Trump Siding With Russian Intelligence

Sooo, Trump wants to "restructure" the CIA after it proved that Russian hacking helped him defeat Hillary. Gee, what a surprise. That still won't make Adolf Trump a "legitimate" president. He will wear that stink for the rest of his life.

Report: Planning To ‘Restructure’ CIA

The way you refuse to support a single one of your crazy accusations and just keep making more and more, reveals you to be a completely dishonest batshit crazy left wing whack job.
US intelligence offer up any proof of a Russian hack yet?

Until they do it's all hearsay and accusations

Yes they did....... Maybe if you listen to other news aside from Hannity you will make sense someday. This is today's hearing.

Clapper: 'Disparagement' of intel agents cause for concern -

After Thursday's public hearing, Clapper, Lettre and Rogers may brief lawmakers in a closed session to discuss classified material, Senate aides said. Clapper is due to brief Trump Friday on Russia's actions in a private meeting.
obumble ejected 35 Russian diplomats a week before there was any report about Russian hacking. As if he knew what the report was going to say. As if he was directing what the report was going to contain. As if it was just one big lie to make obumble feel good.
Sooo, Trump wants to "restructure" the CIA after it proved that Russian hacking helped him defeat Hillary. Gee, what a surprise. That still won't make Adolf Trump a "legitimate" president. He will wear that stink for the rest of his life.

Report: Planning To ‘Restructure’ CIA

The way you refuse to support a single one of your crazy accusations and just keep making more and more, reveals you to be a completely dishonest batshit crazy left wing whack job.

You are so full of shit Correll.
I think it is treasonous for an incoming president to favor forgein intelligence over our own. Just think how that makes the men and and women who serve this country feel? That the incoming president rather believe Putin and his thugs than the ones who have given their time and energy to this country.
I think it is treasonous for an incoming president to favor forgein intelligence over our own. Just think how that makes the men and and women who serve this country feel? That the incoming president rather believe Putin and his thugs than the ones who have given their time and energy to this country.

It's not necessarily treasonous to question intelligence.

It definitely is treasonous to openly and publicly question it (and in fact ridicule it) in public without the facts.
Donald Trump points to Russian-aligned Wikileaks to counter the U.S. intelligence community’s analysis that Russia helped him win the election.

WASHINGTON ― In a dispute between Russian intelligence services and the U.S. intelligence community, the next president of the United States appears to be coming down squarely on the side of the Russians.

In a series of five tweets over 12 hours late Tuesday and early Wednesday, Donald Trump continued his attacks on the U.S. analysis that the Russians helped him win the White House ― this time quoting the founder of the Russian-aligned Wikileaks group that worked to undermine Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton by publishing a series of stolen emails.

“Julian Assange said ‘a 14 year old could have hacked Podesta’ - why was DNC so careless? Also said Russians did not give him the info!” Trump tweeted at 7:22 a.m. Wednesday, referring to emails stolen from the account of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta.

Trump spokesman Sean Spicer tried to downplay the significance of his boss quoting Assange as a credible source. “He’s just stating what Assange has stated publicly,” Spicer said during a Wednesday conference call with reporters.

But Trump did not merely note what Assange said, but actively suggested that Assange should be believed. In a tweet a half-hour later, Trump described media coverage about the issue as “more dishonest than anyone knows.”

And Tuesday night, Trump wrote: “The ‘Intelligence’ briefing on so-called ‘Russian hacking’ was delayed until Friday, perhaps more time needed to build a case. Very strange!” ― thereby casting aspersions on the U.S. intelligence agencies that have been investigating Russia’s actions for months.

More: Next American President Siding With Russian Intelligence

It seems treasonous to side with Russian intelligence over American intelligence. By denying American intelligence, maybe Trump thinks that helps protect him from appearing to be an "illegitimate" president by having a hostile foreign government help him defeat Hillary. One would think that American patriots on both sides of the political spectrum would have a problem with this.
why no, "balanced coverage"?
Donald Trump points to Russian-aligned Wikileaks to counter the U.S. intelligence community’s analysis that Russia helped him win the election.

