Trump is so jealous of Obama. Must be because

he is younger, smarter and black skinned. Trump is orange, old and dumb. Obama and Hilary take up the space in T's head. The rest is vacant.





he is younger, smarter and black skinned. Trump is orange, old and dumb. Obama and Hilary take up the space in T's head. The rest is vacant.

Do happen to have any facts to back your assertion? This seems to be a good thread for the Conspiracy forum lol

I think that black is a race, and you seem to think that being it is better.

Zatso? Why, because you just pulled that out of your ass?

Or do you have a link?

A quote?


Toilet paper?

You just said, in the portion of the post you cut, that Trump was jealous of Obama, because Obama was black and Trump was not.

WTF is wrong with you? JUST how stupid are you?

That's not my quote, you bumbling mindless fuck.

You jumped in to attack my response.

Are you standing by the original statement that you were defending, or

are you prepared to now agree with me that it is racist?
Stripped of your moronic spin, you are claiming that "anyone" knew that Trump would win.

Yet, funny, that so few people said it.
Thats not stripping anything. Thats adding your moronic spin.

I said anyone knows you can rally illiterates such as yourself by duping them and playing to their insecurities. Most people just have the class not to stoop that low.

If your postings were not the ravings of a deluded, and moronic fool,

that fact would STILL remain that you and yours saw Trump running his campaign right up to the very end and were still completely confident of victory.

THe New York Times was giving Hillary a 95% chance of winning, election day.
Like I said. You are illiterate. The moment Drumpf won the GOP nod. I saw you morons lining up to vote for him. My only flaw was that I was sure there couldnt be that many ignorant under educated voters left in the US in this day and age.

YOur moron spin aside, the lefties on this site, in the msm, in the dem party, ect.

they didn't see it. THey were confident right up to the point when the real vote totals started rolling in.

They were fucking stupid, and Trump was fucking brilliant.

Eat that, dumbass.
Nope. You and your ilk were stupid. Drumpf hoped against hope there were enough stupid, insecure morons such as yourself waiting around. Even then he lost the popular vote.

President Trump spoke out for the long ignored Middle America, which you hate,

and all you lefties saw what he was doing and were still completely confident that he would lose, right to the point that the votes started rolling in.

Your spin on the matter doesn't change the fact that he was brilliant, and you fuckers were dead wrong.

he is younger, smarter and black skinned. Trump is orange, old and dumb. Obama and Hilary take up the space in T's head. The rest is vacant.

Do happen to have any facts to back your assertion? This seems to be a good thread for the Conspiracy forum lol


Sounds like something she heard the other kids on the playground say.

I thought penny was a she.... but I also thought the same thing about Moochelle Obama.. so I could be wrong

Thats not stripping anything. Thats adding your moronic spin.

I said anyone knows you can rally illiterates such as yourself by duping them and playing to their insecurities. Most people just have the class not to stoop that low.

If your postings were not the ravings of a deluded, and moronic fool,

that fact would STILL remain that you and yours saw Trump running his campaign right up to the very end and were still completely confident of victory.

THe New York Times was giving Hillary a 95% chance of winning, election day.
Like I said. You are illiterate. The moment Drumpf won the GOP nod. I saw you morons lining up to vote for him. My only flaw was that I was sure there couldnt be that many ignorant under educated voters left in the US in this day and age.

YOur moron spin aside, the lefties on this site, in the msm, in the dem party, ect.

they didn't see it. THey were confident right up to the point when the real vote totals started rolling in.

They were fucking stupid, and Trump was fucking brilliant.

Eat that, dumbass.
Nope. You and your ilk were stupid. Drumpf hoped against hope there were enough stupid, insecure morons such as yourself waiting around. Even then he lost the popular vote.

President Trump spoke out for the long ignored Middle America, which you hate,

and all you lefties saw what he was doing and were still completely confident that he would lose, right to the point that the votes started rolling in.

Your spin on the matter doesn't change the fact that he was brilliant, and you fuckers were dead wrong.

Drumpf spoke out for cartoon characters, illiterates, and those that were slightly retarded. I dont hate you. I pity you. You were fooled by Drumpf and yet you still think he is brilliant. :laugh:
he is younger, smarter and black skinned. Trump is orange, old and dumb. Obama and Hilary take up the space in T's head. The rest is vacant.

Do happen to have any facts to back your assertion? This seems to be a good thread for the Conspiracy forum lol


Sounds like something she heard the other kids on the playground say.

I thought penny was a she.... but I also thought the same thing about Moochelle Obama.. so I could be wrong


Male or female, all lefties are ***** and dicks.
you can say that again.Bush was the one who REALLY was running the country because of that same as Hillery was in REALITY our president from 92 to 2000 running the country with bill just taking orders from

the good presidents in this day and age,never serve more than one look at all the presidents we have had since asshole reagan and all these mass murderers have served two terms cause they did what their puppet masters told them to do.Bush only did not serve a second term because in reality,he DID with Reagan and was ready to step down and not be serving three

Who did you vote for..?

