"This is Us" - My take on progressive Soft Porn moronic stories onNBC


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
We cut our stay in Nola short and headed back north Saturday. I can't believe the difference in temperature, it was like a sauna in Nola, up here in NY I needed long sleeves this "August" morning. Anywho.

We flew an AA 737 back and they had some stupid new NBC show on - I didn't listen, I had just downloaded a bunch of new music to listen to on the plane but I watched and kind of imagined the dialogue. AA is not like Jetblue, where you get your own personal TV, there are communal TV monitors every 5 seats or so; AA is more Progressive, you get to watch whatever they fuck they want you to watch and JetBlue is pure capitalism. "This is Us" is, well, the story of Progressives. In one storyline a muscular guy tries to breastfeed a newborn on TV. Seriously fucking demented. Earlier 2 semi-hot looking women tried to seduce him, but I don't know where it went wrong. Are Progressives really that moronic? Don't answer, it's rhetorical. Progressives really believe that gender is fluid and that they can make a TV show around it and not be laughed off the air.

In another storyline a couple is having a baby and again, it looked like the Doctor was trying to soothe them over the fact that the test of the amniotic fluid revealed that they were going to have a heterosexual male baby. They seemed, remember I wasn't listening, surprised that 2 transgender parents would not be having a transgender baby. It looked like the Doctor was laughing at their ignorance, hard to tell, the TV was far away and I wasn't listening.

Do people watch this crap?
We cut our stay in Nola short and headed back north Saturday. I can't believe the difference in temperature, it was like a sauna in Nola, up here in NY I needed long sleeves this "August" morning. Anywho.

We flew an AA 737 back and they had some stupid new NBC show on - I didn't listen, I had just downloaded a bunch of new music to listen to on the plane but I watched and kind of imagined the dialogue. AA is not like Jetblue, where you get your own personal TV, there are communal TV monitors every 5 seats or so; AA is more Progressive, you get to watch whatever they fuck they want you to watch and JetBlue is pure capitalism. "This is Us" is, well, the story of Progressives. In one storyline a muscular guy tries to breastfeed a newborn on TV. Seriously fucking demented. Earlier 2 semi-hot looking women tried to seduce him, but I don't know where it went wrong. Are Progressives really that moronic? Don't answer, it's rhetorical. Progressives really believe that gender is fluid and that they can make a TV show around it and not be laughed off the air.

In another storyline a couple is having a baby and again, it looked like the Doctor was trying to soothe them over the fact that the test of the amniotic fluid revealed that they were going to have a heterosexual male baby. They seemed, remember I wasn't listening, surprised that 2 transgender parents would not be having a transgender baby. It looked like the Doctor was laughing at their ignorance, hard to tell, the TV was far away and I wasn't listening.

Do people watch this crap?

^Shows like that are why I haven't watched network prime time in 4-5 years.

I was getting into this one show, and the next thing you know there's an implied, extorted homosexual forced BJ. Off it went, and I haven't watched prime time since.
since i dumped cable and Dtv and went to the internet tv

with al la carte selection

i do not have msnbc - cnn- nor fox

as an added benefit no part of my monthly premium goes to any of these ass clowns
You can't generally understand many programs by watching a snippet. The
Snippet of “This is Us” that you watched (apparently) is INTENDED to be farcical. One of the main characters is the reluctant male star in a STUPID sitcom, and quits this lucrative gig because it is so ridiculous – as illustrated by the snippet that you watched. That was the show that he quit, because it was so stupid.

While the program is deteriorating in some ways, it started off as a pretty good show and still has a lot of good energy moving into season 2.
We cut our stay in Nola short and headed back north Saturday. I can't believe the difference in temperature, it was like a sauna in Nola, up here in NY I needed long sleeves this "August" morning. Anywho.

We flew an AA 737 back and they had some stupid new NBC show on - I didn't listen, I had just downloaded a bunch of new music to listen to on the plane but I watched and kind of imagined the dialogue. AA is not like Jetblue, where you get your own personal TV, there are communal TV monitors every 5 seats or so; AA is more Progressive, you get to watch whatever they fuck they want you to watch and JetBlue is pure capitalism. "This is Us" is, well, the story of Progressives. In one storyline a muscular guy tries to breastfeed a newborn on TV. Seriously fucking demented. Earlier 2 semi-hot looking women tried to seduce him, but I don't know where it went wrong. Are Progressives really that moronic? Don't answer, it's rhetorical. Progressives really believe that gender is fluid and that they can make a TV show around it and not be laughed off the air.

