Trump: I don’t like him, but

We have closed 70,000 factories since NAFTA and GATT. That's not 7,000....that's 70,000. We are about to bleed out flipping burgers and trying to sell each other web sites. Enough is fucking enough!
Hate to tell you but in order to fix the debt, we are going to have to suffer sooner or later.
hillary will just add to it causing others to pay for it later.
What part of, Mr. Trump’s economic proposals will also result in larger federal government deficits and a heavier debt load," do you need explained in crayon?
We have closed 70,000 factories since NAFTA and GATT. That's not 7,000....that's 70,000. We are about to bleed out flipping burgers and trying to sell each other web sites. Enough is fucking enough!

You cannot draw a straight line from those trade deals to those factory closings. sure sounds simple. Doesn't it?
There is no guarantee that trump will come through, but we know for certain that Clinton won’t change anything. She will continue the course that is leading us closer to the abyss. I am depending on trump’s ego to motivate him to do what he said he would do. He has an ego the size of Montana; he wants to be remembered as a great President long after he is gone and perhaps a statue on the national mall. For that reason I believe he will try. I despise his type of personality, but if he manages to save this country I will personally lead the effort or follow someone else’s lead to build a statue for him on the National Mall.

You're right, Trump DOES have an ego that is Huuuuuugeeeee! However, he's not far thinking enough to be concerned about his legacy, he's more interested in whatever is good for him at that moment. Need proof? He flip flops on issues depending on what audience is in front of him.

He doesn't want to be a great president, he just wants to be president so that he can grant favors to his cronies and line his and their pockets.
I am not even going to watch the debate; I have no interested in it. The only thing I care about is the issues: Every year we as a country manufacture less and the lower classes become poorer. The national debt continues to grow and the bill will come due someday. We continue to take in more poor immigrants putting more and more pressure on the social welfare system. What happens to the people that need it when we can no longer pay for it. Our borders are wide open to drugs and poor illegal immigrants and the problems they bring. I am going to vote for Trump I don’t like him, but that is not important, he is the only one that offers any hope that something will be done before it is too late.
What exactly about trumps policies do you agree with and support... also what do you oppose about clintons immigration policy?
I am not even going to watch the debate; I have no interested in it. The only thing I care about is the issues: Every year we as a country manufacture less and the lower classes become poorer. The national debt continues to grow and the bill will come due someday. We continue to take in more poor immigrants putting more and more pressure on the social welfare system. What happens to the people that need it when we can no longer pay for it. Our borders are wide open to drugs and poor illegal immigrants and the problems they bring. I am going to vote for Trump I don’t like him, but that is not important, he is the only one that offers any hope that something will be done before it is too late.

Just by mentioning those facts and asking those questions, you are an enemy of the national democratic party and HRC. No one is allowed to think and consider how importing 40 MM illegals over the past few decades will hurt the country severely under the democraptic regime.
I am not even going to watch the debate; I have no interested in it. The only thing I care about is the issues: Every year we as a country manufacture less and the lower classes become poorer. The national debt continues to grow and the bill will come due someday. We continue to take in more poor immigrants putting more and more pressure on the social welfare system. What happens to the people that need it when we can no longer pay for it. Our borders are wide open to drugs and poor illegal immigrants and the problems they bring. I am going to vote for Trump I don’t like him, but that is not important, he is the only one that offers any hope that something will be done before it is too late.

thats bullshit ... admit it, you just don't want a woman in thee WH
Hate to tell you but in order to fix the debt, we are going to have to suffer sooner or later.
hillary will just add to it causing others to pay for it later.

hate to tell you this Mary,but as long as the government runs a deficit there will be a debt. Trump only wants to add another 10 trillion$, not counting a deficit he is sure to leave ... enjoy the ride.
Hate to tell you but in order to fix the debt, we are going to have to suffer sooner or later.
hillary will just add to it causing others to pay for it later.

That's a myth to begin with. The debt doesn't need fixing as long as we are seen by the rest of the world as good for it. We are.


That is interesting; does it apply to credit cards? Can I quit my job and live off my credit cards?
Hate to tell you but in order to fix the debt, we are going to have to suffer sooner or later.
hillary will just add to it causing others to pay for it later.

That's a myth to begin with. The debt doesn't need fixing as long as we are seen by the rest of the world as good for it. We are.

According to hillary, the debt is a big problem right now. She does not agree that is ok as long as other countries trust us.

That is interesting; does it apply to credit cards? Can I quit my job and live off my credit cards?
I am not even going to watch the debate; I have no interested in it. The only thing I care about is the issues: Every year we as a country manufacture less and the lower classes become poorer. The national debt continues to grow and the bill will come due someday. We continue to take in more poor immigrants putting more and more pressure on the social welfare system. What happens to the people that need it when we can no longer pay for it. Our borders are wide open to drugs and poor illegal immigrants and the problems they bring. I am going to vote for Trump I don’t like him, but that is not important, he is the only one that offers any hope that something will be done before it is too late.

