Trump Now Considering Privatizing A Giant Part Of The VA

What are you, a priority 6 or 7 patient? I'm a priority 1, I've been dealing with the VA for 16 years for ALL my health care. My experience has been the opposite of yours in every respect. I think that is more telling of your incompetence than it is of the VAs.
Yawn! How big is your dick, poser? Ya only gotta be 50% or greater to be in priority group 1, ya poser! I first dealt with the VA in 1968 right after I did 4 years, Tex! A whole 16 years for you eh! WOW...I got socks older that that you fucking poser! You know squat about the road I traveled, poser! Hell, I can remember explaining a handful of VA acronyms to you because you had no fucking idea what the were even though you have ALL this alleged experience and knowledge about the VA. What a transparent fucking poser you are claiming all this superior knowledge, Tex you bloody poser. You may not have even served for all I know given all your misinformation!

Well cocksucker, I've never had to learn all those acronyms because all my claims went very smoothly. I retired from the Army Aug 2000 and by May 2001 I had my initial claim approved for 80% service connected, it's been upgraded twice since. You either live in a really fucked up region or are totally incompetent to go through all the shit you claim. And 4 years, what were you, a clerk typist in the AF? Get too many paper cuts did ya? LMAO
Well, shit for brains, claims in peacetime 2000 were not getting plugged up in a backlog like before that shit started to hit the fan in 2009-2010 with the Nehmer decision. All those 15-20 years worth of Agent Orange claims being denied by the VA were needing to be reviewed after that decision and Bush's Iraq 'adventurism' and the poor bastards from Afghanistan adding to the load along with HUGH influx of Vietnam AO disabled vets hearing about the Nehmer decision made for a perfect storm with the backlog by 2012 well over 1 million with the capacity of around 250-300k of completed claims annually, you ignorant fuck!

Yeah, I was lucky and got in on the front end of the wave and it only took 9 months for the first part of the claim, and then another 16 months to get the proper decision because their was a CUE, a Clear and Unmistakable Error, by the Seattle RO in the decision which was found by the Albuquerque RO. I'll bet you have no fucking idea what a NOD is, do ya, Tex! It was the errors made by the VA shit for brains, not mine, that the issues arose from. My DAV VSO tried to recruit me to get DAV trained, tested & certed to help out with their workload with other Nam vets with their AO claims. You shouldn't have open your stupid fucking mouth you shit for brains lifer REMF!

Paper cuts and AF...nope. A sailor doesn't get a CAR to put on his ribbon bar for a fucking paper cut you REMF poser. My good old Uncle Sugar poisoned me with Agent Orange. I won't list all my disabilities, but when I add them up with VA math, I'm 100% plus P&T and adding them up individually from a column they come to 310% or 315% I think and top it off with a SMC S awarded! Hell from the timeline you posted for your active duty you were probably still pissing the bed and just starting K or 1st grade when I made my first deployment to Vietnam in Feb '66! But hey, your the one bragging about being so handy with the VA claim route and a real peacetime PROFFESSIONAL VETERAN! Be Army proud REMF! You're still all fucking smoke and no fire, Tex.

God you're old. Actually I was in Vietnam in 70, originally with the 9th INF Div, in the delta, then moved to 1st Cav Div AM in the central highlands. I had a 10 year break in active duty. And I also have some AO presumptive problems, so get the fuck over yourself. I don't bother to learn acronyms I have no use for and almost everyone who has 100% have issues that total greater than 100%, hell, I did when I was at 80%. You were in a F'd up region, fortunately I'm not.
God you're old.
I turned 72 yesterday. My body is aging, but my mind sure as Hell isn't!
I don't bother to learn acronyms I have no use for...
Well that is very informative. If you didn't have a working knowledge of at least the basic alphabet salad of VA acronyms required to fill out your claim forms, then you must have had someone else do it for you. If that is true, then your previous claim weeks ago that your initial VBA claim, which you prepared, zipped through without issue because the paperwork was properly prepared and mine faltered because I incompetently completed the claim forms is a load of horseshit! It also begs the question why didn't my DAV VSO review in detail each and everyone of the VBA forms in my initial 200+ page claim packet as required? The obvious answer is you were shooting bullshit from the hip, Tex. Typical short dick syndrome conduct!
And I also have some AO presumptive problems, so get the fuck over yourself.
It's obvious that you may have been exposed to AO IF you had been in country during the specified period for the presumptions to apply. BTW, I knew someone in the 9th INF Div. What battalion were you in? Maybe you knew him or his brother.
You were in a F'd up region, fortunately I'm not.
Yeah, the sun always shines brighter in Texas, doesn't it, Tex! Everything is so much better there. Have a nice fucking day, shit for brains!

I turned 66 a week ago. And no, I filled all the forms myself, didn't have a VSO rep on any of the 4 claims I filed.

If my memory serves I was in the 2/3rd FA at Tan An.
Before Trump has even made a decision on who will head the agency, he has been talking to executives in the healthcare profiteering industry about privatizing a huge swath of the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). In a meeting last Wednesday he met with a number of executives from the healthcare sector including a front runner for the VA Secretary post, Toby Cosgrove the Cleveland Clinic CEO.

