Trump Loses International Momentum, GOP Maybe Lose 28 Toss-up House Seats (RCP)!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Real Clear Politics likes to post Rasmussen polls a lot. That being said, if Rasmussen is polling GOP districts, then Republicans have a lot to be afraid of. Only 4 Democratic seats are rated toss-ups at Real Clear Politics. 28 Republican seats are rated toss-ups, eight in California alone. This is all about the Mid-Terms upcoming, after sunrise on one or more days(?).

RealClearPolitics - 2018 Election Maps - Battle for the House 2018

Generic preference polls aside--except the ones showing a Democratic building wave: Even Republicans think CNN polls are fake news. Someone possibly local is doing separate polling in lots of House Districts.

Any building enthusiasm among the White male College GOP, and female Blue Collar GOP--and on any street corners where they may have occasion to meet, (Groping for answers in our perilous world of Immigrants, heading for the USA): All that enthusiasm Wanes again! The enthusiasm just took a blow.

The Nobel Peace Prize is even now likely regarded a Communist Plot. That is likely even semi-unofficial at US State Department, even. (The other part is a basis-free lie as is usual).

Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Roseanne Barr had actually learned to grope herself: While standing for the National Anthem, and making noise about it--and nausea about it!)
All that matters is that the Senate and the White House are in different hands.

The house is just a bonus if it is in different hands.

Nothing good has ever come from one party holding all 3

Who is in which makes little difference.
Real Clear Politics likes to post Rasmussen polls a lot. That being said, if Rasmussen is polling GOP districts, then Republicans have a lot to be afraid of. Only 4 Democratic seats are rated toss-ups at Real Clear Politics. 28 Republican seats are rated toss-ups, eight in California alone. This is all about the Mid-Terms upcoming, after sunrise on one or more days(?).

RealClearPolitics - 2018 Election Maps - Battle for the House 2018

Generic preference polls aside--except the ones showing a Democratic building wave: Even Republicans think CNN polls are fake news. Someone possibly local is doing separate polling in lots of House Districts.

Any building enthusiasm among the White male College GOP, and female Blue Collar GOP--and on any street corners where they may have occasion to meet, (Groping for answers in our perilous world of Immigrants, heading for the USA): All that enthusiasm Wanes again! The enthusiasm just took a blow.

The Nobel Peace Prize is even now likely regarded a Communist Plot. That is likely even semi-unofficial at US State Department, even. (The other part is a basis-free lie as is usual).

Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Roseanne Barr had actually learned to grope herself: While standing for the National Anthem, and making noise about it--and nausea about it!)

Plus, Trump has no path to the White House!
So already there is verification that White House did not win the popular vote, but lost to the slave-holders property protection device. Groping for answers, they could even do back then!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(!Jose, See Roseanne. . . . by the light of the silvery m-o-o-o-on!).
Real Clear Politics likes to post Rasmussen polls a lot. That being said, if Rasmussen is polling GOP districts, then Republicans have a lot to be afraid of. Only 4 Democratic seats are rated toss-ups at Real Clear Politics. 28 Republican seats are rated toss-ups, eight in California alone. This is all about the Mid-Terms upcoming, after sunrise on one or more days(?).

RealClearPolitics - 2018 Election Maps - Battle for the House 2018

Generic preference polls aside--except the ones showing a Democratic building wave: Even Republicans think CNN polls are fake news. Someone possibly local is doing separate polling in lots of House Districts.

Any building enthusiasm among the White male College GOP, and female Blue Collar GOP--and on any street corners where they may have occasion to meet, (Groping for answers in our perilous world of Immigrants, heading for the USA): All that enthusiasm Wanes again! The enthusiasm just took a blow.

The Nobel Peace Prize is even now likely regarded a Communist Plot. That is likely even semi-unofficial at US State Department, even. (The other part is a basis-free lie as is usual).

Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Roseanne Barr had actually learned to grope herself: While standing for the National Anthem, and making noise about it--and nausea about it!)

