Trump Rally In 30 Minutes

I sure wish to fuck he'd sacrifice his ego and quit this bullshit.
If hitlary did the same thing 4 years ago you would support her efforts.

The difference is that there is clear evidence of shenanigans regardless if you believe it or not. There is video of people dragging boxes out without monitors, there are thousands of ballots that should not be certified because they can't be validated. Those mail in ballots were the perfect vehicle for fraud, and those voting machines were called into question even by some democrooks long ago.

Trump is the first republicrat to fight democrooks on any issue, and he has consistently fought them all along the way.
I hope he prevails and that people get prosecuted.

The only thing funnier than Trump having a rally right now is the skit SNL will have tonight about Trump's star witness. I don't think they can make it funnier than the actual words that goofy woman said, but I'll watch to see what they come up with.

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