Trump policy = higher grade why the resistance?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
I find it mind blowing that people are so resistant to a restructuring of American society. People with any iQ have to recognize the collision course this country is on if the same path continues to be followed...right?
I get that many people don't embrace the candid, forward, aggressive nature of the Trump administration but if you go beyond the surface and take a good hard look at the proposed policy changes won't they only improve the overall grade of society?
Why are people so insistent on watching the degradation to continue?
I view people who argue against Trump policy no different than criminals who hate cops.
Aren't they really saying they want to continue criminal activity without consequence?
I find it mind blowing that people are so resistant to a restructuring of American society. People with any iQ have to recognize the collision course this country is on if the same path continues to be followed...right?
I get that many people don't embrace the candid, forward, aggressive nature of the Trump administration but if you go beyond the surface and take a good hard look at the proposed policy changes won't they only improve the overall grade of society?
Why are people so insistent on watching the degradation to continue?
I view people who argue against Trump policy no different than criminals who hate cops.
Aren't they really saying they want to continue criminal activity without consequence?

So basically your post amounts to: Trump good.

What 'proposed policy changes' specifically do you think will 'improve the overall grade of society'? (and what do you think that the 'overall grade of society' means?)
I find it mind blowing that people are so resistant to a restructuring of American society. People with any iQ have to recognize the collision course this country is on if the same path continues to be followed...right?
I get that many people don't embrace the candid, forward, aggressive nature of the Trump administration but if you go beyond the surface and take a good hard look at the proposed policy changes won't they only improve the overall grade of society?
Why are people so insistent on watching the degradation to continue?
I view people who argue against Trump policy no different than criminals who hate cops.
Aren't they really saying they want to continue criminal activity without consequence?

People with any IQ recognize that an administration based on lies, xenophobia, demonizing and fearmongering do not lead to any sort of "better society".
I find it mind blowing that people are so resistant to a restructuring of American society. People with any iQ have to recognize the collision course this country is on if the same path continues to be followed...right?
I get that many people don't embrace the candid, forward, aggressive nature of the Trump administration but if you go beyond the surface and take a good hard look at the proposed policy changes won't they only improve the overall grade of society?
Why are people so insistent on watching the degradation to continue?
I view people who argue against Trump policy no different than criminals who hate cops.
Aren't they really saying they want to continue criminal activity without consequence?

So basically your post amounts to: Trump good.

What 'proposed policy changes' specifically do you think will 'improve the overall grade of society'? (and what do you think that the 'overall grade of society' means?)
I'm thinking you don't really need me to answer that...I'm thinking you already have the answers, you just won't allow them to make sense?

I find it mind blowing that people are so resistant to a restructuring of American society. People with any iQ have to recognize the collision course this country is on if the same path continues to be followed...right?
I get that many people don't embrace the candid, forward, aggressive nature of the Trump administration but if you go beyond the surface and take a good hard look at the proposed policy changes won't they only improve the overall grade of society?
Why are people so insistent on watching the degradation to continue?
I view people who argue against Trump policy no different than criminals who hate cops.
Aren't they really saying they want to continue criminal activity without consequence?

People with any IQ recognize that an administration based on lies, xenophobia, demonizing and fearmongering do not lead to any sort of "better society".

All bullshit fabricated by the illegitimate.
What's funny; I don't know a single stand-up, 100% legitimate REAL American thats disappointed in the Trump admin.

YET, every illegitimate, un-American whack-job I know is fully coming apart at the seams....weird huh?
Why do you think that is? Could it be because they're illegitimate whack-jobs and they hate the idea of the anything goes free for all coming to an end?
Imagine telling the guy who cooks meth in his kitchen that DEA agents are moving in next door...LOL
Truth is, I'd be pissing my pants and coming apart at the seams if I were illegitimate as well.
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I find it mind blowing that people are so resistant to a restructuring of American society. People with any iQ have to recognize the collision course this country is on if the same path continues to be followed...right?
I get that many people don't embrace the candid, forward, aggressive nature of the Trump administration but if you go beyond the surface and take a good hard look at the proposed policy changes won't they only improve the overall grade of society?
Why are people so insistent on watching the degradation to continue?
I view people who argue against Trump policy no different than criminals who hate cops.
Aren't they really saying they want to continue criminal activity without consequence?

Do you consider yourself an example of this 'higher grade' society?
I find it mind blowing that people are so resistant to a restructuring of American society. People with any iQ have to recognize the collision course this country is on if the same path continues to be followed...right?
I get that many people don't embrace the candid, forward, aggressive nature of the Trump administration but if you go beyond the surface and take a good hard look at the proposed policy changes won't they only improve the overall grade of society?
Why are people so insistent on watching the degradation to continue?
I view people who argue against Trump policy no different than criminals who hate cops.
Aren't they really saying they want to continue criminal activity without consequence?

Do you consider yourself an example of this 'higher grade' society?

Now ask me what my idea of a higher grade citizen is.....PLEASE?
Go ahead and ask, you have my permission.
People with any IQ recognize that an administration based on lies, xenophobia, demonizing and fearmongering do not lead to any sort of "better society".

