Trump smashes Nixon's almost 50 year old national oil production record.

Do you have any pictures of Trump drilling the oil? Or a list of the processes that he changed?

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The power of the pen is mightier than the drill.

Donald Trump Signs Executive Order Easing Offshore-Drilling Regulations


Look at that photo, Trump receiving the oh so needed adoration that he so loves; what could be going on in that tiny little brain of his in that photo?
Look at ME. I put MY name on this piece of paper.
It's ALL ABOUT ME, I'm just as good as Kim un; clap for me, clap for me, clap for me!!!

^^Stage 4 TDS**


Me: "More oil has been produced under President Trump."

Them: "Naw, Obama produced more."

Me: "President Trump's economy is great."

Them: "No, Obama's economy was better."

Me: "President Trump is making this country great again."

Them: "Actually we were a greater country under Obama."

Me: "The sky is blue."

Them: "No, the sky is paisley green, orange, and purple."

Me: "Water is wet."

Them: "No, water isn't wet. It's dry."
Do you have any pictures of Trump drilling the oil? Or a list of the processes that he changed?

Sent from my iPhone using

The power of the pen is mightier than the drill.

Donald Trump Signs Executive Order Easing Offshore-Drilling Regulations


Look at that photo, Trump receiving the oh so needed adoration that he so loves; what could be going on in that tiny little brain of his in that photo?
Look at ME. I put MY name on this piece of paper.
It's ALL ABOUT ME, I'm just as good as Kim un; clap for me, clap for me, clap for me!!!

^^Stage 4 TDS**

NO jack ass; reality .....
then why in Hell is he ballooning deficits?

Because asshole Democrats are blocking spending cuts that's why.

there were BOTH majority House & Senate thru some time in January, just two months ago.

Try & talk your shit somewhere else.

Your ignorance of Senate rules and why Dem's are able to block spending cuts is astounding.

Your ignorance of government is WHY Republicans are dumber than a box of fucking cat shit
then why in Hell is he ballooning deficits?

Because asshole Democrats are blocking spending cuts that's why.

there were BOTH majority House & Senate thru some time in January, just two months ago.

Try & talk your shit somewhere else.

Your ignorance of Senate rules and why Dem's are able to block spending cuts is astounding.

Your ignorance of government is WHY Republicans are dumber than a box of fucking cat shit

You need a new screen name, I suggest TriggeredSnowflake
then why in Hell is he ballooning deficits?

Because asshole Democrats are blocking spending cuts that's why.

there were BOTH majority House & Senate thru some time in January, just two months ago.

Try & talk your shit somewhere else.

Your ignorance of Senate rules and why Dem's are able to block spending cuts is astounding.

Your ignorance of government is WHY Republicans are dumber than a box of fucking cat shit

You need a new screen name, I suggest TriggeredSnowflake

well, I guess your member name should be 'my triggered hemorrhoids are GOP' ............ stuff that up your shitty ass, GOP boi ......
JGalt, post: 21965676
Do you have any pictures of Trump drilling the oil? Or a list of the processes that he changed?

Sent from my iPhone using

The power of the pen is mightier than the drill.

Donald Trump Signs Executive Order Easing Offshore-Drilling Regulations


Look at that photo, Trump receiving the oh so needed adoration that he so loves; what could be going on in that tiny little brain of his in that photo?
Look at ME. I put MY name on this piece of paper.
It's ALL ABOUT ME, I'm just as good as Kim un; clap for me, clap for me, clap for me!!!

^^Stage 4 TDS**


Me: "More oil has been produced under President Trump."

Them: "Naw, Obama produced more."

Me: "President Trump's economy is great."

Them: "No, Obama's economy was better."

Me: "President Trump is making this country great again."

Them: "Actually we were a greater country under Obama."

Me: "The sky is blue."

Them: "No, the sky is paisley green, orange, and purple."

Me: "Water is wet."

Them: "No, water isn't wet. It's dry."

Nice fairy tale.

However in the real world of hard facts the rate of increased production went up starting in 2009 through the present day at a fairly fixed incline if you look at a time/rate graph.

The graph is real. It is based upon reality. We know who was and is President during those years. That is a secondary reality.

What the hell did you just post?

Is that what replaces reality in your head these days?

Do you think you are defending truth facts or and meager semblance of reality?

You are insane. You are detached from reality.

