Trump Mythology


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
It is a well-known fact that President Bush(43) lied about WMD's in order to justify a personal revenge war against Saddam Hussein. Of course, this "fact" is provably false and is only taken seriously by those Leftists who - shall we say - are ardent Bernie Supporters. 'Nuf said about that.

It is also a well-known fact that The Donald is a racist, a bigot, and a xenophobe. And as with the "Bush Lied" "fact," it is a total fabrication. Challenged to identify even ONE illustration of some racist or ethnically bigoted statement or act of Trump's to justify the charge, about the only one they can come up with was the complaint Trump made when one of his lawsuits was being heard by a Federal judge of Mexican ethnicity. He implied that he was unlikely to get a fair hearing from this "Mexican" judge. O MY GAWD, what a RACIST, right? The fact that that judge ruled against him on several very dubious grounds is never reported.

And we all know that Trump verbally attacked a Muslim "Gold Star" family FOR NO REASON! Again, total B.S. Trump himself was attacked publicly by the Gold Star Dad, in a manner that had no basis in reality - "I brought a copy of the Constitution, if you haven't read it..." Really? What, exactly, was Trump proposing in his campaign that was unconstitutional? And what was the nature of Trump's "attack" on the Gold Star family? Well, if you remember, while the Dad was making his extremely-partisan ad hominem attack against Trump, the Mom was standing next to him looking pathetic. Trump asked the reasonable question of what the hell she was doing there. She was nothing more than window dressing.

We know that Trump went around grabbing women by their private parts...and yet, aside from extremely partisan non-credible prop-women who were marched out during the campaign, there are no credible accounts of his ever having done this. And dare I say, Trump's point in this private conversation was not a point about what he had done or intended to do (he never did it), the point was about the privileges of wealth and celebrity. Which WAS true.

These myths about Trump as racist, bigot, woman-abusing, hero-defaming degenerate permeate many of the news accounts and commentaries about Trump and his actions, and as with the Bush Lied nonsense, they have become so often repeated and assumed that they are no longer questioned.

Apparently, slander - if repeated often enough - works.
It is a well-known fact that President Bush(43) lied about WMD's in order to justify a personal revenge war against Saddam Hussein. Of coarse, this "fact" is provably false and is only taken seriously by those Leftists who - shall we say - are ardent Bernie Supporters. 'Nuf said about that.

It is also a well-known fact that The Donald is a racist, a bigot, and a xenophobe. And as with the "Bush Lied" "fact," it is a total fabrication. Challenged to identify even ONE illustration of some racist or ethnically bigoted statement or act of Trump's to justify the charge, about the only one they can come up with was the complaint Trump made when one of his lawsuits was being heard by a Federal judge of Mexican ethnicity. He implied that he was unlikely to get a fair hearing from this "Mexican" judge. O MY GAWD, what a RACIST, right? The fact that that judge ruled against him on several very dubious grounds is never reported.

And we all know that Trump verbally attacked a Muslim "Gold Star" family FOR NO REASON! Again, total B.S. Trump himself was attacked publicly by the Gold Star Dad, in a manner that had no basis in reality - "I brought a copy of the Constitution, if you haven't read it..." Really? What, exactly, was Trump proposing in his campaign that was unconstitutional? And what was the nature of his attack on the family? Well, if you remember, while the Dad was making his extremely-partisan ad hominem attack against Trump, the Mom was standing next to him looking pathetic. Trump asked the reasonable question of what the hell she was doing there. She was nothing more than window dressing.

We know that Trump went around grabbing women by their private parts...and yet, aside from extremely partisan prop-women, there are no credible accounts of his ever having done this. And dare I say, Trump's point in this private conversation was not a point about what he had done or intended to do (he never did it), the point was about the privileges of wealth and celebrity.

These myths about Trump as racist, bigot, woman-abusing, hero-defaming degenerate permeate many of the news accounts and commentaries about Trump and his actions, and as with the Bush Lied nonsense, they have become so often repeated and assumed that they are no longer questioned.

Apparently, slander - if repeated often enough - works.

Sorry, your spin won't turn. The BIG LIE is the grist of the Right Wing, it feeds the biddable hoi polloi; it is expressed and echoed on Fox and in threads/posts here ubiquitously.

