In his 1st year in office, Trump eradicated 8 years of Obama


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017
Democratic People's Republique de Californie
ensuring that Obama has no legacy:

-destroyed ISIS (which Obama helped create)
-got rid of the fascist Obamacare mandate
-actually enforced our immigration laws and destroyed DACA
-destroyed what little credibility was left for the mainstream media
-actually made American businesses competitive by lowering the corporate and income tax rates
-helped people get off the liberal plantation by lowering taxes for all Americans

Pretty soon, Obama will be looked back on as "Oh, hey, remember when we had that half-black commie President?"

Happy New Years! :)
And yet he was just chosen as the most admired man in America. How does that fit with your narrative dear?
ensuring that Obama has no legacy:

-destroyed ISIS (which Obama helped create)
-got rid of the fascist Obamacare mandate
-actually enforced our immigration laws and destroyed DACA
-destroyed what little credibility was left for the mainstream media
-actually made American businesses competitive by lowering the corporate and income tax rates
-helped people get off the liberal plantation by lowering taxes for all Americans

Pretty soon, Obama will be looked back on as "Oh, hey, remember when we had that half-black commie President?"

Happy New Years! :)

He has likely handed the House to the Democrats and the Senate is in danger. He is actually appealing to the 30% of the electorate that supports this garbage.
ensuring that Obama has no legacy:

-destroyed ISIS (which Obama helped create)
-got rid of the fascist Obamacare mandate
-actually enforced our immigration laws and destroyed DACA
-destroyed what little credibility was left for the mainstream media
-actually made American businesses competitive by lowering the corporate and income tax rates
-helped people get off the liberal plantation by lowering taxes for all Americans

Pretty soon, Obama will be looked back on as "Oh, hey, remember when we had that half-black commie President?"

Happy New Years! :)
Obama created Isis?

Isis was created when Bush and the GOP disbanded Iraq's military.

Everyone knows that?

Oh the tards, the tards.
ensuring that Obama has no legacy:

-destroyed ISIS (which Obama helped create)
-got rid of the fascist Obamacare mandate
-actually enforced our immigration laws and destroyed DACA
-destroyed what little credibility was left for the mainstream media
-actually made American businesses competitive by lowering the corporate and income tax rates
-helped people get off the liberal plantation by lowering taxes for all Americans

Pretty soon, Obama will be looked back on as "Oh, hey, remember when we had that half-black commie President?"

Happy New Years! :)

You forgot that he invented electricity, made the NFL great again, was the first man on the moon, AND his American born wife is the most beautiful 18 year old you've ever seen.
If Obama was so bad, Trump wouldn't be so incredibly jealous.

Obama wouldn't be popular all over the world.

Trump is hated all over the world for a reason.

The racist right wing hates Obama. Just like the Nazi's and the KKK. Course, between the Racist Right Wing, the Nazi's and the KKK, the only difference is, is, uh, what IS the difference?
ensuring that Obama has no legacy:

-destroyed ISIS (which Obama helped create)
-got rid of the fascist Obamacare mandate
-actually enforced our immigration laws and destroyed DACA
-destroyed what little credibility was left for the mainstream media
-actually made American businesses competitive by lowering the corporate and income tax rates
-helped people get off the liberal plantation by lowering taxes for all Americans

Pretty soon, Obama will be looked back on as "Oh, hey, remember when we had that half-black commie President?"

Happy New Years! :)

You forgot that he invented electricity, made the NFL great again, was the first man on the moon, AND his American born wife is the most beautiful 18 year old you've ever seen.
Sounds like you are talking about how Trump views himself. The biggest crowds ever, he biggest tax cut ever, the most legislation ever, blah blah blah, each and every one a lie.
And yet he was just chosen as the most admired man in America. How does that fit with your narrative dear?

Hillary ran on his policies and guess what? Americans had enough of Obama.

She did not run on his policies. She never laid out a rationale for her candidacy. Voters preferred Obamacare by a 2-1 margin over the Republican alternative. They support DACA. They do not support the Republican tax bill.
ensuring that Obama has no legacy:

-destroyed ISIS (which Obama helped create)
-got rid of the fascist Obamacare mandate
-actually enforced our immigration laws and destroyed DACA
-destroyed what little credibility was left for the mainstream media
-actually made American businesses competitive by lowering the corporate and income tax rates
-helped people get off the liberal plantation by lowering taxes for all Americans

Pretty soon, Obama will be looked back on as "Oh, hey, remember when we had that half-black commie President?"

Happy New Years! :)

He has likely handed the House to the Democrats and the Senate is in danger. He is actually appealing to the 30% of the electorate that supports this garbage.

Which garbage is that?