WASHINGTON ― In a dispute between Russian intelligence services and the U.S. intelligence community, the next president of the United States appears to be coming down squarely on the side of the Russians.

In a series of five tweets over 12 hours late Tuesday and early Wednesday, Donald Trump continued his attacks on the U.S. analysis that the Russians helped him win the White House ― this time quoting the founder of the Russian-aligned Wikileaks group that worked to undermine Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton by publishing a series of stolen emails.

“Julian Assange said ‘a 14 year old could have hacked Podesta’ - why was DNC so careless? Also said Russians did not give him the info!” Trump tweeted at 7:22 a.m. Wednesday, referring to emails stolen from the account of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta.

Trump spokesman Sean Spicer tried to downplay the significance of his boss quoting Assange as a credible source. “He’s just stating what Assange has stated publicly,” Spicer said during a Wednesday conference call with reporters.

But Trump did not merely note what Assange said, but actively suggested that Assange should be believed. In a tweet a half-hour later, Trump described media coverage about the issue as “more dishonest than anyone knows.”

And Tuesday night, Trump wrote: “The ‘Intelligence’ briefing on so-called ‘Russian hacking’ was delayed until Friday, perhaps more time needed to build a case. Very strange!” ― thereby casting aspersions on the U.S. intelligence agencies that have been investigating Russia’s actions for months.

More: Next American President Siding With Russian Intelligence

It seems treasonous to side with Russian intelligence over American intelligence. By denying American intelligence, maybe Trump thinks that helps protect him from appearing to be an "illegitimate" president by having a hostile foreign government help him defeat Hillary. One would think that American patriots on both sides of the political spectrum would have a problem with this.
why no, "balanced coverage"?

"Balance it," sure, but try and remain factual.

I doubt you can do both. There is no "other side" of the argument with respect to gravity or "2+2=4". That's what you flat-earth Republicans will never get.
Sooo, Trump wants to "restructure" the CIA after it proved that Russian hacking helped him defeat Hillary. Gee, what a surprise. That still won't make Adolf Trump a "legitimate" president. He will wear that stink for the rest of his life.

Report: Planning To ‘Restructure’ CIA

The way you refuse to support a single one of your crazy accusations and just keep making more and more, reveals you to be a completely dishonest batshit crazy left wing whack job.

You are so full of shit Correll.

I stand by my claims. I argue them. I post links. I spend page after page after page, long after a reasonable person would walk away, defending and making my case.

Lakhota has done NOTHING to defend her stupid claims.

She is full of shit.

And you too since you are dishonesty claiming otherwise.
Donald Trump points to Russian-aligned Wikileaks to counter the U.S. intelligence community’s analysis that Russia helped him win the election.

WASHINGTON ― In a dispute between Russian intelligence services and the U.S. intelligence community, the next president of the United States appears to be coming down squarely on the side of the Russians.

In a series of five tweets over 12 hours late Tuesday and early Wednesday, Donald Trump continued his attacks on the U.S. analysis that the Russians helped him win the White House ― this time quoting the founder of the Russian-aligned Wikileaks group that worked to undermine Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton by publishing a series of stolen emails.

“Julian Assange said ‘a 14 year old could have hacked Podesta’ - why was DNC so careless? Also said Russians did not give him the info!” Trump tweeted at 7:22 a.m. Wednesday, referring to emails stolen from the account of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta.

Trump spokesman Sean Spicer tried to downplay the significance of his boss quoting Assange as a credible source. “He’s just stating what Assange has stated publicly,” Spicer said during a Wednesday conference call with reporters.

But Trump did not merely note what Assange said, but actively suggested that Assange should be believed. In a tweet a half-hour later, Trump described media coverage about the issue as “more dishonest than anyone knows.”

