Trump. Is. Never. Getting. Out.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
From the Washington Compost:

Ginsberg: You will never leave the race?

Trump: Are you ready? [He waves one arm over his head, as if to clear away everything and remove all doubt.]

I. Will. Never. Leave. This. Race.

I'm all in for Ted Cruz. He is the only one who I believe will roll back regressive policy.

That said Trump's campaign has driven bed wetters even more insane than they were before and I really enjoy watching rabid moonbats foam at the mouth. The most hysterical part is Trump is exactly what moonbats and moderturds have insisted the GOP must nominate in order too win except on one point...

They always want the established moderturd that the power brokers own though.

Trump is the ultimate RINO however. He's not only rejecting amnesty which the republican base and a lot of democrook union workers and independents agree with, he's promoting (literally) concrete barriers to illegal entrance. He claims he can get rid of obozocare and replace it more cost effectively with a single payer system which the bed wetters should be drooling over.

I do think that at some point Cruz is going to outmaneuver Trump and win the first few primaries, and I'm betting Trump will endorse Cruz and seal the deal.


The difference between Trump and Cruz or Carson is that Trump isn't a Dominionist.

All these folks on the left going out of their gourd, comparing the right to fascists are completely deluded. . . but they will really have something to fear if a dominionist gets elected.
Ted Cruz may be more wacky than the Donald. Here is a man who has done nothing in life except suck on the teat of government. At least Trump lived in the real world for a while. Between Cruz and Trump the righties will soon be hiding in the remote regions of North America, Oh I know we can only hope - in power republicans are a useless bunch. Anyone see Bin Laden? Imagine a religious nutcase like Cruz as president and you soon realize our founders' headaches would be unreal. James Madison would love how the separation of church state is now one enormous collaborative sales pitch in which snake oil keeps the wingnuts content. A few pieces below cover the government mooch. Get a job Cruz then you can comment on the American citizen and worker. Save these links in case you wake from this republican nightmare. Bacon anyone? Ted cooks too.

Cruz is one weird dude, he is living proof intelligence has nothing to do with smarts. An Einstein who lived in the deepest ideological fantasies would still be a fanatic. Consider the below as another example.

"You know, music is interesting. I grew up listening to classic rock and I’ll tell you sort of an odd story. My music tastes changed on 9/11. And it’s a very strange — I actually, intellectually, find this very curious, but on 9/11, I didn’t like how rock music responded. And country music collectively, the way they responded, it resonated with me and I have to say, it — just as a gut level, I had an emotional reaction that says, “These are my people.” And so ever since 2001 I listen to country music, but I’m an odd country music fan because I didn’t listen to it prior to 2001." Ted Cruz Ted Cruz Says He Used to Like Rock Music but Now Prefers Country Music Because of 9/11
Ted Cruz Thinks Non-Christians Have Too Much Power

Ted Cruz Goes Full Orwell

Ted Cruz, the Absolutist

The Absolutist - Ted Cruz is an unyielding debater—and the far right’s most formidable advocate old rep party this makes perfect sense why examine the home we live on?
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The difference between Trump and Cruz or Carson is that Trump isn't a Dominionist.

All these folks on the left going out of their gourd, comparing the right to fascists are completely deluded. . . but they will really have something to fear if a dominionist gets elected.

The term dominionist was popularized in the 1990s by bed wetters and pinko "journalists", who applied it to conservative Christians in order to scare the leftwing fringe.

The fact that you applied it to Cruz tells me you know absolutely nothing about the man. He is committed to the application of the Constitution as it was written to restrain government. He has even come out and stated that issues like abortion should be addressed by the states.


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