Trump needs more than 1237 delegates to win

If Trump hits the 1237 the question is moot. Those delegates taken cannot switch until a second ballot. 1237 on the first and its over.
Trump will walk into the convention with more than 1,237. It's all but over after Indiana. It's been over for quite some time but its going to take the total dismemberment of Cruz for the #nevertrump/GOPe to throw the towel.
The forces of Lying Ted and Lying Donald and Confused John will physically engage each other on the Convention floor if their guy does not get the nomination. Will Cleveland disappear? Will Grant Part violence appear as a Little League game compared to what is going to happen in Cleveland.
In order to stop the RNC from taking away the election from Trump Trump is going to have win overwhelmingly. He is going to lose a few delegates because of cheating. He is going to have to have a lot more than 1237 because of that. It is unfortunate but that is the reality.

I'm beginning to wonder if the democrats were right about Florida in 2000.

How does Florida general relate to the RNC primary?
In order to stop the RNC from taking away the election from Trump Trump is going to have win overwhelmingly. He is going to lose a few delegates because of cheating. He is going to have to have a lot more than 1237 because of that. It is unfortunate but that is the reality.

I'm beginning to wonder if the democrats were right about Florida in 2000.

Maniacal... So now you've concocted some hypothetical sinister conspiracy theory in your head and the paranoia is causing you to think Democrats were right about Florida in 2000? Is that what you're telling us?

The chances of Trump landing on exactly 1,237 delegates is near impossible. Generally, candidates who are over the 1,237 before the convention are over by enough of a margin that a few delegates won't matter. There are always a few delegates who are unbound and change their votes at the last minute... usually in support of some third party candidate. This isn't "cheating" it's part of the process.

It sounds to me like you are setting up the scenario for if Trump gets close but fails to get the 1,237 on the first ballot... you can start hollering about cheating and rigged systems.

In 1980, Ronald Reagan's team had crunched the numbers and though they were over the 1,237 needed, it wasn't by a lot. They feared the same thing, that the establishment would work some back room deal to peel off some of his delegates and prevent him from a win on the first ballot. As a strategic move to prevent this, he nominated HW Bush as his VP. Well, it turned out he really didn't need to have done that, he won by a substantial margin. But that's the process, that's how campaigns have to strategize.

So to Trump AND his supporters... Stop the infantile whining about cheating and rigged systems and get the fucking job done. Ya boy is supposed to be good at closing deals... close the fucking deal and shut the fuck up. This incessant whining and moaning about things not being "fairrrr" makes you all sound like a bunch of milquetoast liberals.

I read the story and the delegates decided not to elect Trump because more people voted against him than for him. Technichally that is true but only because you added up both Cruiz and Kasich together which is more than the total vote for Trump but Trump still beats either of them by a landslide. And don't give me this crap that it is the rules and that makes it good because slavery was a rule and that didn't make it OK to do. What is the point of having an election if the party is just going to override it?

I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. The GOP operates under the same guideline it has operated under since it's inception in 1856, requiring the nominee to secure a MAJORITY of delegates. It has nothing to do with how many people voted for whom. Delegates are awarded in different ways depending on the state party rules, and it's always been like that... it's NEVER been who gets the most votes.

If the rules are tilted in anyone's favor it is the front-runner and candidate who gets a plurality. Trump enjoys many "winner take all" delegates that he did not earn by a vote of the people! He happened to have more votes than anyone else, so he got all the delegates. In some states, if he got over a certain percent of the vote, he won all the delegates, the other candidates got NONE! Is that fairrrrr?

This is SO frustrating to me because we studied about this stuff in like 7th grade Civics... The party nomination process has never been a "pure democratic" process and there is a very good reason for that. It's designed to prevent some fly-by-night populist lynch mob from taking over the party! What if the Bible-thumpers all got together and decided they wanted a Christian GOP? They outnumber every other voting demographic so if we had a "pure democratic" system, they could control the party and we'd always have the Christian-picked candidate as the nominee. Ya think you'd like that?

It's designed to prevent some fly-by-night populist lynch mob from taking over the party!

Where is that ever written that the purpose of delegates was to stop some fly by night person? I'm just kind of curious where it is written that the purpose of the rules were for that?

I don't know about it being "written" somewhere, I am just explaining the purpose to your uneducated ass. We don't have mob rule here. We have a process. It's for the purpose of ensuring the integrity of the party. It's not "cheating" and it's not "rigged" it's just the process and has been the process since 1856.

Look... I am sorry if you don't understand it... I'm sorry if you think it's dumb... Go establish your OWN party and set your rules however you please! This is how the GOP operates, it's how it has always operated and how it will continue to operate... despite your emotive bleating about rigged systems and such. So either get with the fucking program and play by the rules or shut the fuck up and stop sounding like a whiny-ass liberal. Do you need your "safe space?"
You Trump people are starting to really annoy the hell out of me. You're all a bunch of bad asses when you're smearing and trashing Ted Cruz and his wife with reckless abandon... but when it comes to abiding by the rules and following the set protocol, you want to turn into a bunch of fucking crybabies! Grow a pair for once!
In order to stop the RNC from taking away the election from Trump Trump is going to have win overwhelmingly. He is going to lose a few delegates because of cheating. He is going to have to have a lot more than 1237 because of that. It is unfortunate but that is the reality.

