Trump Supporters Have Taken Their Delussion To Never-Before-Seen Depths


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
They are prone to believe, seek out and cling to conspiracy theories that make their perceived enemies look bad. However, when presented with the truth REJECT it out of hand the instant it's not favorable to their Dear Leader, Donald J. Trump.

I've observed this every day I'm on this board, however, you can see a very sad case on display here...

These people are getting more and more and more dangerous.
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And most Republicans’ observance of the 11th Commandment has gone beyond the point of being reckless and irresponsible.
Much of the right’s blind, unwarranted support for Trump is predicated on the fact that Republican consider the WH their ‘birthright’ – after 8 years out of the Oval Office they’ll support any Republican president, no matter out unfit to be chief executive, such as Trump.
They are prone to believe, seek out and cling to conspiracy theories that make their perceived enemies look bad. However, when presented with the truth REJECT it out of hand the instant it's not favorable to their Dear Leader, Donald J. Trump.

I've observed this every day I'm on this board, however, you can see a very sad case on display here...

These people are getting more and more and more dangerous.

Soros knows how to play with people's intelligence. I noticed that everybody are claiming that the oppositions are infiltrating people into their groups. Like Antifa, that they says that the Right has infiltrated violent protesters into their group, pretending that they are with them. And so the real Antifa members probably are not the ones that are violent, but the infiltrators. But making it seems as if the whole group that are terrorist. But the media is helping out with what Soros agenda, ny egging on that Antifa are really nice people. And while it is making Pres.Trump's supporters very angry, and not focusing on what the others are saying. Dividing and conquering.

They are prone to believe, seek out and cling to conspiracy theories that make their perceived enemies look bad. However, when presented with the truth REJECT it out of hand the instant it's not favorable to their Dear Leader, Donald J. Trump.

I've observed this every day I'm on this board, however, you can see a very sad case on display here...

These people are getting more and more and more dangerous.

I agree with all he said. No side is all right nor all wrong...except in your mind.
Much of the right’s blind, unwarranted support for Trump is predicated on the fact that Republican consider the WH their ‘birthright’ – after 8 years out of the Oval Office they’ll support any Republican president, no matter out unfit to be chief executive, such as Trump.

When is the left going to understand that the mainstream GOP does not like Trump.

All this overgeneralization about "republicans" (especially by this moron) is way off track.

The GOP are fools, the democrats are bigger fools (who thought Hillary was a lock ?), and somehow the part of America they ignored showed them what they were by sticking them with a moron for a POTUS.
They are prone to believe, seek out and cling to conspiracy theories that make their perceived enemies look bad. However, when presented with the truth REJECT it out of hand the instant it's not favorable to their Dear Leader, Donald J. Trump.

I've observed this every day I'm on this board, however, you can see a very sad case on display here...

These people are getting more and more and more dangerous.

They were always dangerous. Trump just gave them a reason to go public.
They are prone to believe, seek out and cling to conspiracy theories that make their perceived enemies look bad. However, when presented with the truth REJECT it out of hand the instant it's not favorable to their Dear Leader, Donald J. Trump.

I've observed this every day I'm on this board, however, you can see a very sad case on display here...

These people are getting more and more and more dangerous.

You are getting more and more dangerous !!! I'll bet you are one of the thugs at rallies.
Soros knows how to play with people's intelligence. I noticed that everybody are claiming that the oppositions are infiltrating people into their groups. Like Antifa, that they says that the Right has infiltrated violent protesters into their group, pretending that they are with them. And so the real Antifa members probably are not the ones that are violent, but the infiltrators. But making it seems as if the whole group that are terrorist. But the media is helping out with what Soros agenda, ny egging on that Antifa are really nice people. And while it is making Pres.Trump's supporters very angry, and not focusing on what the others are saying. Dividing and conquering.

ANTIFA or Anti-Fa Is Just An Abbreviation of Anti Fascists
When is the left going to understand that the mainstream GOP does not like Trump.

All this overgeneralization about "republicans" (especially by this moron) is way off track.

The GOP are fools, the democrats are bigger fools (who thought Hillary was a lock ?), and somehow the part of America they ignored showed them what they were by sticking them with a moron for a POTUS.
What are these so-called "mainstream GOP" DOING to communicate what you're suggesting?
They are prone to believe, seek out and cling to conspiracy theories that make their perceived enemies look bad. However, when presented with the truth REJECT it out of hand the instant it's not favorable to their Dear Leader, Donald J. Trump.