One BIG LIE is to accuse the Democrats, liberals and progressives of doing what the Right Wing does, which is emblematic in the Original Post by DGS49.

Prime Example: "LOCK HER UP"
It is a well-known fact that President Bush(43) lied about WMD's in order to justify a personal revenge war against Saddam Hussein. Of course, this "fact" is provably false and is only taken seriously by those Leftists who - shall we say - are ardent Bernie Supporters. 'Nuf said about that.

It is also a well-known fact that The Donald is a racist, a bigot, and a xenophobe. And as with the "Bush Lied" "fact," it is a total fabrication. Challenged to identify even ONE illustration of some racist or ethnically bigoted statement or act of Trump's to justify the charge, about the only one they can come up with was the complaint Trump made when one of his lawsuits was being heard by a Federal judge of Mexican ethnicity. He implied that he was unlikely to get a fair hearing from this "Mexican" judge. O MY GAWD, what a RACIST, right? The fact that that judge ruled against him on several very dubious grounds is never reported.

And we all know that Trump verbally attacked a Muslim "Gold Star" family FOR NO REASON! Again, total B.S. Trump himself was attacked publicly by the Gold Star Dad, in a manner that had no basis in reality - "I brought a copy of the Constitution, if you haven't read it..." Really? What, exactly, was Trump proposing in his campaign that was unconstitutional? And what was the nature of Trump's "attack" on the Gold Star family? Well, if you remember, while the Dad was making his extremely-partisan ad hominem attack against Trump, the Mom was standing next to him looking pathetic. Trump asked the reasonable question of what the hell she was doing there. She was nothing more than window dressing.

We know that Trump went around grabbing women by their private parts...and yet, aside from extremely partisan non-credible prop-women who were marched out during the campaign, there are no credible accounts of his ever having done this. And dare I say, Trump's point in this private conversation was not a point about what he had done or intended to do (he never did it), the point was about the privileges of wealth and celebrity. Which WAS true.

These myths about Trump as racist, bigot, woman-abusing, hero-defaming degenerate permeate many of the news accounts and commentaries about Trump and his actions, and as with the Bush Lied nonsense, they have become so often repeated and assumed that they are no longer questioned.

Apparently, slander - if repeated often enough - works.
I think with judge Roy we are about to find the time limit on slander.
Dear DGS49
The whole WALL policy is unconstitutional because it does not represent the beliefs of the entire nation forced to pay for it.

Similar to why Obama's health care mandate was and is still unconstitutional because it violates beliefs of half the nation this policy is imposed on.

What's bad for the goose is bad for the gander.

Anything that imposes political beliefs of one group over the beliefs of another being violated is equally as unconstitutional as imposing other types of religious beliefs. Both sides are depriving the equal liberty, rights and protections of people of opposing beliefs without first applying due process of law to DISTINGUISH the lawabiding from those convicted with criminal intent or wrongdoing.

NOTE: with Trump's wall and deportation policies, these end up punishing law abiding citizens indirectly whose documentation was not completely finalized due to govt bureaucracy and backlog. The threat of deporting working citizens and family members (including adopted children whose paperwork was not filed or completed properly yet) has created an UNDUE burden of expedited legal deadlines and COSTS that they had no say in. This is sadly similar to suddenly adding penalties to people for not buying insurance, when that wasn't a requirement before and there STILL are not affordable choices to meet these added requirements.

You may argue this isn't the same, to compare American citizens and taxpayers being penalized and burdened with added regulations and paperwork we didn't get to vote on
"residents" who aren't fully documented or naturalized legally
as citizens

But the effect is the same.

All PERSONS under the jurisdiction of their respective state or federal govt are supposed to have equal protections of the laws without discrimination.

If we don't agree on which STATUS of residents/citizens count as legally protected PERSONS, then that's a political belief also.

What is Constitutionally missing here is DUE PROCESS before depriving people of liberties due to changes in laws that are starting to be enforced WITHOUT FIRST setting up means for corrections or options in order to COMPLY with the new regulations.

So that is the similarity I see between Obama's mandates that deprived law abiding citizens and taxpayers of freedom we had before ACA was passed, and Trump's deportation and wall policies that also violates political beliefs in due process before threatening to punish people for problems with compliance.

