the Executive how properly to do their jobs, where to direct their resources for the Executive machinery to function properly. One such use is the direction advising where to focus ever limited law enforcement resources, exercising long-established "prosecutorial discretion", also never overly problematic before 2009. Funny that...

Most assuredly, defacing one of the most important Amendments other than the Bill of Rights - 150 years after it was added to the Constitution, depriving the States of the power to discriminate against some of those born in the U.S. based on race or general Otherness - or trying to do so as an electioneering stunt fanning the flames of nativism and xenophobia, is not a legitimate use of EOs. To all those with just a tiny shred of decency left, that should be uncontroversial.
Your savior in the White House wants to alter the Constitution via EO and you think that is not the big picture.

You are a good and loyal statist.
Ok when Obummer was running around puffing himself up with EO's, but now it's the worst eh ??? Elections have consequences.

No, it was not ok then either. That is the difference between me and the sheep like you on both sides, I do not approve of it no matter who does it.

All of you that whined about Obama doing it are now cheering on Trump...there is a word for that.
Yep there sure is, and it's called "payback".

It’s called you are no different than that which you rant and rail against.

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You created me.


You are just one more mindless partisan sheep just like so many from both sides. There is nothing different or unique about you, you are just like all the other sheep. I have been fighting against your kind since 1996

Kicking someone's ass requires proving what you claim. You can't prove shit so you're drooling gibberish instead, hoping no one will notice.


Rave on you idiot………

You’re a libtard….

No link needed………

The proof is in the pudding….
The proof is you can’t find even one.


You are embarrassing yourself….

The funny thing is you aren’t smart enough to realize it….

Later tard…

Still not a single welsher on the left here.


You welshed on the election Dumb Ass.....

The Russians did it... The Russians did it.....

You are all pathetic pukes..:fu:

I see you’re a fucking retard who doesn’t know the meaning of what a welsher is. Dumbfuck, it’s someone who doesn’t pay up on a bet when they lose. I made no wagers on the election so no, I didn’t welsh.
This is correct...……

Note: I didn't say he would do it because that wouldn't be Permanent.

But the $20.00 bet stands that it is possible....

After you bet I will explain How I can prove it...……..

If it is not permanent it does not matter.

It does if your real goal is to force a national conversation on the subject, followed by an official ruling from the Supreme Court on it.

Or if your goal is to swing a few votes his way

Sent from my iPhone using

Hey, far be it from me to ask you to get your head out of your ass and see something beyond partisan politics. After all, that steadfast obsession on the part of you and your fellow useful idiots has brought such handsome dividends to the rest of us.

So by all means, remain oblivious to any big pictures.

Your savior in the White House wants to alter the Constitution via EO and you think that is not the big picture.

You are a good and loyal statist.

"Your savior in the White House" is another way of saying, "I'm not listening to what you say. I'm listening to what my overheated, partisan imagination tells me you're saying, so ignore me like the talking-point asswipe that I am."

I therefore did not read a single word you said after that phrase, since you helpfully told me that it wasn't worth doing.

Moving on to people with REAL things to say . . .
No, it [EOs under Obama] was not ok then either. That is the difference between me and the sheep like you on both sides, I do not approve of it no matter who does it.

All of you that whined about Obama doing it are now cheering on Trump...there is a word for that.

All Presidents of the last century used EOs, and it was never that big a problem until a Black Democrat did it. Then, all of a sudden, they became a sign of a "lawless administration" - a denomination of which most of our righty friends don't like to be remembered in the face of the Trumpy's trampling over law and Constitution.

There are perfectly legitimate uses of EOs, like the head of the Executive advising the Executive how properly to do their jobs, where to direct their resources for the Executive machinery to function properly. One such use is the direction advising where to focus ever limited law enforcement resources, exercising long-established "prosecutorial discretion", also never overly problematic before 2009. Funny that...

Most assuredly, defacing one of the most important Amendments other than the Bill of Rights - 150 years after it was added to the Constitution, depriving the States of the power to discriminate against some of those born in the U.S. based on race or general Otherness - or trying to do so as an electioneering stunt fanning the flames of nativism and xenophobia, is not a legitimate use of EOs. To all those with just a tiny shred of decency left, that should be uncontroversial.