That is the only explanation for all your lies and baseless blind ignorant support for Trump.

He alone is responsible for high US oil production. That is your belief. That is your propaganda.

You must deep know you’ve been conned. But can’t admit that so you/he invent fake realities to make Trumpo more than he actually is.

He says He won the popular vote if you deduct the illegal immigrants who voted. That is a lie.

He says Mexico will pay for the wall through better trade deals. That is a lie.

And on an on and on.
Last edited:
RandomPoster, post: 21959257
Donald Trump has improved the process so much that the US drilled 372 million barrels in January 2019.

That (Donald Trump has improved the process so much) is a lie. You are lying for Trumpo.

The process was established in 2009 and oil production in the US went up at the same constant rate of increase from that date. 2017 was not the start of anything different.Fobal Trumpo improved nothing to eff cl the ten year rate of increase.

Why must you build Trumpo up with nothing but lies?
JGalt, post: 21965676
Do you have any pictures of Trump drilling the oil? Or a list of the processes that he changed?

Sent from my iPhone using

The power of the pen is mightier than the drill.

Donald Trump Signs Executive Order Easing Offshore-Drilling Regulations


Look at that photo, Trump receiving the oh so needed adoration that he so loves; what could be going on in that tiny little brain of his in that photo?
Look at ME. I put MY name on this piece of paper.
It's ALL ABOUT ME, I'm just as good as Kim un; clap for me, clap for me, clap for me!!!

^^Stage 4 TDS**


Me: "More oil has been produced under President Trump."

Them: "Naw, Obama produced more."

Me: "President Trump's economy is great."

Them: "No, Obama's economy was better."

Me: "President Trump is making this country great again."

Them: "Actually we were a greater country under Obama."

Me: "The sky is blue."

Them: "No, the sky is paisley green, orange, and purple."

Me: "Water is wet."

Them: "No, water isn't wet. It's dry."

Nice fairy tale.

However in the real world of hard facts the rate of increased production went up starting in 2009 through the present day at a fairly fixed incline if you look at a time/rate graph.

The graph is real. It is based upon reality. We know who was and is President during those years. That is a secondary reality.

What the hell did you just post?

Is that what replaces reality in your head these days?

Do you think you are defending truth facts or and meager semblance of reality?

You are insane. You are detached from reality.

That is the only explanation for all your lies and baseless blind ignorant support for Trump.

He alone is responsible for high US oil production. That is your belief. That is your propaganda.

You must deep know you’ve been conned. But can’t admit that so you/he invent fake realities to make Trumpo more than he actually is.

He says He won the popular vote if you deduct the illegal immigrants who voted. That is a lie.

He says Mexico will pay for the wall through better trade deals. That is a lie.

And on an on and on.

Decent rant man, but I'm only giving it 4/10 because of your failure to use paragraphs.
JGalt, post: 21966835
Decent rant man, but I'm only giving it 4/10 because of your failure to use paragraphs

You are a piss poor robot.

Let me know if you ever get programmed to communicate on a human level with respect for truth honesty and a facts based concept of what’s happening in the real world.

A simple graph showing the time and rate of increase of oil production since 1970 proves that the OP on this thread is based on a serious lie.

Most humans have a conscience that intercedes on behalf of society when the desire or need to lie arises among individuals and organized groups of them.

Robots can be programmed to lie without any sense of guilt.

I believe it is likewise the same for those caught up in the cult of DJT’s obnoxious personality and lack of principle, morality, character and intelligence.

You have what you yearn for in a leader. You finally got one. Whether human or robot you have nothing of value to contribute to a decent moral respectable free and prospering and steady improvement in the human condition on this beautiful earth.

You are lost in Trump world. Most of humanity rejects it.

Your words on my screen prove it to be true.
Do you have any pictures of Trump drilling the oil? Or a list of the processes that he changed?

Sent from my iPhone using

The power of the pen is mightier than the drill.

Donald Trump Signs Executive Order Easing Offshore-Drilling Regulations


Look at that photo, Trump receiving the oh so needed adoration that he so loves; what could be going on in that tiny little brain of his in that photo?
Look at ME. I put MY name on this piece of paper.
It's ALL ABOUT ME, I'm just as good as Kim un; clap for me, clap for me, clap for me!!!

^^Stage 4 TDS**

NO jack ass; reality .....

No, those are your feelings and they are based in fantasy land.

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