Trump Leads Clinton by 6

Lol, this thread was started yesterday, the 21st, and yet the Google date on it is still Aug 13, dumbass. The date Google is displaying is the date of the cahed version and that could have simply been a published blank page in preparation for the poll results. It no more proves the poll to be invalid than it proves this trhead began nine days ago, morons.

View attachment 86389

Hate to break it to you, the site is fake. There is nothing about it resembling a legitimate polling firm. Wordpress? Absolutely zero history?
Awwww, it shows Hillary losing so it cant be legit!

Boo hoo hooo!

There have been polls before showing Clinton is losing, that's not the issue.

It's that there is literally no record, it's an amateur job using wordpress. We have no idea who runs this place, no contact at all, if it claimed Clinton was in the lead I still wouldn't buy it.

Leave it to morons to defend trash.
It's that there is literally no record, it's an amateur job using wordpress. We have no idea who runs this place, no contact at all, if it claimed Clinton was in the lead I still wouldn't buy it.

Leave it to morons to defend trash.
Oh horse shit, these people are not amateurs.

Besides the Aug 13 date is the date of the Polling page, not the poll itself which is a different page. That is why it is saying Aug 13 as it was updated since the two Aug 11 stories that preceded the specific poll.

The August 13 link: Polling « U.S. DAILY WIRE

The Aug 18th link: Trump Leads Clinton by 6

Notice that they are different pages?

You libtards are really choking on your bile lately. You need to save some for the next 10 weeks.
Obama's incompetence, along with Hillary's led to the establishment of ISIS.

So they played a crucial role in establishing/founding ISIS as they could have destroyed it early on but did not.

Even Trump has by now gave up this nonsense and said he was just making a joke about ISIS being founded by Obama.

Guess who's the butt of that joke...It's you, the idiot Trumpster that still takes that clown seriously, defending his clown grade bullshit like the good lemming you are.
It's that there is literally no record, it's an amateur job using wordpress. We have no idea who runs this place, no contact at all, if it claimed Clinton was in the lead I still wouldn't buy it.

Leave it to morons to defend trash.
Oh horse shit, these people are not amateurs.

Besides the Aug 13 date is the date of the Polling page, not the poll itself which is a different page. That is why it is saying Aug 13 as it was updated since the two Aug 11 stories that preceded the specific poll.

The August 13 link: Polling « U.S. DAILY WIRE

The Aug 18th link: Trump Leads Clinton by 6

Notice that they are different pages?

You libtards are really choking on your bile lately. You need to save some for the next 10 weeks.

I'm not arguing the cache date, I never have. I'm saying this 'company' has no record of anything, they simply popped in overnight. They literally have only 2 stories on their wordpress site and nothing more. They are bogus and what you'll find is they will be completely ignored because they are fake.
I'm not arguing the cache date, I never have. I'm saying this 'company' has no record of anything, they simply popped in overnight. They literally have only 2 stories on their wordpress site and nothing more. They are bogus and what you'll find is they will be completely ignored because they are fake.

I heard a joke once about being fooled multiple times.

Shame on you Jim.
Suck on it, douche bags!

A new USDW telephone and online survey finds Republican nominee Donald Trump expanding his lead to six point with forty-four percent (44%) support to Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s thirty-eight (38%). Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson pulled in seven percent (7%), with five percent (5%) backing Green Party candidate Jill Stein. Another six percent (6%) remain undecided. Trump has a 14 point lead among men, only 1 down among women! The Survey, conducted August 13-17, was a sample of 1,405 likely voters, of which 475 were Democrats (34%), 462 were Republicans (33%), and 468 were Independent or Other (33%).
Someone had to search for that odd poll.
Nope. Here's what it says:

Trump Leads Clinton by 6 « U.S. DAILY WIRE
3 days ago - A new USDW telephone and online survey finds Republican nominee Donald Trump expanding his lead to six point with forty-four percent ...
You visited this page on 8/18/16.

Note the date: 8/18/2016.
Moron.... you're looking at the wrong link. :eusa_doh:

The URL you're look at is:


The link Google found on 8.13.2016 is...