I find your reference to former President Obama as "a black Democrat" fascinating. It tells me that YOU are such a racist bigot that you can't conceive of judging a person's actions for themselves, separate from race, if that person is black. I feel very sorry for you that you are not as intelligent as we are, and capable of seeing that black people are just people like everyone else, and can therefore be criticized when we think they're wrong just like anyone else.

Do call me when you evolve out of the 19th century stop focusing so hard on primitive superstitions like racism, won't you?
Rave on you idiot………

You’re a libtard….

No link needed………

The proof is in the pudding….
The proof is you can’t find even one.


You are embarrassing yourself….

The funny thing is you aren’t smart enough to realize it….

Later tard…

Still not a single welsher on the left here.


You welshed on the election Dumb Ass.....

The Russians did it... The Russians did it.....

You are all pathetic pukes..:fu:

I see you’re a fucking retard who doesn’t know the meaning of what a welsher is. Dumbfuck, it’s someone who doesn’t pay up on a bet when they lose. I made no wagers on the election so no, I didn’t welsh.

Rave on you idiot...

You WELSHED on the election libtard…..
The Constitution does not guarantee automatic citizenship to children who were born here while their parents were here illegally.

Birthright Citizenship: A Fundamental Misunderstanding of the 14th Amendment

Most modern advanced nations do not have such a suicidal policy.
The Heritage Foundation?? Seriously??


These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.

Factual Reporting: MIXED

Heritage Foundation - Media Bias/Fact Check
The Constitution does not guarantee automatic citizenship to children who were born here while their parents were here illegally.

Birthright Citizenship: A Fundamental Misunderstanding of the 14th Amendment

Most modern advanced nations do not have such a suicidal policy.
The Heritage Foundation?? Seriously??


These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.

Factual Reporting: MIXED

Heritage Foundation - Media Bias/Fact Check
Yes, the Heritage Foundation. The organization that teaches the truth about American history and our Constitution. The 14th Amendment has nothing to do with automatic citizenship for a non-citizen's child born here, and it also has nothing to do with same-sex marriage. It's the most abused amendment and has been twisted to say all kinds of things it doesn't say. Now we have a President that will actually enforce it.
The Constitution does not guarantee automatic citizenship to children who were born here while their parents were here illegally.

Birthright Citizenship: A Fundamental Misunderstanding of the 14th Amendment

Most modern advanced nations do not have such a suicidal policy.
The Heritage Foundation?? Seriously??


These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.

Factual Reporting: MIXED

Heritage Foundation - Media Bias/Fact Check
Obviously you do not watch MSNBC/CNN nor read the NYT/WAPO.
Ever heard of 'Move On. Org'????????
What's fair for the goose is fair for the gander ASSHOLE!
Whine and cry and wail like a 'soy-boy' LIB baby all you want.
You only have to live in the US with Trump as President for another 6 years!
Then you get to enjoy Pence for the next eight years after Trump.
The Constitution does not guarantee automatic citizenship to children who were born here while their parents were here illegally.

Birthright Citizenship: A Fundamental Misunderstanding of the 14th Amendment

Most modern advanced nations do not have such a suicidal policy.
The Heritage Foundation?? Seriously??


These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.

Factual Reporting: MIXED

Heritage Foundation - Media Bias/Fact Check
Yes, the Heritage Foundation. The organization that teaches the truth about American history and our Constitution. The 14th Amendment has nothing to do with automatic citizenship for a non-citizen's child born here, and it also has nothing to do with same-sex marriage. It's the most abused amendment and has been twisted to say all kinds of things it doesn't say. Now we have a President that will actually enforce it.
Feel free to continue to allow your views to be shaped by far right fringe groups while you delude yourself into thinking that you actually know something.
The Constitution does not guarantee automatic citizenship to children who were born here while their parents were here illegally.

Birthright Citizenship: A Fundamental Misunderstanding of the 14th Amendment

Most modern advanced nations do not have such a suicidal policy.
The Heritage Foundation?? Seriously??


These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.

Factual Reporting: MIXED

Heritage Foundation - Media Bias/Fact Check
Yes, the Heritage Foundation. The organization that teaches the truth about American history and our Constitution. The 14th Amendment has nothing to do with automatic citizenship for a non-citizen's child born here, and it also has nothing to do with same-sex marriage. It's the most abused amendment and has been twisted to say all kinds of things it doesn't say. Now we have a President that will actually enforce it.
Feel free to continue to allow your views to be shaped by far right fringe groups while you delude yourself into thinking that you actually know something.
What was the purpose of the 14th Amendment?

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