I'm beginning to wonder if the democrats were right about Florida in 2000.

it's not cheating, it's understanding the rules and executing, regardless of how democratic the process was.

Florida :

1. Removing people from the voter roles who had the right to vote
2. A crappy designed ballot that led many older Jewish voters to cast a vote for Pat Buchanan (even he says those votes shouldn't have been his)
3. Stopping the recount
4. The Democrats only wanting to count in select counties when it should have been a statewide recount.

Florida has nothing to do with Trump's incompetence and most of the items above are not from "cheating".

Of the course the Democrat solution to all that was to put two Democrats and one Republican in a room to vote on what the intention of the voter was.

Good thing the Supremes had the courage to put an end to that nonsense so the Democrats couldn't steal the election.
In order to stop the RNC from taking away the election from Trump Trump is going to have win overwhelmingly. He is going to lose a few delegates because of cheating. He is going to have to have a lot more than 1237 because of that. It is unfortunate but that is the reality.

I'm beginning to wonder if the democrats were right about Florida in 2000.

it's not cheating, it's understanding the rules and executing, regardless of how democratic the process was.

Florida :

1. Removing people from the voter roles who had the right to vote
2. A crappy designed ballot that led many older Jewish voters to cast a vote for Pat Buchanan (even he says those votes shouldn't have been his)
3. Stopping the recount
4. The Democrats only wanting to count in select counties when it should have been a statewide recount.

Florida has nothing to do with Trump's incompetence and most of the items above are not from "cheating".

Of the course the Democrat solution to all that was to put two Democrats and one Republican in a room to vote on what the intention of the voter was.

Good thing the Supremes had the courage to put an end to that nonsense so the Democrats couldn't steal the election.

They were based on local election boards and there is zero evidence that any of them favored any one particular candidate.
They were based on local election boards and there is zero evidence that any of them favored any one particular candidate.

But there's NOT zero evidence that most of them belonged to the Democrat party.

Well, they were watched like eagles from representatives from both parties. In a close election recounts. In a close election recounts are common and you have to recount them some how.

They were based on local election boards and there is zero evidence that any of them favored any one particular candidate.


Your assumption that the two Democrats were going to be impartial is unadulterated bullshit. It was never gonna happen. We saw how the local Democrats managed the election results in Homestead in 2012 when that idiot Obama got 120% of the registered votes.

Two Democrats and one Republican voting on the intent of the voter. Who in the hell do you think is going to get the most votes?

The state of Florida certified the election after a recount and the Supreme Court determined that was valid.

Get over it. Just thank god that the batshit crazy Loony Tune Gore was not elected President. It would have been like the Obama's disaster eight years earlier.

They were based on local election boards and there is zero evidence that any of them favored any one particular candidate.


Your assumption that the two Democrats were going to be impartial is unadulterated bullshit. It was never gonna happen. We saw how the local Democrats managed the election results in Homestead in 2012 when that idiot Obama got 120% of the registered votes.

Two Democrats and one Republican voting on the intent of the voter. Who in the hell do you think is going to get the most votes?

The state of Florida certified the election after a recount and the Supreme Court determined that was valid.

Get over it. Just thank god that the batshit crazy Loony Tune Gore was not elected President. It would have been like the Obama's disaster eight years earlier.

Oh, conspiracy. Obama stole Florida in 2012.
In order to stop the RNC from taking away the election from Trump Trump is going to have win overwhelmingly. He is going to lose a few delegates because of cheating. He is going to have to have a lot more than 1237 because of that. It is unfortunate but that is the reality.

I'm beginning to wonder if the democrats were right about Florida in 2000.
I don't think he will have a problem getting to 'more than' the 1237.

They were based on local election boards and there is zero evidence that any of them favored any one particular candidate.


Your assumption that the two Democrats were going to be impartial is unadulterated bullshit. It was never gonna happen. We saw how the local Democrats managed the election results in Homestead in 2012 when that idiot Obama got 120% of the registered votes.

Two Democrats and one Republican voting on the intent of the voter. Who in the hell do you think is going to get the most votes?

The state of Florida certified the election after a recount and the Supreme Court determined that was valid.

Get over it. Just thank god that the batshit crazy Loony Tune Gore was not elected President. It would have been like the Obama's disaster eight years earlier.
bullshit no way gore could have done worse than that war happy pos gwb
In order to stop the RNC from taking away the election from Trump Trump is going to have win overwhelmingly. He is going to lose a few delegates because of cheating. He is going to have to have a lot more than 1237 because of that. It is unfortunate but that is the reality.

I'm beginning to wonder if the democrats were right about Florida in 2000.
I don't think he will have a problem getting to 'more than' the 1237.
We hope he does Can't wait to hear him yell collusion when hill wipes him out

Oh, conspiracy. Obama stole Florida in 2012.