...which returns an error page, "Oops! That page can’t be found."

But of course, on the 13th, before the poll was taken, was when the title from their now-defunct page, is when Google detected it in their search engine.

And the creator of poll is hiding their identity, which didn't exist prior to 2½ weeks ago.

Face it, you were duped by a bullshit poll by a bullshit pollster.

So we're just going to have to take your word for it, eh douche bag?

Not a chance.

Laughing....or you could just follow the links.

Seriously, you're just burning credibility here. As you're proving that you can't admit when you're wrong. And you lack the capacity to even glean the truth.

All the points we're offering you, all the evidence we're showing shit you should have seen for yourself.

If you thought. Or asked questions. But you keep desperately searching for the comforting lie. Someone, anyone, to tell you what you want to believe.

So,'s that working out for you?

So now polls dont count, lol.

A poll concluded on the 17th that was posted on the 13th?

Laughing....explain how that works? How do you post the results of a poll BEFORE you conduct it?

From a 'polling agency' that didn't exist before last thursday....and is running a WordPress blog.

You are such a loser.

The only real question left is.....what hopeless lies are you going to be telling yourself in November?

From what I know of you....I suspect you'll go with the classics and make up claims about a 'rigged election'. Because you clearly can't assimilate evidence into your world view.

This was the same garbage that was passed off by the far right in 2012 before the election.

They will use the same excuse they used in 2012 for losing. It was all those people who like to get "free stuff" from the government.

I asked back then where I go to get all this "free stuff" but none of the right wingers could tell me.

They are only lying to themselves. Which will guarantee that they will not change and continue to lose nation wide elections.
It gets stranger.

Here is a deleted page from their site, with different dates, different results and they make no mention of it anymore....why is that?

Election 2016 Poll: Trump 43, Clinton 41

They pulled the poll. When you click on their own polling link, you get this:

"No Page Found"

My best guess? An undergraduate study to see how many reposts, backlinks and conservative support they can get on a made up poll.
lolol, you really are an idiot.

Google is wrong and the people that published their own poll are right about when they publlished their own poll.


You Dimbocrats are truly getting desperate.

Oh, yeah, this is kind of like you claim that the leader after the conventions in August won the last 16 out of 16 elections, which was total bullshit too, loser.

There is no poll, the site just came up, it's a wordpress blog of all things and they have no past polls to show. '', never heard of them.

No one has ever heard of them. They didn't exist until August 11th. They didn't even buy the URL for their website until August 3rd.

And if you look for US Daily Wire in any search engine.....there's no mention in any context, from any website, anywhere.....until August 11th. Even the WayBackMachine has no record of them before August 18th.

But the Rubes want to be lied to. So they'll just keep ignoring these enormous red flags.

I have to wonder whether they really believe all of this or just want to have something to post, perhaps it depends on the individual.

They believe. The entire Trump fiasco is the product of careful cultivation by the GOP in training their constituency that feelings trump evidence. That belief is more important that facts. For the last 15 years.

So the folks doubling down on willful ignorance and confirmation bias this election season.....have been weaned on GOP conspiracy theories and abdicated critical thinking skills *years ago*.

And those chickens are coming home to roost for the GOP. King Birther has undone a decades worth of outreach for groups the GOP *desperately* needs. And its not like this is over in November. The same idiots that elected trump to be their nominee will be voting in every GOP primary after.

They're fucked for at least a decade. With the cancer being their own constituency.

Oh, I agree, demographically speaking Trump was the worst thing they needed right now and it's only going to get worse. Do you pander to your base that pushed everyone else away or do you look for a fresh audience knowing your existing (though shrinking) base will go elsewhere? Yep, for President I say about a decade or more they will be the underdogs.

But, it's really the fault of moderate Republicans for lying to this horde of dipshits, pandering to their fears for decades only to ignore them after the election is over. Couldn't of happened to a nicer bunch.

At least they've finally buried Reagan, face down, in a shallow grave.