In another storyline a couple is having a baby and again, it looked like the Doctor was trying to soothe them over the fact that the test of the amniotic fluid revealed that they were going to have a heterosexual male baby. They seemed, remember I wasn't listening, surprised that 2 transgender parents would not be having a transgender baby. It looked like the Doctor was laughing at their ignorance, hard to tell, the TV was far away and I wasn't listening.

Do people watch this crap?
Give them 5 to 6 years and the baby will be transgender.
We cut our stay in Nola short and headed back north Saturday. I can't believe the difference in temperature, it was like a sauna in Nola, up here in NY I needed long sleeves this "August" morning. Anywho.

We flew an AA 737 back and they had some stupid new NBC show on - I didn't listen, I had just downloaded a bunch of new music to listen to on the plane but I watched and kind of imagined the dialogue. AA is not like Jetblue, where you get your own personal TV, there are communal TV monitors every 5 seats or so; AA is more Progressive, you get to watch whatever they fuck they want you to watch and JetBlue is pure capitalism. "This is Us" is, well, the story of Progressives. In one storyline a muscular guy tries to breastfeed a newborn on TV. Seriously fucking demented. Earlier 2 semi-hot looking women tried to seduce him, but I don't know where it went wrong. Are Progressives really that moronic? Don't answer, it's rhetorical. Progressives really believe that gender is fluid and that they can make a TV show around it and not be laughed off the air.

In another storyline a couple is having a baby and again, it looked like the Doctor was trying to soothe them over the fact that the test of the amniotic fluid revealed that they were going to have a heterosexual male baby. They seemed, remember I wasn't listening, surprised that 2 transgender parents would not be having a transgender baby. It looked like the Doctor was laughing at their ignorance, hard to tell, the TV was far away and I wasn't listening.

Do people watch this crap?

It's worse than that, people watch that crap and believe it mirrors real life!!
We cut our stay in Nola short and headed back north Saturday. I can't believe the difference in temperature, it was like a sauna in Nola, up here in NY I needed long sleeves this "August" morning. Anywho.

We flew an AA 737 back and they had some stupid new NBC show on - I didn't listen, I had just downloaded a bunch of new music to listen to on the plane but I watched and kind of imagined the dialogue. AA is not like Jetblue, where you get your own personal TV, there are communal TV monitors every 5 seats or so; AA is more Progressive, you get to watch whatever they fuck they want you to watch and JetBlue is pure capitalism. "This is Us" is, well, the story of Progressives. In one storyline a muscular guy tries to breastfeed a newborn on TV. Seriously fucking demented. Earlier 2 semi-hot looking women tried to seduce him, but I don't know where it went wrong. Are Progressives really that moronic? Don't answer, it's rhetorical. Progressives really believe that gender is fluid and that they can make a TV show around it and not be laughed off the air.

In another storyline a couple is having a baby and again, it looked like the Doctor was trying to soothe them over the fact that the test of the amniotic fluid revealed that they were going to have a heterosexual male baby. They seemed, remember I wasn't listening, surprised that 2 transgender parents would not be having a transgender baby. It looked like the Doctor was laughing at their ignorance, hard to tell, the TV was far away and I wasn't listening.

Do people watch this crap?

It's worse than that, people watch that crap and believe it mirrors real life!!

It's like George Costanza's line about why people would watch the show he was pitching, "because it's on tv!"
since i dumped cable and Dtv and went to the internet tv

with al la carte selection

i do not have msnbc - cnn- nor fox

as an added benefit no part of my monthly premium goes to any of these ass clowns
I can get everything found on cable, but I don't pay a dime for any of it. I do pay for the cable internet, but thats all.

I don't really watch much TV anyway so it's mostly sports and movies. I can actually get a decent copy of a movie only a week or so after it has been in the theaters. I'm always surprised when they say, "This is coming out on DVD!" I'm like, but I watched that months ago? WTH? lol

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