Plus, Trump has no path to the White House!

Is it mean that I love rubbing salt in the left's wounds? Remember all those dumb ass liberals in the fake news telling us Trump had no chance, then he whooped their ass on their home turf in 3 blue states :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Real Clear Politics likes to post Rasmussen polls a lot. That being said, if Rasmussen is polling GOP districts, then Republicans have a lot to be afraid of. Only 4 Democratic seats are rated toss-ups at Real Clear Politics. 28 Republican seats are rated toss-ups, eight in California alone. This is all about the Mid-Terms upcoming, after sunrise on one or more days(?).

RealClearPolitics - 2018 Election Maps - Battle for the House 2018

Generic preference polls aside--except the ones showing a Democratic building wave: Even Republicans think CNN polls are fake news. Someone possibly local is doing separate polling in lots of House Districts.

Any building enthusiasm among the White male College GOP, and female Blue Collar GOP--and on any street corners where they may have occasion to meet, (Groping for answers in our perilous world of Immigrants, heading for the USA): All that enthusiasm Wanes again! The enthusiasm just took a blow.

The Nobel Peace Prize is even now likely regarded a Communist Plot. That is likely even semi-unofficial at US State Department, even. (The other part is a basis-free lie as is usual).

Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Roseanne Barr had actually learned to grope herself: While standing for the National Anthem, and making noise about it--and nausea about it!)
You're in for a lot more butt hurt kid. As they used to say, ya ain't seen nothin' yet.
Real Clear Politics likes to post Rasmussen polls a lot. That being said, if Rasmussen is polling GOP districts, then Republicans have a lot to be afraid of. Only 4 Democratic seats are rated toss-ups at Real Clear Politics. 28 Republican seats are rated toss-ups, eight in California alone. This is all about the Mid-Terms upcoming, after sunrise on one or more days(?).

RealClearPolitics - 2018 Election Maps - Battle for the House 2018

Generic preference polls aside--except the ones showing a Democratic building wave: Even Republicans think CNN polls are fake news. Someone possibly local is doing separate polling in lots of House Districts.

Any building enthusiasm among the White male College GOP, and female Blue Collar GOP--and on any street corners where they may have occasion to meet, (Groping for answers in our perilous world of Immigrants, heading for the USA): All that enthusiasm Wanes again! The enthusiasm just took a blow.

The Nobel Peace Prize is even now likely regarded a Communist Plot. That is likely even semi-unofficial at US State Department, even. (The other part is a basis-free lie as is usual).

Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Roseanne Barr had actually learned to grope herself: While standing for the National Anthem, and making noise about it--and nausea about it!)
You're in for a lot more butt hurt kid. As they used to say, ya ain't seen nothin' yet.

When Dems fail to take the House or Senate will they finally have a civil war within the Dem party?
"What happens live-mike on the Studio Bus, rarely stays on the Studio Bus!"

Major outcome from the Tax Cut: No new capital spending on oil production or refineries, and so now giant mega-gas price hikes!

"Crow, James Crow! shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Fill'Er Up! just somehow comes to mind!)
Usually Democrat Candidates do better with uneducated low income voters and that is why the racist Democrats demand mass illegal immigration.
"What happens live-mike on the Studio Bus, rarely stays on the Studio Bus!"

Major outcome from the Tax Cut: No new capital spending on oil production or refineries, and so now giant mega-gas price hikes!

"Crow, James Crow! shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Fill'Er Up! just somehow comes to mind!)

Major outcome from the Tax Cut: No new capital spending on oil production or refineries,

US oil, gas industry capital spending to increase in 2018

Oil and gas industry capital spending in the US will increase 15% to $184 billion this year vs. last year, according to OGJ's annual capital spending survey.

With commodity prices gaining firmer footing and strong operational results in various shale plays, capital expenditures for exploration and production firms in the US are set to increase this year, albeit partly reined in by a strong focus on capital discipline and efficiency gains.