Its worse that lying to them. They've actively worked to erode their capacity for critical thinking. From Vince Foster to Global Warming to Evolution to the Birther Conspiracy, they've been feeding their constituency the 'go with your gut, ignore the elites' mantra for decades. They're eroded their constituency's capacity to reason.

You have an entire generation of conservatives who literally think that repeating a talking point they heard on the radio is having some understanding of an issue. Confirmation Bias, Willful Ignorance and Argument from Ignorance are what passes for reasoned thought in this group.

You can't unteach that shit. That's a genie that will not go back in the bottle. As once you've convinced someone to ignore evidence and focus on their emotions......what evidence can you use to turn their brain back on?

They're baked, made impervious to evidence or reason by the thorough brainwashing that has left no trace of the 'stain' of critical thinking skills behind.

And they aren't going *anywhere*. The GOP is fucked.
Wait this poll doesn't count...republicans and democrats have to use twice as many democrats!!!!!

There is NO poll--sometimes it's a very good idea to click on the LINK in the opt's article and actually READ IT--LOL

All it says is that Stupid people are voting for Trump.

Yes we know that--LOL

Says a Hillary voter, who thinks she's honest....bwahahahahahaahahaaa

Until you can pull a link out of your ass to prove me wrong--then it's more conspiracy theory aka bullshit.:bsflag:

Here is a proof that she is not honest:

Or are you saying that the FBI director is lying in his public statement? Now THAT would require some serious evidence, or I call conspiracy theory.

So you deliver a (cut and edited video)--from several different dates and points in time and call it proof that Hillary Clinton wasn't honest--LOL The 22 emails in question were marked classified long after she received them, as is what happened with Colin Powell & Condi Rice. The other point Comey makes, is there was no INTENT to do wrong so there will be no charges. Quite the opposite as to what happened with 4 star general, and CIA director David Petraeus. Which FBI director Comey states was much worse than Hillary Clinton's case.
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails -
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts

I really don't know how you're going to handle these 3500 class action law suits that will be in court very soon over Trump University. But it's going to be very interesting to see how you react to it.-LOL
Yes, Trump University Was a Massive Scam


Excusing criminality because she didn't have INTENT is the biggest load of horseshit ever given. People have been trying to use that excuse ever since and not succeeded. Why do you suppose that is?

A judge ordered her to answer questions under oath. We'll get the truth from her or will have a perjury conviction.
Polls are tightening after this last great week for Trump. He's leading Hillary by 1 point now. The Clinton Foundation is destroying her candidacy. Clintons are being told they must get rid of the Foundation. Colon Powell is calling her out as a liar for saying he told her to use a private email server.

Eventually the public will call her out for being a liar too as we show proof of it with every campaign ad we make.
In October I'm going to point this thread out as the perfect example why you Republicans are liars and have no credibility.
In October don't be surprised if ISIS attacks somewhere against the United States. ISIS wants all out war but Hillary won't give it to them, so they want her to lose. If we are attacked in a major way, Clinton will lose the election because the Obama/Clinton Regime refuses to fight against Islamic terrorism. They won't even call it that.
Photos of Clinton rallies are doctored to make it look like there are more people than there really are. She has rallies in high school gyms while Trump fills arenas. With 10s of thousands. The energy is on Trump's side. The DNC side is not enthusiastic for Hillary and her rallies are proof.
There is NO poll--sometimes it's a very good idea to click on the LINK in the opt's article and actually READ IT--LOL

All it says is that Stupid people are voting for Trump.

Yes we know that--LOL

Says a Hillary voter, who thinks she's honest....bwahahahahahaahahaaa

Until you can pull a link out of your ass to prove me wrong--then it's more conspiracy theory aka bullshit.:bsflag:

Here is a proof that she is not honest:

Or are you saying that the FBI director is lying in his public statement? Now THAT would require some serious evidence, or I call conspiracy theory.