It is true we manufacture less percentage of things than in the past. Manufacturing for us will only be a part of the future. Information and ideas on how to do things including manufacturing is taking a bigger position than in the past.

I have been a machinist for well over thirty years. I understand the nuts and bolts of how it works. I understand WHY companies want to have "some" stuff machined overseas. It doesn't take a genius to push the "go" button and make sure the cutting tool isn't getting dull.

There are still plenty of manufacturing jobs that require sensitive handling and machining. The fact that WE recognize patents and ownership separates us from all other countries with maybe the exception of Israel. We will inherit the manufacturing of all the IMPORTANT stuff and the Asians can fight over manufacturing toys and telephone cases.

No, what separates us from the rest of the countries is that they build stuff, and we use that stuff going more into debt each year.

They build CRAP. They cut each others and their own throats over building CRAP. There is no need nor future trying to compete in that sector of manufacturing. We should just make medical equipment and other high end or patent sensitive things where the integrity of our way making things matters.

I agree Huggy, they build CRAP. Just a few examples would be the cheap and inferior steel that China has, as well as the crappy batteries that they make over there that causes hoverboards and phones to explode and catch fire, as well as some of the shoddy toys that are painted with lead based paint.

What we need are congress critters who will tell the lobbyists of the corporations that want to ship jobs overseas to screw off.

Not only that, but start giving government contracts to AMERICAN businesses, even if it might cost a bit more, because paying jobs in America will contribute a great deal to the economy. Want an example? Instead of getting the steel to repair the Golden Gate Bridge (an American icon) from China, why in the hell didn't we give the contract to American steel companies?
I am not even going to watch the debate; I have no interested in it. The only thing I care about is the issues: Every year we as a country manufacture less and the lower classes become poorer. The national debt continues to grow and the bill will come due someday. We continue to take in more poor immigrants putting more and more pressure on the social welfare system. What happens to the people that need it when we can no longer pay for it. Our borders are wide open to drugs and poor illegal immigrants and the problems they bring. I am going to vote for Trump I don’t like him, but that is not important, he is the only one that offers any hope that something will be done before it is too late.

It is true we manufacture less percentage of things than in the past. Manufacturing for us will only be a part of the future. Information and ideas on how to do things including manufacturing is taking a bigger position than in the past.

I have been a machinist for well over thirty years. I understand the nuts and bolts of how it works. I understand WHY companies want to have "some" stuff machined overseas. It doesn't take a genius to push the "go" button and make sure the cutting tool isn't getting dull.

There are still plenty of manufacturing jobs that require sensitive handling and machining. The fact that WE recognize patents and ownership separates us from all other countries with maybe the exception of Israel. We will inherit the manufacturing of all the IMPORTANT stuff and the Asians can fight over manufacturing toys and telephone cases.

No, what separates us from the rest of the countries is that they build stuff, and we use that stuff going more into debt each year.

They build CRAP. They cut each others and their own throats over building CRAP. There is no need nor future trying to compete in that sector of manufacturing. We should just make medical equipment and other high end or patent sensitive things where the integrity of our way making things matters.

I agree Huggy, they build CRAP. Just a few examples would be the cheap and inferior steel that China has, as well as the crappy batteries that they make over there that causes hoverboards and phones to explode and catch fire, as well as some of the shoddy toys that are painted with lead based paint.

What we need are congress critters who will tell the lobbyists of the corporations that want to ship jobs overseas to screw off.

Not only that, but start giving government contracts to AMERICAN businesses, even if it might cost a bit more, because paying jobs in America will contribute a great deal to the economy. Want an example? Instead of getting the steel to repair the Golden Gate Bridge (an American icon) from China, why in the hell didn't we give the contract to American steel companies?

Any time you hear a politician talking about "cutting spending to the bone" that is the offset. When they repair bridges in your district, they use steel from Japan and labor from Mexico so you pay 7% sales tax instead of a whopping 7.25%. Would you pay a 1/4 a penny more if it meant 10 more families would have jobs? I would.

