Trump: "If Iran wants to fight, that will be the official end of Iran. Never threaten the US again!"

Simple. Iran gets out of line and attacks USA sites, we now have a president who will try to cripple the evil bastards. As it should be.....

The evil bastards are the Saudis. Iran is being sanctioned to death and I do not blame them to be very angry.
"God Bless President Trump--- Iran's so called leaders must think they're dealing with Bush or Obama." - Dastardly Lou Dobbs

I agree. Trump is neither one.

No one wants a war but if Iran attacks any American installation they will get a war they will never win.

Might be nice to get rid of the Ayatollah's who run that country and bring back the secular country Iran was when the Shah ran things.
Simple. Iran gets out of line and attacks USA sites, we now have a president who will try to cripple the evil bastards. As it should be.....

The evil bastards are the Saudis. Iran is being sanctioned to death and I do not blame them to be very angry.

You really are stupid. They are being sanctioned for very good reasons. Not anyone's fault you think the Iranian Government is a good Government.

Iran funds every terrorist on the planet and is doing its best to get nukes.

If you agree with that then you are even dumber than I thought.
It is not clear whether a war with Iran will be despite the enormous absurdity of it, or because of that absurdity.
Now is as good a time as any to end the tyranny of the biggest terrorist country and sponsor of terrorism in the world today. Nobody else would have the balls to do it besides President Trump.

Tough talk from some guy behind his computer that will not be the one over there fighting another useless war

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this is a deadly misunderstanding. we need to bridge the Muslim/Christian divide! THEY need to bridge the divide.
Stop running around cutting heads off, teaching your children to hate Christians, teaching your children that if you die killing non-muslims you are guaranteed a spot in heaven and will be a hero for all.
Now is as good a time as any to end the tyranny of the biggest terrorist country and sponsor of terrorism in the world today. Nobody else would have the balls to do it besides President Trump.

Tough talk from some guy behind his computer that will not be the one over there fighting another useless war

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You're kind of a pussy for a Marine.
this is a deadly misunderstanding. we need to bridge the Muslim/Christian divide! THEY need to bridge the divide.
Stop running around cutting heads off, teaching your children to hate Christians, teaching your children that if you die killing non-muslims you are guaranteed a spot in heaven and will be a hero for all.
Well that covers the Saudis, Qatar, & UAE, but this thread is particularly about Iran
Simple. Iran gets out of line and attacks USA sites, we now have a president who will try to cripple the evil bastards. As it should be.....

The evil bastards are the Saudis. Iran is being sanctioned to death and I do not blame them to be very angry.

You really are stupid. They are being sanctioned for very good reasons. Not anyone's fault you think the Iranian Government is a good Government.

Iran funds every terrorist on the planet and is doing its best to get nukes.

If you agree with that then you are even dumber than I thought.

Only if you are a Jew or a Sunni do you want to wipe out Iran, and what better to have a Christian maj country do it.
Now is as good a time as any to end the tyranny of the biggest terrorist country and sponsor of terrorism in the world today. Nobody else would have the balls to do it besides President Trump.

Tough talk from some guy behind his computer that will not be the one over there fighting another useless war

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You're kind of a pussy for a Marine.

Marines do not like dying or seeing the buddies die for political theater.

But seeing how you lacked the balls to serve your country, you could never possibly understand.

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Iran has never attacked the US or put sanctions on us. They are only a threat to Israel and SA so let them start a war.
Now is as good a time as any to end the tyranny of the biggest terrorist country and sponsor of terrorism in the world today. Nobody else would have the balls to do it besides President Trump.
Trump ain't got the balls but he does have the stupid...
Now is as good a time as any to end the tyranny of the biggest terrorist country and sponsor of terrorism in the world today. Nobody else would have the balls to do it besides President Trump.

Tough talk from some guy behind his computer that will not be the one over there fighting another useless war

Sent from my iPhone using
You're kind of a pussy for a Marine.

Marines do not like dying or seeing the buddies die for political theater. S

But seeing how you lacked the balls to serve your country, you could never possibly understand.

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A real Marine wouldn't say such a thing to an American citizen that supports them. You're about as much a Marine as the stray dog walking down the back alley looking for a handout. Real Marines don't surrender to a bunch of religious terrorist thugs.
Now is as good a time as any to end the tyranny of the biggest terrorist country and sponsor of terrorism in the world today. Nobody else would have the balls to do it besides President Trump.

Tough talk from some guy behind his computer that will not be the one over there fighting another useless war

Sent from my iPhone using
You're kind of a pussy for a Marine.

Marines do not like dying or seeing the buddies die for political theater. S

But seeing how you lacked the balls to serve your country, you could never possibly understand.

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A real Marine wouldn't say such a thing to an American citizen that supports them. You're about as much a Marine as the stray dog walking down the back alley looking for a handout. Real Marines don't surrender to a bunch of religious terrorist thugs.

You do not support them, you favor sending them off to die so your hero in the White House can see his poll numbers go up.

Oh, and all Marines talk that way about people like you that lacked the balls or strength of conviction to serve their country, yet still want to shit talk those that do

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Now is as good a time as any to end the tyranny of the biggest terrorist country and sponsor of terrorism in the world today. Nobody else would have the balls to do it besides President Trump.

Tough talk from some guy behind his computer that will not be the one over there fighting another useless war

Sent from my iPhone using
You're kind of a pussy for a Marine.

Marines do not like dying or seeing the buddies die for political theater. S

But seeing how you lacked the balls to serve your country, you could never possibly understand.

Sent from my iPhone using
A real Marine wouldn't say such a thing to an American citizen that supports them. You're about as much a Marine as the stray dog walking down the back alley looking for a handout. Real Marines don't surrender to a bunch of religious terrorist thugs.
Like they did in 1979...Yeah Marines don't ever surrender.
Now is as good a time as any to end the tyranny of the biggest terrorist country and sponsor of terrorism in the world today. Nobody else would have the balls to do it besides President Trump.

Tough talk from some guy behind his computer that will not be the one over there fighting another useless war

Sent from my iPhone using
You're kind of a pussy for a Marine.

Marines do not like dying or seeing the buddies die for political theater. S

But seeing how you lacked the balls to serve your country, you could never possibly understand.

Sent from my iPhone using
A real Marine wouldn't say such a thing to an American citizen that supports them. You're about as much a Marine as the stray dog walking down the back alley looking for a handout. Real Marines don't surrender to a bunch of religious terrorist thugs.
Seriously dude, jarheads talk like that daily.
Now is as good a time as any to end the tyranny of the biggest terrorist country and sponsor of terrorism in the world today. Nobody else would have the balls to do it besides President Trump.

Tough talk from some guy behind his computer that will not be the one over there fighting another useless war

Sent from my iPhone using
You're kind of a pussy for a Marine.

Marines do not like dying or seeing the buddies die for political theater. S

But seeing how you lacked the balls to serve your country, you could never possibly understand.

Sent from my iPhone using
A real Marine wouldn't say such a thing to an American citizen that supports them. You're about as much a Marine as the stray dog walking down the back alley looking for a handout. Real Marines don't surrender to a bunch of religious terrorist thugs.

You do not support them, you favor sending them off to die so your hero in the White House can see his poll numbers go up.

Oh, and all Marines talk that way about people like you that lacked the balls or strength of conviction to serve their country, yet still want to shit talk those that do

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Like I said, you're about as much a Marine as the dog in the back alley looking for food scraps. You really should stop with the stolen valor crap. Why don't you post those phony pics of your credentials again. A real Marine wouldn't do such a stupid thing. You should be ashamed of yourself.

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