Continued robust demand for refined products should maintain a stable outlook for refining and marketing. Refiners are developing growth projects integrated with its existing assets and infrastructure. Maintenance capital also will increase this year.

Capital spending for the US petrochemical industry also will continue to surge in 2018, with major capacity additions and as the industry rebounds from disruptions and project delays caused by Hurricane Harvey.

Pipeline construction in 2018 also gains momentum, with plans for natural gas systems making up most of the total.

For Canadian operators, this year looks like another sluggish one. Capital investments on oil sands continue to decline.

Worldwide E&P spending is expected to increase this year, the first-year gain in 4 years. Flat-to-modest growth is expected in most regions.

USA imports about 2/3 of its oil. The scope-piddling data of Toddsterpatriot poster are as inconsequential as is the Republican Tax Cut. Credit markets tend to exponential computing. A $50.0 bil. federal deficit under Nixon-Ford would become $300.0 bil. under Clinton-Gore. Oil comes from Canada--not from pipelines--and more and more from African, more than the Middle East.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Nobody wants the piddling-level data of photo-op types lies and distortions!)


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USA imports about 2/3 of its oil. The scope-piddling data of Toddsterpatriot poster are as inconsequential as is the Republican Tax Cut. Credit markets tend to exponential computing. A $50.0 bil. federal deficit under Nixon-Ford would become $300.0 bil. under Clinton-Gore. Oil comes from Canada--not from pipelines--and more and more from African, more than the Middle East.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Nobody wants the piddling-level data of photo-op types lies and distortions!)

USA imports about 2/3 of its oil.


How much petroleum does the United States import and export? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)


Crude Oil Production

2/3rds seems high. More like 46%.

The scope-piddling data of Toddsterpatriot poster are as inconsequential as is the Republican Tax Cut.

Piddling, and yet, refuted your silly claim.
In the "Damned Lies and Statistics" category comes the $185 bil. U. S. Spending in a $5.0 to $7.0 tril. worldwide revenues petroleum industry!
"Oil and gas industry capital spending in the US will increase 15% to $184 billion this year vs. last year, according to OGJ's annual capital spending survey."
Not giving too much back, it would seem: and USA creating nearly 60% of its own consumption would not seem to match the scope of the problem, or accuracy of reporting.
Likely the $5.0 to $7.0 tril. revenues are not specific to Albania(?).

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many stand proud for National Anthem, now that Slave-State supportive, "Electoral College," is more widely known about already! Many must be saying that black's all kneel reflecting the past on which the fans all stand for(?)!)
All that matters is that the Senate and the White House are in different hands.

The house is just a bonus if it is in different hands.

Nothing good has ever come from one party holding all 3

Who is in which makes little difference.
That's because Chuckie Schumer is an anti-American piece of obstructionist. He puts party before country and dares lesser Democrat Party Senators to vote otherwise...unless they face significant opposition in red state midterms. If they get re-elected, they will be back under his thumb.
In the "Damned Lies and Statistics" category comes the $185 bil. U. S. Spending in a $5.0 to $7.0 tril. worldwide revenues petroleum industry!
"Oil and gas industry capital spending in the US will increase 15% to $184 billion this year vs. last year, according to OGJ's annual capital spending survey."
Not giving too much back, it would seem: and USA creating nearly 60% of its own consumption would not seem to match the scope of the problem, or accuracy of reporting.
Likely the $5.0 to $7.0 tril. revenues are not specific to Albania(?).

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many stand proud for National Anthem, now that Slave-State supportive, "Electoral College," is more widely known about already! Many must be saying that black's all kneel reflecting the past on which the fans all stand for(?)!)

In the lies category.

Major outcome from the Tax Cut: No new capital spending on oil production or refineries,

Not giving too much back, it would seem:

Are you kidding? Only a moron would say that when the US is now the largest petroleum producer in the world.

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