Trump lawyer: Mueller improperly obtained transition documents in Russia probe

Uh oh...someone is about to be shit-canned!
This could be just the reason needed..haha
Trump lawyer: Mueller improperly obtained transition documents in Russia probe

Do you guys know why this is important, legal, illegal, or just normal?

Because Trump has just been given a golden calf-)

EXPLAIN----------> How is it the FBI/special counsel, can get all of his e-mails, but couldn't get Hillary's, lolololol! Kinda strange, isn't it! They can just sweep his whole teams up like nothing using the power of government, but Hillary can lose hers.......wait, wait, DESTROY hers while under investigation.

Wait till you see the talking points on this one! All they have done is solidify the notion that the swamp is not fair, and brought back the whole Hillary/DOJ/FBI collusion story. This is going to be another disaster for the Democrats, watch and see!
Moore lost, Alt Right densa guys and gals, because he was convicted in the court of public opinion for accusations that for the majority was a preponderance of evidence needed.

AL GOP will get the seat back next Nov, if that is its next election.

I've heard that Doug Jones will hold that Senate seat until November 2020.
Nope... End of Term is 2018.. they fill the seat until next regular election for the seat.. And you can bet that it wont be filled by a Dimwit after that..

You might want to think twice before correcting people. Jones has the seat until 2020, Sessions was last elected in 2014.
Arizona is going to have to elect two senators this coming fall it looks like.
Mueller acted within the law, and if he can get Trump's lawyers telling porkies to the press, that will give the government more leeway.

Yes but they're ignorant uneducated twits who are easily manipulated by their orange Jesus

Hold on a minute....I thought the majority of stupid broke people vote Democrat while rich smart people vote Republican?
Is this chart bullshit or something?
Mueller acted within the law, and if he can get Trump's lawyers telling porkies to the press, that will give the government more leeway.

Yes but they're ignorant uneducated twits who are easily manipulated by their orange Jesus

Hold on a minute....I thought the majority of stupid broke people vote Democrat while rich smart people vote Republican?
Is this chart bullshit or something?

Funny. I thought all us coastal elites were dems.
(Rightwingnut idiot memes don't count)

Make up your mind.

I'm not the broke loser. You are. Or are you confused again?
Mueller acted within the law, and if he can get Trump's lawyers telling porkies to the press, that will give the government more leeway.

Yes but they're ignorant uneducated twits who are easily manipulated by their orange Jesus

Hold on a minute....I thought the majority of stupid broke people vote Democrat while rich smart people vote Republican?
Is this chart bullshit or something?

Funny. I thought all us coastal elites were dems.
(Rightwingnut idiot memes don't count)

Make up your mind.

I'm not the broke loser. You are. Or are you confused again?

I don't know shit about shit...I can read charts and graphs though...can you?
Don't hate me for teaching you meaningful things...DAMN!
The GSA is a government agency. The emails in question were sent through government accounts on government servers. There is no expectation of privacy.

You lose again, rubes
GSA failed to note the emails were privileged and had protections requiring a warrant, which they did not get...

The legal profession laughs hard at that claim. As all the rest of your kookery follows from it, it's fruit of the poisoned tree, and thus invalid. The Trump team agreed before using the government server that the info was not privileged. End of story.

Key Officials Push Back Against Trump Campaign’s Claim A Federal Office Illegally Turned Over Emails To Special Counsel
Loewentritt read to BuzzFeed News a series of agreements that anyone had to agree to when using GSA materials during the transition, including that there could be monitoring and auditing of devices and that, "Therefore, no expectation of privacy can be assumed."
But Mewler is the GRAND INQUISITOR, surely no laws constrain him from his holy quest to "GET TRUMP," using any means including outright fabrication.

Oh so very special counsel Robert Torquemada was commissioned to find or fabricate charges against President Trump to support the coup by the Communist democrats.

Which such an important job of toppling the government, you can't expect the Grand Inquisitor to stay withing silly laws that are only meant for Republicans and commoners?
Mueller acted within the law, and if he can get Trump's lawyers telling porkies to the press, that will give the government more leeway.

"Improperly", Jake. Improperly. That's not with the law of our 50 states
Bring it on liar...!!! ;)

The Mueller team acquired the govt emails via asking permission from senders or by LEGAL process means..... that is the Investigation's response to this bull crud from the fake news....

so just another FAKE NEWS story and outrage by the lying to the core, right wing faux news media.

too bad you use the fake news sites to brainwash the Trump lemmings....and laugh, when they are looking at how easily they can be played as fools.
Uh oh...someone is about to be shit-canned!
This could be just the reason needed..haha
Trump lawyer: Mueller improperly obtained transition documents in Russia probe

What do you expect Trump's lawyers to say?
And just what is the problem with Trump's lawyers, anyway?
They really think he's above the law? Do you?

Trump's lawyers say a president can't obstruct justice. Is that true?
Dec 4, 2017 - Trump's lawyers mount a new defense: A president can'tobstruct justice. ... WASHINGTON — President Trump’s lawyers have long maintained that he did not obstruct justice in his dealings with ousted FBI director James Comey. On Monday, they mounted a new defense: A president can't ...
White House turns to above-the-law political defense - CNNPolitics
5 days ago - Trump lawyer says a president can't 'obstruct justice.' Can that be true? Has the White House already embarked on a public relations strategy designed to lessen the chances that the Republican-led House would draw up articles of impeachment against the President based on any recommendation by ...
Trump Lawyers Clash Over How Much to Cooperate With Russia ...
Sep 17, 2017 - The debate in Mr. Trump's West Wing has pitted Donald F. McGahn II, the White House counsel, against Ty Cobb, a lawyer brought in to manage the response to the investigation. Mr. Cobb has .... You agree to receive occasional updates and special offers for The New York Times's products and services.

You Communists are the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet.

The FBI director serve at the pleasure of the President. The President has the authority to fire the FBI director at any time.

That the leftist gutter rags whine makes no difference.. That they are flat out fucking liars changes nothing. (Yes, they are liar, what was stated is that firing that corrupt hack Comey is not obstruction, period).

Your treason is coming apart at the seams.
Tell that to convicted felon Mike Flynn. And soon to be convicted Paul Manafort.
You idiots live in a bubble that's about to burst.

So Comrade, Mewler FINALLY finds collusion with the Russians to tamper with the the election; BUT it is between Clinton through Fusion GPS. So what does our intrepid Grand Inquisitor do? Does he arrest Hillary, James Comey and everyone else involved in the collusion between the Communist DNC and the Russians to corrupt the presidential election?

Nope, he arrests Paul Manafort for 12 year old financial dealings that have not a fucking thing to do with his Inquisition. I didn't know Robert Torquemada was part of the SEC? :dunno:
Mueller acted within the law, and if he can get Trump's lawyers telling porkies to the press, that will give the government more leeway.

Yes but they're ignorant uneducated twits who are easily manipulated by their orange Jesus

Are you looking in a mirror, Nazi Jill?

Your treason is falling apart at the seams.

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