Trump Is Driving America Into Another Economic Meltdown World Bank Warns

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Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
One of the biggest questions that we have about the Trump administration that actually has nothing to do with any of the ongoing investigations is, how many smart people is it going to take to warn the President that his policies are about to cause a massive recession similar to what the United States saw in the 2008 financial melt-down? How many more do we need? We have already had Nobel Laureates, top economists in the world, warn us that Trump’s economic policies are going to tank the economy.

We have had Goldman Sachs executives warn that Trump’s policies are about to tank the economy and that a recession is right around the corner. And now this week, we had the World Bank come out and say that Donald Trump’s policies with regards to tariffs and trying to tax everything coming out of other countries into the United States is going to lead to a financial collapse similar or possibly even worse than what we saw in 2008.

The reason all of these people are warning us, the reason we even have these bad policies to begin with, is because we have a businessman as the President of the United States instead of a policy-maker. Instead of somebody who researches and understands how the global and local economies actually work.

This is what Republicans have been begging for ever since Mitt Romney ran for President. They wanted a businessman, right? They told us, run the government like a business because that’s the only way to save it. Businesses, you either make a profit or you go out of business.

Well guess what, folks? This business of the United States isn’t turning a profit anymore because Trump and the Republicans cut all of our profit-making mechanisms, which is taxes. That’s the only income that the United States government is supposed to be taking in. Taxes. And they cut them. And they cut them for the wealthiest people in this country so now we’ve got a, what, 1.7 trillion dollar deficit coming up.

The national debt is ballooning at an exponential rate. We’ve got tariffs that have already cost US farmers more than 400 million dollars and they’ve only been in place for a couple of weeks. We’ve got steel tariffs, we’ve got aluminum tariffs. We’ve got more on the horizon. We’ve got other countries threatening to retaliate against us. Canada, Mexico, China, the European Union. All of them. And this entire trade war is about to kick off a massive financial collapse the likes of which the US hasn’t seen in over a decade. And it’s because Donald Trump is a know-nothing businessman who couldn’t make a deal to save his life.

Those people who have worked with Donald Trump over the years before he became President of the United States, they worked with him in private business. They worked with him in his TV deals. Every one of them has come out and told us that Donald Trump absolutely sucks at negotiations and making deals. He has had so many of his projects, things that had his name on it, go bankrupt. And yet Republicans thought, they honest-to-God believed, that this man was going to somehow be some great negotiator that was going to make the United States the most economically prosperous country on the planet.

It didn’t work. We’re less than a year and a half into this presidency and we’ve seen so many horrid policies come out of this man that a new recession that is going to send millions of people in this country into financial ruin is right around the corner. And if you don’t want to take my word for it, then I suggest you listen to people like these Nobel Laureates, these industry leaders, and the World Bank, who are repeating the exact same thing that I’m saying.

Trump Is Driving America Into Another Economic Meltdown, World Bank Warns - The Ring of Fire Network


No personal content in OP.
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One of the biggest questions that we have about the Trump administration that actually has nothing to do with any of the ongoing investigations is, how many smart people is it going to take to warn the President that his policies are about to cause a massive recession similar to what the United States saw in the 2008 financial melt-down? How many more do we need? We have already had Nobel Laureates, top economists in the world, warn us that Trump’s economic policies are going to tank the economy.

We have had Goldman Sachs executives warn that Trump’s policies are about to tank the economy and that a recession is right around the corner. And now this week, we had the World Bank come out and say that Donald Trump’s policies with regards to tariffs and trying to tax everything coming out of other countries into the United States is going to lead to a financial collapse similar or possibly even worse than what we saw in 2008.

The reason all of these people are warning us, the reason we even have these bad policies to begin with, is because we have a businessman as the President of the United States instead of a policy-maker. Instead of somebody who researches and understands how the global and local economies actually work.

This is what Republicans have been begging for ever since Mitt Romney ran for President. They wanted a businessman, right? They told us, run the government like a business because that’s the only way to save it. Businesses, you either make a profit or you go out of business.

Well guess what, folks? This business of the United States isn’t turning a profit anymore because Trump and the Republicans cut all of our profit-making mechanisms, which is taxes. That’s the only income that the United States government is supposed to be taking in. Taxes. And they cut them. And they cut them for the wealthiest people in this country so now we’ve got a, what, 1.7 trillion dollar deficit coming up.