And the counterargument is that the residents were "already out of compliance" BEFORE the stricter enforcements were pushed.

I understand that. But this still introduced TIME DEADLINES and threats of deportation that weren't there before, without setting up adequate means to remedy the omissions legally and comply with the laws. The penalty was increased without first fixing the govt problems creating the backlog. Which was the same argument with ACA mandates, and why it was wrong to impose deadlines and penalties without first guaranteeing all citizens options they can comply with that didn't violate their beliefs.

Again the key difference is whether established US citizens and taxpayers are treated equally as residents in process of renewing or completing documents for legal status.

The liberals tend to focus on this as a "race" issue that affects "Mexican nationals and foreign born residents" disproportionately because of fear of profiling, deportation, and threats/harassment associated with brown/tan skin color.

But it's really an issue of political belief, in whether you respect the rights and freedoms of people equally REGARDLESS OF POLITICAL BELIEF OR PARTY AFFILIATION.

It has become a battle of political beliefs, where Obama wouldn't budge on ACA because of partisan grandstanding based on political beliefs in health care as a right, and now Trump and supporters of American citizens and taxpayers rights over the protection of rights of residents who aren't fully documents legalized citizens yet. Those are political beliefs also.

What bothers me is judging who is law abiding or not based on where you are born.
It should be based on whether you broke the law with criminal intent
and whether you are willing to pay restitution to victims and society or not.

Until we agree what defines a law abiding citizen or PERSON protected equally under law,
we will see these battles fought over political beliefs. this is one level deeper than just
fighting religious conflicts, because political beliefs inherently involve govt authority.

so that's why it's so hard to resolve. both sides would have to recognize and work
around each other's political beliefs equally instead of trying to bully, bulldoze,
railroad and dominate over each other, abusing party, media and govt office to do so.

I think we'd have to agree to separate jurisdiction, and declare several city states
to be legal residence for people and families of mixed or unresolved status. In order to resolve these conflicts as equals, people would have to be under legal status first; and then we could negotiate what is a fair way to register all people and manage the penalties for debts, damages or violations owed in order to earn equal status in society.
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Norelco Nostradamus

Actually, Trump Mythology is as much about consumerism metaphysics as it is about political spinning.

I wonder why Melania Trump seems like she's being left out...

This isn't a political cartoon! This is politics! What would Thomas Nast say?


Hollywood movie star Leo DiCaprio wanted to meet Hallmark Channel Holiday Movie Actress Jessica Lowndes after enjoying her Christmas movie Merry Matrimony. The two soon started dating, and she presented him with a Norelco Electric Shaver as a Valentine's Day gift. However, Leo then had a nervous breakdown and killed Jessica by bludgeoning her to death with the Norelco she gave to him as a gift! The press reported, "America's celebrity is now America's monster!"

President Trump responded by assuring Americans that Wall Street or Black Friday (the shopping-day after Thanksgiving) would not be deterred) simply because of a terrible tragedy. Trump was confident that Norelco Shaver sales would remain high and consumer-spending would be satisfactory during the next holiday season. To deliver on his promise, Trump suggested to friend and film-maker Steven Spielberg that he make a civics-superstition film about a Norelco Shaver salesman (starring Tom Cruise!). The movie was a hit!


By appealing to American consumerism and capitalism,
Trump is like a meaner version of the Reagan 80s economic prosperity era.
All the pro America, what makes us great hype and cheerleading on the troops,
but with this slap in the face edge from having to fight off a pit bull media
coming from the other direction and guilt tripping America for all the sins of the past
that our exuberant freedom and lifestyle has really cost the planet and populations affected
by excess capitalistic materialism and consumerism.

As for your dark spoof piece above Abishai100
with a little more editing you could write for the Onion
or get paid to spin "fake news" stories as click bait on the web.

Instead of clobbering someone to death, it might have to be
lighter, like boinking her in the bottom and causing a bruise
and a 10 million dollar lawsuit for damaging the goods.

But yes, stories like that could sell, so if you can't find a job
getting hired to spin garbage that gets people to click on fake
ads or fake news stories, then maybe you could start your own
spoof site, and get people to circulate crazy spins while you collect advertising credits or dollars!

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