So your life over the last nine years really must have sucked, huh?
Just a short time into the Trump presidency and already this country in a much better place socially and economically...Yet the push-back continues from what appears to be nothing but homos, weirdos, illegals, criminals and bottom feeders riding the backs of taxpayers.
America is becoming better by the day, it is in fact becoming great again...more importantly, America is becoming American again.
Just a short time into the Trump presidency and already this country in a much better place socially and economically...Yet the push-back continues from what appears to be nothing but homos, weirdos, illegals, criminals and bottom feeders riding the backs of taxpayers.
America is becoming better by the day, it is in fact becoming great again...more importantly, America is becoming American again.

We are no longer allowed to disagree with Trump's policies or we are homos, illegals, criminals or bottom feeders. The fact is that large swathes of America disagree with Trump's policies. Your last statement seems to emulate the same racial purity argument Hitler made.
sure Trump is a higher grade of society when you're dumber than a grasshopper.

but not really that much higher.
If you're looking to the president to make your life better, you're looking in the wrong place
I find it mind blowing that people are so resistant to a restructuring of American society. People with any iQ have to recognize the collision course this country is on if the same path continues to be followed...right?
I get that many people don't embrace the candid, forward, aggressive nature of the Trump administration but if you go beyond the surface and take a good hard look at the proposed policy changes won't they only improve the overall grade of society?
Why are people so insistent on watching the degradation to continue?
I view people who argue against Trump policy no different than criminals who hate cops.
Aren't they really saying they want to continue criminal activity without consequence?

People with any IQ recognize that an administration based on lies, xenophobia, demonizing and fearmongering do not lead to any sort of "better society".
Ya mean like bitter clingers?
I think the Grabbers' Administration is going to end up being a fantastic wake up call for truly really real 110% Americans. Only then will we truly achieve a spectacularly higher grade society than even Zippy can imagine.

Remember: Bob is Dead, and you're on your own.
Just a short time into the Trump presidency and already this country in a much better place socially and economically...Yet the push-back continues from what appears to be nothing but homos, weirdos, illegals, criminals and bottom feeders riding the backs of taxpayers.
America is becoming better by the day, it is in fact becoming great again...more importantly, America is becoming American again.

We are no longer allowed to disagree with Trump's policies or we are homos, illegals, criminals or bottom feeders. The fact is that large swathes of America disagree with Trump's policies. Your last statement seems to emulate the same racial purity argument Hitler made.

No,'re allowed to disagree all you want...just know there's a damn good chance that you share a common denominator with our nations lowest grade...that's all. "Large swathes of America"....Huh?
It's true....and that 'large 'swathe' you speak of is made up our worst.
Oh yeah...see how you un-American's work....anyone who wants a more American America is a Nazi. The very sight of an American flag probably makes you want to roll up in the fetal position...right?
I find it mind blowing that people are so resistant to a restructuring of American society. People with any iQ have to recognize the collision course this country is on if the same path continues to be followed...right?
I get that many people don't embrace the candid, forward, aggressive nature of the Trump administration but if you go beyond the surface and take a good hard look at the proposed policy changes won't they only improve the overall grade of society?
Why are people so insistent on watching the degradation to continue?
I view people who argue against Trump policy no different than criminals who hate cops.
Aren't they really saying they want to continue criminal activity without consequence?

So basically your post amounts to: Trump good.

What 'proposed policy changes' specifically do you think will 'improve the overall grade of society'? (and what do you think that the 'overall grade of society' means?)
I'm thinking you don't really need me to answer that...I'm thinking you already have the answers, you just won't allow them to make sense?

I find it mind blowing that people are so resistant to a restructuring of American society. People with any iQ have to recognize the collision course this country is on if the same path continues to be followed...right?
I get that many people don't embrace the candid, forward, aggressive nature of the Trump administration but if you go beyond the surface and take a good hard look at the proposed policy changes won't they only improve the overall grade of society?
Why are people so insistent on watching the degradation to continue?
I view people who argue against Trump policy no different than criminals who hate cops.
Aren't they really saying they want to continue criminal activity without consequence?

People with any IQ recognize that an administration based on lies, xenophobia, demonizing and fearmongering do not lead to any sort of "better society".

All bullshit fabricated by the illegitimate.
What's funny; I don't know a single stand-up, 100% legitimate REAL American thats disappointed in the Trump admin.

YET, every illegitimate, un-American whack-job I know is fully coming apart at the seams....weird huh?
Why do you think that is? Could it be because they're illegitimate whack-jobs and they hate the idea of the anything goes free for all coming to an end?
Imagine telling the guy who cooks meth in his kitchen that DEA agents are moving in next door...LOL
Truth is, I'd be pissing my pants and coming apart at the seams if I were illegitimate as well.

All bullshit fabricated by the illegitimate.
What's funny; I don't know a single stand-up, 100% legitimate REAL American thats disappointed in the Trump admin.

What, do you live on a mountain top alone? Or possibly a monk.
I find it mind blowing that people are so resistant to a restructuring of American society. People with any iQ have to recognize the collision course this country is on if the same path continues to be followed...right?
I get that many people don't embrace the candid, forward, aggressive nature of the Trump administration but if you go beyond the surface and take a good hard look at the proposed policy changes won't they only improve the overall grade of society?
Why are people so insistent on watching the degradation to continue?
I view people who argue against Trump policy no different than criminals who hate cops.
Aren't they really saying they want to continue criminal activity without consequence?

Unfortunately, some people don't want improvements, because it highlights their failures.

These people are called... hard leftists.

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