Only so many dollars can be budgeted for veterans care to the VHA and if it becomes split between the VHA and multiple private vendors as in the Trump "plan", who will end up getting the shaft? The vets first, you can bet! That is a perfect plan to squeeze the VHA reducing services for vets at VA Medical centers and their satellite clinics. But that's only the tip of the iceberg of issues which could come down the road. Imagine the huge expansion in just billing and collections from all these private outfits and those added costs. And the beat goes on!

For those who are unaware of this, the DVA is a cabinet level department of the Executive branch. If Trump's ill advised "idea" comes to fruition, it would be tantamount to the first step in corporatizing that branch. How about Lockheed Martin taking over DoD and Goldman Sachs heading Treasury??

Article here;
Trump considering plans for privatizing VA medical options
Another butthurt Leftard thread
Yawn! How big is your dick, poser? Ya only gotta be 50% or greater to be in priority group 1, ya poser! I first dealt with the VA in 1968 right after I did 4 years, Tex! A whole 16 years for you eh! WOW...I got socks older that that you fucking poser! You know squat about the road I traveled, poser! Hell, I can remember explaining a handful of VA acronyms to you because you had no fucking idea what the were even though you have ALL this alleged experience and knowledge about the VA. What a transparent fucking poser you are claiming all this superior knowledge, Tex you bloody poser. You may not have even served for all I know given all your misinformation!

Well cocksucker, I've never had to learn all those acronyms because all my claims went very smoothly. I retired from the Army Aug 2000 and by May 2001 I had my initial claim approved for 80% service connected, it's been upgraded twice since. You either live in a really fucked up region or are totally incompetent to go through all the shit you claim. And 4 years, what were you, a clerk typist in the AF? Get too many paper cuts did ya? LMAO
Well, shit for brains, claims in peacetime 2000 were not getting plugged up in a backlog like before that shit started to hit the fan in 2009-2010 with the Nehmer decision. All those 15-20 years worth of Agent Orange claims being denied by the VA were needing to be reviewed after that decision and Bush's Iraq 'adventurism' and the poor bastards from Afghanistan adding to the load along with HUGH influx of Vietnam AO disabled vets hearing about the Nehmer decision made for a perfect storm with the backlog by 2012 well over 1 million with the capacity of around 250-300k of completed claims annually, you ignorant fuck!

Yeah, I was lucky and got in on the front end of the wave and it only took 9 months for the first part of the claim, and then another 16 months to get the proper decision because their was a CUE, a Clear and Unmistakable Error, by the Seattle RO in the decision which was found by the Albuquerque RO. I'll bet you have no fucking idea what a NOD is, do ya, Tex! It was the errors made by the VA shit for brains, not mine, that the issues arose from. My DAV VSO tried to recruit me to get DAV trained, tested & certed to help out with their workload with other Nam vets with their AO claims. You shouldn't have open your stupid fucking mouth you shit for brains lifer REMF!

Paper cuts and AF...nope. A sailor doesn't get a CAR to put on his ribbon bar for a fucking paper cut you REMF poser. My good old Uncle Sugar poisoned me with Agent Orange. I won't list all my disabilities, but when I add them up with VA math, I'm 100% plus P&T and adding them up individually from a column they come to 310% or 315% I think and top it off with a SMC S awarded! Hell from the timeline you posted for your active duty you were probably still pissing the bed and just starting K or 1st grade when I made my first deployment to Vietnam in Feb '66! But hey, your the one bragging about being so handy with the VA claim route and a real peacetime PROFFESSIONAL VETERAN! Be Army proud REMF! You're still all fucking smoke and no fire, Tex.

God you're old. Actually I was in Vietnam in 70, originally with the 9th INF Div, in the delta, then moved to 1st Cav Div AM in the central highlands. I had a 10 year break in active duty. And I also have some AO presumptive problems, so get the fuck over yourself. I don't bother to learn acronyms I have no use for and almost everyone who has 100% have issues that total greater than 100%, hell, I did when I was at 80%. You were in a F'd up region, fortunately I'm not.
God you're old.
I turned 72 yesterday. My body is aging, but my mind sure as Hell isn't!
I don't bother to learn acronyms I have no use for...
Well that is very informative. If you didn't have a working knowledge of at least the basic alphabet salad of VA acronyms required to fill out your claim forms, then you must have had someone else do it for you. If that is true, then your previous claim weeks ago that your initial VBA claim, which you prepared, zipped through without issue because the paperwork was properly prepared and mine faltered because I incompetently completed the claim forms is a load of horseshit! It also begs the question why didn't my DAV VSO review in detail each and everyone of the VBA forms in my initial 200+ page claim packet as required? The obvious answer is you were shooting bullshit from the hip, Tex. Typical short dick syndrome conduct!
And I also have some AO presumptive problems, so get the fuck over yourself.
It's obvious that you may have been exposed to AO IF you had been in country during the specified period for the presumptions to apply. BTW, I knew someone in the 9th INF Div. What battalion were you in? Maybe you knew him or his brother.
You were in a F'd up region, fortunately I'm not.
Yeah, the sun always shines brighter in Texas, doesn't it, Tex! Everything is so much better there. Have a nice fucking day, shit for brains!