The national debt is ballooning at an exponential rate. We’ve got tariffs that have already cost US farmers more than 400 million dollars and they’ve only been in place for a couple of weeks. We’ve got steel tariffs, we’ve got aluminum tariffs. We’ve got more on the horizon. We’ve got other countries threatening to retaliate against us. Canada, Mexico, China, the European Union. All of them. And this entire trade war is about to kick off a massive financial collapse the likes of which the US hasn’t seen in over a decade. And it’s because Donald Trump is a know-nothing businessman who couldn’t make a deal to save his life.

Those people who have worked with Donald Trump over the years before he became President of the United States, they worked with him in private business. They worked with him in his TV deals. Every one of them has come out and told us that Donald Trump absolutely sucks at negotiations and making deals. He has had so many of his projects, things that had his name on it, go bankrupt. And yet Republicans thought, they honest-to-God believed, that this man was going to somehow be some great negotiator that was going to make the United States the most economically prosperous country on the planet.

It didn’t work. We’re less than a year and a half into this presidency and we’ve seen so many horrid policies come out of this man that a new recession that is going to send millions of people in this country into financial ruin is right around the corner. And if you don’t want to take my word for it, then I suggest you listen to people like these Nobel Laureates, these industry leaders, and the World Bank, who are repeating the exact same thing that I’m saying.

Trump Is Driving America Into Another Economic Meltdown, World Bank Warns - The Ring of Fire Network

No kidding, this Goldman Sachs?
Goldman Sachs Finally Admits it Defrauded Investors During the Financial Crisis
One of the biggest questions that we have about the Trump administration that actually has nothing to do with any of the ongoing investigations is, how many smart people is it going to take to warn the President that his policies are about to cause a massive recession similar to what the United States saw in the 2008 financial melt-down? How many more do we need? We have already had Nobel Laureates, top economists in the world, warn us that Trump’s economic policies are going to tank the economy.

We have had Goldman Sachs executives warn that Trump’s policies are about to tank the economy and that a recession is right around the corner. And now this week, we had the World Bank come out and say that Donald Trump’s policies with regards to tariffs and trying to tax everything coming out of other countries into the United States is going to lead to a financial collapse similar or possibly even worse than what we saw in 2008.

The reason all of these people are warning us, the reason we even have these bad policies to begin with, is because we have a businessman as the President of the United States instead of a policy-maker. Instead of somebody who researches and understands how the global and local economies actually work.

This is what Republicans have been begging for ever since Mitt Romney ran for President. They wanted a businessman, right? They told us, run the government like a business because that’s the only way to save it. Businesses, you either make a profit or you go out of business.

Well guess what, folks? This business of the United States isn’t turning a profit anymore because Trump and the Republicans cut all of our profit-making mechanisms, which is taxes. That’s the only income that the United States government is supposed to be taking in. Taxes. And they cut them. And they cut them for the wealthiest people in this country so now we’ve got a, what, 1.7 trillion dollar deficit coming up.

The national debt is ballooning at an exponential rate. We’ve got tariffs that have already cost US farmers more than 400 million dollars and they’ve only been in place for a couple of weeks. We’ve got steel tariffs, we’ve got aluminum tariffs. We’ve got more on the horizon. We’ve got other countries threatening to retaliate against us. Canada, Mexico, China, the European Union. All of them. And this entire trade war is about to kick off a massive financial collapse the likes of which the US hasn’t seen in over a decade. And it’s because Donald Trump is a know-nothing businessman who couldn’t make a deal to save his life.

Those people who have worked with Donald Trump over the years before he became President of the United States, they worked with him in private business. They worked with him in his TV deals. Every one of them has come out and told us that Donald Trump absolutely sucks at negotiations and making deals. He has had so many of his projects, things that had his name on it, go bankrupt. And yet Republicans thought, they honest-to-God believed, that this man was going to somehow be some great negotiator that was going to make the United States the most economically prosperous country on the planet.

It didn’t work. We’re less than a year and a half into this presidency and we’ve seen so many horrid policies come out of this man that a new recession that is going to send millions of people in this country into financial ruin is right around the corner. And if you don’t want to take my word for it, then I suggest you listen to people like these Nobel Laureates, these industry leaders, and the World Bank, who are repeating the exact same thing that I’m saying.

