Trump Suddenly Loves 'Sleazy' FBI Agents, Insists He Always 'Has Their Backs'

That's batshit cult shit there buddy

If there ain't didn't happen you work on the "guilty unless you can prove you're innocent" theory, Lesh?
I suppose you think that if nobody sees a tree fall in the forest it's still standing? didn't know that both of the other statutes you want to charge Trump with require "intent"?
To be blunt, Lesh...your ass would get laughed out a real court of law presided over by a real judge!
The intent was made clear when he signed off that all docs marked classified had been returned and they had not.
It was further made clear when he recently claimed that they were "his"

The intent was made clear when he signed off that all docs marked classified had been returned and they had not.
It was further made clear when he recently claimed that they were "his"

Once again we're back to the question of whether or not Trump had the Constitutional authority to declassify documents. It it's his belief that he did then the documents in question are no longer classified in his eyes. If he doesn't view them as classified then where is his "intent" to do anything improper with classified material? Like I said...good luck proving intent in a court of law!
Here's the real problem for the DOJ going forward with this. How can you exonerate Hillary Clinton by claiming she wasn't "sophisticated" enough with how Washington works to know that she was breaking the law and then turn around six years later and attempt to charge someone who really is not that sophisticated about how Washington works? Trump isn't a life long politician and he hasn't spent decades in Washington. The Clintons WERE and yet Bill Clinton wasn't charged when Sandy Berger attempted to destroy top secret documents nor was Hillary charged when she was caught red handed destroying her emails and Blackberries! Once you've set the precedent NOT to prosecute the do you turn around and prosecute Trump for doing far less? Equal protection under the law? It's a glaring example of not following that tenet of American law and doing so solely for political reasons!
Once again we're back to the question of whether or not Trump had the Constitutional authority to declassify documents. It it's his belief that he did then the documents in question are no longer classified in his eyes. If he doesn't view them as classified then where is his "intent" to do anything improper with classified material? Like I said...good luck proving intent in a court of law!
Once again we’re taking the in circles.

No evidence he declassified anything

And no requirement for the docs to be classified regarding the statutes in question
Once again we’re taking the in circles.

No evidence he declassified anything

And no requirement for the docs to be classified regarding the statutes in question
He said he did. Do you have any proof that wasn't the case? We're still in America...right? You know...the place where prosecutors have to PROVE guilt?
He said he did. Do you have any proof that wasn't the case? We're still in America...right? You know...the place where prosecutors have to PROVE guilt?
He said he did… and no one witnessed it?

He said he did… and no one witnessed it?

So Lesh...what do you think about the news that broke today that the Biden White House DID know about the raid in advance! Amazing how Joe Biden and his Press Secretary can lie right to the camera, huh? How do you think our two idiots will spin this latest scandal?
"Look, I’ll say this. You know, the President and the White House learned about this FBI search from public reports. We learned just like the American public did yesterday, and we did not have advance notice of this activity." Karine Jean-Pierre August 9th, 2022.

I knew that was a crock of shit even as it was coming out of her mouth. Now it turns out that the Acting Archivist at the National Archives went to the White House to request that the DOJ get the documents from Mar A Lago! So one of two things are happening here...either Joe and Karine ARE lying through their teeth to Americans...or the people who are really running the White House didn't bother to tell EITHER of them that they were about to sic the FBI on the former President of the United States by raiding his home!
He knew the documents were on Mar a Lago. Hell “I” knew that.

He knew the FBI and NARA would trying to get the docs back.

What he didn't know was that there would be a raid
He knew the documents were on Mar a Lago. Hell “I” knew that.

He knew the FBI and NARA would trying to get the docs back.

What he didn't know was that there would be a raid
Bullshit! Biden knew there was going to be a raid. He lied. Like usual.

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