Trump pardons former Army Ranger convicted of killing Iraqi prisoner


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

He was doing his duty in a war, for God’s sake!

Thank you once again Mister President.

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders wrote in a statement that upon his release from jail in 2014, "Dozens of Patriot Guard motorcycle riders met Mr. Behenna to escort him back to his home in Oklahoma." She added that "Behenna's case has attracted broad support from the military, Oklahoma elected officials, and the public" and he was a "model prisoner."

More @ Trump pardons former soldier convicted of killing Iraqi prisoner

Now, if he would only step in and put a stop to the farcial treatment of the Navy SEAL!
Lawyer claims helmet camera clears SEAL accused of killing ISIS fighter


I don’t understand why Navy bigwigs are so hell bent on prosecuting this guy. Is there something beyond this that nobody’s reporting?

The civilian attorney for Navy SEAL Chief Eddie Gallagher said he will show lawmakers video footage on Wednesday that destroys prosecutors' case against his client.

Gallagher is accused of killing a wounded ISIS fighter during the 2017 battle for Mosul, but helmet camera footage from other members of his platoon show Gallagher actually tried to save the fighter's life, said Timothy Parlatore.

"It shows that Chief Gallagher's immediate reaction was not to murder him but rather to help him," Parlatore told Task & Purpose on Monday. "After all that, why would he take out his knife and stab him?"

More @ Helmet camera footage clears Navy SEAL accused of killing ISIS fighter, lawyer claims

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