And Tuesday night, Trump wrote: “The ‘Intelligence’ briefing on so-called ‘Russian hacking’ was delayed until Friday, perhaps more time needed to build a case. Very strange!” ― thereby casting aspersions on the U.S. intelligence agencies that have been investigating Russia’s actions for months.

More: Next American President Siding With Russian Intelligence

It seems treasonous to side with Russian intelligence over American intelligence. By denying American intelligence, maybe Trump thinks that helps protect him from appearing to be an "illegitimate" president by having a hostile foreign government help him defeat Hillary. One would think that American patriots on both sides of the political spectrum would have a problem with this.

Obama's intelligence guys STILL have yet to provide any evidence of anything at all.
Donald Trump points to Russian-aligned Wikileaks to counter the U.S. intelligence community’s analysis that Russia helped him win the election.

WASHINGTON ― In a dispute between Russian intelligence services and the U.S. intelligence community, the next president of the United States appears to be coming down squarely on the side of the Russians.

In a series of five tweets over 12 hours late Tuesday and early Wednesday, Donald Trump continued his attacks on the U.S. analysis that the Russians helped him win the White House ― this time quoting the founder of the Russian-aligned Wikileaks group that worked to undermine Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton by publishing a series of stolen emails.

“Julian Assange said ‘a 14 year old could have hacked Podesta’ - why was DNC so careless? Also said Russians did not give him the info!” Trump tweeted at 7:22 a.m. Wednesday, referring to emails stolen from the account of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta.

Trump spokesman Sean Spicer tried to downplay the significance of his boss quoting Assange as a credible source. “He’s just stating what Assange has stated publicly,” Spicer said during a Wednesday conference call with reporters.

But Trump did not merely note what Assange said, but actively suggested that Assange should be believed. In a tweet a half-hour later, Trump described media coverage about the issue as “more dishonest than anyone knows.”

And Tuesday night, Trump wrote: “The ‘Intelligence’ briefing on so-called ‘Russian hacking’ was delayed until Friday, perhaps more time needed to build a case. Very strange!” ― thereby casting aspersions on the U.S. intelligence agencies that have been investigating Russia’s actions for months.

More: Next American President Siding With Russian Intelligence

It seems treasonous to side with Russian intelligence over American intelligence. By denying American intelligence, maybe Trump thinks that helps protect him from appearing to be an "illegitimate" president by having a hostile foreign government help him defeat Hillary. One would think that American patriots on both sides of the political spectrum would have a problem with this.
why no, "balanced coverage"?

"Balance it," sure, but try and remain factual.

I doubt you can do both. There is no "other side" of the argument with respect to gravity or "2+2=4". That's what you flat-earth Republicans will never get.

You think Dan is a republican because he wasn't knee jerk enough?!

US intelligence offer up any proof of a Russian hack yet?

Until they do it's all hearsay and accusations

Yes they did....... Maybe if you listen to other news aside from Hannity you will make sense someday. This is today's hearing.

Clapper: 'Disparagement' of intel agents cause for concern -

After Thursday's public hearing, Clapper, Lettre and Rogers may brief lawmakers in a closed session to discuss classified material, Senate aides said. Clapper is due to brief Trump Friday on Russia's actions in a private meeting.

Brief them ?

As them get their underwear on right ?
I think it is treasonous for an incoming president to favor forgein intelligence over our own. Just think how that makes the men and and women who serve this country feel? That the incoming president rather believe Putin and his thugs than the ones who have given their time and energy to this country.
It should make the men and women who serve this country ashamed of being liars.

It was Russian intelligence who tried to warn us about the Boston bombers. It was our intelligence that cleared the brothers AFTER having names and dossiers handed to them by Russian intelligence.

Our intelligence is so politicized and deeply democrat controlled that terrorist diversity is worth a few dead and mutilated bodies. Let the killers in. And they did. That's our intelligence. The Russians cared more about us than those men and women we pay.

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