Trump plunges to 35% favorable rating in dire new poll that says 53% back indictments

I bet he still get the nomination though.

Practically nobody else is running for the nomination. So yup. He's going to get it. Hopefully the democrats turn out the vote next November.
I bet he still get the nomination though.

Almost certainly. MAGA loves corruption.
I bet he still get the nomination though.

Meanwhile a poll of REAL Americans says that 97% believe the Democrat Regime and their 7 year long GET TRUMP campaign sucks donkey balls.
I bet he still get the nomination though.

Fake news. Rigged. Voter suppression polls. Sound familiar?
How can they back indictments if they have not seen the all evidence? Are they all on the grand jury.

Do these dumb fucks understand our judicial system?

Do you?

How about people? Do you understand them? Do you get that they are operating on the information available to them?
President Trump's steaming shit is worth more than your entire existence.

That can't feel too good.
Your worthless opinions don't affect me one way or the other, kiddo.

And tRump is a steaming shit.
Honest question:

In today's media/governmental environment - who do you think is more likely to answer polls honestly or even at all?

Trump supporters, or Lefties?

"Hello, this is pretentious snotty Leftist from the oh so esteemed Associated Press - do you support Biden - or are you a fucking bigot/racist/insurrectionist"?

It doesn't take much imagination if you're betting money on it.

Still, it's true that most polls have Trump either tied or well ahead of Biden.

So far, this is a major outlier.
Lol. You're a cartoon character. :auiqs.jpg:

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