Trump Is Driving America Into Another Economic Meltdown, World Bank Warns - The Ring of Fire Network

All you'll hear from his sycophants is 'how great it is right now and it will be great forever now because our dear leader says so'.

Economists understand the next huge Republican recession is on the horizon. And then another Democrat will have to get elected to pull the country out of that GOP disaster as they always do.
One of the biggest questions that we have about the Trump administration that actually has nothing to do with any of the ongoing investigations is, how many smart people is it going to take to warn the President that his policies are about to cause a massive recession similar to what the United States saw in the 2008 financial melt-down? How many more do we need? We have already had Nobel Laureates, top economists in the world, warn us that Trump’s economic policies are going to tank the economy.

We have had Goldman Sachs executives warn that Trump’s policies are about to tank the economy and that a recession is right around the corner. And now this week, we had the World Bank come out and say that Donald Trump’s policies with regards to tariffs and trying to tax everything coming out of other countries into the United States is going to lead to a financial collapse similar or possibly even worse than what we saw in 2008.

The reason all of these people are warning us, the reason we even have these bad policies to begin with, is because we have a businessman as the President of the United States instead of a policy-maker. Instead of somebody who researches and understands how the global and local economies actually work.

This is what Republicans have been begging for ever since Mitt Romney ran for President. They wanted a businessman, right? They told us, run the government like a business because that’s the only way to save it. Businesses, you either make a profit or you go out of business.

Well guess what, folks? This business of the United States isn’t turning a profit anymore because Trump and the Republicans cut all of our profit-making mechanisms, which is taxes. That’s the only income that the United States government is supposed to be taking in. Taxes. And they cut them. And they cut them for the wealthiest people in this country so now we’ve got a, what, 1.7 trillion dollar deficit coming up.

The national debt is ballooning at an exponential rate. We’ve got tariffs that have already cost US farmers more than 400 million dollars and they’ve only been in place for a couple of weeks. We’ve got steel tariffs, we’ve got aluminum tariffs. We’ve got more on the horizon. We’ve got other countries threatening to retaliate against us. Canada, Mexico, China, the European Union. All of them. And this entire trade war is about to kick off a massive financial collapse the likes of which the US hasn’t seen in over a decade. And it’s because Donald Trump is a know-nothing businessman who couldn’t make a deal to save his life.

Those people who have worked with Donald Trump over the years before he became President of the United States, they worked with him in private business. They worked with him in his TV deals. Every one of them has come out and told us that Donald Trump absolutely sucks at negotiations and making deals. He has had so many of his projects, things that had his name on it, go bankrupt. And yet Republicans thought, they honest-to-God believed, that this man was going to somehow be some great negotiator that was going to make the United States the most economically prosperous country on the planet.

It didn’t work. We’re less than a year and a half into this presidency and we’ve seen so many horrid policies come out of this man that a new recession that is going to send millions of people in this country into financial ruin is right around the corner. And if you don’t want to take my word for it, then I suggest you listen to people like these Nobel Laureates, these industry leaders, and the World Bank, who are repeating the exact same thing that I’m saying.

Trump Is Driving America Into Another Economic Meltdown, World Bank Warns - The Ring of Fire Network
And we should listen to the World Bank because it was so accurate about the last recession?
Be careful what you wish for lefties. Left wing comedian and political analyst Bill Maher recently quipped that he hopes there is a recession so that it will affect the Trump presidency. The last time we had a global meltdown democrats were in the majority in congress. Barney Frank became the chairperson of the powerful "House Banking Committee" and it was his responsibility to monitor Fannie Mae which fell apart on his watch bringing down most of the global economy. Nobody ever asked Frank the tough questions before he retired and married his long time boyfriend.
Be careful what you wish for lefties. Left wing comedian and political analyst Bill Maher recently quipped that he hopes there is a recession so that it will affect the Trump presidency. The last time we had a global meltdown democrats were in the majority in congress. Barney Frank became the chairperson of the powerful "House Banking Committee" and it was his responsibility to monitor Fannie Mae which fell apart on his watch bringing down most of the global economy. Nobody ever asked Frank the tough questions before he retired and married his long time boyfriend.
Bill Maher recession - Bing video
One of the biggest questions that we have about the Trump administration that actually has nothing to do with any of the ongoing investigations is, how many smart people is it going to take to warn the President that his policies are about to cause a massive recession similar to what the United States saw in the 2008 financial melt-down? How many more do we need? We have already had Nobel Laureates, top economists in the world, warn us that Trump’s economic policies are going to tank the economy.