Expunging government of waste and corruption?
Renegotiating trade deals to better favor the USA?
Making America a better climate both for workers and employers?
Untangling some of the mess of our healthcare?
Protecting America's interests around the world? Or
Being loyal to our allies and ruthless with our enemies?
ensuring that Obama has no legacy:

-destroyed ISIS (which Obama helped create)
-got rid of the fascist Obamacare mandate
-actually enforced our immigration laws and destroyed DACA
-destroyed what little credibility was left for the mainstream media
-actually made American businesses competitive by lowering the corporate and income tax rates
-helped people get off the liberal plantation by lowering taxes for all Americans

Pretty soon, Obama will be looked back on as "Oh, hey, remember when we had that half-black commie President?"

Happy New Years! :)
Obama created Isis?

Isis was created when Bush and the GOP disbanded Iraq's military.

Everyone knows that?

Oh the tards, the tards.

Fool, ISIS came to fruition when Obama pulled all of our military out of the area to please his base like you, against all of the stern recommendations of his generals. Then ISIS grew to almost take a quarter of the Middle East because Obama's massive ego wouldn't allow him to admit he made a mistake, nor did he want to put people back in there and anger his base, so he punted the issue as much as possible until the worthless coward could sneak out of office.
And yet he was just chosen as the most admired man in America. How does that fit with your narrative dear?

Hillary ran on his policies and guess what? Americans had enough of Obama.
Apparently, voters, as of December 20, 2017, have "buyers' remorse."

While one may not like polls or bother to closely examine their methodology to determine their degree of credibility, the fact remains that insofar as there is no upcoming election that will show how accurate or inaccurate be the polls, poll results are the best indicators we presently and in the near future have regarding how voters feel about Trump. (I'm sure I don't need to remind folks that in the most recent national-level election,Trump did not back the candidate who won, and those candidates are not Trump allies.)

Be that as it is...
  • ”If I had to walk around wearing a T-shirt saying who I voted for, I may have voted differently,” said Beverly Guy, 34, a Trump voter who took the poll in July.
  • “People are still invested in the choices they made” on Election Day, said Larry Sabato, director of the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics. “They’re not about to admit that they’re wrong, at least not yet.”
  • “If these disenchanted Trump voters are in California, it doesn’t matter,” Kamarck said. “If they live in Wisconsin or Michigan or Pennsylvania, it matters.”
If Obama was so bad, Trump wouldn't be so incredibly jealous.

Obama wouldn't be popular all over the world.

Trump is hated all over the world for a reason.

The racist right wing hates Obama. Just like the Nazi's and the KKK. Course, between the Racist Right Wing, the Nazi's and the KKK, the only difference is, is, uh, what IS the difference?

Moron, you think self-made Billionaire Trump married to a Goddess with a beautiful family is "jealous" of some skinny bisexual black whose bitter, skank wife has a bigger dick than him and only made it as far as he did by virtue of others promoting his black skin and phony persona?

Imbecile, you think Obama is popular all over the world because they love him, or that they just love all the American taxpayer gravy he always fed their way as just another America-hater?

Idiot, you really think Trump, respected all his life and doing business the world over is "hated" now for any other reason than he simply won't, as president, let other countries continue to walk all over us?

Funny how in the dementia of your sunken mind, you see anyone who sees through Obama's phoniness as being obviously racist, but when Hillary called half the nation deplorable, she was just "clear-thinking." :lmao:
And yet he was just chosen as the most admired man in America. How does that fit with your narrative dear?

Hillary ran on his policies and guess what? Americans had enough of Obama.
Apparently, voters, as of December 20, 2017, have "buyers' remorse."

While one may not like polls or bother to closely examine their methodology to determine their degree of credibility, the fact remains that insofar as there is no upcoming election that will show how accurate or inaccurate be the polls, poll results are the best indicators we presently and in the near future have regarding how voters feel about Trump. (I'm sure I don't need to remind folks that in the most recent national-level election,Trump did not back the candidate who won, and those candidates are not Trump allies.)

Be that as it is...
  • ”If I had to walk around wearing a T-shirt saying who I voted for, I may have voted differently,” said Beverly Guy, 34, a Trump voter who took the poll in July.
  • “People are still invested in the choices they made” on Election Day, said Larry Sabato, director of the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics. “They’re not about to admit that they’re wrong, at least not yet.”
  • “If these disenchanted Trump voters are in California, it doesn’t matter,” Kamarck said. “If they live in Wisconsin or Michigan or Pennsylvania, it matters.”

But there it is? The most biased and unreliable news source on the planet, NBC, announces "buyer's remorse" and you buy it? Don't try to sell that crap here! Keep it among yourselves right up to Nov. 8 2020 when flabbergasted, you lose the election AGAIN!!!! :eusa_dance:
ensuring that Obama has no legacy:

-destroyed ISIS (which Obama helped create)
-got rid of the fascist Obamacare mandate
-actually enforced our immigration laws and destroyed DACA
-destroyed what little credibility was left for the mainstream media
-actually made American businesses competitive by lowering the corporate and income tax rates
-helped people get off the liberal plantation by lowering taxes for all Americans

Pretty soon, Obama will be looked back on as "Oh, hey, remember when we had that half-black commie President?"

Happy New Years! :)

He has likely handed the House to the Democrats and the Senate is in danger. He is actually appealing to the 30% of the electorate that supports this garbage.