I would. I believe it is the lobbyists that get the deals for many of these foreign entities. It has happened up here with tolls on popular highways. Lobbyists sold the idea that tolls would solve traffic problems but our traffic problems are geographic not political and no slogan nor traffic poll will ever change that. What is certain is that the lobbyists will get wealthy conning localities to spend money against their own best interests like buying foreign steel.
Hate to tell you but in order to fix the debt, we are going to have to suffer sooner or later.
hillary will just add to it causing others to pay for it later.
What part of, Mr. Trump’s economic proposals will also result in larger federal government deficits and a heavier debt load," do you need explained in crayon? reading something in crayon?
I am not even going to watch the debate; I have no interested in it. The only thing I care about is the issues: Every year we as a country manufacture less and the lower classes become poorer. The national debt continues to grow and the bill will come due someday. We continue to take in more poor immigrants putting more and more pressure on the social welfare system. What happens to the people that need it when we can no longer pay for it. Our borders are wide open to drugs and poor illegal immigrants and the problems they bring. I am going to vote for Trump I don’t like him, but that is not important, he is the only one that offers any hope that something will be done before it is too late.

It is true we manufacture less percentage of things than in the past. Manufacturing for us will only be a part of the future. Information and ideas on how to do things including manufacturing is taking a bigger position than in the past.

I have been a machinist for well over thirty years. I understand the nuts and bolts of how it works. I understand WHY companies want to have "some" stuff machined overseas. It doesn't take a genius to push the "go" button and make sure the cutting tool isn't getting dull.

There are still plenty of manufacturing jobs that require sensitive handling and machining. The fact that WE recognize patents and ownership separates us from all other countries with maybe the exception of Israel. We will inherit the manufacturing of all the IMPORTANT stuff and the Asians can fight over manufacturing toys and telephone cases.

No, what separates us from the rest of the countries is that they build stuff, and we use that stuff going more into debt each year.

They build CRAP. They cut each others and their own throats over building CRAP. There is no need nor future trying to compete in that sector of manufacturing. We should just make medical equipment and other high end or patent sensitive things where the integrity of our way making things matters.

So, they build crap, but yet Americans buy all that like hot cakes? If the stuff is so crappy, why are you buying it all?

The debt has to be paid back all the same.

We buy crap because we can. You wouldn't believe the market in fancy athletic shoes. Very poor young people buy them and keep them like gold bars. It's astonishing how they believe they are accumulating wealth in that fashion.
BTW y'all.............can anyone explain to me why Trump says he will bring back jobs to America, yet he uses Chinese steel to build his buildings?
BTW y'all.............can anyone explain to me why Trump says he will bring back jobs to America, yet he uses Chinese steel to build his buildings?
Trumps logic is... he was a businessman doing what was best for his business, now he is a politician wanting to do what's best for America. He thinks that cutting taxes and regulations will free up enough money for businesses to hire more people, raise wages, and make America a more business friendly environment so companies come back from over seas.
I am not even going to watch the debate; I have no interested in it. The only thing I care about is the issues: Every year we as a country manufacture less and the lower classes become poorer. The national debt continues to grow and the bill will come due someday. We continue to take in more poor immigrants putting more and more pressure on the social welfare system. What happens to the people that need it when we can no longer pay for it. Our borders are wide open to drugs and poor illegal immigrants and the problems they bring. I am going to vote for Trump I don’t like him, but that is not important, he is the only one that offers any hope that something will be done before it is too late.
I hope you changed your mind and watched the debate.

Chris Wallace should moderate all of the debates in the future.

They talked more about this issues in the first 15 minutes of this debate than they did the whole time, in the other two.
I am not even going to watch the debate; I have no interested in it. The only thing I care about is the issues: Every year we as a country manufacture less and the lower classes become poorer. The national debt continues to grow and the bill will come due someday. We continue to take in more poor immigrants putting more and more pressure on the social welfare system. What happens to the people that need it when we can no longer pay for it. Our borders are wide open to drugs and poor illegal immigrants and the problems they bring. I am going to vote for Trump I don’t like him, but that is not important, he is the only one that offers any hope that something will be done before it is too late.
I hope you changed your mind and watched the debate.

Chris Wallace should moderate all of the debates in the future.

They talked more about this issues in the first 15 minutes of this debate than they did the whole time, in the other two.
I agree, Chris Wallace did a superb job.
BTW y'all.............can anyone explain to me why Trump says he will bring back jobs to America, yet he uses Chinese steel to build his buildings?
Trumps logic is... he was a businessman doing what was best for his business, now he is a politician wanting to do what's best for America. He thinks that cutting taxes and regulations will free up enough money for businesses to hire more people, raise wages, and make America a more business friendly environment so companies come back from over seas.
If I had a dollar for every sentence I've heard on the last 3 months...that starts with either "What Mr Trump really meant..." or "The point Mr Trump was making is..."........I'd be retired.

What really takes thoughtful how important clear communications skills are.

One could argue...Ronald Reagan seldom offended anyone.

I'm trying to think if any Presidents remind me of Donald Trump, in terms of communication.

The closest I can come would be Teddy Roosevelt or Harry Truman. But even those guys...would be selectively smart assed.

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