We have had Goldman Sachs executives warn that Trump’s policies are about to tank the economy and that a recession is right around the corner. And now this week, we had the World Bank come out and say that Donald Trump’s policies with regards to tariffs and trying to tax everything coming out of other countries into the United States is going to lead to a financial collapse similar or possibly even worse than what we saw in 2008.

The reason all of these people are warning us, the reason we even have these bad policies to begin with, is because we have a businessman as the President of the United States instead of a policy-maker. Instead of somebody who researches and understands how the global and local economies actually work.

This is what Republicans have been begging for ever since Mitt Romney ran for President. They wanted a businessman, right? They told us, run the government like a business because that’s the only way to save it. Businesses, you either make a profit or you go out of business.

Well guess what, folks? This business of the United States isn’t turning a profit anymore because Trump and the Republicans cut all of our profit-making mechanisms, which is taxes. That’s the only income that the United States government is supposed to be taking in. Taxes. And they cut them. And they cut them for the wealthiest people in this country so now we’ve got a, what, 1.7 trillion dollar deficit coming up.

The national debt is ballooning at an exponential rate. We’ve got tariffs that have already cost US farmers more than 400 million dollars and they’ve only been in place for a couple of weeks. We’ve got steel tariffs, we’ve got aluminum tariffs. We’ve got more on the horizon. We’ve got other countries threatening to retaliate against us. Canada, Mexico, China, the European Union. All of them. And this entire trade war is about to kick off a massive financial collapse the likes of which the US hasn’t seen in over a decade. And it’s because Donald Trump is a know-nothing businessman who couldn’t make a deal to save his life.

Those people who have worked with Donald Trump over the years before he became President of the United States, they worked with him in private business. They worked with him in his TV deals. Every one of them has come out and told us that Donald Trump absolutely sucks at negotiations and making deals. He has had so many of his projects, things that had his name on it, go bankrupt. And yet Republicans thought, they honest-to-God believed, that this man was going to somehow be some great negotiator that was going to make the United States the most economically prosperous country on the planet.

It didn’t work. We’re less than a year and a half into this presidency and we’ve seen so many horrid policies come out of this man that a new recession that is going to send millions of people in this country into financial ruin is right around the corner. And if you don’t want to take my word for it, then I suggest you listen to people like these Nobel Laureates, these industry leaders, and the World Bank, who are repeating the exact same thing that I’m saying.

Trump Is Driving America Into Another Economic Meltdown, World Bank Warns - The Ring of Fire Network

All you'll hear from his sycophants is 'how great it is right now and it will be great forever now because our dear leader says so'.

Economists understand the next huge Republican recession is on the horizon. And then another Democrat will have to get elected to pull the country out of that GOP disaster as they always do.

A doom and gloom Nancy Schumer sycophant that loved Obama doubling the national debt in less than 6 years in office, screwed over all middle class Americans with Obamacare and a housing bubble they refuse to take the greater responsibility for with a duh, we didn't even know there was a potential housing bubble even after multiple warnings to take preventative actions ... :rolleyes:
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One of the biggest questions that we have about the Trump administration that actually has nothing to do with any of the ongoing investigations is, how many smart people is it going to take to warn the President that his policies are about to cause a massive recession similar to what the United States saw in the 2008 financial melt-down? How many more do we need? We have already had Nobel Laureates, top economists in the world, warn us that Trump’s economic policies are going to tank the economy.

We have had Goldman Sachs executives warn that Trump’s policies are about to tank the economy and that a recession is right around the corner. And now this week, we had the World Bank come out and say that Donald Trump’s policies with regards to tariffs and trying to tax everything coming out of other countries into the United States is going to lead to a financial collapse similar or possibly even worse than what we saw in 2008.

The reason all of these people are warning us, the reason we even have these bad policies to begin with, is because we have a businessman as the President of the United States instead of a policy-maker. Instead of somebody who researches and understands how the global and local economies actually work.

