Trump Legal Team Scared of Flynn


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
Trump legal team readies attack on Flynn’s credibility

I submit the above article for consideration....with just a couple of observations to help those poor souls educated by corrupt Teacher's Unions in rotting cities in the north run by Democrats for 40 years.

First, I apologize for the title...which is not accurate....yet it is exactly what the publisher wants you to get out of the article.

But note: the publisher is The Washington Post, a failing paper bought by the richest man in the world, this turd Bezos...a flaming liberal whose ego needed....not more money--its is a losing proposition---but a way for his pompous ass to share his vision, his brilliance, his insight---with the teeming masses of Rubes, Rustics, and Rednecks who live in about 98% of what constitutes the greatest experiment in Human History--America...and who he deems too stupid to vote without the benefit of his enlightenment.

He has indicated to his Editors that he doesn't give a shit how often they are sued for libel; or how low their journalistic reputation sinks---their job is too be the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party.

So, read the article...not as if it was written by a true journalist presenting the facts to the Citizens so they can decide what to do about the facts, for it is not that---not as the Founders intended when they gave the Press special protections. It should be read for what it actually is: A Legal Brief written for the Democratic Party.

Consider why the article was even written
. It says nothing that an ordinary Citizen with any education does not already understand---that General Flynn, having admitted to being a liar, is apt to be called a liar the next time he says anything at all. It is the natural and obvious punishment for being a liar, yet the Bezos Wapo Gestapo manages to make it sound like that would be a mere contrivance by Trump's lawyers--a desperate one at that---Trump being clearly Guilty of something; though they obviously have not yet figured what, as yet.

No, the article was written to bolster the flagging hopes of Clinton Democrats seeking Power who colluded with the Russians as part of a fraudulent co-conspiracy with Obama Democrats in an attempt to take down Trump.

There has to be something in the Main Stream Media every day or so that at least sounds like Mueller is making progress in finding Trump collusion with the Russians...there has to be keep the scam, the Witch Hunt----at least in its Death Throes.

And this Wapo piece is it for December 28. Read it if you wish, but I think I have provided a fair summation--it is basically an Act of draw attention from the stench of corruption coming from the leadership of the FBI and the Obama Deep State.

But I know you Dumb-Ass Bolsheviks loved my title! There's that anyway...for those seriously Butt-Hurt by the MAGA Train.

Happy New Year...and if you are a Bolshevik (i. e. Democrat) buckle your seat belt. 2018 is going to be a bumpy ride.

If Trump is innocent why would he be going thru all these desperate attempts of strategy?

You know he's as guilty as hell but don't have the balls to admit it.

Trump is scared shitless that Flynn will tell Mueller exactly what the Russian whore was up to.
Fat boi knows his days are numbered.
So does Steve Bannon which is why he only gives him a30% chance of finishing his term.
Trump legal team readies attack on Flynn’s credibility

Happy New Year...and if you are a Bolshevik (i. e. Democrat) buckle your seat belt. 2018 is going to be a bumpy ride.

Fuck You and Fuck Donald Trump
Trump legal team readies attack on Flynn’s credibility

I submit the above article for consideration....with just a couple of observations to help those poor souls educated by corrupt Teacher's Unions in rotting cities in the north run by Democrats for 40 years.

First, I apologize for the title...which is not accurate....yet it is exactly what the publisher wants you to get out of the article.

But note: the publisher is The Washington Post, a failing paper bought by the richest man in the world, this turd Bezos...a flaming liberal whose ego needed....not more money--its is a losing proposition---but a way for his pompous ass to share his vision, his brilliance, his insight---with the teeming masses of Rubes, Rustics, and Rednecks who live in about 98% of what constitutes the greatest experiment in Human History--America...and who he deems too stupid to vote without the benefit of his enlightenment.

He has indicated to his Editors that he doesn't give a shit how often they are sued for libel; or how low their journalistic reputation sinks---their job is too be the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party.

So, read the article...not as if it was written by a true journalist presenting the facts to the Citizens so they can decide what to do about the facts, for it is not that---not as the Founders intended when they gave the Press special protections. It should be read for what it actually is: A Legal Brief written for the Democratic Party.

Consider why the article was even written
. It says nothing that an ordinary Citizen with any education does not already understand---that General Flynn, having admitted to being a liar, is apt to be called a liar the next time he says anything at all. It is the natural and obvious punishment for being a liar, yet the Bezos Wapo Gestapo manages to make it sound like that would be a mere contrivance by Trump's lawyers--a desperate one at that---Trump being clearly Guilty of something; though they obviously have not yet figured what, as yet.

No, the article was written to bolster the flagging hopes of Clinton Democrats seeking Power who colluded with the Russians as part of a fraudulent co-conspiracy with Obama Democrats in an attempt to take down Trump.

There has to be something in the Main Stream Media every day or so that at least sounds like Mueller is making progress in finding Trump collusion with the Russians...there has to be keep the scam, the Witch Hunt----at least in its Death Throes.

And this Wapo piece is it for December 28. Read it if you wish, but I think I have provided a fair summation--it is basically an Act of draw attention from the stench of corruption coming from the leadership of the FBI and the Obama Deep State.

But I know you Dumb-Ass Bolsheviks loved my title! There's that anyway...for those seriously Butt-Hurt by the MAGA Train.

Happy New Year...and if you are a Bolshevik (i. e. Democrat) buckle your seat belt. 2018 is going to be a bumpy ride.

Trump legal team readies attack on Flynn’s credibility

That group is just throwing mud on the wall, hoping some of it will stick. Just a few weeks back, Trump was "dog whistling" about the prospect of pardoning Flynn. Now, his team has decided to attack his credibility.

Those two approaches just don't make sense coming from a man who asserts that he's done nothing wrong. If one's done nothing wrong, the last thing one would do is try to impugn the credibility of a guy who knows all one's "sh*t" and could thus vindicate one.

Trump legal team readies attack on Flynn’s credibility

They can ready all the attacks they want. The fact is that for whatever value they have in the "court of public opinion," they are of no use in a courtroom.

Generating enough public sentiment so that Congress will not immediately move to impeach and remove Trump should he effect a "Saturday NIght Massacre" of sorts is the only thing they can hope to achieve by discrediting anyone whom Mueller might indict or call as a witness. If/when Congress terminates its own several "Russia" investigations, that might work. Until then, such a stunt is a non-starter.

Be that as it may, why anyone who's innocent of wrong doing would do anything to debase and discredit anything pertaining to an investigation that would necessarily, were they innocent, vindicate them is beyond me. Indeed, one'd expect an innocent individual voluntarily to deliver to the investigators a veritable tsunami of documents -- emails, meeting minutes, letters, memoranda, post-it notes, appointment books/calendars, phone records, financial records, etc. -- so that the exculpatory process can begin and end with all due alacrity and nary a shred of uncertainty about who did/said what to and with whom, when, why, for how long, with what intent, etc.

Is that what "Team Trump" has done? Not by a long shot! Instead, what we've observed is one attestation after another being shown only after intensive "digging" to be untrue. (Click the link...there are several score of them there, and they're only what's known from the statements available in the public record.)

There is also the matter that there is a good deal of Congressional testimony that has not been released to the public. One knows damn well that were any of that testimony even remotely exculpatory, be it regarding intent or actions, it'd have been made public lickety split. Indeed, it'd have all but brought the Congressional investigative process to a close, yet having only Republicans holding the power to continue or terminate the hearings, it has not. Trump Tower may as well have been Denmark.

Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.
-- William Shakespeare, Hamlet, Act I, Scene IV
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