I turned 66 a week ago. And no, I filled all the forms myself, didn't have a VSO rep on any of the 4 claims I filed.

If my memory serves I was in the 2/3rd FA at Tan An.
Well that's interesting! In June of '66 my ship went up two reaches of the Mekong for shore bomb missions near Ben Tre just South of Tan An ~15-20 miles to support the 3rd Marines there in III Corps. In '67 we followed them, the 1st Marines and 1st ARVN up to I Corps while the Army and Navy Riverine squids took over the full responsibilities of the delta for MACV. The world was much smaller back then, and OH so distant at the same time!

Believe it or not, all VA's are different in their own way, depends on admin and staff...

Believe it or not that asshole Obama has done a poor job of managing the VA just like he has done a poor job at everything else.You Moon Bats were morons electing him.
Well it's not like the head of state micro manages every department..So trump will not either....Ain't it a shame?

No, the Chief Executive of the United States appoints individuals to manage the various departments and agencies, to include some assistants. He sets the tone of how he wants government to operate. He is the one who issues or approves rules and regulations of how those entities are expected to operate.

If VA care has worsened, it is directly in the hands of President Obama.
A major problem with the VA is that there are just so many hospitals and clinics out there. Many veterans live far away from any of these hospitals or clinics and with all the troops we now have deployed in areas of conflict, the rolls of veterans will continue to increase. I'd say it would be best for those veterans living outside of 50 miles of a veteran's hospital or clinic to be afforded easy and affordable access to local medical facilities. Perhaps just shutting down the hospitals and clinics and allowing all veterans use their local hospitals would actually be the best thing to do.
I agree, it would be better to let us go to a local doctor/hospital but I haven't paid my bill in years. I owe the government over 4,000 for my medication. I'm bi-polar and would end up in prison if I ever had to go without my pills. But I can't afford them.

I also have cancer. I'm supposed to see my cancer doctor in a couple of weeks over in Orlando but I don't have a car so I don't know what I'm going to do.

Call one of the local veteran groups such as the DVA or Vietnam Vets. I'm sure one of them well help you.
I am retired and receive care under Tricare for Life. I am also 100% VA disabled and eligible for care from the VA. Finally, I am enrolled in Medicare with premiums withheld from my monthly entitlements which means I can see private doctors.

One of the huge benefits from having served more tan 20 years and earning retirement.

The care I receive out at the military hospital at Nellis is generally very good. The staff is efficient and it does not take long to get appointments with my Primary Care Doctor. If certain procedures are required, I get referral to local facilities.

I don't seek care from the VA here except for the Dentists. The few experiences with their clinics has been less than thrilling.

I have a number of civilian specialists that are generally qualified and caring.

I recently had a case of open sores in my lower legs oozing something and causing pain. Went to the emergency room, got a diagnosis, was admitted and given a great deal of antibiotics When released, I was referred to two civilian clinics. Neither one thrilled me and they didn't prescribe a course of treatment I felt was positive..

I had a routine appointment with my Dermatologist for my recurring skin cancer. They took one look at my legs and instantly knew what it was and how to treat it as it was a common malady of diabetics. A bit discomforting but the sores are almost gone and the general swelling is seriously reduced.

So, here's my feeling about the VA and what should be done. For those veterans suffering from service-related disabilities, they should receive first class treatment from VA facilities and be able to see qualified civilian care if VA care is not available.

I think President-electTrump will keep his promise to do everything possible to ensure that comes true.

No, the Chief Executive of the United States appoints individuals to manage the various departments and agencies, to include some assistants. He sets the tone of how he wants government to operate. He is the one who issues or approves rules and regulations of how those entities are expected to operate.

If VA care has worsened, it is directly in the hands of President Obama.

Obama has not performed his job in a competent manner in many areas, including running the VA. Especially with the VA.

Isn't it always amazing how these stupid Moon Bats always try to blame Obama's failures on somebody else? These Moon Bats never take responsibility for electing the worst President in the history of this country.

I bet Trump will do what is necessary to improve the VA. He will do his job instead of being on vacation and playing golf or partying with rap stars.
Like the wonderful government care they've been receiving?

Which they like better than the alternatives.

Same as Medicare. It offers a private option, Medicare Advantage, but few people want to use it. The government program is much more popular.

You need to stop falling for the conservative scam. You know, this one:

1. Fail to fund a government program.

2. Watch as the program starts having troubles.

3. Point to troubles as proof program doesn't work.

4. Declare it needs to be privatized.

5. Shovel tax money to cronies by privatizing it, and screw the public hard.

Amazing that anyone still falls for it, but they do.
Another butthurt Leftard thread
Is that TROLLING comment all you have to say about the OP?

No, I actually have a great deal to say about it. My reference as to the OP who was clearly belittling vets and the care they should receive and how President-elect Trump will act about the VA
You claiming the OP was belittling vets or the author of the OP was belittling vets? Your grammar is confusing.

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