This is what Republicans have been begging for ever since Mitt Romney ran for President. They wanted a businessman, right? They told us, run the government like a business because that’s the only way to save it. Businesses, you either make a profit or you go out of business.

Well guess what, folks? This business of the United States isn’t turning a profit anymore because Trump and the Republicans cut all of our profit-making mechanisms, which is taxes. That’s the only income that the United States government is supposed to be taking in. Taxes. And they cut them. And they cut them for the wealthiest people in this country so now we’ve got a, what, 1.7 trillion dollar deficit coming up.

The national debt is ballooning at an exponential rate. We’ve got tariffs that have already cost US farmers more than 400 million dollars and they’ve only been in place for a couple of weeks. We’ve got steel tariffs, we’ve got aluminum tariffs. We’ve got more on the horizon. We’ve got other countries threatening to retaliate against us. Canada, Mexico, China, the European Union. All of them. And this entire trade war is about to kick off a massive financial collapse the likes of which the US hasn’t seen in over a decade. And it’s because Donald Trump is a know-nothing businessman who couldn’t make a deal to save his life.

Those people who have worked with Donald Trump over the years before he became President of the United States, they worked with him in private business. They worked with him in his TV deals. Every one of them has come out and told us that Donald Trump absolutely sucks at negotiations and making deals. He has had so many of his projects, things that had his name on it, go bankrupt. And yet Republicans thought, they honest-to-God believed, that this man was going to somehow be some great negotiator that was going to make the United States the most economically prosperous country on the planet.

It didn’t work. We’re less than a year and a half into this presidency and we’ve seen so many horrid policies come out of this man that a new recession that is going to send millions of people in this country into financial ruin is right around the corner. And if you don’t want to take my word for it, then I suggest you listen to people like these Nobel Laureates, these industry leaders, and the World Bank, who are repeating the exact same thing that I’m saying.

Trump Is Driving America Into Another Economic Meltdown, World Bank Warns - The Ring of Fire Network

No kidding, this Goldman Sachs?
Goldman Sachs Finally Admits it Defrauded Investors During the Financial Crisis

And BushCo let them do it.
The "World Bank" never said it. It's an opinion piece of wishful thinking based on some unknown radical named "Farron Couzin". There is little doubt that the diminishing crazy radical left doesn't root for the Greatest Country in the world even though they live in the United States. They hate America and everything Trump stands for.
One of the biggest questions that we have about the Trump administration that actually has nothing to do with any of the ongoing investigations is, how many smart people is it going to take to warn the President that his policies are about to cause a massive recession similar to what the United States saw in the 2008 financial melt-down? How many more do we need? We have already had Nobel Laureates, top economists in the world, warn us that Trump’s economic policies are going to tank the economy.

We have had Goldman Sachs executives warn that Trump’s policies are about to tank the economy and that a recession is right around the corner. And now this week, we had the World Bank come out and say that Donald Trump’s policies with regards to tariffs and trying to tax everything coming out of other countries into the United States is going to lead to a financial collapse similar or possibly even worse than what we saw in 2008.

The reason all of these people are warning us, the reason we even have these bad policies to begin with, is because we have a businessman as the President of the United States instead of a policy-maker. Instead of somebody who researches and understands how the global and local economies actually work.

This is what Republicans have been begging for ever since Mitt Romney ran for President. They wanted a businessman, right? They told us, run the government like a business because that’s the only way to save it. Businesses, you either make a profit or you go out of business.

Well guess what, folks? This business of the United States isn’t turning a profit anymore because Trump and the Republicans cut all of our profit-making mechanisms, which is taxes. That’s the only income that the United States government is supposed to be taking in. Taxes. And they cut them. And they cut them for the wealthiest people in this country so now we’ve got a, what, 1.7 trillion dollar deficit coming up.

The national debt is ballooning at an exponential rate. We’ve got tariffs that have already cost US farmers more than 400 million dollars and they’ve only been in place for a couple of weeks. We’ve got steel tariffs, we’ve got aluminum tariffs. We’ve got more on the horizon. We’ve got other countries threatening to retaliate against us. Canada, Mexico, China, the European Union. All of them. And this entire trade war is about to kick off a massive financial collapse the likes of which the US hasn’t seen in over a decade. And it’s because Donald Trump is a know-nothing businessman who couldn’t make a deal to save his life.