If I remember correctly the sonofabitch won the state by about 300K votes. However, in one district near Homestead with a Democrat in charge of elections he got more votes than there were registered voters. If that district had gone 100% Romney it would not have changed the outcome of the election so there is no conspiracy.

An example of not being able to trust Democrats. Not only are they terrible at running the government but they are always dishonest. They don't call her Crooked Hillary for nothing, do they?

They were based on local election boards and there is zero evidence that any of them favored any one particular candidate.


Your assumption that the two Democrats were going to be impartial is unadulterated bullshit. It was never gonna happen. We saw how the local Democrats managed the election results in Homestead in 2012 when that idiot Obama got 120% of the registered votes.

Two Democrats and one Republican voting on the intent of the voter. Who in the hell do you think is going to get the most votes?

The state of Florida certified the election after a recount and the Supreme Court determined that was valid.

Get over it. Just thank god that the batshit crazy Loony Tune Gore was not elected President. It would have been like the Obama's disaster eight years earlier.
bullshit no way gore could have done worse than that war happy pos gwb

Gore, along with Hillary and Kerry and many more Democrats supported the war and Obama fought the war in Iraq for three years, called it a success, escalated the war in Afghanistan, bombed Syria (how did that work out for you?) and is now sending more troops back to Iraq so don't give me that bullshit. Obama has been at war every day of his administration.
They were based on local election boards and there is zero evidence that any of them favored any one particular candidate.

But there's NOT zero evidence that most of them belonged to the Democrat party.

Well, they were watched like eagles from representatives from both parties. In a close election recounts. In a close election recounts are common and you have to recount them some how.

Look... we have an election process. People go, they vote, their votes are counted... IF they don't properly record their vote, their vote doesn't count.... that has ALWAYS been the rule. But just like a bunch of whiny Trump supporters, when the rules don't fit your preconceived outcome, you moan and complain about the rules and try to change things. And that's what the Democrats did in Florida.

So then, they were recounting ballots and looking at chads to determine "voter intent" in order to get Al Gore some more votes. But what about all the other people in the other states (or even in other parts of Florida) who might have filled out a ballot improperly for Bush? They didn't get their votes counted by special selection and scrutiny. Millions and millions of ballots nationwide were rejected because they weren't completed properly...that's the rules... that's how we do it.

You can't wait until after the football game is over and then go back and look at the replay and pick out penalties that were missed or blown calls to change the outcome. That's not the rules... that's not how the game is played.

They were based on local election boards and there is zero evidence that any of them favored any one particular candidate.


Your assumption that the two Democrats were going to be impartial is unadulterated bullshit. It was never gonna happen. We saw how the local Democrats managed the election results in Homestead in 2012 when that idiot Obama got 120% of the registered votes.

Two Democrats and one Republican voting on the intent of the voter. Who in the hell do you think is going to get the most votes?

The state of Florida certified the election after a recount and the Supreme Court determined that was valid.

Get over it. Just thank god that the batshit crazy Loony Tune Gore was not elected President. It would have been like the Obama's disaster eight years earlier.
bullshit no way gore could have done worse than that war happy pos gwb

Gore, along with Hillary and Kerry and many more Democrats supported the war and Obama fought the war in Iraq for three years, called it a success, escalated the war in Afghanistan, bombed Syria (how did that work out for you?) and is now sending more troops back to Iraq so don't give me that bullshit. Obama has been at war every day of his administration.
And just how much of that would have happened if your bush moron didn't pull the trigger??
They were based on local election boards and there is zero evidence that any of them favored any one particular candidate.

But there's NOT zero evidence that most of them belonged to the Democrat party.

Well, they were watched like eagles from representatives from both parties. In a close election recounts. In a close election recounts are common and you have to recount them some how.

Look... we have an election process. People go, they vote, their votes are counted... IF they don't properly record their vote, their vote doesn't count.... that has ALWAYS been the rule. But just like a bunch of whiny Trump supporters, when the rules don't fit your preconceived outcome, you moan and complain about the rules and try to change things. And that's what the Democrats did in Florida.

So then, they were recounting ballots and looking at chads to determine "voter intent" in order to get Al Gore some more votes. But what about all the other people in the other states (or even in other parts of Florida) who might have filled out a ballot improperly for Bush? They didn't get their votes counted by special selection and scrutiny. Millions and millions of ballots nationwide were rejected because they weren't completed properly...that's the rules... that's how we do it.

You can't wait until after the football game is over and then go back and look at the replay and pick out penalties that were missed or blown calls to change the outcome. That's not the rules... that's not how the game is played.

The "rule" is to interpret the will of the voter. When the voting mechanism is sub-standard then you take a closer look, especially in close elections.

What about the other people in the other states? What happens in Florida only applies to Florida, there are 50 state elections to decide president, some of them give all their support to a single candidate and some are proportional,

I love instant replay, rocky start now an integral part of Football. Why wouldn't we want something like that to ensure our elections are fair?

Strange argument, dude.
you dem haters like to start the shit and then walk away Sorry ,,no walking away with the shit your worst president in my memory caused Like someone once said you repubs like to shit in a hat and ask dems to wear it

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