Trump, not NWO whore like Putin, is a friend for German and all another Anti-Covid LIe protestors in the world


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
What idiots hoist flags of Russia through Berlin protest. Putin is a NWO whore like Merkel, he is hardly working to destroy Russian economy and to force Russians to Gates's 'vaccine' which will kill most of them.
The symbol of resistance against Corona Lie shall be the US flag with Trump portrait, not Putin's one.
Instead of 'Keep America Great!' can be written 'Nurnberg 2.0 for all Corona Liars'

Trump is the Leader of Free World, not a Kremlin dwarf - billionaire! ( $350bn rich)

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I think you may be right.

You're in Brooklyn? Are you the only Trump supporter around?

I have a property in Brooklyn, but I'm oft working around the globe and vote only for GOP and Trump.
NYC is a communist city run by imbeciles, unfortunately only few Trump supporters, therefore I would probably soon move to Alabama.
Only Trump is the leader of Free World, a True Leader for anyone including Germans, Russians, Chinese etc.
Only he can stop communism!
I think you may be right.

You're in Brooklyn? Are you the only Trump supporter around?

I have a property in Brooklyn, but I'm oft working around the globe and vote only for GOP and Trump.
NYC is a communist city run by imbeciles, unfortunately only few Trump supporters, therefore I would probably soon move to Alabama.
Only Trump is the leader of Free World, a True Leader for anyone including Germans, Russians, Chinese etc.
Only he can stop communism!

I agree with you with ONE caveat......
We The People are tasked with preserving the Republic and our rights and freedoms.
That is our responsibility independent of ANY elected official.
So far, we have been ghastly derelict in those duties. God I hope that changes.

Give me liberty or give me death......freedom was never free, and all that is required for that freedom to be taken away is to do nothing.
I think you may be right.

You're in Brooklyn? Are you the only Trump supporter around?

I have a property in Brooklyn, but I'm oft working around the globe and vote only for GOP and Trump.
NYC is a communist city run by imbeciles, unfortunately only few Trump supporters, therefore I would probably soon move to Alabama.
Only Trump is the leader of Free World, a True Leader for anyone including Germans, Russians, Chinese etc.
Only he can stop communism!
I hope you did not vote for bush? I understand trump sense he is not a globalists but bush is and IS part of the new world order agenda to depopulate the world the elite have set in motion this year.
I think you may be right.

You're in Brooklyn? Are you the only Trump supporter around?

I have a property in Brooklyn, but I'm oft working around the globe and vote only for GOP and Trump.
NYC is a communist city run by imbeciles, unfortunately only few Trump supporters, therefore I would probably soon move to Alabama.
Only Trump is the leader of Free World, a True Leader for anyone including Germans, Russians, Chinese etc.
Only he can stop communism!
I hope you did not vote for bush? I understand trump sense he is not a globalists but bush is and IS part of the new world order agenda to depopulate the world the elite have set in motion this year.

I've never voted for lefts of any kind.
In my opinion Bush & Co are NWO commies.

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