Those people who have worked with Donald Trump over the years before he became President of the United States, they worked with him in private business. They worked with him in his TV deals. Every one of them has come out and told us that Donald Trump absolutely sucks at negotiations and making deals. He has had so many of his projects, things that had his name on it, go bankrupt. And yet Republicans thought, they honest-to-God believed, that this man was going to somehow be some great negotiator that was going to make the United States the most economically prosperous country on the planet.

It didn’t work. We’re less than a year and a half into this presidency and we’ve seen so many horrid policies come out of this man that a new recession that is going to send millions of people in this country into financial ruin is right around the corner. And if you don’t want to take my word for it, then I suggest you listen to people like these Nobel Laureates, these industry leaders, and the World Bank, who are repeating the exact same thing that I’m saying.

Trump Is Driving America Into Another Economic Meltdown, World Bank Warns - The Ring of Fire Network
And we should listen to the World Bank because it was so accurate about the last recession?

How do you feel about the tariff on Canadian goods? Oh wait, the wind changed, no tariffs but Canada will have to compete with Russia? Why don't you start sticking up for your own country instead of what your handlers are telling you? You seem to lack personal pride.
One of the biggest questions that we have about the Trump administration that actually has nothing to do with any of the ongoing investigations is, how many smart people is it going to take to warn the President that his policies are about to cause a massive recession similar to what the United States saw in the 2008 financial melt-down? How many more do we need? We have already had Nobel Laureates, top economists in the world, warn us that Trump’s economic policies are going to tank the economy.

We have had Goldman Sachs executives warn that Trump’s policies are about to tank the economy and that a recession is right around the corner. And now this week, we had the World Bank come out and say that Donald Trump’s policies with regards to tariffs and trying to tax everything coming out of other countries into the United States is going to lead to a financial collapse similar or possibly even worse than what we saw in 2008.

The reason all of these people are warning us, the reason we even have these bad policies to begin with, is because we have a businessman as the President of the United States instead of a policy-maker. Instead of somebody who researches and understands how the global and local economies actually work.

This is what Republicans have been begging for ever since Mitt Romney ran for President. They wanted a businessman, right? They told us, run the government like a business because that’s the only way to save it. Businesses, you either make a profit or you go out of business.

Well guess what, folks? This business of the United States isn’t turning a profit anymore because Trump and the Republicans cut all of our profit-making mechanisms, which is taxes. That’s the only income that the United States government is supposed to be taking in. Taxes. And they cut them. And they cut them for the wealthiest people in this country so now we’ve got a, what, 1.7 trillion dollar deficit coming up.

The national debt is ballooning at an exponential rate. We’ve got tariffs that have already cost US farmers more than 400 million dollars and they’ve only been in place for a couple of weeks. We’ve got steel tariffs, we’ve got aluminum tariffs. We’ve got more on the horizon. We’ve got other countries threatening to retaliate against us. Canada, Mexico, China, the European Union. All of them. And this entire trade war is about to kick off a massive financial collapse the likes of which the US hasn’t seen in over a decade. And it’s because Donald Trump is a know-nothing businessman who couldn’t make a deal to save his life.

Those people who have worked with Donald Trump over the years before he became President of the United States, they worked with him in private business. They worked with him in his TV deals. Every one of them has come out and told us that Donald Trump absolutely sucks at negotiations and making deals. He has had so many of his projects, things that had his name on it, go bankrupt. And yet Republicans thought, they honest-to-God believed, that this man was going to somehow be some great negotiator that was going to make the United States the most economically prosperous country on the planet.

It didn’t work. We’re less than a year and a half into this presidency and we’ve seen so many horrid policies come out of this man that a new recession that is going to send millions of people in this country into financial ruin is right around the corner. And if you don’t want to take my word for it, then I suggest you listen to people like these Nobel Laureates, these industry leaders, and the World Bank, who are repeating the exact same thing that I’m saying.

Trump Is Driving America Into Another Economic Meltdown, World Bank Warns - The Ring of Fire Network

No kidding, this Goldman Sachs?
Goldman Sachs Finally Admits it Defrauded Investors During the Financial Crisis

And BushCo let them do it.