Which garbage is that?

Expunging government of waste and corruption?
Renegotiating trade deals to better favor the USA?
Making America a better climate both for workers and employers?
Untangling some of the mess of our healthcare?
Protecting America's interests around the world? Or
Being loyal to our allies and ruthless with our enemies?

You really are a idiot.

You call hiring lobbyists to run departments that they lobbied ending corruption? Trump is just restocking the swamp with different creatures.
Trade is good for America, Starting trade wars will hurt this country.
America definitely is a better climate for businesses. They are getting more power to screw and deceive their customers.
Americans support Obamacare and disapprove of what Republicans are doing on healthcare.
We are protecting our interests around the world.

You are the idiot.
And yet he was just chosen as the most admired man in America. How does that fit with your narrative dear?

Hillary ran on his policies and guess what? Americans had enough of Obama.
Apparently, voters, as of December 20, 2017, have "buyers' remorse."

While one may not like polls or bother to closely examine their methodology to determine their degree of credibility, the fact remains that insofar as there is no upcoming election that will show how accurate or inaccurate be the polls, poll results are the best indicators we presently and in the near future have regarding how voters feel about Trump. (I'm sure I don't need to remind folks that in the most recent national-level election,Trump did not back the candidate who won, and those candidates are not Trump allies.)

Be that as it is...
  • ”If I had to walk around wearing a T-shirt saying who I voted for, I may have voted differently,” said Beverly Guy, 34, a Trump voter who took the poll in July.
  • “People are still invested in the choices they made” on Election Day, said Larry Sabato, director of the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics. “They’re not about to admit that they’re wrong, at least not yet.”
  • “If these disenchanted Trump voters are in California, it doesn’t matter,” Kamarck said. “If they live in Wisconsin or Michigan or Pennsylvania, it matters.”

But there it is? The most biased and unreliable news source on the planet, NBC, announces "buyer's remorse" and you buy it? Don't try to sell that crap here! Keep it among yourselves right up to Nov. 8 2020 when flabbergasted, you lose the election AGAIN!!!! :eusa_dance:

I have no doubt that is true. Trump won because he was not Clinton. You are the one selling crap.
And yet he was just chosen as the most admired man in America. How does that fit with your narrative dear?

Hillary ran on his policies and guess what? Americans had enough of Obama.
Apparently, voters, as of December 20, 2017, have "buyers' remorse."

While one may not like polls or bother to closely examine their methodology to determine their degree of credibility, the fact remains that insofar as there is no upcoming election that will show how accurate or inaccurate be the polls, poll results are the best indicators we presently and in the near future have regarding how voters feel about Trump. (I'm sure I don't need to remind folks that in the most recent national-level election,Trump did not back the candidate who won, and those candidates are not Trump allies.)

Be that as it is...
  • ”If I had to walk around wearing a T-shirt saying who I voted for, I may have voted differently,” said Beverly Guy, 34, a Trump voter who took the poll in July.
  • “People are still invested in the choices they made” on Election Day, said Larry Sabato, director of the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics. “They’re not about to admit that they’re wrong, at least not yet.”
  • “If these disenchanted Trump voters are in California, it doesn’t matter,” Kamarck said. “If they live in Wisconsin or Michigan or Pennsylvania, it matters.”

But there it is? The most biased and unreliable news source on the planet, NBC, announces "buyer's remorse" and you buy it? Don't try to sell that crap here! Keep it among yourselves right up to Nov. 8 2020 when flabbergasted, you lose the election AGAIN!!!! :eusa_dance:
The most biased and unreliable news source on the planet, NBC, announces "buyer's remorse" and you buy it?

Really? Your retort is to attack the source rather than identify specific material weaknesses in the methodology of the poll the source provided....Do you truly not know how weak is the "attack the messenger" rebuttal?
You really are a idiot.

You call hiring lobbyists to run departments that they lobbied ending corruption? Trump is just restocking the swamp with different creatures.
Trade is good for America, Starting trade wars will hurt this country.
America definitely is a better climate for businesses. They are getting more power to screw and deceive their customers.
Americans support Obamacare and disapprove of what Republicans are doing on healthcare.
We are protecting our interests around the world.

You are the idiot.

Hey idiot, Trump is restocking the swamp with private citizens who have actually run a business efficiently and successfully! What did Obama do? What would Hillary have done? You are such an idiot.
Trade is not good for America if you trade a billion dollar jet for a pack of bubblegum. Trade is good for America when we get more than we give up. What did Obama do? What would Hillary have done? You are a true idiot.
Hey idiot, the role of business is to turn a profit. The role of a customer is to be informed. What an idiot you are.
Americans couldn't have supported Obamacare when the people who voted it into law themselves didn't even know what was in the fucking package! You are a colossal idiot!
We are protecting our interests around the world, again by putting a pro-America president in office, not an America-blaming idiot like Obama in office for idiots like you.

It takes a LITTLE sense to know you are an idiot, so that leaves you out.

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