Trump is now the blame for the 'border crisis'

You claimed he made some kinda border fix and that Dems undermined it.

You lied… again
How did I lie? The border has been overrun for decades because Democrats refuse to stop it and then continually claim they want immigration reform, which has nothing to do with closing the border.
Duh, stupe. It's a policy. One your demented simp cancelled. Along with 95 other border related Executive actions he took. All the while claiming his hands were tied unless Congress changed the law. "STOP ME BEFORE I KILL AGAIN"
There was no policy.
Title 42 was the only thing used to keep people in Mexico.
1. Trump wants the border sealed, not to allow 5,000 illegals in a day.
2. The House wants the border sealed too, the senate Republicans are idiots.

The why is that Orange Piece of Shit P01135809 telling Republicans NOT to vote on the border deal.
Take a long look at above retard, see that idiocy, we have a wide open border, and have since day one of the psychopath being cheated into office, well over 10-million illegal aliens loosed by the psychopath, and see above?

The above retard, who obviously has its ears & mouth surgically attached to the rectum of msnbc, believes it Trump's fault, and that the holding up of Mitch & Chuck's so-called border bill, actually prevents a fix!!!

These people are impossibly fucking stupid, see the little laughing smiley's they religiously use as their sole response to being confronted, that is because they have nothing else, there is nothing else they can do, they genuinely lack a working brain! :wink:
You don’t rule this country, dope.
Congress is the only way anything can be done in any real or permanent way. Congress operates through negotiation. Not decrees or tantrums.
This is the Right’s best hope to get something done. If they are unwilling or unable to then they own it.

I should not have to explain this to an adult.
LOL! Do you think its a good plan if Trump is forced to let in 5,000 illegals every single day? Have you done the math yet to see how many ilkegals that is annually?

Nah, that plan is fuckin stupid and it clearly demonstrates that we dont have good faithed negotiating partners.
Stop with the retarded rhetoric.
5000 aren’t allowed in every day. They are apprehended.
you ommitted the majority of his comment to push a false narrative,,

but I see you corrected it by posting his entire comment that proved you lied,,

so thanks for finally doing that,,

I didn't push a false narrative. He literally said he hopes the recession happens during the next 12 months. Not quoting him saying when the recession comes, doesn't alter what he meant when he went on to say he "hopes" it happens during the next 12 months.
I didn't push a false narrative. He literally said he hopes the recession happens during the next 12 months. Not quoting him saying when the recession comes, doesn't alter what he meant when he went on to say he "hopes" it happens during the next 12 months.
you would have done better to just apologize and promise to not do it again,,,
1. You can't trust democrats, period.
2. This "deal" has to seal the border, period. No half-measures.
3. After the border is sealed we can discuss funding for Ukraine and Israel.

There is only one way. SEAL THE BORDER.
1. What do you think I’m asking you to trust democrats about?!
Nonsense . Currently the Biden Admin is following all existing laws you dope.
You don’t like it… change those laws

Oh wait, they’re trying to and Trump is opposing that.

And oh by the way this has been going on for DECADES and no it wasn’t “solved” when Trump was Prez

Biden is NOT following the Constitutional laws!
He took an oath to protect this country and our borders, and he has been BLATANTLY ignoring those laws!!~!
You're a Lackig Sack Liquid Shit.

Senate Bill on Border, Ukraine At Risk of Collapse As Trump Calls it 'Meaningles'.

This bill has bi-partsian support, the only reason P01135809 wants to kill it is to deny Mr. Biden a win. Republicans don' give a shit about the border, for them its all about sound bites and posing while doing jack shit to fix what the call an "open border".

ReNaziKlans do not want to govern, they do not know how to govern. The ReNaziKlans would bow to a Mango Mussolini than work of border security.

It was P01135809 who that said he would, "Make Mexico Pay For The Wall." Which of course never happened. The wall HE put up could violated with a ladder.

There gaps in the wall he put up. Something 400-Miles of border wall built and the last time I checked the southern border thousands of square miles long.

Border Security is a sound bite for ReNaziKlans, they use it to fund raise. They travel to the border, making there TV cameras and Microphones for them to speak into as they bitch about about an open border. But when it comes to voting on border security, they would rather listen to the Rapist and Traitor P01135809 and NOT vote for border security.

Heaven fucking forbid the border security bill be signed, get down on your knees ReNaziKlans. Your fucking Russian Loving asshat P01135809 wants you to do nothing. You care about border security, take your balls out the vault and ignore that fucking Orange Shit Gibbon and vote for the bill. Vote for bill, because if you don't your nothing fucking coward.

None of it would even have been necessary if stupid old fart Biden hadn't first invited the third-world to "surge to the border", and then on day one ending border wall construction, and immediately suspending all Trump-era border security measures.
Stop with the retarded rhetoric.
5000 aren’t allowed in every day. They are apprehended.
Um, define "apprehended" then. Are you saying they go to "illegal immigrant prison" and they are never let out into the US, or are you just saying that they pick them up and give them a ride to where they want to go inside the US? Define "apprehended" for us. :laugh:

Talk about "retarded rhetoric". If you have to lie in order to defend your position, then why even take your position in the first place? Thats some real idiotic shit right there. :dunno:
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None of it would even have been necessary if stupid old fart Biden hadn't first invited the third-world to "surge to the border", and then on day one ending border wall construction, and immediately suspending all Trump-era border security measures.
He didn’t invite anyone jackass. That surge was supposed to be the government
He didn’t invite anyone jackass. That surge was supposed to be the government
God damn you are a fool. Why do you constantly comment on things you know nothing about? Here is Biden literally saying that he wants them "to SURGE to the border".


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