Educate yourself.
Who Caused the Economic Crisis? -
Be careful what you wish for lefties. Left wing comedian and political analyst Bill Maher recently quipped that he hopes there is a recession so that it will affect the Trump presidency. The last time we had a global meltdown democrats were in the majority in congress. Barney Frank became the chairperson of the powerful "House Banking Committee" and it was his responsibility to monitor Fannie Mae which fell apart on his watch bringing down most of the global economy. Nobody ever asked Frank the tough questions before he retired and married his long time boyfriend.

Lack of enforcement of existing laws by BushCo.
The same Goldman Sach's that the left excoriates on a routine basis? The one they claim has far too much influence in Trumps Government? That Goldman Sachs?
One of the biggest questions that we have about the Trump administration that actually has nothing to do with any of the ongoing investigations is, how many smart people is it going to take to warn the President that his policies are about to cause a massive recession similar to what the United States saw in the 2008 financial melt-down? How many more do we need? We have already had Nobel Laureates, top economists in the world, warn us that Trump’s economic policies are going to tank the economy.

We have had Goldman Sachs executives warn that Trump’s policies are about to tank the economy and that a recession is right around the corner. And now this week, we had the World Bank come out and say that Donald Trump’s policies with regards to tariffs and trying to tax everything coming out of other countries into the United States is going to lead to a financial collapse similar or possibly even worse than what we saw in 2008.

The reason all of these people are warning us, the reason we even have these bad policies to begin with, is because we have a businessman as the President of the United States instead of a policy-maker. Instead of somebody who researches and understands how the global and local economies actually work.

This is what Republicans have been begging for ever since Mitt Romney ran for President. They wanted a businessman, right? They told us, run the government like a business because that’s the only way to save it. Businesses, you either make a profit or you go out of business.

Well guess what, folks? This business of the United States isn’t turning a profit anymore because Trump and the Republicans cut all of our profit-making mechanisms, which is taxes. That’s the only income that the United States government is supposed to be taking in. Taxes. And they cut them. And they cut them for the wealthiest people in this country so now we’ve got a, what, 1.7 trillion dollar deficit coming up.

The national debt is ballooning at an exponential rate. We’ve got tariffs that have already cost US farmers more than 400 million dollars and they’ve only been in place for a couple of weeks. We’ve got steel tariffs, we’ve got aluminum tariffs. We’ve got more on the horizon. We’ve got other countries threatening to retaliate against us. Canada, Mexico, China, the European Union. All of them. And this entire trade war is about to kick off a massive financial collapse the likes of which the US hasn’t seen in over a decade. And it’s because Donald Trump is a know-nothing businessman who couldn’t make a deal to save his life.

Those people who have worked with Donald Trump over the years before he became President of the United States, they worked with him in private business. They worked with him in his TV deals. Every one of them has come out and told us that Donald Trump absolutely sucks at negotiations and making deals. He has had so many of his projects, things that had his name on it, go bankrupt. And yet Republicans thought, they honest-to-God believed, that this man was going to somehow be some great negotiator that was going to make the United States the most economically prosperous country on the planet.

It didn’t work. We’re less than a year and a half into this presidency and we’ve seen so many horrid policies come out of this man that a new recession that is going to send millions of people in this country into financial ruin is right around the corner. And if you don’t want to take my word for it, then I suggest you listen to people like these Nobel Laureates, these industry leaders, and the World Bank, who are repeating the exact same thing that I’m saying.

Trump Is Driving America Into Another Economic Meltdown, World Bank Warns - The Ring of Fire Network

All you'll hear from his sycophants is 'how great it is right now and it will be great forever now because our dear leader says so'.

Economists understand the next huge Republican recession is on the horizon. And then another Democrat will have to get elected to pull the country out of that GOP disaster as they always do.

A doom and gloom Nancy Schumer sycophant that loved Obama doubling the national debt in less than 6 years in office, screwed over all middle class Americans with Obamacare and a housing bubble they refuse to take the greater responsibility for with a duh, we didn't even know there was a potential housing bubble even after multiple warnings to take preventative actions ... :rolleyes:
You do realize the housing bubble burst during the Bush era right? Unless Obama could go beck in time laying any of the blame on him is bizarre to say the least.
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