I voted for Trump but that was ONLY because of who the other alternatives were. anybody who knows the clintons knows that they are pals with the Bushs and are both mass murderers and both globalists. Ron Paul is the one I WANTED and had confidance he would be our first REAL president since JFK to serve the people instead of the bankers but he was not running so I reluctantly voted for Trump because the alternative was an evil witch who would just contiune the same ole,same ole destrction of america the clintons,bushs and Obama have all done and since he was not a career politician he might be different.

But it looks like he now understands though if he does not serve his masters he will suffer the same fate as kennedy.He might have had good intentions coming in as a president and i think he really did WANT to fight the deep state,but he has seen it is a losing cause and looks like he has given in to them and crossed over to the dark side with the Bushs,Clintons,and Obama.:(

Well I admit I wasn't thrilled with the Afghanistan thing or the Saudi arms deal but other than that, he's doing alright and seems to piss off the establishment daily.

At first i thought he was for us but I am thinking that it is all by design now,that they put him in office because they knew americans would trust him with his speeechs that sounded good like draining the swamp.But he has not done that yet.Goldman sacs donors for the Obama administration are still in the white house.that doesnt sound like draining the swamp to me,does it to you? Plus when he said he would preoecute Hillery.I knew he was a fraud,you dont REALLY believe he will be the first president ever to prosecute a former first lady now do you? lol

and same as Obama and Bush,he is kissing those assholes in Israel who always start wars with everyone around the country.this here cinced it for me he has crossed over to the dark side.

PressTV-Israel, Saudi hail Trump’s anti-Iran rhetoric

you also got to remember,we dont elect these people and put them in office,they are selcted for us by the establishment,Trump only got in cause they wanted him in obviously.
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If your postings were not the ravings of a deluded, and moronic fool,

that fact would STILL remain that you and yours saw Trump running his campaign right up to the very end and were still completely confident of victory.

THe New York Times was giving Hillary a 95% chance of winning, election day.
Like I said. You are illiterate. The moment Drumpf won the GOP nod. I saw you morons lining up to vote for him. My only flaw was that I was sure there couldnt be that many ignorant under educated voters left in the US in this day and age.

YOur moron spin aside, the lefties on this site, in the msm, in the dem party, ect.

they didn't see it. THey were confident right up to the point when the real vote totals started rolling in.

They were fucking stupid, and Trump was fucking brilliant.

Eat that, dumbass.
Nope. You and your ilk were stupid. Drumpf hoped against hope there were enough stupid, insecure morons such as yourself waiting around. Even then he lost the popular vote.

President Trump spoke out for the long ignored Middle America, which you hate,

and all you lefties saw what he was doing and were still completely confident that he would lose, right to the point that the votes started rolling in.

Your spin on the matter doesn't change the fact that he was brilliant, and you fuckers were dead wrong.

Drumpf spoke out for cartoon characters, illiterates, and those that were slightly retarded. I dont hate you. I pity you. You were fooled by Drumpf and yet you still think he is brilliant. :laugh:

I already commented on your hatred of Middle America, but thanks for the verification.

None of that changes or even challenges in the slightest my point.

all you lefties saw what he was doing and were still completely confident that he would lose, right to the point that the votes started rolling in.

Your spin on the matter doesn't change the fact that he was brilliant, and you fuckers were dead wrong.

Like I said. You are illiterate. The moment Drumpf won the GOP nod. I saw you morons lining up to vote for him. My only flaw was that I was sure there couldnt be that many ignorant under educated voters left in the US in this day and age.

YOur moron spin aside, the lefties on this site, in the msm, in the dem party, ect.

they didn't see it. THey were confident right up to the point when the real vote totals started rolling in.

They were fucking stupid, and Trump was fucking brilliant.

Eat that, dumbass.
Nope. You and your ilk were stupid. Drumpf hoped against hope there were enough stupid, insecure morons such as yourself waiting around. Even then he lost the popular vote.

President Trump spoke out for the long ignored Middle America, which you hate,

and all you lefties saw what he was doing and were still completely confident that he would lose, right to the point that the votes started rolling in.

Your spin on the matter doesn't change the fact that he was brilliant, and you fuckers were dead wrong.

Drumpf spoke out for cartoon characters, illiterates, and those that were slightly retarded. I dont hate you. I pity you. You were fooled by Drumpf and yet you still think he is brilliant. :laugh:

I already commented on your hatred of Middle America, but thanks for the verification.

None of that changes or even challenges in the slightest my point.

all you lefties saw what he was doing and were still completely confident that he would lose, right to the point that the votes started rolling in.

Your spin on the matter doesn't change the fact that he was brilliant, and you fuckers were dead wrong.


Your only point was that you proudly proclaimed Drumpf was brilliant for fooling you. Like a carnival barker at the fair he saw you coming and sold you some magic elixir. Now I can see one admitting he was fooled but to consider the carnival barker as brilliant takes slavish admiration to another level. I asked before and you avoided answering me. Arent you ashamed at least a little he played you like deck of cheap cards on boys night out?
he is younger, smarter and black skinned. Trump is orange, old and dumb. Obama and Hilary take up the space in T's head. The rest is vacant.




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Please tell me Drumpfs picture is photo shopped?

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View attachment 154728
Drumpf going to wind up looking like Boss Hog if he doesnt get impeached soon. :laugh:


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