So you deliver a (cut and edited video)--from several different dates and points in time and call it proof that Hillary Clinton wasn't honest--LOL The 22 emails in question were marked classified long after she received them, as is what happened with Colin Powell & Condi Rice. The other point Comey makes, is there was no INTENT to do wrong so there will be no charges. Quite the opposite as to what happened with 4 star general, and CIA director David Petraeus. Which FBI director Comey states was much worse than Hillary Clinton's case.
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails -
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts

I really don't know how you're going to handle these 3500 class action law suits that will be in court very soon over Trump University. But it's going to be very interesting to see how you react to it.-LOL
Yes, Trump University Was a Massive Scam


Excusing criminality because she didn't have INTENT is the biggest load of horseshit ever given. People have been trying to use that excuse ever since and not succeeded. Why do you suppose that is?

A judge ordered her to answer questions under oath. We'll get the truth from her or will have a perjury conviction.

Didn't you say the exact same thing about Benghazi.....and her email server?

Or was that someone else?
No, you didn't. If you had, you'd have seen the August 17th 'poll' you cited with the date google recorded its posting on August 13th.

US Daily Wire - Google Search

3rd from the top. You've been had, Rube.

Nope. Here's what it says:

Trump Leads Clinton by 6 « U.S. DAILY WIRE
3 days ago - A new USDW telephone and online survey finds Republican nominee Donald Trump expanding his lead to six point with forty-four percent ...
You visited this page on 8/18/16.

Note the date: 8/18/2016.
Moron.... you're looking at the wrong link. :eusa_doh:

The URL you're look at is:


The link Google found on 8.13.2016 is...


...which returns an error page, "Oops! That page can’t be found."

But of course, on the 13th, before the poll was taken, was when the title from their now-defunct page, is when Google detected it in their search engine.

And the creator of poll is hiding their identity, which didn't exist prior to 2½ weeks ago.

Face it, you were duped by a bullshit poll by a bullshit pollster.

So we're just going to have to take your word for it, eh douche bag?

Not a chance.
No, ya freak of nature... I gave you links so you can see for yourself. <smh>

I saw that the link Skylar posted doesn't resolve to anything. Further, the item you posted doesn't show up on a the Google search Sklar posted
It shows up for me on three different devices. That means you're either lying or stupid to not see it.

You'll note this image is a screen shot from my PC.

Last edited:
Except that it wasn't. Google posts the listing date as the 13th.

Check the thread. We've got screenshots, links, everything. You'll ignore them of course, but don't say we didn't offer you the evidence.

Horseshit. Google does not determine when something is published, moron.
Thanks for admitting you're ignorant to how Google works. :thup:

Oh, the WordPRess blog says August 18th. But Google contradicts them, showing the poll results posted on August 13th.

Anyone WordPress user can adjust the posting date of any post. But they can't change Mamma Google.

Keep those eyes screwed shut, Jim. You always do.
Fuck Google, fuck Zuckerberg and fuck your stupidity.

No one is falling for your bullshit.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Zuckerberg is the CEO of Facebook, not Google. <smh>
In October I'm going to point this thread out as the perfect example why you Republicans are liars and have no credibility.
In October don't be surprised if ISIS attacks somewhere against the United States. ISIS wants all out war but Hillary won't give it to them, so they want her to lose. If we are attacked in a major way, Clinton will lose the election because the Obama/Clinton Regime refuses to fight against Islamic terrorism. They won't even call it that.
You're a nut. Ya know that, right?

Hillary Clinton: I'll say the words 'radical Islamism' -
This was the same garbage that was passed off by the far right in 2012 before the election.

They will use the same excuse they used in 2012 for losing. It was all those people who like to get "free stuff" from the government.

I asked back then where I go to get all this "free stuff" but none of the right wingers could tell me.

They are only lying to themselves. Which will guarantee that they will not change and continue to lose nation wide elections.
Lol, you look even more stupid when you do these mental pratfalls and pretend to not understand what people are talking about when they speak of 'free stuff'.

Are you that stupid? They are talking about welfare, grants, set asides, earmarks for the patronage system and corporate welfare.

Maybe you can go back to high school and take a remedial course on how to do research and think?

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