I've observed this every day I'm on this board, however, you can see a very sad case on display here...

These people are getting more and more and more dangerous.

Those people are perfectly sane. It's the CNN Moderator that is totally delusional.
Those people are perfectly sane. It's the CNN Moderator that is totally delusional.
See what I mean? Exhibit A.


I'm as anti-meglomaniac Trump as you are actually. But as much as I despise this juvenile pissing contests between Dems/Reps ---- I ACTUALLY think I hate CNN more. These flaming crusaders are getting people killed and they're aiming for higher carnage.
They are prone to believe, seek out and cling to conspiracy theories that make their perceived enemies look bad. However, when presented with the truth REJECT it out of hand the instant it's not favorable to their Dear Leader, Donald J. Trump.

I've observed this every day I'm on this board, however, you can see a very sad case on display here...

These people are getting more and more and more dangerous.

Soros knows how to play with people's intelligence. I noticed that everybody are claiming that the oppositions are infiltrating people into their groups. Like Antifa, that they says that the Right has infiltrated violent protesters into their group, pretending that they are with them. And so the real Antifa members probably are not the ones that are violent, but the infiltrators. But making it seems as if the whole group that are terrorist. But the media is helping out with what Soros agenda, ny egging on that Antifa are really nice people. And while it is making Pres.Trump's supporters very angry, and not focusing on what the others are saying. Dividing and conquering.

WTF? In a thread about the delusional nature of Trumpkins and several of Trump's policies you decide to talk about a conspiracy theory pertaining to infiltration of Antifa, a conspiracy between Soros and the media, despite the fact that the OP is about the alleged delusional nature of the Trumpkin mind as evidenced by the comments of Trumpkins who served as panelists in the "Pulse of the People" series/segment CNN has been running for months now.

I watched that particular episode when it first aired. I was flabbergasted at and embarrassed for those people. Seriously. How can one not be? To wit...
  • ~1:34:
    • Mod: The people who were marching with the signs. Do you see them as Neo Nazis and white supremacists?
      Pan: I mean, it hasn't been investigated, so we don't really know who was out there, but I'm telling you I've seen videos of people who were out there who were not Neo Nazis.
      • Are you f*cking kidding me?...Alright, yes, the moderator should have said "confederate and/or "blood drop" flag/shield carrying Klansmen wearing sheets and cone-shaped hats" instead of "signs." "Signs" must be what confused the Trumpkin....I know it doesn't take much to confuse a Trumpkin.

        "It hasn't been investigated!" That's why that woman said "we" don't know. I'm sorry, my dear, but "we" do know. It's just she's -- she, who put the "e" in "ignernt" -- who doesn't know. "We" opted to pick up the remote control, phone, etc. and look at broader selections of images and video than can be found inside a bag of potato chips.
  • ~1:58
    • Mod: What is the source of those videos?
      Pan: Facebook. And when I tried to repost those videos, they wouldn't allow me.
      Mod: Is it possible they're not credible?
      Pan: Could be. But like I said, they need to investigate to find out exactly what was going on.
      • Seriously!!! Facebook? Not a Facebook member or member organization, just Facebook, presumably she means Facebook Breaking News. One must wonder whether she actually clicked on the news story and read the whole thing or whether she just read the snippets that are available on news summary page (the page I linked). I don't belong to Facebook and when I click on a story, it takes me to the news organization that published it. I'd have thought just a few days later she'd still know from where she got her news and information....Frito-Lay or Utz or something?

        It "could be" the videos she saw aren't credible. She has no idea whether they are, but she's gonna propagate them anyway. Really? It's important to her that all her "friends" see the same potentially dubious content she saw. That must be immensely useful! You can never have too many dubious sources of dubious information. With Facebook and generously sharing friends like her, what need has one of other sources of information?
That's just in the first almost-three minutes of the video! What is wrong with that woman? Why the hell does she need a goddamned investigation to be certain that the protesters in C-ville were white supremacists and Neo Nazis? Just who else does she think is going make such a to-do about the dismantling of Robert-f*ckin'-E.-Lee? That woman's dumber 'en the sack of hammers it'd take to knock some sense into her head!
Trump as is is a much better president than any of his opponents could have been, which is not much of an accomplishment. The Ds are off their meds and trying to figure out how to think, something they are incapable of doing.
Only a delusional lefty would, with all
the left wing violence that is not only occurring in this country but is supported by the democrat party, claim the the right is getting violent.

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